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Show SPLENDID BATON FOR FOCH Most Costly Ever Presented Even to the Long Line of His Distinguished Distin-guished Predecessors. Ferdinand Foch. marshal of France, will soon be the recipient of the most expensive baton ever presented to a marshal of France. At the base of the baton, which Is L'li'i inches long, are embossed In gold tlte names of Marshal Mar-shal Foch's capital victories Met., St. Cond. the second Marne. Strasburg, etc. Above tills. In gold on red copper, appears the leu'end : "Terror belli, dtv cits I'acis" "Terrible in war. gentle in pence." Then beyond the field of blue and stars appears the inseript ion. j "Mareciial Ferdinand Foch. 1 !) 1 -I -1 f." and Ibis is surmounted by the golden arms of France, the Fnited States. I Lorraine's dual cross ami the arms of the Knights of Columbus. The alloy of the metal parts of the baton is one from Pennsylvania. James A. Flaherty of Philadelphia, supreme knight of the Knights of Co- I lunihus. will present the baton to Marshal Mar-shal Foeli when the marshal unveils the statue of Lafayette which the j Knights of Columbus will present to j France. |