Show STATUS OP OF OPi nU i Is 4 slowly but somewhat cautiously cau l feeling It way w bock beck to nor mior nail conditions U n l Is III probably fortunate t that a 1 good nInny many ot of the tho foreign laborers have bavo i turned to their homes for t r this thin win wint winter ln ter t r Kor white while many man of at the tho lC which recently are arc now mow resuming operations tho the Industrial activity wilt will m toke take some Romo lime to get back to tho the normal tat Time The larger arc are still crowd with men mon out of work Cotton manufacturers In Now No Eng Ing England Ingland land have hao agreed to curtail by one fourth tho the total production product 1011 of ot each mill during the tho next two months There Thero Is III u a dull and amid declining market I for tor cotton products product anti and wisdom die dic dictates tales tates a II reduced production A similar r condition prevails In tho the theiron Iron and amid stool steel trade If It thu tho greater firms In this Industry l decide to lower tho the prices of at their products dueta more mom orders ardors would come In lam Inand lamand and ami there thero would bo ho more moro employ employment ment Their policy olley as mis announced d dIs Is to maintain present pr sent sont prices oven oon though It means closing mills or run running ning thorn thom on short time and manal to wait for br a I revival 1 ot Of business activity Tills Thin policy seems to us to be bo nn on Indus Indu Industrial industrial trial mistake The railroads which are arc great em cm employers players of o labor w we 0 ore arc ar arnot not so sc prosperous as 1111 they worn wore last year and It Is la not net surprising that thal the Iho mind trainmen know lenow knowing knowing ing something of the tho situation should abandon their Intention n of ot demanding a n wage Increase nsE It Is 15 a time when strict economy In him expenditures end and a n broad and liberal policy by the captains cal of Industry seems Indicated by the necessities of the time situation It is i n good time also for tor public work worle to be he pushed where appropriations for or It hove have already been beell voted But flut as for undertaking great public operations simply because of ot tho the fi ii financial outlook we might do ns as well to wait valt aw awhile hilt |