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Show COX MAKES ISSUE PLAIN Covernor Cox mentions only infer-entially infer-entially the issue of prohibition, upon up-on which the country is waiting his pronouncement with intense interest. inter-est. The one issue upon which he is " really explicit is that o the league of nations; and here he has shown the white feather. His position during dur-ing the past year and a half, illustrated illus-trated by many expressions in his newspapers, and by his more or less rlc-'e association with the anti-Wilson faction of his party, has been that of protest against Mr. Wilson's autocratic insistence upon acceptan ce of the league project without the dotting of an i or the crossing of a t. Now he swallows the Wilson program pro-gram boots and breeches. His mind he would have the country believe, goes fully with that of the President The motive in this change in front is obvious. Mr. Cox wants the support sup-port that the Administration can give him. To get it he gulps his objections, ob-jections, withdraws his protest, surrenders sur-renders unconditionally. It is an ob vious, undignified, and in final analysis, ana-lysis, a shameless surrender. Distinctly Dis-tinctly it does not tend to etablish the crei'it of the candidate as a man of definite and consistent mind and of sound courage. Plainly he would rather be wrong than miss the chance of being President. In Governor Cox's surrender to Mr. Wilson there is this merit, namely, name-ly, it defines the real issue, the supreme su-preme issue, in this campaign. In a word that issue Is Wilsonisra. Of course many other things are involved invol-ved in the coming election, but the essential thing is that compound of theory, policy, and practice that mark off Mr. Wilson's administration administra-tion from that of all others that have preceded it. Mr. Wilson as the master of his party has determined deter-mined that the campaign shall be pitched to this key. Governor Cox despite his previous judgments and commitments, has weakly yielded. He has knocked under to the stubborn stub-born spirit that knows no yielding or compromise and which remorselessly enforces its will through command of resources that lie under the hands of the executive authorities. Here is the issue. We may at least thank Governor Cox for making it so plain that no intelligent citizen can fail to understand it. -Argonaut. |