Show i i IX lx i 1 f i f i A pamphlet entitled An Opell Open Lot Let Lotter ter tet to III Saints Who Think 0 for tor has hILS been Issued from the citadel and tuni i i I 1 Ia IB being assiduously circulated through throughout N T Y out tho thi SUite Although ItI tt It I addressed sed iti to iLO riders readers who think for themselves eleB It l Ii clearly Intended for Tor perna who i 40 do not noc no think for foi It Is II jo O IH chockfull of ot deliberate Ie falsehoods tal min riita minis 1 is representation r sont anti and 1 sophistic reasoning f as II to bo lie almost alno to anyone I f 3 who vho ho lifts has acquired tho habit ot or t ing for himself as na Is Ia tin thc case caja with f nil tiU Intelligent Saints V To o 0 to only ono point 11 nt tit present The author of ot the th pamphlet lIm sa SIS anys the IheI I object of o the President of it u the thC Church ChurchIn r Js In I a to build a n city and to effect un an or government ot of which the tha Son Bon of Man may take p s at nt HIli coming coining und then he ho Necessarily mich an iw would nn no In Im Jan or a n government within a 1 gov government g ghe go Note the he ambiguity of ot the tho terms term Tho The of or tho the pamphlet whether intentionally n or 01 because oC or Ignorance as assumes n a that the tho arc are endeavoring to establish a republic or ora ora a Ii monarchy or some kind of at worldly form tori of government In tho the Republic of ot tho the United Jolted States StateR tor for tho the Son of ot c MUll Man to take possession of at Only on that ih assumption can call the reference to lm in be regarded as liS asan an anything thing but hut Idiotic gibberish Ih Is further from the alms aims and Ideals of the rs and le leaders of ot the Church Ch The church und and kingdom of or the thc Christ Is III l not lot ot of thIs his world It Is Isn n spiritual government and can cnn there foro toru never neer form an In Im tm perlo Tho The two governments are HN entirely They Influence one ono another as ats tilt the spiritual world Influences the th material creation cratIon But each has ltd tta It own mn sphere It Is la as rational to refer reter to tho the Church nt ai Im Jan perlum In ImperIo 01 na H It would be bEl to toso so a It fraternal or 01 the Salvation Army Arm It Is true the il iy Saints be believe bens lieve as ns the Scriptures t ach that thit the theof kingdom of this world will finally be he betho conte tho the kingdom of 0 tho the Son Bon of ot Man ManIs If this Is treason make the moat most of o It U UThe The jo are arc not noL the tho th thep p only ony who look forward to trl toL L tho tl golden ago age of ot tho the universal trl tri triumph upon this earth of ot truth justice righteousness That the Church Is f tho agency through which the Almighty S J bringing about this great Victory over tho thu forges ot or evil eUl the tho Saints also itlo firmly believe but hut In this are arc not different from somo sonic other othor Christians Lately R Roen flo JV It J Campbell Camphell ot of Lon Len London LendOn don whose now new theology theolo y has tans caused some discussion haH expressed himself on this Important subject and find he linn has rathor strong views Ho lIe paid sahl It ll Is III our business to realize the kingdom of at God on mirth earth and nothing elwi eIE to preach universal and ad to l away existing conditions which throw a ii pall over the tho lives of the larger lar er proportion ot of our people Would V uld f tho the author of or tho the pamphlet accuse tho thu occupant of ot tile the celebrated c City Temple pulpit In London of nt traitorous aspirations n for tOl the thc establishment of f Imperium In Impello At the thi annual convention of ot tile tho y V M C A held nt pt Washington D DC C a couple of o months ago ngo tho the Brit British ish James spoke of the tho llo Influence of upon StOIC af at affairs fairs Ho lie said mid In part as us reported by hy bythe hythe bythe the Christian Statesman Pf People have sometimes w a lil hI that Hint Christianity was Wa Intended only tor for thu the Individual and the family but not liSt III for tor thu the state stata and tot for politics 8 That Is not so 10 Its principles run tun through every I Putt part of ot life lito every evory kind of ot What hat Is 11 tho 1110 state but tho lie greatest or 01 orall all nil our tom for 01 promoting time the of o those who compono It 1 What are aro politics but hili tho tIto striving of ot tho time to timid find the time Jest best moans munns of It directing tin tho treat organization which wo WEI call mu the tile state lo It tlc the aim Ilm for tor which c It ns l pence peaCe order und tho tIle of ot Its It ivery l vory honest st Ie upright kindly Jf Jitu coes to tIme the nation groat aimi lId happy You cannot nil ull bo be strong troll or nub iloh or 01 UH mum the tho world e limit 13 ut you ou CUll can nil 1111 seek amuck to 10 hlll held 2 II In to Gads will willand willand and nOd find OUI highest in InS Ing lt Him and I ills children who whoa are aio a ll your brethren Would the of lit time Iho pamphlet nc cc the 11 1 of ot Irm QU o lift hI speaks about a 1 religion that should U pl to tf tho o ot of tho time tUItI not Put Jut ho lao Is 11 ni 1111 In ita as 1111 is hi lao Is la Ignorant of It time thu sub subJect jeet et bout about which lie ho writes Til Timma world han no Iel ll loyal citizens Hum the time In Iii any 1111 IIi country it Jl IB Jam part purt of ot their th to 10 IIII time powers flOWer that ho bo us as far tar cut as It li is morally possible to do ale aleA BO la BOA laA A very Jy fet Is III t nil nfl through time Iho Is u a 1 U mit d sire sill d to ridicule anil anti deny Iha Iho im testimony that led Immis spoken In IhU ilmis mt 1 Ills Hut Hilt charge churgo of ot connot ClI 1011 oll bo ho lui mu a It political t tho charge Qt neuron Is 18 1 added Thona who take nn no notice of o n II t y moray may listen IMan to Ic u II also falso that lImo Ihu Is II v In III danger Huch finch tactics brought the tha Savior Sa lor of ot tint world w to tho the Cross And tho tue similarity of ot tactic IN III one evIdence of ot thu common origin of or time enmity then nos no it la IS tho janio source |