Show 1 Pioneer Who Died f i if f Suddenly at Home Homei 1 i Early Last Night I. I t f i S V S r S S 'S 5 Lm 44 Si WILLIAM RUFUS William Rufus Hufus Ensign 8 82 years eRrs of ot age ageS a pioneer of oC 1847 died sudden suddenly at his home S. S Fifth East at 9 o'clock last night of or apoplexy Mr Ir Ensign had bad enjoyed his usual good health and nd had been down town during the tho da day as S had been his custom for tor years ears As ho he was preparing to retire about aboul 9 o'clock he preparinG was stricken en and died a few tew minutes later lb Ho Is survived survived sur sur- b by his widow and ono daughter Mrs Irs Hazel Ensign Courter of oC Salem J Ore Mr Ir Ensign was born December 28 28 8 1832 at Westfield Mass and with his patents parents Joined the Mormon church at t Westfield about 1840 Io west vest In company compan with wih his par parents in 1846 a member o of ot Daniel Sp Spencer's Spencers company of ot one hundred arriving In the vale valley of ot the tho Great Salt Sai Lake Lako September 20 iSIT After ter spending two years ears In the Old Od Fort tho the family settled In the Twelfth Tu ward After In the Walker Rl er In Indian In- In dian Wan war var Mr lr Ensign moved his fam Cam ill ily Iy to Cedar CI City Ho lie later iter participated participated In an expedition to Fort and in 1856 with several other members mem mem- bers bore o of the colony went out to meet meeta a 0 belated handcart company compan He lie was engaged In freighting between Salt Sal ral Lako o and the tho Missouri river for tor a a number num nuni- ber of oC years and in I 1859 1869 he became an for th tho Sioux Indian agency on the old pioneer trail and remained at t this duty until when he re ye- ye turned to Salt Lake U Un on his return to Salt Sal Lake Mr r Ensign took up farming and until he was engaged In this work on his farm located below helow Twelfth South on Ninth East In 1890 he retired front from active work and has made hi his home at a 22 22 S. S Fifth East that time |