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Show - - . , ,.., In Logan - -- ,...., .. ,. -- ' - . . . '' ' , i 'I - -- ne anL4 - A , !low i 1 . , . , ' 1 fe,,,,,,,r t e t r 4. , , - ifilratri . - . - perest - 110.14---tleve- 1 I - - NOW - - twirilli16 1411. , ,-- mod lied , - rto '4-- 111 '' , 7 , 10 lbs. . insult Keeps soft - f , A, 5 i . i . h : -:-., .7- -- t0,90 ' itit', k.h 4 lbs. 7 aids will bolo yogi - lob with loss works " ... t., , r A ''' ' ,, i',',''4., ' . ,,,-- ; ', h , I ,,, : me ,.'s s ' ' - , ' ' )' r - , ' , - 777...""',,,,.,, . - '2::." ,...'4,1 .' ,.' . ,, '4 , - -- , ."....., - - - , floe IPst , KEEP MOIST - - N. ,,,, 4, .. 4,4.0...0. Roe . -- - ' ' '..,., w--', - ' - '',-- ' ....,..inteir , --- --- ' " - - - . -- - , ANVe it 1111A-LILI- - Simmons? , ' - 4. , ,IN, t,''''''44 . .4 ES 4 l'' ,' ,ks. kli 'i i L Ilk .raD3S - . aimiwoupi , , , 1 D -- ,.. ( ed:::fy - 4 , , for 10 f4;i' , 1.09 i ., ' for '''' ' - ;"' , . .. ,..,.. ' ' . - , - , . 1G0R0 ilte templet pleat vital !wes -- better-wit- tem feet A t . b e., 0 . -- til . - t a . 1 9 , '''........ "'"".".....".....'".44"134'' , -- N , ''' tP1111111111141,11141'4.AVILI LI' . 0000.0.00- (.,:70311'4f .,........,.....;ril ' Now , .. , for now elder ones go st fell feettleg, 0 h Meetly ,2 f, tipt-Irtt- , ti a, m meg. I -- , Soo whot's beispossoll ,,ii ,.,. $' , , . , , . , ,111195 :,,,,,,,,,, - 44..,e.,,, - ' '- ' ' I , . tk . 44,4, ,I,V910$05,k0P,,,,, -: , t 41 1.,1011 --- - go I I I It"11-- L:-- , : Nit , s ' 6................, ' - ' '. .... '' 362 W. fORTER CENTERVILLE,: UTAH '' ". LANE:. . . I Miti Addr,oss! - ... : - 40,40.4 Plt,rtglkb.t,.,....-'a....t.Aed"..A.- ' - P.O. - . BOX 550 S. 6TH SALT LAKE - - , '''. A II I its. WV,4ev.7. , EAST. art '' , - ' ,...;-,9. you can pay as Your opportunity . ,.,,-....00,000::.t- fl -, - ; ' ' , , ,,,,- , ,, - -- fr .ow,: , le,'.., , - , : . Hide-a-Bed..- ;,,: : ; ,,,' 4 ' ; ,,i , ,. .'.. . .. . iatest , . ; Reg. 329.50. - 9n .S.7 . r v..A9sm.v, ,, , r 70frillpEVIC4tD eiiiTiR 249.50 ,,P. m .wes,srm,yerfe.omorwmir,-..cen,,,,,- k at - substantial savings. Popular Modern Arm, and Lawson styles in this exciting group. ' Simmons Now in elegant fabrics., shades, s ..' - 2.50 per week cts to own a famous Simmons beautiful sofa when closed, .a beckEnc.and all! , f . little a wonderfully comfortable.bed when open... a flick of the 'wrist and the bed folds away, , -. ' i , . 4, . A ' '- - . , - --: .Third isioor----77- , . , , ,.... , , - . rZts . - - 4 . . - . 1619, Salt .1 ke City,. Utair:: . . 4,,,ob.:616001P.,40,A4 .; . . 4,. 00000O I', . t." " c.....4014,swilivi.. ,, , ,1 .; . 006'.11 . , :. ' , '....',.,e'?-- f". - ...,. l 1.' . . P CA-a-- ., ,.. i . t ir ..,, ,,, . '1 P 0 0 S3 0 0 On 11V u ... ''''' , Ow, , A - z ''4,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,... , ,, , . , . 4 .. , F 3.95 ''' I t 'w''''''"!'"'74-"-217-"M""'',"'WOl- .. -- ..: ,' .:' '4' '.. ''''' ' '',1.', - each. ' ,.. t , threugh pinks, oranges to rich be. genie rose. Prkos frees 79f t 99f A, '''' f ,:.:- , 99.50 - front whits tangs ' .:7 tt only I to tho Oriental ' . ,,t; t, 4, '.:' bimmons now Poppy. Now colors ,, t ...I t t oi -- , 2.60 5.70 bop $0-1- 1. . , low down payment no carrying charge . . . ,, . '.'"IM. - p! , , POPPIES !..: Ingrediont tor stem tiontirsiss bolo .t v A ORIENTAL , Oleos esseittiel Immo to soils belps bold losistotro so foods geminate toast. Toveg pleats got hos. , --- . ibI , eg t a ) 9 00 3.87 mmi21,22.1 . textured friezes S - . metallic tweeds IFIWIlly11111111111.- 4 -., ti.ol;nail boucles 1r- ' - 4c:7P - 4111111W411111101111111111.1all 329 for L27' .3 10 sie t j, - i . p EAT MOSS . t, ': , -' .' 41, 3 .teeditam also ,1: ., SNOW - ' '- ,. ,. Ler, SPREADEV C3010 .. , . - , . :-'"-- '"4"1 , V fail growth in yaw surds& - - diliaidelSof f ' : , , . 4 Sprinkle fremmatly with a soft rein-lik- e spray. Dont allow dry spots to omen Peet moss boles keep the seed bed ooltownly ateist mall Confines sprinkling grass is I lock bilk. ". '..' Ci:. - , tof III , - white lily. Oar Wilts aro largo, finn and freshrawly ta begin their t '.:11,,,,',:,1 , , 1, -, . ? t 4 -,. 0 S a --- . ltot 3'k lighly efficient fertilistor spreedurs saints tutu tills, by distributing uvuttlys helps precool for. Mutt burn; does e botrar tebttosiot ...., 11095 011141 foster. 20 posed soposity . - ' . , ' .s. A - , feet, , , , i g,;:',;!..':. : I Haw is tim time to plant this favor. k 98t do a bettor -- .' 1 I lb. 10 lbs. 8.90 1 ?Iwo lawe If -A , 77- -- -- 15,20 ,. 1 . ' I ANII ..., : 3 05 Novi t 1 F.I I ', i - , flitliSTER ' firmly lefe-vio- with Va" .. ,,c,,,IV4 ,1,5 PLANT YOUR NEW LAWN - 7 Z71 Ill , t . r ,- ijIt 417,,f4;11111 . I ..",-,- t - - face-liftin- ... Aft P - 4r ftl'It ,,,!41. , l I I withselLelowanrilizeth.ilor,ead , , i 1 . Ilit'41 . , loom e 1:;11 , orwiway wIPP6af either $ea or twenty rood blooded , stimat o f . ,Ar 471 - Ildatilre that thrivos imperially , 3 , shad. perwarmat, high. tor hiovatala Wort self wad- - ' ' bid is wood-sotto oovr 44,po"Eillok. - - - to--th- departments iced , 1850-25t- h I the roues. Sprood wittOo Crelopm Sam( Sew... Poke Ste mood lightly Into the bod - ..wairm-......-----v,,- - k '4' t ;;:"...f EVERGREEN MIXTURE , , ..:,..!,At.:- - - Rodnend trent' $3.23- -NOW Wit! r it Y ..... lSEEDING - Osod '7::::,: 15.00 - I ' o' needs ;only belt as tomb 1 ,, yet tests us 'Newby, , then' P6e..,6geore tee' - isony other ' pertteeent It resists dreeetat tied disease, elves thicket, , treeeet leers with ter. leas week. ')41t fertile tests $OO square foot tonere thee twits et meth as the best seeseellomel pressii.) ,,, ' . "e , :;,, ..,- f - , , a - f if first -- - trtetWihoolt-z-lLowe, Pero Morion 11144- , ' p d ,Ivrgemio' Mixture. : . ie., - sa, al , ,I ' . - - face-liftin- g , mod ospoziolly for Movnteln West soli end name, swell of i --- z - , I 4.1 ...;,... 'new miracle grass PURE MEMO!' BLUE The ,,P - -- ' . Vigor III. ., Wooded 4 -- --- - - - . - 'witted sod ovonlyrgrodod, t4.1,711" lessee , ;, (sews 200410 sneers feet) i Whole timp semi 42r. to blend et Itodutod from $1.70 lb. . ; FERTILIZING r both. eye' end shade. ' . 'Ar, -.- ' Tee ain't bey a better laws lime a deprootod, fleo4extered healthy ' - - facilities.-Antequate- d -'-- ' ilithinterntofmentain ere.. lentedt, II.. ' - , t- six-roo- m . , , the Topesellily In .... ea LAWN 2 , - - , , me 1111 VELVET . . - ----- - - ' - WI dolmas, mil to slope "mostly snoop trees bovimp. 'Pod clooply, misting mom ore or compost into this ...toil.. With o mho, polemics, end smooth the soil to fine semi bet .V.A'AP. I - -- Pint, memo thin erode the a - Sild.:,- - ' b 4. I : PREPARING THE SOIL 1 it forter-Waltwe- :,-... I - jobs-to--p- - -la fEbt ye - ' I newt lower prices on elm fillost town semi yo. sea Ivy Ma oroe; . - - ',,, iDr healmm, - , . I - .WENDOIrEit be-b- - 6. . - -- ow o o it ,m5 easy s eps and less costir yst Piss, r, uelaye by Rain - on-t 1 sosd osPosistil blooded Mt Meeetein Weft sell, debited end , stelstere modifies& . , , , , -- t .,. ,,,.:::,..,-;.:- . mommill, A more beautiful lawn with less work . -1:- Mahe DisOlclie0 okAAAAAAAA I s,,,.. ago',-''----7- - latfirstvilis soliollidoi 101106.4., , , Rae ,c (., - . lay , . - - . Me Monate worm het oet,Itot d44 mad seelAdawy sights-he- lp seeds germinate hut. Weeds ere a minimum. Orem Ousted daring the Nest am or throe weeks hos time te get wo0 reeted before the first frosts end next spring it will lime a bead start over Damming wed.. Most Issue owners hove more time Mr planting sew them le too., - ,. -- , top ' MERU WHY , - - .. ., . A 1 - Nf . , ' . ',. ' , ,.,. ., , - s ------,,- 4 - ' es I ::itime of yuar. ,,.. . , - - Flat ., . .,.- 11 c 1 - , - 1 . For Polio Vic lint : .., ea y, , , ,, .7. - '' ithe . -- .; . .....,, S311 ..... - , , --,, .....,.. - - . - 7-- ---- ,i; , r,, , :, . , . ! , y co 'Magic,' or., Opening bUl -- ' -ins. " L ' ' eciners.tBrew,---S- 1 , ,,, ,. 4 .., . . .. . - , , ,' -, - .., , .. . jug rsipalriday softened the .1 ' ' ' ' ' -1 ' .t.'., ' '1 ' ' I 1 k ' I ' - -' ! - Lake ' n-s Bonneville Salt Flats iieedway Salt will County, ET' ton id .. PARMINGTONIlianearly $500,000. The second con- ' new classrooms, Wasatchlet School and delayed the runnInginthe - r- RONDA' l';'W1,LitElt , . , Greg, its. annual reception and project is an,sddition w111.;' get - nioderniscil--tolerwn, ion of 'Mr. officer . Installation ,cereMo the Bonneville Remember theTmagi,c- smiiell, struction . to the ,Heights School, roonis; stalrWays and miscella-- ,fifth: darof Rossiya ' and Mrs. Clyde Wi.Gregerson, pies oiled and of newvarnish 1, tional Trials. Speed the Newbouiefreshly it f was 229140th Sept:23 built Eastovhich e277 L'" 07507Sotith,-Bnuntif- lut - neous spaces. An :auditorium Officials said more rain would ' ' .1 RoteL floork-th&AM of:clean win- only four years -Will -- uilt was injured- Thuisdil-Mbini-t annual event v,Ill' begin dows, the InViting look of erner-- 1 An -- Washington 5 Tobi annd e : trials 40r1 -s4:30 p.m. in an accident at ' it '2 p.m4wIth Mrt.' W. I. ild' green chalkboardst Remem-.- are 'emphasizing. the.repair and Schoo Vwbere the kindergarten putilityear ihiy:axisscheduled , be Installed ber the. ,Loomts slated. to ,,.,, Resort ,delParttneint Lagoon nearhere magic, ,.of ,the- firstMay ,replacemenLotworuAnitiolift : ran throug- Quigley ' - ' --to - The little II " ' president; of' schoo17' plumbing Improvement oust:airways, and 7Dlie-lit- abri, ,,''hDonWesr 7"-- , boy bad just been , .Makers of that kincrof magic is being tipped ,,out' and new proVidIng of an 'auditorium are taken oft the baby plane rids . . IPleasani Grove, iwoste'd the fast. . were busy ,Friday with mops, units beim, installed in 12 scheduled ' I School. Webster for and was standing looking up at ' est time. Thursday in WS isles& .. , , paint tans and soap suds, finish- school building I:: Emerson, the rocket ride when he toppled , Forest, Grant, Edison, Onequa, ing housecleaning ,, : Projects Delayed Xis class B coupe ran 120 mph. backward canal where more than 50 building!' in readi- - Ultitalt, - Webster', ' Jefferson, , , '' , . asitaloolisitaa(CNothe baby ,boats circle, his parlumPrboujaettsubeatrtyninoe ness for the opening of Salt Whittier, i;Washington, Riverents said. tion Ingle Is Planned for Long. Lake City school on Sept. 7. side and Oquirrh. I :' Lincoln, Longfellow, Oquirrh, The miniature t0gboat that ' ' More extensive , Extra Classroom Douglas, Jordan and Roosevelt)' fellow. , OUlls ;the boats ran, over bim and remodeling projectsi'which At Emerson,remodeled toilet are not expected to get under At ,- . : 4, the ' ' principal's ()quint, and be became. tangled in the - -one million rooms will -- ' Vtah's Health Department will cost to 'he 'moved , provide space for waY until earIF in 1855. propellers, they said. continue dollars and through an extra classroom and a book 4 'At that time, Columbus and main floor and the auditorium a morning Friday dispatched , commercial - hospital, plane, to most of the new school year, storage room the principal's Liberty will add auditoriums is to be remodeled; Douglas will give a "new 1ook9- to 24 office also will Price to bring an get needed reno- - and remodel various portions of School will get a new audit. ... strickenwith classropmhuilitings,saidteon Dreiterterryeittir vation,Grant,,,Schaol,,v44,,,get buildingl; New' shops rium and two classrooms. y--, bulbar poliomyelitis, to Salt Miller, superintendent of build- - modernized toilet rooms and preseni. and enlargement'ótlirinelparir 7" ',Ile city Lake City. two music rooms and landaterounds for, S''Pe'ndlove. oc reTmodelin of shower and . A. I George. A New Buildlng state locker Lincoln and Roosevelt Mann Juniár-Highsent Irving. i Lincoln Junior High will get Plans forloosevelt Junior High a nurse and suction apparatus un additionovorkers are corn- - junior high schools will'be Mod, I . to aid the boy's breathing along pleting construction of one new ernized. The auditorium at a new gymnasium; and locker include addition of four class- exten- - Lafayette will get a with the plane. The patient was building and a and shower facilities will be rooms and, ,a gymnasium, re-Ito be taken to the polio ward at sion ow, another. The first of and an auditorium will be built enlarged. Construction of a modeling of present locker and River. leacherVIunch room also is shower rooms, provision of a e Generattlosp1taLithese-1i--theu1tra-modern434V""1160w I will be placed in an iron classroom Beacon Heights Ele-- I side SchcioL planned. Enlargement of the I lung if necessary," Dr. Spendqmentary School at At U,Aritah, plans call for re- auditorium and remodeling of counselor's office, music room ' lEast, being erected at a cost Of modiling that will provide two toilet rooms and the administra and visual sidirooln. jiffs said. - ' ., , in-rtb- n ,, ,.' 1 -- ' ,Democratic ,,. .,, . -- , The'Men's Club, with same 500 members , -- Mr.-Driv- . , , -- , .-- ArSepts-23-Meet , , - , 4 C - 1 -- , early-comers 'I in, re., - .. - - ettng , Prolects , . , . . Resort Accidenf LOGAN-T-he t , Injured ,,,bunting Wel tio'duced by Utah COngreisman - ! emblems Douglas R. Stringfellow; out and, large eK"Y ' ' were being displayed in Logan , On for the delegates will be the gen- . '...' Friday Is began . era' - session at 1:30 p.m.,' folt. arriving for the 35th annual, lowed by a honoring ' Utah-Idah- o Kiwanis district coni Mr, and Mrs.-- reception --- H. this weekend.- - -- ' of Cleveland, Ohio-t - '' - ' - The convention is slated to it theofficial Xiwanis Internetionahrepresentative at the conwhen begin ,$aturclay. morning - ventiom -,-district officials, Will hold hisi- ' , of the Meetings-oHighlight s I stesslueethlits. ' , Sunday will be the "Kiwanis , ' i 1 First general' session will be Hour of Worship," when Elder 'I, Saturday , at ',I:30 :p.m. in the Richard L. Evans, member of main auditorium of Utah State the Council of Twelve of the i Agricultural College. Featured Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- 1 speaker at this session Will be -day Saints, will speak to the ,,,v ". Harold E: Talbot, secretary of convention, 1 . t This worship the U.S.. Air Force. , service Is They public- being - invited , planned , at 7 p.m. Sunday in, to hear Secretary Talbot's ad.1 the ballroom of USAC's ' StuI )1 dress. The secretary will be in1 dent Union Building. , p,,, - - , , onSaturda ,.. 1954 - .., Fridoy,- - S,pte-pli;tkr:- . , , . Solt 1.4si' City, AND:TELEGRAM, . , , . . tIEVi DiSEitrt ' Women Facet:fling,'Rem BounhfulTo dier Democrat ., , , , .... .., To Install .... - ICitVatildris-WiliCcinvé, , .. né ---- - : e , ., I . . come . , . .. - see out, hicleas bid selection...many , tremendous , 4 . . sithei' pieces-- 0- , 4. ' siiciot - stYingsL. , - , , . , . . ' S , 4 - ;J; , --- --- i , ---- , . . , . - 4 |