Show PROHIBITIONS GROWTH Washington Pout Post Not since the tho days of 01 abolition Juts m uny lilly grunt ethical principle prIncipia made such II d light fur tir recognition by hy our political m im nil prohibition linn imams within time the th last tow fow years MU tiie th l abolition tIll the tom for or prohibition lund tm in mm Insignificant at local neal I beginning no und was at 11 a mu principle principia only to womans societies amid nud na inon who led 1011 by b a n Individual ual 1111 of ut extraordinary power But alter after Am tamo Phillips Lucy and whoso eloquence new pew con coal converts torts verts to 10 their cause every tiny day In lime lilac Net Met the time country afire allie with It Likewise vl n prohibition tools the time mantle of ot Neal Noal Dow cast it over tho LImo shoulders of ot John n fl O Gough u h and amid after him cacao a 11 score of ot others with tho limo late among thom them Abolition lived JIved halt half n a 1 century con f then Ihl lt II Its zenith and expired that blood amial amI moko of or limo tho groat r lIlI h it had huel stirred up limit Hut that win Will WH It its 01 creation cation mill and tu ha ht servant doing Its work worle and atud it dim only because Its simms done clone Prohibition haft beau ux ox Isled halt half u a century now amow and anal hams Iwu not lIot arrived at JH Its It hut It has a height and allet Is itt spreading rill 1111 over ovar time the in lam leaps am timid greater theta than those nf It lib she b In III KH Its Intel days It Its In is stilt cuu will not lIot bo lie 10 left to tIme sword as atm wn that of o It Its tt forerunner but It will put pul liB Its It trust mint in imi lh time h ballot amid ami In lam the tho war of o ballots tImer hero will surely conic coma a 1 |