Show aeOsal llrtalral The Brick school give an Inlereillng and entirely succetiful I ton t-on Friday 1 night ol last week when the home was crowded Only 15 cents admission 1 ad-mission was charged beildes this all the school children and old people were given coinpllmentarUi The recepts ol the evening were 11870 and the ex < wndilurcs 1915 leaving n balance ol 1155 which will be ellololroIl In fthool sppplles Following ii the program given I Pilgrim chorus 2 Thanksgiving eictrclie by six toy six girls 3 Demon In tha Ulan 4 trading by Miss Ruby Williams 5 tjuartelle male volcti U Dlnlogns The Lady Help 7 Organ solo by UM llheid 8 Recitation by David laddlei U Chorus Music In I the Air 10 Small drama by the grammar grade 11 Tableau Tbanksgliln II UIXCI IIOIL4W KCIIOOL The above school under the direction ol Carl Alllsen teacher gave a Jettried1 l ly successful entertainment on Thanksgiving Thanks-giving The house was crowded nud every number on the projum was creditably performed Following Is I the program i I Chorus OreclingQIee by the school 2tUpeeIrg nMttitij 1 k lsish 11 3 Instrumenlnl nuuicJdrieie Hartley I Hart-ley 4 llccltnlion The Famine llerthri I Wrlghl r Solo Shlpwricked Crew Jane i San h = ley II Kierclio TlanksgMng I 7 Itreltatlon Nolujtly Child Mary 1 Salmon I II Chorus Sweet is I my bong School i U Iteiltation Ind Hell Kmlly Wriiht 10 Solo Miss M K i hawley I 11 llecltatlon hr Edward Hint 12 Speech Homo WaIt Hulltln a Day David llarlon audience 13 Chorus America School and I |