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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Monday, March 23, Page Fourteen Utah climbs to WGAAsweetiS . " ' from page eleven 1933 :: , Down the stretch the Utes hit six of nine from the line as the lead bulged to 8 at one point before the final margin.:? Robinson was the key for the Utes, knocking down nine of 10 shots from the field. "If I hit my first two or three I get relaxed," ' ' " he said. ' r' ss basketball. The second half saw the Utes play Utah hit 14 of 1 9 from the field, while the Bruins struggled along at a 30 percent success rate. "Utah just did everything right in the second half," Farmer said. "You work hard all year to get here; it's sad it had to come to ' - . an end." , , Pimm said he felt the Utes made, the Bruins play; right into Utah's hands. "The tempo was our tempo," he said. "We wanted them to stand around on offense and stop their break. We - " took the break when we had it." int - , near-flawle- - . Utah (52) 4 0 14, Mannion 7, P. Williams 5, Winans 5 2 4,'S. 0 6, Furgis 4 14, Robinson 7 Hendrix Hill 0 2 2, Cecil 1 0 1. Totals 2 (.456) 10-- 1 1 (.909) 52 Illinois (49) 0 0, Winters 11, Welch 7 11, Leonard 0-- 1 0-- 0 4, 0 6 0, 11, 6, Botemps Douglas Harper 8 3. Totals 5 7, Montgomery Altenberger (.437) (.583) 49 23. Fouled out Winans. Halftime Utah Rebounds Utah 25 (Williams, Winans 4), Illinois 27 (Winters, Welch 6). Assists Utah 7 (Mannion 5), Illinois 15 (Harper 6). Total fouls Utah 17, Illinois 16. Technicals none. A 11,200 0-- 2-- 5-- 14 1- 5-- 13 1- 1- -2 2-- -5 46 5-- -2 1- 0-- -2 0-- 2-- 2-- 1- 3-- -1 1- 0-- -1 3-- 1- 0-- 3-- 4-- 5-- 11 0-- 2-- 0-- 7-- 12 -2 1- -2 8-- 9 21-4- 1- -1 7-- 12 28-IUin- bis Utah (67) P. Wiliams Hendrix 5 McLaughlin 2-- (.650)67 Daye 2-5- Gray 2-- 4-- 18, Mannion 2-0-- 4 0 0-- 6, Robinson 0 0, Cecil 0-- 0 0-- 10 0-- . 8 18, Winans 18, Furgis 0-- 0 0. Totals 0 27-4- 3-- 3 1- 0 0-- (.614) 3 7, 0, -4 0 13-2- 0 , UCLA (61) 9 1- -2 9, Fields 4, Foster 0-- 5 9-- 5-- 0 Halftime 46 18, Wright 7-- 16 14, 4. Totals (.418) 23-5- 5 UCLA Holton 34-Ut- ah 2-- 4 15-- 18 0-- 0 0 2, Jackson 4, Miguel (.835) 61 1- -1 0-- 32. Fouled out Utah senior Pace Mannion cuts down the net after the Utes' 1 upset win over UCXA in Boise. The win advanced the Utes to the NCAA's sweet 16 in Ogden last weekend where the atmosphere wasn't quite as jovial. none. Utah 26 (Winans 9) UCLA 28 (Daye, Fields 6). Utah 19 (Mannion 10), UCLA 11 (Jackson 4). Total " Utah 16, UCLA 18. Technicals none. A 12,177 67-6- Rebounds Assists fouls . Motorcycle Rider Course Health Science 385R-2- 0 2 credit hours) or , no creditclass..,. Intermediate-Advance- d Modern Dancers, ) : 1 - . sports coverage in Thd course wilt provide: . motorcycles, helmets I andMnovMive, $35V' Cost We Gave You a Bum Steer! DCE's "'Intermediate Advanced Modern Dance Technique" xlass Modern Dance t31R'2j500RB'2T3R'2) wiffimeet in room 326 of the Dance Building on the U of U campus (not at the Marmalade Center like we said in our Springlass Edition) March 0 Wednesday, June i. Fee is '$8l :ndricfedit '$15 accompanist fee or $127 for 3 hours credit ; $15 geepmpanist feey Register at the Division of Continuing Education, Annex ' Building, East Wing, . - TRzad the most bold 100-250- cc J. texts;. c ik kr f 1 2;h6urs of Instruction . 8 hours of classroom instruction ; arid . on-cyc- Je V-:- jh, the nation (daily in , -- 6:30-83O:p.- Upon completion of the course, you will be eligible to receive your motorcycle T license."' m.t ' For Additional Information on class datos and timos call: J 581 7474t or 58 1 6483 for DCEReglstration Health Science 385 -- -- Tc!co a break acrclaoecc! m mmt HAS REAGAN'S BUDGET CUT CAUGHT . YOU SHORT? interested in summer work where you can make S3J20P0, tke&htone 70 Count If so you may be 5 Call to schedule an interview, or come see us on campus 534-782- ; DOUTHWGDTCRN ( I ADMIT ' The Rqgress Report 1 TO INTERVIEW ' Tiies. March 29,;19$3 at 3, 6, ,&hd 9A p.m. Rm 319 Union ; : Please, be prompt , . Come to McDonalds, and with any purchase, you can buy a NIGHT SXI PASS for $4.00. The pass will bo good from now until th end of tho season. Brighton's night skiing is open from 4:30 to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Tako the pass to tho ticket booth to got it validated. Ofor good only at McDonalds 242 S. 700 E. Passos will bo availabb at McDonalds from March 20toApdM0. oft irr ; J;. .... .. fid, II an di Em IXT Umm I U I J li" 1W1 II U II W 1, WOTEBOOK 8 I2 x 11 CM OWLY690 |