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Show West, and ICast. Bonntiful Parniihgtonp:! heads aija .ieio'ice iur vuu a.ie uiesi 0,1 ine iuams, - josie . Curtist Ada.: JJxton ; -m mi Mitchelll tlkisiulaverl .reKLonW "I feel honored to associate with the - .;G wen Kay sville udSu Rirhard Trlh" Smith ' . ... tio.rted as being in good runniii'g'conditioti and xne women .ana thev have proven thetn cu-- rv vprvf. 'authorities, of this ana goou ieenngs prevaunig; uicnr riupnta ncient corps; since. that date we have held mat, wexu ,.uuiuaincu..,..vyun tt Sister vbarah M; iKimball, "I am pleased.. to ineet. with you, and ask yuur.Jai,iJ,, . v v- - uaj iiytr'attcciau i .iviiiuuuuiuj, lug uiai poSlllOIl 111 here. .'Mothers, you want to talk, to your and advaucqment any nUTicrrA tr ' understand and them we have than are what 'longer daughters sermon within jtself, I think the, words that they cam eiiere for, w;e want our children to At1 nutfna f'trm iv ii t ii k II. ii ir escape iniquity, we want to live so the 5tiuus cuai juouLii; aiier our aevoiionai 'iii.i are called to the same position, we whisperings ""of the spirit will .guide-u- s that" e.tercises' we next have the Civil Govern for we consciences ot and our clean want should cultivate the best ment class, take up about thirty minutes it, right we up we oecpme .more ana more exaitea pure," exhorted the sisters to be faithful, being. conducted by 3;different member .and elevated,, we all- have, capabilities ' far "the time will come when it will be known each time, we have a reading or recitation, beyond our comprehension I pray that you who has been faithful. tI feel to bless you and music either vocal or instrumental on may be blest and comprehend' what isjbest". jny sisters that you may be a blessing to each program, one or two short lectures, v'- -' lor you.". your husbands" and families and may the these we alternate with the reading of a Counselor Ilyrum Grant,. "I have been Lord "help us all," etc. manuscript- paper, being :dited by. the President Hess, "I have "enjoyed this members in turn, once each month . We very muchjiiterested in the remarksof the'7 jsistersand-catestifyitliespint.of the Lord' meeting very much, it seems to me that it think we are progressing " finely already has.attendd tlipse that have spoken, "spoke has all been just as good as it could be, we realizing (to a slight degree of course) the about Ui power of 'God, referred to how have a treat today in having an Apostle benefits of the W. S. A. Total' enroll- he felt when he was first called to be a with us, i shows to us the iiiteVest that is mentoi nity-twnumbers. ' -- teacher. felt although I wanted to taken in these organizations." ' 1 with my November 2094, we gave "a 'musical ...... t J t.i1J ,1..... ' buiiK .have made minds um our that .Counselors uie guuu spini prevailed and literary enterbllnnient," an affair we are up iuy uuxywe can do more good in coming to these !' justly proud of,'the .... and I went and done my duty and I have young'men and ladies felt thankful for the experience ! had in do alI in other than Jiave meetings way, any assisiea us wnn a vim that is greatly to clout sisters ieel are felt in that it, you amply paid attendinAhem, their credit: there were more than twenty ing. getting ways old be to useful. I pray that the spirit there is a great labor to; be done, among the different parts including the too reading of will the continue with us that we people try and be a little more diligent in ''TheKcho of of Lord Iqua.l Suffrage" a number ma' be blest in meeting together." Confer- - talking up and encouraging the sisters to we published for the occasion, not a jar or come out to these meetings, that they may sign of, failure any where, this was 111. ' " v.wv. " J WlUg J1t gotten "My God the spring of all my joys: " receive "the same - blessings that you do in up for the purpose of enlarging the Benediction by Bishop Barton. coming, it is to be regretted that no. more Treasurer's funds sufficiently to obtain books ' : XfT attend these meetings, may God help lis to flr lli K.mflf nfiili.. Opened by siny?TE f ging,' Redeemer of Israel."-- , Prayer by see our duties and do them at all times.' think we have made a goocl beginning yet Brotherv Rouche: Singing, "Come come President rant "I think, we have great we are only of the primary grade, and will Aiinutes or the alternoon. reason to rejoice in what we have heard, eagerly and gratefully ye Damis. accept any instrucmeeting of the previous conference read we will now adjourn our Conference for tions, that our sister, organizations, might" a: and approved. r three months.to be held at HastBountiful." r.i Sister Mary A, 1' i eze then addressed the Singing, "Do what is right, the day davu K. Crank Watson, President ; is morn"Kheard this and -' benediction by Counselor congregation. things breaking" that I will always Remember, the prayer Mary Clark. , was a; sermon of itself, 7 spoke on the PiiEnE.C. Skssioxs, Sec'y. . NOTES AND NEWS. word of wisdom, VI heard a man say he , was not converted to the .word of wisdom Woman suffrage is marching on slowly until last conference; if I knew a certain but surely wherever it has been trier! in WOMAN SUFFRAGE COLUMN thing would be good for me I would grasp New Zealand as in Colorado. A hd- - s it, many think that aU the 'Relief Society ; confiug in' Maine,, coining 50,000 strong. is for is to look after the nnnr nndneprk' i J "All the political parties of North Da-- , - ::: Bath, (Me.) Daily Times. but the Prophet said it was to save kota have declared " for woman suffrage. souls, m soirit has man v timp4 need vYn The Equal Suffrage Association, of Not. a home in Kansas has been broken the Prophet also said this v physician r Kansas Kan., held its first meeting, Church was not fully organized uutij the up, and probably not an iota of domestic after tireCity, election cf consultation at the women were organized,;" spoke 'affout discord has ever resulted' from municipal home of President Jennie'Mahar, 408 State suffrage' for women during the past seven temple" work what a- comfort it is to re 1 he sentimenJanJavoi Avenue. - deem pur dead, "let us try to understand years. If .the women in the towns are infrnnthP-rtio-httnr fniirii cuffrorro iimp O O .1 capable of exercising judgment and voting the whisperings of the spirit, my- dear fnmanTmous. J:heiraminnnss-to- a govthe teachers, yon should lu Ank-n- f nolice mercy do liotiideratevourseives von are ernment (street iniDroVements. to advise men If,. women are regulations, gas, waterworks, etc,) are the how to vote, why competent doing much good, we should cultivate' are. they not competent in ourselves. I pray that you may women in the country any less capable of themselves to vote? If their political inhave the spirit of God to educate you that exercising judgment and voting their confluence is desirable how; why would it not to victions as house court bridges, bonds, be sisters and mothers you may good r be more valuable, to the State if it was in' salaries of county officers, etc? Lincoln V in the kingdom of God " creased by the power of the ballot? If they "'Beacon. 7 7 ': (Kan.) Richards then'said, "I appreciate Apostle are so far ignorant of politics that they of this ' with very highly privilege meeting ought' not to vote, is not their present i IRON CO. W. S. A. ,' I" do think the of the is Lord you, spirit with politics reprehensible? N. Y as with to meet affected was the women at vas Parowan Daily Sun. quite . Our organization ready 7 the men, I do not think they have as many Sep. 29th, 1894, E. B. Wells, Territorial tv, bad habits they are not addicted to them, President presiding at the meetingj E. Countess Ovama, the wife of Field ' I was pleased with what Sister Kimball Crane Watson, President; Mary Qllerton Marshal Cc ant Oyama, who icemmanding read' to" us." Spoke about ' the.- early andBessie Parry Vice Presidents were the second Japanese army in the vicinity of one of the organization of this Society, exhorted the unanimously sustained Las officers of the;oe Co. most charming and accomplishep! ladies of more diligent ana earnest in W. S. A. ofx Iron Ella Rasmussen, listers i.o d in an American7 their'duties. "you have the "same blessiners Rec. Sec, sMinnie Adams Corresponding Ja)an.LShe ' bestowed upon you; as,-- your husbanjjgd-LSecretar- y. '. ,Mrs JuliarLyman was voted college, either Wellesley or Vassar arid you must understand these blessings are to be chairman Executive Committee.- The speaks English fluently, She was one of. fol lowing named ladies were chosen as the4 "lady commissioners appointed by the yours in connection - with your husbands, there is a great deal resting upon ou, your memberSi-iif;th- e 'Committee. Mary Empress of Japan to gather, and send an calling is no mean one. Sisters lift up your If. Dalley, Mette C. Matheson, Juliette exhibition to the World' - -- ' ' . . -- . . e ! - , - t . . w w . -- , - . ... v"- - W-Vup- ourtmnents ) ': . i i i i i i i i i i i i ' . s pur-nature- - -- . -- - . n 1 : " .'. -- .. -- o "I ' I 1..-- ".T-JT- 4. 1 i. I . . . . 1 . rN'OON-si-ssIo- " n: 4 " " . . . 1 - v -- . it-i- . . 7 . - . . of-kee-p- X sis-ter- s, - con-iiden- 1 ce . J ' - nter-.feren- ce . " - - , ". . . a t . - -- - was-educate- ' - . - - ' a " . Fair.j.r. |