Show 1e 101011 New York Dec 2A special from Poughkceptte N Y yIn y-In an Interview today with Ir Grace N Kimball recently a mlitlonary pity itclan at Yn Armenia I and who It I now nt Vassar college her attention was illrected to a report In a New York newspaper ol Saturday last from Con I tantlnople and to the dispatches from Waihlngton In the Sunday paper wherein Secretary Olney declare certain cer-tain statements alleged to have been made by her at Checkering hall New York to be unfounded Dr Kimball stated that the did not lay at Chlckerlng hall I or at any other place I either that the Knguin nag it me oniy one ret pected In Turkey or that fire American flag It I not respected II the was to reported the said the reporters nilt understood her She declare that what the did say In substance And now re petti It that In the Interior where most of the missionaries work and where the massacres have taken place the Ilrltlih flag It the one to which they look for protection |