Show 1 FOR SALE jj FOR SALE SALE Poultry Poultry tind nd Pe Po Stock tock Xo 30 O BABY chicks and aid eggs tat for OV today the kind von lOU you want Poultry bought and sold I J. J ram Ham thaw haw 2535 Fifth East Jast the tho homo of at good chickens 1 BABY BAllY CHICKS White Whito ns Brown Leghorns and Ancona We e 23 satisfaction Write f for r price list The rhe Orland Hatchery Orland t Glenn county CaL Ca h 25 5 S. S C c. WHITE LEGHORN hens all James ii B. B Hancock l laying ea cah h 5 Goshen street streeL 0 o WHITE hens liens and pullets large larse birds 2 Hill coops Rear near 14 1415 1115 15 S Main aln FOR FOB SALE SALE Horses Horses anti and Vehicles 1 on No Vo rm 51 FOUR horses two good delivery wagons also double l r A bargain bargain bar bar- gain If tr sold flohl at once Sanitary Market Co 2 22 W. W First South TH THERE will be a horse buyer buer at Iowa Jowa owa Feed stable Sunday Sunda and arid Monday Monday Mon Mon- on- on day who will vill bu buy hOl horses es ranging from 1200 to 1400 Ibs lbs 4 to 0 9 yrs old 1 I STUD STUDEBAKER n. BAKI-n. white top op bug bug- buggy bugy y size Inch li three seated as good a as now A bargain bar aln Apply 4 L. L C. C Nielson Murray Murray Mur Mur- ray Tar Utah Phone 24 J J Murray TWO express wagons two surreys cne bJ buggy biggy three sots sets of ot single harness one ono set o of double harness l S. S First West It I HORSES an and harness of an any Kind bought and amI sold S. S State Wasatch 1 1724 I HAVE ve carload of or horses W. W Yo South Temple PASTURE for horses fenced water shade e good range 2 mo Was Vas 2260 FOR FOn SALE A SALE A horse 40 40 Phone Was as F FOR SALE Machinery SALD Machinery ln XO No 3 TWO miles 2 pipe per foot 1 mile 1 pipe per foot loot 4 h. h h p. p gasoline engine 75 76 j concrete mixer for sale or rent i American Machinery Co io Walker Bank Va Wasatch 11 FOR SALE Miscellaneous f Xo 37 3 L GRA GRANt GRAND D RAPIDS FURNITURE CO A fe few of the good bargains from Crom our exchange o basements basements- 25 5 kitchen cabinet 10 35 Davenport 10 22 brass bed 10 Lot of good Iron beds from up and mall many other good bar bargains 16 E. E nr Broadway Was SCARED stiff sUre Listen S. S qt good whisky whisk 4 l bonded whisk qt SOc gallon 3 1 pint whisky wine bottle 3 bottles Imp beer tOc Social Bar lIar 50 State TIlO THOMAS S I. ELECTRIC REPAIR CO S. S West Yest Temple Motors and generators generators generators gen gen- repaired armatures rewound Motors for sale Wasatch 1246 UNCALLED U for or tailor made suits 10 to 15 each Misfit Parlor 57 W. W Second South RESTAURANT fixtures and pool ta taLie table table ta- ta ble Lie for sale cheap Salt Lake Lale Cabinet to Fixture Co 3 32 Richards street LATE style IStle No Xo C G Underwood and Royal noal typewriters cheap for Cor cash Address Address Ad Ad- dress Z 7 i Herald HIGH GRADE upright piano worth werth 50 Will take 1 If taken at once Call Hyland 2186 Pf PEDIGREED Llewellyn Llowellyn setter seUer pups best hest hunting dogs in the country T. T J J. J Duke 35 l E. E First South 50 NICE young oun pigs for sale Year 2 old Guernsey bull Woods Cross Bov no Bo 50 0 JERSEY much cow 45 Durham 40 10 full blooded Jersey bull 15 45 5 Hereford bull 1 E. E Sib South Was J. OLD YEAR Jersey milk cow at nt a genuine bargain I street Was Vas GIRLS GIRL'S bicycle cheap S. S Second West Wasatch W. no ONE O E electric vacuum cleaner cheap for tor cash Wasatch R. GOOD much cow for tor sale 60 E. E Eighth South Seuth FOR FOIt SALE SALE LIttle Little pigs pl s. s Call Hyland R. H. BUSINESS SS OPPORTUNITIES Xo No ID 9 i v N t 1 V v x r X x x x NOT IN A DENTAL DE TAL TRUST More and better Jetter dentistry for the thc money than any other of office tic a In the tho city It High class bridge e work 5 per tooth DR J. J B. B KEYSOR S. S Main Jain aln St. St I Phone WI Was FOR FOn SALE Cafe SALl-Cafe Cafe and lunch counter 1000 for 50 Must boll eoll at nt once A real ical moneymaker Snap for ftH man am aut wife rife or anyone Interested Fine transient tran tran- locution cheap rent Will pay pa and stand Investigation Z 8 Ii Hera Herald Id Rep ubi lean LIST your our autos apartment and rooming houses business opportunities farm farni and city elt property with us W Vc deal quick Exchange Service Co 1010 I Newhouse building MAIL I IL order methods complete 5 system tern tem for establishing profitable business busi busl ness UesS 88 only lOc be Southwestern Business ss college cOllese ill Granite bids St. St Louis Mo BO HIGH CLASS man or 01 firm for stat agency agene of new sanitary cork and closes closen on bottles used for milk mille liquor and all aU liquid fluids Cork Co O th thc ave c New w York BO POOL II HALL for sale In one ono of the th leading hotels of elt city Has five tables complete stock of tobacco etc ote Cheap ChenI for forcash cash E. E Seco Second ll South GOOD grocery store buildings am anc Improvement for sale or ort or trado cheap Call S. S Eighth West 4 FOR FOE SALE FOR SALE SALE Furniture Furniture Xo No 34 TRADE what you ou dont don't want for something you ou do want at nt Grand I Rapids Furniture Co E E. Broadway Wasatch teh 1786 SACRIFICE for cash only orly room 10 house newl newly furnished mod close In Herald Republican R it 34 FOR SALE Real SALE Real Estate Xo O 27 7 66 6 P South cast enst room four-room frame In beautiful beautiful beau beau- i lot 60 feet wide vIde with pretty lawn shade shalle trees and fruit trees One halt block from Fast East car line Owner Is desirous of leaving lea city and will sell soli sellen sellon en on cas easy terms for 1900 Within thin walking distance room 7 story ant and a half full cemented basemen basement basement base base- men ment hot water furnace hardwood floors sleeping porch mantel window scats seats A new home with east front In excellent location Good bu buy at Terms arranged University bench lot Jot with cast east front to alley Curb and gutter sewer and sidewalk paid In full Cull Cheap at 1000 North bench home site South front on ave All AU special as- as a as assessments paid 1000 Mr Ir Havener Ha or Mr Ir Palmer Mr G il E J EW ro I II I Was IS 18 W. W Second South Ill mm ij W IP room Four-room mottle brick bun bungalow gal 0 lo located located lo- lo close to the tho Fourth East car carline carline carline line good size lot cement walks and und basement In screened back porch buffet kitchen I and sleeping sleeping- porch large larse dining room openings s in built-in mantel mantel nd and bookcases linen closet and chute large bath medicine medicine medi medi- cine chest cheat beautiful electric fixtures The Tue bungalow Is new and never been occupied Let Lct us UR show it to you cash 2000 per month Price 2250 50 Q L. L LE E 9 E. E Second South Wasatch Walker Valker Bank Batik Building WW 11 4 WEST BROADWAY A Y W WASATCH ASA 1373 G 6 Gi acres 2 acres In bearing hearing peaches balance In lucern Small house or or small home In ell city 25 5 acres good fruitland fruit fruitland land Jand all clear near Grant Junction for something here will assume acres all clear good lucern land close to depot for or something In city I have I trad trades s o of all kinds and In nearl nearly all I localities Come Como In about them L LB B By room 5 owner oner no commission room modern brick cottage collage Large lot lot all allIn allin allin in lawn and flowers Cement walks I all around garage chicken coops fruit and shade trees Must be bo sold at once Will Vill sacrifice Come out and look this over and make malte me an offer You must see sec this to appreciate what a beautiful place It Is H Hy 11 1 M. 1003 Lake St. St 2700 EACH on terms 3 modern new bun bungalows lull full cement basement buffet kitchen fireplace bookcases ba bay window sleeping porch electric fixtures linen closet all new Improvements Improvements Improve Improve- ments at 1343 Green street near Liberty Lib erty crt park lark 7 E. E Tenth South street Party larty at houses to show them or telephone telephone tel tel- ephone Hyland 2034 R. FOR FOil SALE CHEAP CHEAP Cl acres level levelland levelland levelland land close to Strevell Ida Part fenced and 30 acres cleared Water Vater can cnn be begot begot got Ot for or SO 80 acres Heavy rainfall area splendid ld location Adjoining places are raising big biff crops Will trade cheaply for city property Will a assume sume some difference Address Z Herald Herald- or phone Hyland J. 1439 BEST EST bU buy In city In 4 Im modern hun bungalow alow occupied only onh short time Small payment down balance monthly You will like lIk the place and tho price is II right ht Deal with owner No com corn mission Blame avenue First stop I last Jast as t Eleventh South on oti car cal line WILL sacrifice a choice building lot G ft fU x 16 ft Ct in irm LeGrand ward opposite opposite op op- new meeting meeting- meetinghouse house on McClelland McClel land avenue between Ninth and Tenth South Only 0 Must have havo down lown balance easy Z 22 Horald- Horald Republican FOR FOR SALE S. BY OWNER O On On the cast east bench a veal real home s 8 modern lot 4 by 1130 20 beautiful shade shado trees many fruit trees currant and raspberry bushes largo lare o arbor choice grapes r garage urage chicken houses housos cement walks furnace etc Must 1 be seen to be ap- ap apI ap ap- 1157 EL F. Fifth South I Lova l and 2452 High High- A SNAP SNAP Lots Highland Highland land Park both for Cor each cach Present value is s S. S H. H Crittenden Windsor Windsor Wind Wind- sor SOl Colo Cob FINE It building lots Jot for 10 down downS 10 per month Will build home to suit on terms Win m J. J Smith office Was 2869 Res Ites II fly Hy 1 I ACRE close In can bo be cut into lots lotI Will trade for home borne or larger acreage Z No 1 I Herald FOR SALE SALE SALE-By By Dy O owner I double house houKe close In iii suitable for tor r a n home borne and an Income Inquire E. E Fourth South BEAUTIFUL modern room V-room room hardwood hardwood hardwood hard hard- wood finish house houe 2 sleeping porch porches Terms Term IS J at st Was Hi J. HiJ J WE VE sell real estate that's all Tuttle Bros DroB Co Main street OWNER must sell splendid building Hot Ilot on 1 street Was R. B. I FOR SALE FOR SALE SALE Real Real Estate Clarification Xo o. o 27 1 I I I I iELI O 1600 One One of the tho neatest room four-room cottages In the tho city southeast district district district dis dis- lot all In flowers and fruit trees cement walks one of or the tho attractive homes of the elt city cash and 20 per month 2650 2650 With With only cash you can buya buy a n. new brand-new room four-room modern brick bungalow excellent location southeast southeast south south- east enst full cement basement polished oak floors fireplace and mantel in built-in bookcases screened sleepIng sleep sleep- lug Ing porch everything ng A No 1 materIal material mate mate- rial nab this Is an exceptional offer and will not last lat long 33 Specially Specially O reduced for quick sale bungalo bungalow bungalow bunga bunga- A new net room 5 modern brick low lo attractive In ever every respect full tun cement basement furnace fireplace and mantel built in bookcases buffet html huf- fet kitchen linen closet enclosed sleeping porch cement walks walkR lar large e elot lot southeast district cash 30 iO tO tOper per month Hus Hu's Buys one of or the tho neatest five five- southeast south south- room modern brick bungalows east cast district full cement basement hot water heat fireplace and man mantel el in built-in bookcases linen closet nIllS' nIllS fly nv- lug IllS room and lining dining room finished in red gum um woodwork large largo screened sleeping porch cement walks and lawn all In See Seo this for a n home at nl a bargain price cash 35 per mo me See Sec us for fire Insurance W E L r lUJ 22 E. E First South St. St Phone Was H. H NEW V E six-room six bungalow to be finished fin In- In In about two weeks Located on McClelland 1 and Ninth South streets two blocks west of the tIme new high school No 92 4 McClelland St. St Large front and rear porches beautiful sleeping porch full cemented basement 30 b by connections East last 40 40 0 with laundry laundr front and a a. fine largo large lot Red gum Jum finish in Built bookcases In parlor on either side sido of brick mantel and in built-in buffet burtel In dining room These are vcr very ery beautiful in the ret red gum bum fin fin- I ish Also in built-in kitchen cabinet I Large casement windows in front This house was built for a home and I not for tor sate sale and is built as good as itcan It Itcan Itcan can be bo built builL There is no comparison to be made between It and tho ordinary house built for tor sale Unforeseen circumstances cir clr I have thrown it on the thc mar mar- ket let If It you want a house IO built right that will bo be a a. goot good house 50 years ears from Crom now a beautiful well arranged up date convenient house In every even respect and at a sacrifice be he sure and antI I see this before buying Price I I El E ff J. J F t LErm I I 1602 Walker Bank Building Office Phone Was 1022 Residence Hy Ily I 1914 H. H J nr DI Q LT I 35 feet east front near Fifth Firth East and Ninth South 50 feet teet front on Browning avo ave near Seventh Se East Price OO 45 feet west front on Lincoln ave avo 00 50 feet feel north front on Fourth North Price rods east st front on Fifth East facing Liberty Park Price 1250 29 9 feet teet west front on court near Seventh East and Seventh Se South 40 to feet west front on Tenth East near Browning ave ae Price WILL ILL MAKE MAFE GOOD TERMS OR on BUILD TO SUIT ON ANY OF THE TIlE ABOVE See Mr 11 BaIrd TUE TOOlE LIL E Was 11 So Main St. St FOR SALE new Brand room 6 brick bungalow ci eIe elegantly ogan antl fi finished n i sh Cd sou thea a t can easily i I y worth For quick sale sole will take 1000 cash cas easy terms I Fine Fino pressed brick strictly modern exceptionally exceptional fine fino home 7 rooms close in best location 1000 cash easy terms Summer homo home room i portable house Emigration canyon very cr cheap Small payment down Nice Nico room 4 room cottage c good location 1800 down down 15 a n month I have others ot or all kinds Qa EL rE REAL ESTATE ATE Was 9 3 E. E Second South Sc ROOM 7 ROO brick house with big biff lot only 1000 4 acres o on paved street car line lino Ir Irrigating Irrigating lr- lr water vcr very cheap chicken ranch for tor sale Fine Fino bungalow on northeast bench with furnace fine tine lot 5 rooms t terms C 1 ma 4 rooms and sleeping porch southeast south south- east caRt ln b bungalow alow new flOW cement cellar only 2300 An lL rW u aPhone Phone Was SACRIFICE On SACRIFICE On Second ave worth To 10 be sold for Cor 7 i modern A l condition furnace mantel gas sewer pavement pa In and nd paid for tor Choice corner lot Terms New bungalow 5 6 rm and sleeping porch mantel gas sewer Snap at 2500 Many others Tel Was or Was 2260 60 GODDARD RD INV CO 32 S 8 S. S MAIN FOR SALE FOR SALE SALE Real Heal Estate Xo No 2 27 1 C j No Now ew room 4 brick house bathroom closets buffet kitchen sink and plumb- plumb log ruffed rutted In In front porch sleeping porch lorch feet to alley aIle Price cash balance cas easy terms Now New double house 3 rooms room rooms bath and closets on each side aide located near Eighth East and Second South Price s J cash balance balanc on time TO TRADE TRADE Beautiful Beautiful modern residence residence resi resi- dence lonce on E. E Second South to trade for Cor farm or ranch property Attractive room 4 brick house 50 60 foot frontage close to car In Forest Dale Will trade for larger house close In BUILDING LOTS FOR A BUILDER feet of or groundS ground southeast 1000 Half Halt cash balance terms CC W IDro CA CAro ro IDro 18 E. E South Temple Street 4 MUST SELL IT QUICK I per acre 32 3 acres fine land near Lohl Lehi sugar factory full water rl right ht 1600 1500 cash bal bai mortgage 2000 2000 can stand 1750 cash and 20 per month Including ing jg In Interest will buy bu a room 4 mod brick cottage on Eleventh |