Show PLEASANT GROVE JOHN JOliN S of Original Utah Ulah and nu IIII oo Bi ran Irilla Pleasant Grove Utah Ulah CO 6 Dec M IS 3 John 8 S IlOn Mother vt or our hon bolt honored ored orel pioneers Issued away Wednesday W i Hf JIll 1 Will WU born Jan 11 13 1 ml In la the Ihl wwi town township ship chip ot or Nsw flew N York Tork He lie was I Into the he Church of ot Jesus Jou Christ Christof of ot Saint June 21 IsM 1119 l I About this time he h was wa working for tor a farmer named Rue lute Chuse whose laughter daughter Desdemona h hi married on the SLit Mil day ill 11 of o November HUB 1530 I His lit wife resided with hit his hi parents parent while whilo 1110 he h filled a mission to 10 preach the Gospel In the Eastern States SUti Ilat and anti In Canada where he remained th lbs tha year yes 1840 and a 1 portion of ot ill Returning home he his immediately prepared to move with willi his hie hi wife and nl her fathers family to Ml where wileN Mormon Monnon loop had hat after their thur expulsion from Missouri He II worked Nark hi hits bill laws la w In tn 1813 and In 1143 went on ona a ft mission to the tha eastern States return returnIng returnIng Ing to 10 Nauvoo In iii the he spring ot of f 1841 1541 The Nauvoo Legion was wan organised and he Ite was w appointed major of nf the East Calt battalion Writ l lr regiment cohort which he lie held until the Legion was waa disbanded personally ac tic acquainted I with the Prophet Joseph Joaeph Smith and Illel took an active part In the tI stIrring events which transpired pre pro preceding ceding and following the tho death of ot the thiO Prophet I Ills JIll was IS outs one of at the t ii first families to leave Nauvoo and situ ero cross th the Mississippi I river and 1111 tie h assisted In tarrying the iii across th the Ihl liver ilver from that hat ill 11 fated city The Time following tol winter OO 00 0 A Y YA I Ii A u 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i I Ii 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I ft 1 1 f 1 Ji 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 t tA I 1 1 A c I f I y 1 1 I 1 1 el I IX X f X 1 1 J 1 a y 1 A 1 y f yf I A y Ay A y Y y 1 y y yf f t y y X 1 l A Ay y y yX X X C JOHN S 3 GLEASON Pleasant Grove Pioneer Who Has Hal Gone Gono to Join the Great Majority y t I onI T was Spent at Itt Winter Neb whore where tho Ihu city of ot Florence enco ID Ig Young Toting was aS now hOV President of vf the Mormon people In lit the j of t 1547 1541 he ho formed a it 1 company of ot US liz to migrate vest westward ward for tor the purpose of finding n a dwelling place for tor the tho Mr Ir Joined this thin company and they tho started on their perilous Journey across the plaIns They The were about three months on the lie Journey joanna and reached Utah on the SUh of ot July 1817 Iti He lie did uhic some omo ploughing and got tot out some ome house houie logs but owing to a Care scarcity ity it II of ot provisions started on OJ K ft return trip with ox teams on the of ot Aug Augu u that t of ot this the Ih toine year reaching home late lale In tn th the fall fail The TIle following year yeat ell he ho return returned d with his family to Utah UtaI sail aM nd d on Little Cottonwood near Union Tn Ion Fort Jort here bore he Ito remained until the fall tal of o ISIS 1519 when he moved mollo to Salt H lake Uka City CUy and ran rati a n mill for tor two Iwo years width tood where whre LIberty perk park now nOt no In It InIn ItIn I In 1 UM 1551 51 hI he rented a 1 farm farni In but moved front from there the th following tolli year to where ho was appointed county commissioner In 1852 In Itt 1863 1853 h he returned to Davis county count and took up liP a it farm near He Us raised rained one crop and In consequence of the uprising of ot time the Indians wan was required with others to move Into the tho settlement of ot Farm FarmIngton Ington The Tue militia wa was WaR organized In Utah and he lie was Will appointed lieutenant colonel of ot the regiment organised In III D Da VII via county count coun Directly after moving Into 1110 l ho In teaching the public schools school which vocation h he fol followed oh lowell lowed until 1657 h he went cent with the Ihl handcart to Florence Neb Nob returning In the this autumn of Ut ifa The latter part of ot March 1861 he hI again the plains to 10 go so on all a mission mIllion to Jn where ho remained three years and a balf On his hll return rei urn he h again engaged In III farming He lie served tut Ut justice of tIle Iho ho pence peace It lu 11 1861 1811 and Ind the next your Ir woe wan appointed county t clerk of ot DUll Davis county In th the tau tall of ot 1 11 he again went nt on a 1 mission minion to the lie east and end In 1870 1510 In III lf 7 he purchased a oral farm In tn Grove drove o rove Utah coup tv ty where helo lie hp has since resided TIll IDs ft wife witt raised four children Alvirtia H 11 Louie Loutes JO and ellel Clara lam In Iii ISSI lie he married Ella Ann I n vho rho was the mother of ot l 1 M and alit Amasa It L He lie his hll hi pres pis present cult ent wife Ito Mary Ann nn Sutherland in tn INI 1801 1 whoso whose wh family consists of or Thomas II Stanley D I 1 antI and Mary IRr Ho ITo held the nub nf of and end 1 of ot o High Priest In the Church and was wd we president of the quorum In l for far moral years yearn yea He lie was wan wanon I also on of ot the seven ef t the n Fortieth quorum of ot Seventy He lie II aided and assisted to nil ull the and amid benevolent of ot the tho hutch Church to he hit belonged H II lie bus ever been a 0 genial host and IntI welcome I IMs Ms his hI friends trl I ti his ht home hom and alit this the needy hu ve never nt er been leen turned turne l froth from his hll door I II Funeral I will vIli l he be e held Sunday nt at 1 from trot Clarks Clark hall hAil |