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Show i. o Industries, and Occupations iu which the ' imbues with prophecy. The ;onieiOhat- Juiitoropt'iis her comments :Xrphsh"ttre"ticIi!Tgs already "a greathost".. c " jhaiilTiicitI4wii iiifxTilrentliiat as'a rule - are becoming an irresistible force. Mrs:; ZinailJI I f Voung s Residence is ii67 women are supported r by men. .' Upon Chapter XIV Industrial Social and A Ah, St Salt Hake City, iusteacT of 147 ': thm "noniilnr mMtKintV tV ' .r as treated in mesuDor mate r vxv i "r"--nt'fl r orai Keiorm, ': ? rrhf TTpnk-Hrlirht " ciaHy to cal 4lUtt1 )T(W. much -- ",-vr ,fscs. mere are aiso extracts frmn nationalities ana are mereiyre oi wiuer i iese we notice tne name 01 a famous ' ,3Wti, "cvcij- anxious au sno.uia r 11 reuu as J '2r is certainly one ot the best u, Hknna Bieber Bdehm jof inougn Gerni'an . the best not .articles (if j of its kind ever ' presented from one part oi the world. iinKBerlin. President of the land, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Bohemia, Jugundschulz. also M rs. Bed foi d Fen wick, of puunMijL;utjnvuie Utah girl and should therefore have more and various state ofrtheuionEh British I We recommend it to the remons- weight, .vUf,v..w.oi.j , .Wuu fuuiiion-xu.auv- . Association. iurses oiuv;. trants and the women who" "all the Shirmacher trave definite informaUou.'very The closing chapter XV Orders, Civil ricrlitc filter ii'itif " oil tanll have f valuable as well as treating the general ;and Political Reform,' as presented in the verted idea of equal political: rights.. ject under discussioii in a most able manner, subordinate Congresses. The Daughters the-and as we Americans know; ?twst of Til ic Quarterly Con fereuce of the Relief of the American Revolntiou Mrs. Adlai work here in our own land, jt is always a E. Stevenson wife of the Viceby President of Society of ihis stake'of- Zion will be heid in crood thine- to understand what other its" f the Salt Lake Assembly Hall in this city women are doing, to benefit and bless, and theiuhite4- States. JJieiEasterii Star," Satu rday Decern ber 15th Meetings com origin progress and development byJMary '' build up else Where." -C Sneddeif oTMissouru Treating on this mencing at' ten. a. m. and two as The Solidarity .of. Huiha"irInterests is subject Mrs. Snedden says. MHow then usual. Presidents- of all the branches in : treated in came women to be associated with exclusive' thisStake are urgently requested to attend most eloquently a chapter wrhich covers three hundred and brotherhood of Masons? and what is- - tire or to have: a. representative present. All in - thirty-fiv- e states a editor The officers between and the Masonic niemijers.: of the- Society rare pages. relationship existing TMIllustratedTby'th'e Progress fraternityand the Order of the Eastern cordially invited, also the presiding authorof Women iu Spain, the South American Star? This is afi exceedingly-interestin- g ities, Bishops, and brethren' who are iuterest-in and her States, England Dependencies; paper, and indeed there are a number of ed in th is cha ri table organization. . and Iceland Syria", Poland, Italy, Siam, chapters in the book" which tajcen singly, and b' women of African Descent in the are worth the price of the whole volume. Ox, Thursday November 15th, Dr. Maggie C. Shipp give a very pleasant party United States. " We note also France, The last paper besides the editor's concludDenmark, Greece and New South Wales. ing note and the appendix is, by Rachel at her residence to about. thirty ladies (her be quite impossible to give the Foster Avery Cor. Secretary of the intimate friends.; The parlors wrere tastereader any correct idea of what may be National Council of Women, of which fully decorated with autumn leaves and. learned from this one chapter, and of its' Mrs; May Wright Sewall is President; and flowers, and the genial flow of conversation . The supper true value to those interested in the great if It were possible we should very much was intensely, interesting. questions, that are agitating the whole like to devote some space to our own ideas which was daintily served was .very de was delightixivilized world. The editor in her'pertinent of the work these two magnificent women licious, and the "table-talkAfter the guests recomments 'says'" "This chapter proves that have done for this great Congress, that fully entertaining. Ameri-canisto the woman question is no longer an has carried the new Gospel of women and turned the warm and pleasant parlors, that it is no longer a local question of humanity far and wride. In' conclusion thwre was music by some of the young at all; that it- cannot be regarded as the we can only say (for language is inadequate) women Joth vocal and instrumeiural: The curious culminating expression of the inas we' said at first, this, wonderful book, and evening was occupied with a sort of spiritT sane passion for independence characteristic add that it should, be in every home in the ual , feast or meetiiig, MrbZiiia-D.7- Hr of the Angle-Saxorace." The addresses land, and in other lands, where it would-so- w Young presiding, the hymn "O, my. S. Taylor were delivered by women sonfe oi" whom the good seeds of the world's actual Father" was sung and Mrs." are conspicuous among their .colleagues progress, and help to. lead into the light of offered prayer, after which eaehmf the' ladies present spoke afew words, and ex in America; Isabelle; Bogelot of France, a broader humanity, many who sit in dark riuve-anLucii 01 Callirhoe Barren of Greece, Catalina. the more and who are apureciaiion picscu ness, many struggling "were grace- 0 Spain, Nico Beck Meyer and for greater truths; and practical adaptation a m Kirstine Frederikson of Denmark, Ilelena of those already in their possession. For fully responded to by Dr. Shipp, and after a 3Iodjeska, Poland." Eauny "Zampini Salazer the Editor of this stuenduous wrork we benediction had been pronounced the party and' Sofia Bompiani of Italy, Lady Linchee have the highest, commendation, and trust dispersed feeling "spiritually refreshed'. Suriza of Siam, Hauiia K. Korany of Svria, that it may not only be like bread cast upon Tin-- W. S. Associations in the several Helen E. Magnussoiu-oIceland, return" the to waters after many days, but Segrid in thi's Territory are hereby reBlackburn ..England (Editor of the English- - that she, may realize here and hereafter the .counties minded that the memberships are due this woman's Review, a magazine devoted to great love and appreciation of the women month, and the Territorial President woman's 'work in its best sense,) Martha of all lands for her noble and magnanimous present leen notified" that the entire member-Slii- p Sesselberg, Brazil, Isabel; King of the wo"rkof empihrrgrarTd extracting .the. lytj must be sent on to the treasurer of the " richest kernels of wisdom artd the finest National American: :W; Sr ArgeitirJriuHic,- Athwiselve notecl women "ueslida of Peru, with many ge m s of truth fro m so many varied su shall lose our votes in the Convention during of Canada and the United States. The jects, and making such a hannonious chain the year 1896. Officers are urged to be as next1 chapter is Education and L,iteratureas 'of-thwhole, linked together with golden diligent as possible in collecting and ' presented in the subordinate- Congresses. ttoslQib e w n finspun-ffiatena- lsr forwarding the money vith the jiames and One of the - most notable of these is the and Rand McNalLy and addresses of all paid up members. Co., Uin- International Kindergarten Union given' by New York are the Publishers, Chicago a firm .well W ashingtou Cou n ties tah , Iron, and Sarah A. Stewart, and perhaps we ought to known and to As the just reCentl'. organized are exempt from thoroughly reliable, mention among abstracts of papers in reand bindings it taxation "this year. These lists of names typographical work, paper port congresses such women as Belle Grant speaks for itself, and one cannot help seeing and addresses must be certified to by the Winter at once that it is all first class. The books President and Armstrong and John Strange Recording. Secretary of the (Htnritta E. V. Stannard.) J This. chapter bound in two volumes are '$5.00 per- set,- in respective auxiliary W.'S. A. The Terricontains many valuable papers, but it is 'this book That will 'find also President one, $3.50. torial requires a concise reutterly impossible to even mention the ready sale, among those who understand port of the year's Work in each county to names of waiters. Religion .as treated in; the is to of the to times, her forwarded be easy predict. address, during this the subordinate Congresses is another very It is signs a work which requires thought and month in time ;to include it in the yearly book; will also'produce thought,and lead to important chapter: in which must reach the Secretary higher report the Editor's remarks contain much that and better We heartily recommend ot the A. A. ,w. A. betore Januarv 1st shows the drift of t woman's thought in the the book-t- things. the reading public,and would religious world Mrs Se wall closes her regladly see it put upon the Salt Eake marmarks with the" Reverend Anna Shaw's inMrs. JivNnings gave her annual "Old ket, feeling certain that' wherever it Isr read of the and 'application spiring analysis it will awaken noble sentiments and adEadies Afternoon Tea." on Tuesday, Notext" "which translated into 'current life vanced views of life its aims and objects. vember 20th, at the Jennings house. It is ; w-ithjt- ; - - r JX." - ' ; 1 - ' . ; . . - 1 yos t? -- - . 1 - 1 1 ' . - I to-th- j ' . , . - - I " " - . and-intelligent- ly . " : -- - sub-lieadi- ng ; 1 ; . -- -- . It-wou- ld v , " m; ' - ; n . 4 D'-Alca- u la - , -- : f -- ; " -- - - - . this-valua- ble v r -- - . ' w-om'a- l o . ; ' |