Show fr W OF f DEFUNCT LT DANK Hold Meeting and Give Account o of Conditions That Led Lcd to the Crash ERY IERY SERIOUS CHARGES MADE It Anderson An moll Makes He Re Report Het t port Will Hire Lawyer Lowyer I The third of creditors of nt UK the defunct bank WIB wite Ia lieU held In tin the I building lust last night Tho hio attendance was wa Is fully tullY on c lurge large HI R i at aL I nfl previous meeting the tJ tint first lIen dell hl rite ite SWill stops were decided upon Ullon with but bul little of at O opinion 1 Tho mooting was WAI over Or by bv byi i chairman In III culling the ns U to ho that thai tha at the thelast last lait meeting he h hall Imd hia been b directed to appoint a it 1 committee of to look Into the tho affairs of ot the bank balik ami aut IUli report wl lit it I this meeting Ho III then than the com coin report This was followed by byn IJ b ba I n a I l n to levy Ic an of oC M 50 tints nuts per r flaO on deposit n iii 01 n It t Cunit I to employ legal In lighting the tho now flOW against hanker Dunk fI onit his hla family III II y The Th Mon Molt of if whether or not nut to comment rommen criminal action against the bank was In the negative o on account of 4 c the thO tROt fact us iI LS explained by that tim tho books book o othe ot of the bonk arc aro In a 0 muddled conill lion tM thi presence prene of Mr M It 18 I needed by b An demon to enable him to 10 bring order ou out nut of ot tho chaos of accounts The ThO final feature failure of ot the muting meeting wo wn was the rending by Anderson Anderwon of or j a 1 null Butt flied nied against seven members member of 01 th the family to 10 recover three ff of property deeded by to dif dlf different It ferent members of 01 hi hll household hou to for Lor nominal amounts The complaint con the tM surprising statement that IhM th the hank bonk WRY Insolvent Inso vent In as and had hlll been BO io for cor flOmo years yearn earll previous to that time The tho mused broken by hy emotion na ne n ho rend this thin statement alit Mil hail to turn away from the for or u IL moment to regain retrain his hI composure Ho no thin then proceeded ll with his hite voice volet clink clinkIng ing with lIh emotion hut he hew was w to lie be oe compelled ll d to make mke the tho l ton which the demand od oti of ot him him ALL AU A Tho The meeting broke brokl up lifter after each member hind hM ltd ft a C pledge lne to pay 11 the theos assessment os levied About was WAI sub subscribed subscribed scribed which represents deposits Ih o ot of 11 out of the In the bank hink when It tailed failed CH m 1 NS The assembly was called to 10 order at t 8 S In making the report of ot the tho committee Chairman mid that he ite Ie had looked 10 into tho the of the bankle affairs through the tile courtesy courtoy of I Anderson anti and he ho had luu found them In n ii badly muddled condi condition tion tien All wo va fO can ret pet now nol iio out of ot tho the pre nt listed assets he declared la is about 3 6 cents on tho the dollar It If Re Ite Anderton Is successful sul In Iii the tho mils tiIt which he has tiled filed that hat will add another 40 O or 45 n per cent making a 1 total of ot about 08 t 6 5 cents on tho the dollar which 1 IB is tho the very beet Je t wo can call Ionic for CONFIDENT OP OJ O OUTCOME As to fo this property I am inn convinced that the suits nulls will III lo bo won deeded 1111 this property for or U l 1 a as AI a It consideration In Iii ma IU but bul he kept the deeds unrecorded and auth got ot our money and our faith In the belief that this property was held In his name items as 18 the showed He e hind had the deeds which he lit could destroy detroy If It ho he wanted the Iho property or tile Ills If It he needed to jet ge It out of ot the way vii Wll Ills His family 11 has hae rondo a thing out of ot this One member m we WO have rent rant to I for an nn education For his hl eons ond we have havo built homes and auth provided properly prop rh anti now wo we are ar naked asked to leave a n fortune to his wives Wo One Oie pIton piece of ot property he lie deeded to his wife Vir for a 1 consideration of SI l 1 and later she deeded tJ It back tp the bank for tor Gf OO about twice Its lis value at nt the present time has hns looked look ll out for tor his liU hisa family a mil We must now look out for or our Interest I r propose that we vo levy an of oC live mills on the he dollar or SO W cents O on each enoh MOO which ought to 10 give tie Us a fund of 50 In cash eRsh to 10 fight this thin case BLAMES THIS TIfF STATE I 1 really t think the tho state Is more to blame blamo than thou Mr It Il knew his and It let him bUn run on YOM year after otter your In violation of ot the law ink tak Ing money mOM from front poor people who hail had worked hard bard to earn It that they tho might have l lv It stored up for tor their old age ngo Tho The report was adopted 9 then Ihen took the tho floor and sold aith that he was much lunch opposed to the th lie of It tho prosecuting pros attorney for tor tho the In lii denting dealing with this tills rant mat tr t r Ho said ho lie considered that he was shrinking from his duty duly dul Jf If no one M e commences proceedings h he declared will for tur this bunker took from my m wife Just Juit a few tew days be boo ho h wont went Into the Iho heads hands of o a 1 re ro roe r e iVer Ier I know that when he hI took the money it could not b Rotten gotten hank back He II H inked rieke for 01 60 EO days when money wile was asked for and at lit the tho Ih end of or 60 days declared d rell that previous request had nev never or er been bern Jr n made und anti demanded GO CU daya as more I JOlIN UHS CHAnGES John Heck fleck followed with a is careful In iii which he outlined u a course c ur t tV of V action lIon which lie hI recommended Hanker Banker 1 I have ha hwd d with lie he said In which hI hi treated mo rio dishonestly and If those vaseS rases lIse wore soro they would bind hillid him In iii n tho lie Ono One of my nty relatives L hlll her hr of ot 10 yr in that hank and there thero Is much that Is la Inus lous about Ib ut HH its condition I r think evory Coty pressure ought lIght to be brought to benr lo III o forth tho the money that tha t must have hidden away 1 for tor tho lime person personal al III benefit of the family faintly om II I think that under thither of oC criminal ho he would up lip some of at f this money and nn l I nm am nm In favor of or lilting hiring a 1 lawyer that lint will fight to bring Ilm Receiver n Anderson Amler oh hAS hns called the lawyers hounds What ve WO In III this ease case Is 11 thIef 10 o Binell machi out tho the troll of oC the lie WANTS This ppe brought tort forth tin allou fron that It would not liCIt be to the best bed Interests of oC any Of or r the t tie depositors t to have the Iho er before li the tiG I at of but A After tier er tim reading i of oC the new lie suits euit nun tilt by Receiver Ah width which con concluded on tho thu it wu was announced 1 I that 1 ht bi bit lild tine n iI I wo Week K from lust last night ut lIt the triune lilet 1105 |