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Show - ., - i - - - ' .t - . , - .. --- ' - - ' Ot- - - - ,,,.... - - ---- - , ' ' ., ' ',.' ''' - ' '.- ,,,,,- --- -- -.. i ' ' ' - f'' - t.- ' ! -- "- -' 1,,, .. -; ,, . i ' - ' , i ';.'l , - , ; ,,, 0: i -7 l' , r, ...., -:, - - . :- - -...,. ; , .. A .3 . ,, - - - -- I ' i - , i 1 . . '. . ,, - ,,, , . ' 7 Lost Show 10:35 Army ,,. .1, s . ' .9' - ls; ' " ,epburn 4 ' ''' itl !, - I t ,. IIP . Ab"-- t 1 - - .. "' t - 'L -- 0 2 ) - , ' ' - -- - H. t -, 2 - L',L1 i 1 ',icrti "Rail Mt 4 I'7,0, ' sacsinotal g five.two I' - oz , Itst-Put-tl - L',..mo "a"-'''"- i d !I .v ;, N .: ' aeguMMer ., II i iii fHOPPIfieSS. Caleb home I .7 , 0,,IYITO 141,11, ,, F.. Illfft I , JUNIN .' liffn 3 .4.,,,,' 2 Hours of f Plus - In bPt , . ' , - 1,0er ."' THE NOW! FIRST SHOW With Alllts Woutdreist lischoment hue C".11 jai annimm John Ipt "MAN WITH TWO COLOR . N UTAH - v 1g Plinter"unteili ' ''".".............'..."'"N , 1St Ityt- i- , rt it . autalivivoop 'fs 't 4 I flAs 46 - , It ON . , ,, . LEAN,. t , I i I , SHOW - 0 01, 0 we 0 1k' 116. .1174,--41(X2I- OP KILIMANJARO" - "SEPTIMillill I 1113SWCNO.s k. 3 0.00001 1 4-- - "rsA- ...4 ...fi , er'il, called m . tbo,init - - 'Adelts ,. SO s Child les 00sto 6:30First 11SUNDIllt x , OPIS0 0 1 OJANE AdottS 4113 ' ' v .,icir:t-'77-4.- ., 0,..... , t 69 1 , . , , 4 i - I , ,... 4i - - tw, :: 4 , - - , 't o 4- .,,,,,,,,. ,mt1--zidi- , ,1- 2,', -, - -- ,:'-' , . , . . f' . ".. - ' h ,..,i ' 1 . i' 4 ' . 4 ,, i. , ' - 4 it ltfigi-g- MADRE( LOCI000'427,'t1:1 McCALLUM , r0. - oollir4TH Co I g ' IS 4 ,' ' . BIG WEEK . 65c till 3 P.M. REFRIGELITION , ca sts Go Z.,:,,,L' AZ OCEAN ,, .4. k ,'' ' FRANCS a MAY WYNN , Free Parking air 6 p.m. -- - MacMURRAY I ..,. ,;, uleray I .1 , - FRED ...VAN JOHNSON , . ENNUI. .t , , to;ttrAg 'am Ils4l , MA. ,,..,,, Mr. Magoi Color Cartoon , .. - 1111111ADM,SOMISTUM-11101,6011.1111411MillattrESlan- It . t S. IL . 6ORD011 ., tbo Bost .. : Boort .1, ''' ' ... i RItoswItidcyhtiogy,' 11 I. do?...&1, v;iill . trends "Ilebson's Choice' is teconnsos4ed us , tr11.144kArtt".41Y7vitoeari:er.. lit 114W, Sieweit, nsassly 40, eve- - IWO " P A' Speckort ' Mil ,,;16...1--- - --- ILISTIli--- .g) - 01311 INTERIADIMENTI P ,- - - Fee(VMS WPM NUM Ishieweloil , C000torti-- -' . 1 - ' ''' ' ,, . . . , 4,' 3 , ,- - : - ' - : 4,,..... ' --, ,- ''., 1 ---- '' . ; . : , , , ...L - , - . t I: ..'" 40 - -- on itileignatla It 11 0,000110111 , . , ., it ' :,, filougolat Intl II S TSUI tgag a' Choice -- - lilts-10131o- L , 1 2nd ..,,,,cchantocs Litaxal. 11,totak,,. aD'elmira ' Week! 1-7 lb Contsir Nano Iota". P it Acclaims ... RAE otwe ISEt , . JOSE- FERRER ,, mel..9 v- , CAINE MUTINY , GENE NELSON SmiLivEKSCONGEGNOT scAwD 1, , , . 4 coA TECHNSCOLON UONAI. '74- - , . GUIL ft . ' e rtONDtION TH 3MIDSAILS A "11100.,.1 ' ", Kifialii nog kia ton Tellintill ; st...1HUMPHREY'''''V rOWELLM SACK 18.. 2 .;- 11110 kij 1 t .: 1 - '.,. II, , "ft '111"."1" gp Oasts I ,, 1 t ' , - &No ki B WELLELJOHN dIPP OM , ' tools cAlliol114,11 Olik ,, ' tt - low ORSON ,,,,o, ill ). arcator ,:' . EAST --- ----., NEWS CARTOON Sham 145 .., ip !iiAa viluin , -- OHN , ri , , 00,LE zoo poong 179 il I 'P.m' - AMhorst - ....,.. BROS . , i 111 tfi2E079 "THE IRON GLOVE" Robort Stack, Ursula Thteso and IITH , , III 5 . Ann. Saattt, Stints Cothran I 4 - . . 8,THE2cTAINTIsyclinAm.:11 They I 1. ND BIG ' I .. 39TH SO. . - - - ' .,,, -- , 11"1" tuslitAnt E ALL NEW TODAYI . alb vow ..7-,1 Cot. .3 TOP FEAWREs drib . ATTRACTIONS fir . I, . - '- - , . , ,- . , ,: 1 PARKING4hrlAtlikerse E CU ADDED ,t,onnin II 4 Of SIERIAL 4 6 I Na seturn, EN 0, PLUSCINIMASCOPI SHORTI - . 1 -- - 31 MINUTES Li ItiVir TAdsniteter Nies "The CREATORS hem tho SLACK LAGOON" Richord CoNsooholie Adm.' "THE SON Of Stitt STAR" Knish tersepotOonoe Denbo Reggie Castle , a I . , , A C. Rive of : ,t i TWO CARTOONS . TREE CI 1 IIt . tit, a p UV.. . LAST 1 'i I - nili raren, i r, - INC:cotiROBERT CAIITOoNS f.:, , '0 , totot ,........ 11 Oa Itt ' ' APOLLO 3trz sou p. orAn, ,.... I KIDDIES' SHOW -- - romootitow It loom 2 FIATURIS "Sasebo end tho Jungle Girl" "flowery toys Loom in London" i ' MI CHU v yi" ;a1 by ,,,,.1 LI , , ' . ,,,,,,,,w,ampasop.."4,.a.,.,, ' , tROBER s4 ,"' ' IIII THAI 1011:1111111111 .4 ..,,,X . t IDUEAMI 3 C0111S ,.., BODY BEAUTIFUL 11 4 0 Soll "Jo. C008010 r ", .:- - vzcsiziat - n - .. .1 OPEN "AL - - eel's C amisccIrl . - r CO-HI- 01:10, 4AV:I11:1:1 ItIN, :MN' 071 LEM I ' tor.,n. ,t, .27 - Tcl.:oig) ,,.. --. -- I ,!..840114v; . . ,. ' N I : STEREOPHONIC SOUND I r Minis Illonekord TY N 1. 1 Dull.' .. r -- WITHMoos Payne . 417' " COLonnbra ' , . - CCP, L, tole Rof No Return . ., e 400-7.3,- TICHIIICOLDI, - REGULAR MIKIS Stic to I o.ot Oros. Oft Chile's 20c Arc tato WU INTO LARAILS r' - isalatas011 L'' . ''.- . - --- , i - '' - r story, NW IM AISCP1 1411119WE ' -- ' 0.61010 . , '- t a 441 oh.- yttiffiL .041 1,10 - e IHINI; "PEEKING TERMS" WITH THE GALS OF THE --x i 44116"1711 Troia Has Scat Lcikers Coming Back and Moreli and More . Last - ... . WITH.. ..........4., THEATRE4005 S0.71" EAST Two Comploto Shows Each Night! DRIVE-I- 01045,04,..,t i10 oolo".. , i of the south's most spectacular era comes the I ''.4 az Trrl A , ,, ..,. .. ht Technicolor rip - Out of the fury , On Kb447 'W ' A i k 4 .. ' - - I Open 7 toop ,;,,,.,,6111' , , . , Mau ' r A, . ' - cwilittr - , F I RST SALT LAKE SHOWING I , 410""Ar- VI FA IIICAD Ea APTHE W DOOLAND A L A Orsgery PechJosto ' " ..iv;,01y1' 110:tiot IN TECHNICOLOR.' TKNNIcoioa TECHNICOLOR iti i i r 1f ri al - 14 ,-- - . -1c - ..,w0A,,,, IPOtioVrtocilf -- . - , Go., Opoll ha) p... , Asovit - , ' - -.,- --b Nom ,tr. Aeso 41i;;r. , , spectacular ,usop, Dus ) - A NOW ' 0NIRO bp -- , - ,- T 11'.1.1, -- ,Olt ark:1)11111101n41 Iv BOUNTIFUL ' , 7-- taw 1.ft ties ice ettyrj, - Zr 0, tm "ISLAND IN THE SKY" I - NIL ARR 4s' ID . . ' DanNTU 1, , 2, lise 11 - ' , ligrargt-a'.--77--a-- ' ' '1116' riffliOrt.4.74 ' OM ' Ar 4' or ;EIRABAt), : ' .0 : t ,, , Is pPNIPO ' ' s, "-- - SOUTH D ------ :, sem, IptoOnle i4" , , ,SCREE ' Cs ,i-ne- 74 7:454iDUITS tor v 1- - .1( 4b4421,.:4f ... ,Pecto , . - dit...3; "' ': , , Ms Cs ',EP .1 ' ,i,.. 11111,1 5,,,,6 4 THRPLIGHOUT" AND WARNIRCOLORI . BRUTES -- IInartiAscog CIRCUS Co-H- itt Ph. Amherst ,- bilirlI6'4INf BMSRUIXE RATES TO GROUPS BIG CELEBRATION LABOR DAY ' WE CLOSE SEPT. 12TH , - ,Walli!abt!eleilM14:- - - - -., 101:: VUZI1111 , 9,,..9. , LunSARATOGA TWO GRAND POOLS ,0,- .11 Ow.wwwW , itairmilliutswel IT FASCINATES" j illontrvinnnwornmo 1502 ) Faz r' - .i ' A -- - , .' - '.- 1:411 111111111 04. A AN EXTRAORDINARY AMOUNT OP SEX APPIAE tab pm, IS SI IP - ,xEmm3;Torarlkoeowmo,::-Rokoaao:fe:.owaew2agoarr,e- I ,,,. r: : a Chipmascepe Short. Two Cartoons and News of the World. Truly the Greatest Entertainment Value in Show Business. i . : , ' ea : Today KIDDIES' MATINEE Ivory setrdey In 1 p.m. Cadet Cartoons anti Soria! :it' .P.g- - 00.117--N-c 402Sit 0Itooto tANS)o&tlt Mother Goose Playland 111A i 1 214 10wth act i .$' WARNERCOLOR AmiSTEREOPHONIC - I 1025 7:3S-- 4S - ' , oN,......dt,2t5. Tat 1 ,,.4 a VITORIA PILAYHOUSI 7:115-9- :18 :oolrilerr.nre.: . , - i : ..'''''' , .'''''-'.. elite , Wet by mum, was . The lonoost nun Film loot To Ploy Sok Wks Cit- yhow THOUSANDS EIAVE ACCLAIMED MS . ,msell',Noo BEAUTIFUL FILM Deese& In "11111'61' ' 0- ,- .... samboo mai ctailLC3 lil3roken, , Lance, Ends ko . ., r "sot .1 , ' 1011ron, ;101'41 kti! EXTRAORDINARY! 010 -- NA goolsoLownlo Ge4 ' rail' .; e,ete,h41.4441or WAGNERPETERSWIDMARk Fuu. LEN6111 FEATURE co eoaduseefrealt PRICESI 1, 'kit, , - MARICIWAIN1-T- RICHARD JEAN ROBERT , - B , 1 , ,. SPENCER-TRAC- Ironing. Sp ,: fa 7., c - , nt k4.,4 4 - Rog. Progrant C:11Li71,116.1"tr -' ortieNt------- Aitiitioa to ill , Owectiellot 4Itegit sPEREOINIONOCIOUND renkttpla - Aiffle04 ...... ... 1 REGULAR 14.4. lig 1 -- - ' Ara a, t 1 . NEAR-THIR- , .,,. 4 -- - ' Int) ALEX NICOL I 4 ,,t, Sit:. Svc Moo. Mafiosos' 4 CARTOONS tirdIN EARA S73E- i s kw n 1 1 WI ....... . For i: 1 ' .. La NI, .. . . 3 Pro. reeking sit,too,v10A14; 110t TIII S past 2 Namibia' ; - c' -.- , )4,1 ; :)' 3. Lsr, Pr f (g ra aranScorz SOUND . , d i ,- f: A loan - o i,, - , with bib:ollitS:17,-- i 'i. :i DAta. , s' t ,', 21004A , 1111.zalzrprzsi watiko,),,,Aasfikaltrrtice.n,,,LAcev,,91-- . - VEHE - ' A firt who lived la a world orwhistlar SALLY Ye i - '' -- i t,' ; 11A1104111 (LIC9 ILI - I - 4a4211a0:, 11 ..) - , , - VAllr se , W.fig, la ' 11111') 6 , 1 1P 1Artib AM : piii,a ,. ,, : Ti HIR ",4 , $ 11 1174 PI I - ittiA; i PAAIN - :,' 111 r::11 AlittA rffi :444 NEI MUNI a Sono lob ONS NW 11.a.allissispatis ad GRUM ' -- azt:F2214Hirt-isiz61,,""Z a -- ; if- 1 -- wo '''''",,Inant ,i,,,ft TRILDIZ MIIN1 ' - I 1 4,- -- a . 'Kr Lfr ilt . le: o s ts ito00: 4 oca .m.,onalas.Isrl , JEAN PETERS- - 1,. 1 ,, . . 1 1 .. . , itiret --- ------ ) k a"' ' 0.4.0,aot .,, ' oft ly -Il- ' Till 5 p.m. , iseell' , c: ( '''',. i I ' 50c , - oolor In i': , (10110 - Pio wit . rillp,.. 4.'.$'n t et - 0,0t .' -.-- ,,,,,,--,,, ,, 11 7 ApAcHQ' byTechnicolor , : . Susan q 1 , - LANCASTER-6- - zr DICK POWELLIREYNOLDS - r411.1, IteggiL , , , . - DEBBIE I - 4C . , t,11) , , sr' . 1 boa . wat'sgbr' Illiroar .1Vhdll , .., "k , lirnEtAl"114t. IA volproaiCo s. '11 littztsaatit r I 4 - . . ,::11 oppl 40, "I's 131 ,196,-2- 11. -- i , . ..3, D Afea CENTRE 4, I miritu 10 Oatf.11,1141 of b--. Ilil 3U11.1'.. It'l , I , No DO102114000PNENR, ,,,,,,---t- ' i q,,,,1 --- , , , - soikti TO DAYS tomekt4CE .to lp - , .. pan. ,s04-1,,I- (I pr ','r7 Oka 1 , rs ..,. iii..., " 3 , N ae- .. , ',' MIGHTY CLOSEDanny Kilye in icexte from 'Knock ' , on Wood," coming soon to the Lyric Theater. ' ' tk - .. - ...,.:.,, . - e ,, her screen ,debut in. Warner maiden name was Lois hum. Bros: ClnemaScope. production bert. - , t, ril..., '- - ' '' ' ., - ' a" 0, ,' , -7: ' ' . . ., . ,. 'i, . :,. . . - ' - ,,,' r, ..- ' a , ', (0,:r..vhwelair Chilli. ',75c'Adults-1- 0c MAY A ,, ...,. 0 ri- , .,,...1,,,t ast,,iron,,.- :is: .. married name: . . who., uses-heHOLLYWOODLois :Smith, She's wed to'Latin."and- Greek4i0 . ' , " - ' - Film , Her NOXriviOVIO-R- I rI- - . - - - ... - -, .,,- '!. - .' . ,.- ---P.' ' , -. - ' --- ; Warbles Men ,s Anas Trauble - -- - . ; , , ' ,,.. , V' I , , 3, domm....41111:11jAti tonermilli;44t4UQwuminb 7:413 ' -- , , 3 : , , ; - Rao WIRIIITU- t ,, -,. s. , was an improve I still have no plans to appear 'ant, anyhow. They're getting on television. I'm a firm, be-Bev& in the adage that a mants closer all the time. I haven't made up my mind home is his castle. If a man is going to retire to yet what brought people back to the theaters. I have a bunch the quiet of his hearth to get that new movies look better by away from entertainers, I'm not contrast. I've seen some of the gonna pursue him there. There's pictures they show on television. little enough of the sanctity of the home left, as it is. They're all period pictures - - ' . ' r figured that ilbaniebilhallattalallaillighlrApapallealallbadhalinw&dhadbiliM ... .3. ,,,,,, ., .... , 7 t ' r ' . ,.., ..., , ' :1,. ?, ., - First ihaw . Peggy Ann Guner Is reading By SHZILAH GRAHAM OPEN 14 two movie scripts. She prefers N A ' HOLLYWOOD A)'(N ? I Noon 12 , ' . . . to York. New gs) , - 3 ' , -0 '' ''' Helen- Traubel is taking on Hollywood ti Lawrence Tierney has gone 10 waibled songs usually Li months without one drop of ; t,- - ..,,i operatic ' 4. by men for her next movie. the liquid that is supposed to '' AP' made When '.' - Wit,. ,,,:., ::: 4.. . yi male:11m. would cdrhoeer.. . . And Mario Lanza has ,:: k9t4 d from300 to 260 pounds. the statement '- , .8 , - , - -Di Map- - Attaboy, Mario. like to havelremo-littl- e , : '' ' '' gios, she re6ived a telegram Darryl Zanuck is trying to 1 4, , from the New York Yankees figure why "The Robe," which' . ' , . , ',,, ,, 'e aseball club,.01cLetquidwe t 0w,, turleto autpeverywhereLeisc Is y - -.' Denis Morgan has an a flop in Sweden; Maybe this '-- -,. betudni ' : ki long Swimming pool.... Audrey will enlighten him: According ,,,,,f i , 0- - shows too many bony to my Swedish correspondent, , . !, citaA72,, , el, lowcut for , in angles gowns bet Biblical never movies have gone ' 1-I , ' ' -- "Sabrina."- -- . Marlon Brando well in Sweden. , - " ,I was dressed fit torkill for the -, - "Desiree" party, but Marilyn IIPIRIPIPPIIR fp pro alif eropt NOW Monroe came dressed in blue rtItatrai MARJIE MILL AR IFI i Jeans. She had Just walked over Irmv,4. front the "Show Biz" rehearsals. ..e Until Mitzi Gaynor met Jack , NOW! Bean, she used to say, "Any - ...,. 4:4 , jerk with jack is lake with me." Cpu12 Non . ,. . I . , , , , ,, ..... '' - ------- , Gadabout's Diary ,,..., '',- ' - - ' ii, " .;. , "7- n .f. ' k', 7 ''. ,,,:,.,,,, ; , : ; ' .. ' '4.---- :, .:, ,,,,. , , ' Sakinln. City, Friday, ieptsmint 1,1954, ' - - , ''..'..DESERET.NEWS .. ,,, By DANN! KATE ; 'either Early American or Old I see peoVe are going to the I Engliiltd - : - Fve recently finished a new: movies again.1 can tell because , someone recognizes me every picture : called ' "Knock , on Wood, We called it that once in a while. I've never been, cause my wife, SyMa, and I, seen on television. plus our partners.made it with For awhile 'this meant I was our own money, And every time anyotte said .'it's sure to neve! seen period. But now, hit," - we'd all knock 7 on be 1 ,wood. I guess people are getting out I'm the only att4 in Hollywood I of the house once In a whikr- -- who had to be operated on for to buy, food and go to the splinters 10 his knuckles. movies, anyhow.- Ventrilogeist During the period of the I a in that play ventriloquist Great Entombment the first two years of television --- if an one. It was pretty beard learnentertainer wasn't-otelevision incto make a dummy talk. But be wasn't on. I made one ap- that was nothing compared to next picture, "The Court pearatice in a theater in 'those my I have to duel, Joust, days and the announcer said: Jester.", "And now, your favorite come-- , fight and do a lot of dangerous stunts. So I went to Burt Lan. dian Danny Thomas'," caster for some advice. He was 'Things Improve very helpful. He loaned mnbis But things 'have improved first aid kit' since then.- Just last week I Other actors need mate-u- p made a radio appearance and kits, stand-ins- , costumes. But the announcer announced: "And not Burt. All he needs is plenty now, here he is, that world-famou- s of bandaids. I may go back to ' entertainer, Sammy being a comedian. You lad - .. ...- , . - - , , Wood' a e ,: S 4iii.TO.toi: men ver --- - . .. - -- al 10,1,WOrprilkieltillp0.0,Vi010,04.01W1001101111.r0000.110.1010.0,0014001. 41.0,11WOOKOrtWl.0 , ,' ' , '. - - . ": . '. - |