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Show TWENTY FIVE YEARSJARRIED A beautiful lawn party was giv-, en at the Miller home on North Main street Saturday night, in celebra-1 tion of the silver wedding anniver-: sary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Miller. The lawn was beautifully decor-j a ted with Japanese lanterns and the; tables, which were set on the lawn, were also in gala dress for the occasion. oc-casion. Vocal and instrumental music by the Misses Juanita and Aleen Miller Mill-er furnished entertainment during the early evening. At 9:30 a ban quet was served, places being set for 100 guests, but not all were present. The table decorations were pink and white, sweet peas and a large wedding cake artistically decorated dec-orated in silver, formed the centerpiece. center-piece. Music and games pfteT supper, finished a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were the recipients recip-ients of many beautiful gifts of silverware. sil-verware. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Arrington Mr. and Mrs. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pitchforth. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tattersall. Mr. and Mrs. James Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Will Elmer Mr. and Mrs. John Pitchforth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fernley Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobson Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller Mr. Jesse Barton Mrs. C. J. Mclntire Mrs. J. Moore Mrs. A. C. Nebeker Mrs. Pace Mrs. J. I. Sanders Mrs. Lulu Germo Mrs. Chas. Singleton Mrs. Chas. Smith Mrs. W. J. Burns Mr. E. H. Bird Miss Amanda Pace Miss Mary Richards. Miss Irene Tanner Miss Juanita Miller Miss Aleen Miller Mr. Merrill Miller. |