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Show WOMAN'S KXVOS K NT, (or midway "he! vu'i-thy ' lu)i abi-- - uAikIhave fovt 'roota.tirNi6 was ftr tinrunstant her prayer turn around, her .self; tvotcr tbul" tTuTpativto take-- htr Iroinr. She never ieaud dvath Lord ; prcssyus betore; aud rolL, Hhis pioces oi anv mar'- th.j U pass from one room r sfiv :in K nru' 1 veil tmr to another. She passed' wry peart fully away n -- . - iu-tktee- " - 'm ..... r., .. ;r. w 3; .... . :.-- ; ,' .r V :- ,. iiiynrtH-ii- --' .:,.,'..,,, ... . rrr- A. 1 wa liivtre.ai hira Jra ul irHi!?iii: ' - : r-- V.;,, - T -- il' ' 1 : 't ! the a verage 'zhd.'tr& mi ',!'. . .lit-- - 'i :I1M Vt Wf'ftl ' l mz'.4fc . rniw r .ill f n i r I 'i I i i ;tu I I , 11- - ii ir - work hnlt nt a time imd fd her,. She hatl, mghters,. all of whom survive n rl while: the other t4 Mitniril anL worked,. ....t. frttir rrr rwl wit iVrt t viite-7vr5trtmtf- let o&z ; : ft iviCIa fTT d " aiiil-ii-4-H-4i- 1 ! -- ttt ' t rV I . i v.rhiT' S'ne died as the yeather'"Six- ttir'fB 'Saint and we know that she will reap the everv titrary; IiiwJann ' - with tliii.iJca ;tlwt;t)he';inV:5t rat- - sli'otild. be enough7;but eveii.is proper reirfor"" hiriiei ltli but, if eaten because, numler; .more might break the layers; The A eonstantr. last time voir "roll the; paste, brush Jb'esur lisjicd,- thTca.se was different.diet face with lenl'on jiiiee, measure" the length is, dangerous,- itseTvf arsi;o;c article of Some" eminent, of 3;our pate ancl be sure you fold i t extrspccially:fl?r young people. physicians argue that-- every .cell of every actly as before. It is better made the day ,orgaii requires its own .;tmtritipu7 hence- the before; wanted and. if carefully packed in a need oi, dry and vf t tea towel will keep in a cool for days, and be as' nice as hen first- is seemingly" best' fed may, perhaps be little place ' ' '' " ' made.. fed.' I ; -- :r:':!"' Mrs. Ewing theriprcpared the ilaky-piGRAINS crustin the following 'manner: . Take three flour to one cup of shortening, cuds M uths, of God, ( the shorleiimer consists of half butter and which will be unfolded as they are needed." halPlardfftef-rtieasuriigthe- -s -- Beecher. ""V set it on ice to cool. Hver'.thing connected , with making pastry- should be perfectly, Dkfkat is a 'school in which truth alcold. Hash the floyr and shortening toways grows strong.- Beecher. air so the an Window before open' gether Minds,; like facesv are the real things. enters the Impaste as you turn; it. When are only:impress--ions-- . hashed S' that the.,.hortening appears like Books, like photographs, ' '' flakes about the size of a pea; add ice water about three- - quarters of a cup, and "scatter If for any reason whatever a child can in alMhrough, not in one place because you ' be taught but one lesson,' let that lesson don't want 'to 'work it any more than be Faith in God. For that one step towards Do not ' an education is of more permanent vilue to necessary . to make a eonibination. use the hands; for two reasons; firstv it a human being than all other learning put . :' '. would warm the shortening, and second, it together. would make it too fine; be sure not to rub IN MRMOK1AM. the pie crust any more than 'you can help, rather too 'little than; much,: for the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF'MAREN iIaIITLESOK. flakes must Hot be destroyed. Scatter-little dry flour on the board and place the - Sister Bartleson-- wasiborn in Lundie.Vihofg, ' fold carefully in three, tliatJls Amt, Denmaik.-Aug- . 19th, 1807. pastyon, the-fir- st of the way, ' She was married to Niels Bartleson in the sumpart over have mer of 1831, and "joined the Church of Jesus. then the other end over so protest;-"O- shr-woul- - fir iJ tWm'xt- !n;in- - !mV; U - ; - , , f of the faithful - :. y . '.. .r--:--.- ; Latter-da- y reward Ujie .'" ' - .: . "' LKTTE B. DALtKY." -- - - : : - vaxietyC;-.:TliavtiFA-peron;AVUO- OBITUARY. . '' . "'' e" OF-TRUTI- . I. of-sifte- d' 27th iSqi, Orderville Utah,' Ann Carling Chamberlain wife of Thomas Chamberlain and daugTrterof Isaac W. and Asenath Browning Carling,wasJ;ornApril 7, 185, at FillmOre," Utah. She was themother of eight children one Died, Sept. of .the number having passed away, her sufTeVing for four davs was nast severe with inflamation of relieved the bowels. thenuxrHeavenly-l?all)e- r herorheFsulrerinjr. She was a dutiful wife and an affectionate mother. Deceased was a mem-o- f the Relief Society and also of the V. L. M. I. have A., the bereaved husband artd children ' Our-heartfe- ,7 sympathy. from We miss thee our home dear mother, "We miss thee from thy place; .. A shadow o'er our life is cast . We miss thy smiling face. ' We miss thy kind and vijfeg hand, Thy fond and earnest cafe; Our home is dark without thee, We miss thee everywhere. . 1 - - 'i; . lt ,. . . j ' ; - . . . - . CliARISSA WlLHELM, Young Ladies Journal please copy., C A nob,le wdman's gone to rest - : -- ' ; ; A gentle mother's voice i$ still. .. Sweet children and a husband kind Bow humbly to the Father's will. A guileless life our Sister led Esteemed arid honored by us aJt; A, modest flower which sweetly bloomed Must by the keen destroyer fall. ;' . , to a . ; - . Thejoss we feel is Sister's gain oiie-thir- d you bring so the that turn three, layers; open ends are towards aiKl lroni you and roll; repeat this folding; turning and rolling "three 'times,, J it ivill h tho ennnpr it i If made' an hour or twq before use, it will be nicer. . Use all the'flour you need to roll the pie, crust, but be careful to brush it off;' each tmie the , paste is t u r neel . oyer- - The ine pie crust lies in the rolling; and considering that fact it would be im- possioie to accurately tea jusi now fo malce "puff paste as Mrs. K wing makes it; oiie can "only learn that by close observation; but if iiicpiiiieipics.,ui. luu.! uigj iiiiiinig anu roiling are .understood, one can have perfect puff paste by the following receipe: One -of vorF Kund ofrbuller: pound " the hutter.in.a wet towel until it is waxy at dd pliable; set aide. oii the ice; take one- hth of and workinto the flour; take the white of a large egg and, enough ice water to moisten" the flour; Work; with finger tips until it blisters or is the same consistency as the , Imttei; always work in a c(X)l room and before an pen .window;' place on the hoard and roll out just enough to cover with the butter; wipe the moisture thp--.h'.it- . Christ of Latter-da- y Saints in thespring ixef. Her Jiusband did not ioin for some timp of.i.j. suffered much in their native persecutiou Hey ,!?nd even- before they became members of the Church, and were compelled to choose between incii uuuic trny me lor one or me O'ner must although their landlord tried hard to have them give up their religion: which the husband ' wouldhave done at that time, he : - uui; bnuiie--wcak-ifi- ' :. .For while on earth she ever strove To faithfully obey the Lord. And those w ho mourn for mother, wife, May they find peace from God above; And if they lead as pure a life . ' Again they'll know a mother's love. . V . . v- A Heavenly bliss is her reward: MARIA 'r' J EN S E N , he-- f ntrrrurTnTvfej3r ferred jjiving up her home,puttiner her trust in the Lord, saying, it .Wis all- in so she whh her husband and ten children, the youngest being only a year and a half old, calmly submitted to leave their home, the, only one they had occupied since their marriage, (twenty one years ) From that time they had no permanent Keejs on Hand home until they emigrated to America which they DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, FANCY ' did in 1863.' ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. BOOKS - and- The children, all except.twothe-oldes- t AND STA I lUNERY, EQUI had .come before; the mother having youngi?5t; POISE WAISTS, ETC. flour-OJie-i them as she could get . means. This required sent Dress .tlklnr fall its . .. . . r . lates iaun, some 01 mem oeing very young to be styles, "Hats and ; ItonneUbrancheprlllllnery, great t.'.i cleaned and rctrimnKMl1 entrusted to the care- - of strangers. But her srreat WEST.TK.TIPLE STHEIiT desire was to have' them gather: to Zion and be M"n r Opp. Grunt Bro. Stable , I meet he them Lord there. heard and prjvTllgedto answered her prayers in their behalf. Fof altho' the cmpariiesinwhich - they cameTwere overtaken with disaster, sickness and death; their lives were all spared to meet their parents and youngest sister when they arrived in Utah. The oldest', daughter; still being in Denmark. After some traveling around in the" Territory, they 26, 28, 30and 32 East lsl South St., made their horne in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete Co. where Brother Bat Oeson, died a faithful Elder,' 20th, 1875. The remaining years of Sister SALT LAKE CITY. butter "on pale and gather th paste over Sep. Bartleson's life she lived a widow. She labored the Witter pinching the edges so that the an the Relief Society as a teacher fornany years buUer is folded in; press with rolling pin The duties oPthis office she faithfully fiulfilled'. 1 One of her chief delights was to visit and relieve" ;:: miHrll flmtv slkditlv three times, first: in tbf VtlWli " the of wants the poor and needy. as nnfciras you lat the sdes, then - roll-haShe still kept her home in Mt. Pleasant but for intend,. tunr over and roll the other side; .ine iai nve anu a nan ryears previous to leave th y paste n bout an inch thick; this is HbutMau-uvto-wn- n ner daughters Lett and Threna in stretch the Dalley Summit, Iron Co. She was to butter, and roll affficted with a consumptive for twelve just the same, on both sides so as to keep' .years, and the last two years ofcough her life, she was -- " -i the-pfografh- . - -- . , ' . " Hie-butte- E.KTHOMAS , - . -- ; --- . A J . lf hr - - . A y v --1 -7 7r. |