Show llaiiCMt Its Iteiutlrulrl Tuicogee Ala Nov 21Last Friday negro named Henry Dawson war hanged here for murder by the sheriff I Ills body was turned over to hit friends for burial A negro named Reuben Rice now comet forward with the state J t 4 V f Tfll ifcW ment Out Dawljm It not dead Mr says that at loon atjhe wagon on outside of towrjlhelldol 1lhe coffin wa pried off arrdwhliky and other restoratives apple with the result Iht the sup poSed corpse was remitted ihd after an hour or twp was reioiettil lull clcnlly to walk The evidence ai to the truth ol the italement Uth tthe negruei having the remains In barge hate left the neighborhood and no evidence ol a new nude grave Can he found about the Iluchananplace where Dtnmn MM to have been buiM 1 |