Show RECORD iono TIME TO I fIGHT AT OGDEN At i tho the End of the Contest Special Will Make Quick Train I Trip AFTER FTER THE 36 MINUTE MARK MARKel lItch With Senior Set for fore forThe el 01 Offered Mont The e With J the t Salt Lake e ight faun who WIN Monday Ion ln night Hi to rne o on the thO Wo RIo eward journey Jonm Wit Iclal It t will I be b a G good od tune time Grande watch atch t tako ko note of or pe peNI d tD cording pUll UI H l to the promise ot of o tho local office have Bio trains recently Two wo Ogden one In tho th down doii from oa me minute from depot time lime ot of 3 cord other In 40 IG minutes for forsmo t r depot t and XUI tho to 10 Th u ual time than tor for a tb same minutes cod run Is M good fOOd W For thi train the tl tracks will bo be Kept jar j r and ad ft It wl will have hove a straight course courso jh hut but the tho 36 record between A rime as us tho the f fastest t t train out over overL and nd fame It II L returning special will leave leava leavator the tor to read rold hOme borne The 20 minutes after the close of tU Ih tight light NELSON OFFERED MATCHES and ond Clifford uro nrc still nt at It Itu u Kelson elson their respective training tr Barters l and Ia 11 hard bArd work ork will put them t em In condl L It then both will iiI be In perfect shape shaper von on r the biG battle Cliff Cliffor Old la Is bubbling jOr or with enco and feels certain Skit Oft ilat ce r h b M will li heat Cut th tt tho lad Ho lIe on his hie punch to 10 flo aD floSI IV JJ l ur SI the Art tIC w Inn but In Nelson culls calls attention to toSi u Si A fa tIet he le has hns taken punches tram riom tM h hitters the tho he lightweight tt It San Ion on er know and said Bald punches did uld Miner him Itt at all tot ut Today the Durable Dane cut down tl Jila ide ork a little He lie says say he ho Is ls already In Inthe the tt pink Dink of condition and anil It Is not hard work Bat Dat to do much morn more heard iry UY from McCarcy McCarel yesterday after and wo was that his bout with Sealer has been net ACt Ct for tho the of ot this tn oth lie He was also offered a match with Boer Rudolph and nna EeL 5 rm n Jill Ill sign ui UtI for a II fight with Ith him If It ho howe we seu the tho money mom Nelson Nison Word wor from Jim May Ma MaReno a aRena 1 Reno Rena who ha has hns repeatedly of offered feted to wager 1000 that Gans Gang can not knock Nelson N out ont In twenty rounds dating he would be nt at t the tho ringside and would take lake all tim tho th Clifford Cliffon money tn In n light An Ogden OFt en man ha hR covered vitO IM ot of the fm C posted by h Joe Joo Lewis on NH Nel Nelen KB en |