Show tIara DIM From Onf The emotional life ol a horse II I remarkable re-markable There arc InitanceJem record rec-ord where the death ol the horie hat been traced directly lo grief 6ie instance In-stance called to mind which dcarreil more than 10 year ago A clrcm had been performing In Ihe little loon ol Unlonvllle Ia when oneol Ihctrilncd horses ipralned one of hits leg7othit he could not travel He was taken to the hotel and put In a box italMrhe leg was bandaged and he wai mot ai comfortable at possible 1 lie ale hit lood and wa apparently contented until about midnight icn the circus began moving out ol ton Then he became restless and trained and whined As the caravan moed nul tlie hnltl inmrl In matta nl j he was being I detcrted and hIs anrity and hIs distress became plllful Jjc would Hand with his car pricked l in attitude ol intense listening and nat n-at his ear caught thin ilgn of thfje tilingwagon he would ruth at Vtt hue could wtth iitatnjursd leg from ie aIds of the dill to the otK < < lIthe > tt lI-the door trill liii noc and multi every effort to ertpe The ititlernt who was a itrange to him tried toothe blat but to no purpose ll would not be comforted I > Long after all sounds 01 the clrcu hoe ceased hit agitation conllnucc The sweat poured from him In ilre m it i and he quivered In every part ol fil Dotty Finally the nobleman wcntfju the house woke up the proprietor and told him he believed the hone would die II ionic millie clrcui hone were not brought back to keep him company At about daylight the proprietor mounted mount-ed the horie anil rode alter the clrcui lie overlook It tenor twelve mlleiaway and the groom who hid charge ol the Injured horie returned with him When they reached the liable the hone wad wa-d I The tlableman tald that he remained lor nearly an hour perfectly till and wllh every tenie appatenlly itralnrdto heutmott tenilon and then without making a sign fell and died with scarcely scarce-ly I a struggle The veterinarian who was called remarked after the clrcum stances were told him tat unquettlon ably the horte died with grief lilt I poitlble lor all the mental faculllet of the hone to become InnInnI i ri to ouch an Client at to cause death how I much more does ho appeal lo the tvm laUl and regard ol mankindsKen lucky block Firm |