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Show The Sact Lake Telegram. 10 The Evening Telegram, IF YOU WANT POOR COAL. We can get COLD WAVE DANGER HAS TELEPHONE KTJMBEBS. Business Office . DIAMOND PASSED SALT LAKE BY 240 228 Editorial Rooms T!NT.SrAV uvknino, pr.iTKMnF.it it for you, but probably you don't want it. The only reason we think some people do is because No WEATHER FORECASTS. 23. Salt Lake, Utah. Wednesday, Sept. . they, don't trade hero. Dooly Block. Tel'1042-KDooly Block, Tel. 1042-6 p. m. Thursday, mountill Forecasts tain time. Local forecast for Salt T.ake City and 100C x. vicinity Fair tonight and Thursday.WO. Denver, Colo., Sept. 23, UTAH Fair in north portion: partly cloudv and probably showers and cooler in south portion tonight and Thursday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer is highest over the Cenand extreme Northwest, and tral West lowest over the Southern and Northern Plateau regions.occurred over or portion and Precipitation Arizona, Southern California. Texas British Columbia, with largt amount ut uaiiiiisigsi The Man on Meighn St. Pour telephones: 2000, 650, '. degrees degrees ,l ill nur run MAIN ST.-i'- JEWELER KKNYON HOT HI.. l 5 fj iirgrifi dr grrex 'I 75 (lfrc .xKr. 7 ! YOUNG SHORT LINE The cold wave thai yesterday appeared over the British Northwest TerVictoria. B. C. l.vO inch. The temperature changes wcro slight ritory, directly north of. Salt Lake and and nninportant, except a fall of 10 to 'M during- the entire day threatened to degrees over portions of lontana. North and South Dakota. Minnesota. Eastern sweep down over the Inttnvmt.tain refreezing gion with Its burden of sr.ow and froft. Colorado and Nebraska, with N. D. temperature at Bismarck. last night changed Its murse nnd folR. J. HYATT, Local Forecaster. lowed down the eastern slop- of the Itockies and Is today moving slowly Temperatures Elsewhere. across the country In the direction of CHICAGO. Sept. 2H. Temperatures at 7 the (Jreat Lukes. a m.: New York and Boston, f.2: PhilaWhat Salt I.ake and vicinity ndss-M; delphia, 66- Washington. aS; SO;Chicago. narrowest margin, probably as by St. lxuls, the the Minneapolis, 42; Cincinnati, result of some unrecorded atmos64. pheric disturbance, may be judged by the effects the cold wave had upon tli temperatures over the? upper Missouri liver valley, where during the night the thermometer fell from ten to thirty-fou- r SNAP SHOTS AT degrees and freezing temperatures wet" recorded. Only a slight fall occurred here, while Salt Lake was being FilthiHOME NEWS. ly influenced by the cold wave. Dr. Hyatt the clanger from that cold wave is fays and that the tempassed Former Salt Laker Is in Town. perature will remain about a? It Is for hour?. Emanuel Manca. formerly proprietor of the next twenty-fou- r the ienna cafe in this city, but now of in Salt Iake. Seattle, Wash., is together With his family. 28S, 623. ill AN IS PROMOTED i EloTft, Oil s Ctor. - SCHOOL OPENING UTAH OPTICAL CO. J. II. Knickerbocker, O. D. Royal V. Daynes, O. D. WiUlPlillli. m OF Miss Murray Upturns Home. YOU WANT.' WE HAVE IT. '.Phone feGS. Burton Coal & Lumber Co., 6 W. SECOND SOUTH ST. frwiHw.wf iip.immj fire Miss Anna Murray of the C.ohn Bro. Dry Goods company returned" this week from New York, where she has been on a six weeks business trip. DIAMOND LOVELINESS Is a uniquely brilliant and valuable form of beauty. Our greatest pleasure is to aid you in selecting and in setting for you one of the perfect gems of which our Btock is replete. We also carrv a large variety of watches. Suit your fancv here and compare prices elsewhere. It's our kale. C. E. W. BOWERS, Jeweler, 235 Main St. bid was $12fsi. Not Odell, tho Trait Man. The William Odell who was accused of billiard balls from the- Clift house stealing bar. is not the William tkMl who works at the Success fruit stand, nor la he a member of that family. Funeral services over the remains of Melissa C. Burton Kimball were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Fifteenth ward meeting-housThe remains were viewed by many friends between the hours of 1:30 and 2 p. m. e. Fi-t- Mother and Son Are in Hospital. o At the Keogh-Wrighospital yesterday Mrs. W. C. Lammlns of Wolcott. was operated on for tumor of the Wyo., neck, son underwent an and her operation for hernia. Both operations were successful, and at hist mother and son were resting well. reports ht pick r.out a.sj .1 Is to leave it to som-- i reliable Mc jeweler. Conahay, , ! four-year-o- instance. ld Girl's Eody Is Shipped Home. jrtv The body of Miss Mary Colllr., who commltte. suicide in this city Monday night, was this morning sliipind to Soda Springs. Idi., for burial. Tiih ments were mudo yestirday by arrangeUndertaker O'Donnei' who was In communication with the iead girl's father. No inquest was held ovt?r the remains, tho caube of death bing considered obvious. 1 jr Mrs. Mary Hcpworth died at the home L'tS Y-- l THE fORD HOTEL JOHN Ft. NORTHS. Hot and cold running Proprietor. water in room 100 rooms, 20 private baths. every 344 W. First So. St.. Salt Lake City. Utah. mmm l:J-,- l - -- ..fry, H '".,.-.- ! KRIEBEL NOT WORRIED H. SOMETIMES Wo are able to show a more than line of CLOCKS one And this is of the occasions. Clocks of every style are in this collection, and every one is really handsome. Even the strenuous little alarm clocks have their own good looks. There are clocks for the bedroom, parlor, dining-rooand hall. All are accurate timekeepers and really excellent value. To make mom for my fall shipment, will give ?pcctai prices on clocks this month. OVER $10,000 SUIT usually-interestin- m W. W. HALL, Jeweler SOUVENIRS AND VIEWS. 227 SOUTH D.IAIN STREET. 'Phone 1421-y. II. Kriebel says he is not worried over the action taken by Mrs. Mellor, M. who sued him for $10,000. as he can without any difficulty prove by the court records' that ha was justified in causing her arrest and that he was actuated by a desire to recover his property rather than to injure her in any way. PLEASE HIS CUSTOMERS. One lb. of the Best Paper, 40c. No Typhoid Germs in Hosier's Flour NOR I M PURITIES IX ANY FORM. NOTHING i liEST BUT ONXY $1.00 THE SELECTED EXPERTLY ! The usual low ratrs will ho rnndo via Oregon Short Fine. Tickets on sah? from Ogden &nd inter mediate points, October 1st to 6th. inclusive, final limit. Oct. 12th.. all other points Sept. 3)ih to Oct. 5th. inc.. limit Oct. loth. See agents for particulars. GROUND. Ogden and Return, Via Oregon Short Line. Football game, U. of C. vs. Ogden High School. Specie! train 10:00 a. m.; leave Ogdtn, 11:00 p. m. PLEASE HIS CUSTOMERS. One lb. of the Best Taper, 40c The Deseret Cigar is one of merit. Try it. All dealers have them. G. Bernstein, maker, 54 Market Si. 'Phone i it. t v t'.t V. r. c I II t I ,.n - v - ;' c. t i v r : V P : if ' i . r. ii j j : if ' i ' i 11 ; ! r-- , j; t ft j J 5 Tj i7T I'-VI-X tlmplC or f.uoic r - .... - TonialoSnle fro::: 1?: Ja I Fatrohr.au. iu CPJr.rn'A Clothe. Cnlns Entmnei nnd Plnrr Mit Under Art rst. n'ni h fjfI I lat l The '.-- ai. cia.ry-- c I 1 lie ' I'-- i':: ' pirl e."rt" nth T4 M-.;.- i i ,ir.;i:, "r. t . ... P.ur . t;r.,ibb h.c to P"-!,e.- . p In H ri!7. r 5 , . ! -.. !;-- t j.uh i.n GERMS . . - .t . ? , --f. .bnl-r- ! h'i rth . I. ' . ,.-- ' : te.irv ioii , f i.l . . t ; ( - ! - I .4 t ' - - r. ? vl ' "1 E .It ' i ci? 4;. I i IIS Wot 5l A. 1 1' . tc 4 .i H 1. f w re .it r-;- r f T.I It K .? 4 1fcniM...lMt rw. y Short I.Pie Kullioa.l . was today n.ad" the d. f r.dar.t ... u jr.i),ooo dfinuKo suit brought by A'vlu Mottt nsf n. which is to l e due a damagfH sustained while in tht employ of the company. The complaint recites that about June 1. 1?m), the plaintiff inteie-th employ of the railway comi :;riy. being at that time 19 years of age. and unlearned In the English language, as well as unaccustomed to railroad work. ' It Is althe leged that on June 11. was working for the defendant asplaintiff a section. hand between Moxa and Granger. On the day in question lie was riding on a hand car. w hich war without a brake, and was moving at a rapid rate when one of the defendaht'a locomotives came In sight, running on the Fame track, and wa.4 about to collide with tl. hand car. The defendant's atloincs claim that at this time the plaintiff should have been instructed to Jump "n' the hand ear, but on the contrary was nHowed to get off the car. In fiot:t, and In iMal.ins an effort to stoo sair.e was run over, bruising bin body badly and breaking and spraining his spire, in consequent e of which the plaintiff p. rmaner.tlv rcripfled and injured, being compku'y paralyzed In all parts of l is Poly. Ort-go- 154 A1AIN or.i-pan- t5 .MAIN 1 nWUbaa i. j 154 AtAlN -- alP-K-- n r CO AY lo, WILL OPEN SATURDAY jljredenjifnin5(9 "VVj-o- Ccnrct Chths Ar Mn their njv store. N 74 Main St.. with a complete line of new stock of the FAMOUS ALFRHD M:VJA MIN cc CO. CORRHCT CLOTHIiS FOR Mi:N. Fine Hats, Fine Fur. nishins. the choicest e!ections of Aen's Wearing App.ue! ever ii v,n in this or .my Western u Wait iIt and sec how true the city. statement. At iirm Pi. IcSW . v. , i SALT LAKE JOBBERS WILL VISIT IDAHO The Commercial dub's, co:np lttf on railway and transportation met "at tp.e clubroorrs last night for the purpose of details of the jobbers' assoarranging ciation excursion into their Idaho and Oregon territory. The excursion will be run some time next month ami a trair.load of the jobbers will go to become personally acquainted with their cu:tett:. EXCURSIONS TO SALT LAKE 1 ''m 1 j j IB L GRAY " 154 aoBrza MAIN 15-- 4 AAIN CO. k 0 f sit LX RUb 1 Sept. 30th to Oct. Cth. Via Oregon Short Fine, for Conference and State Fair. The usual very low rates will be made from all Short Fine points. See agents for full particulars. He ti tj ' n STREET 15-- 4 - Li sit Willi Large Sam. Th t &e-4- ti OSTE0PATH . I I - E. HrJ i;j . i J 1C . .. - i t . l v' . tL -r 1CS1. - ' i :x t i .irfrU In:r r .' f ' !ri L'. I1HX.AI1 r.i or caJ 1- Vienna Modal Bakery AJ.'n cate. IIi;;b IV.V; ' el :! .... T.or rr'.tti - II ' -- 2 t . t V & - r ... . t . r, c!t:T,' P:.. Put !!. - i- u i:..r,! up. j e ; In n.-v- i 'C ,'- : , . OV 7C: ! ! .. .. .t- Iryn-- n. .ik-- r. - 1- i MH;'' Jtoxfr. l ham r.ue,l P,)U. :s-;rin n th'" ii j. . t, l I :.i if Tt. 'i Hill Soda Fountain n coram orr. rcricrncr. yc-i- ; If. :! ; K..;.!,s; nii t?.e. i - l .. 't'l s Wte- f irb AhbejU.!. r,, liJt r; P. W.iJIm-ri-Jt.lll' .H..,l ill e'hnit.. !. Is,- -. P.;ttti:n.an p.lSsv.J i t ntrnli'l Iv.O P "HI! I .,f,,l j i:a;t' ln, .! n cn - bv Pi : I, cr, TYPHOID IV A. e , i- ir.il u'j, . """.. n A . i CUT PEJGSS. 1 VTU.l-'i.'.-l.- . , 'tr.'.t . Tu. -lti FEYER 51-- U ,' GA3inLING-I!0US- E j P l ' (if POLICE RAID OPEN J . SccJs.Cut Flowers. Calbs - I i l.wrrv 1: I :.' i . A For ii't . -r. . I ' t . e.'.i,. . , . r v. . .. I, . I. ; ? v rurniture ard Carrol lasttUrarat . r i i ?. '. m f t " ' 't r i - r. ' X . . M IvA tar.oog i rr.eetlr.tr. I CONFERENCE AND STATE FAIR. i f r'-- ' v . l -- r-. : i ' J ' . '' Wise T. in an parable. I. 'rn j.l,' ft' f .. t f..-- n i n p.. Vi : . - ' , I e biilii?- Alvin Mortensen Sues the Short Line for That . i C-'- lite OF A Tl DA A I i i '. .m ,' - PLEASE HIS CUSTOMERS. One lb. of tho Best Fuper, 40c. Mrs. King Pleases Audience. Mrs. Martha Royle King was the soku.-t- t at the organ recital yesterday afternoon at the Tabernacle. She sang "Hear Us Oh. Father" (Reuterj in a pleasing manner, and was heartily encored. Prof. gave several selections, including the "Oberon Overture" (Weber). "Evening Star" (Wagner). "Solvelgs Leid" (Gneg). "Largo" (Handel) and "Chrivt- iiius uiienuire i.einmens). KENYON HOTEL. European and American Plan. Salt Lake City's new hotel. Incom- , the ity. - in d-p- ot. " : i t iw.it5"n tie u: .in Tin: ttt ri -. ;- - ti- .r. ' o j Mr. 1 $50,000 (. ,j. to Chief Janiet I)evlne of the ru department, w ho ha len attrr. Llns ti e Int rnntional Association of Fire ChUfp. In convention nt Atlantic City. N. J.. returned last night. Chif Ie vine m.Tle thorough In; c. li'ini of th il partri-nt- s In "hj aKu. w York. Phll.idrl; hi.r. Kanun r;!y an I Denver ar.d I i K d up many valuable Ideas with regard to u. tr- pdit n uppliance ar.d flu tSKhtl: t;i tl !. There were fire chief- - n the ,,e. vntloii. Chattar.',c i w.in the t;. xt convention. Chief Hi!:h'Hti of San Fr ir.- w.ik cai;d h"-,by f i k .. J .ltd plated the San Franei.ti f ,mi .i!:n t r tbe next convifi'.ion In the Pan,: t.f '!iif Ielr.". San Frnn.io rnt-teth f.M to.i late win out. Put Chi f InvJif m a p!end I Fir.ht, ho.mI il.ue. The convent!tn will In all prfbatllity in. t in Sa:i Fr.uu.co nft r the cii..t' eleven-year-ol- r-- fni,:M U; . ' ;,;.;! i?',fstl : ', j An Intel pstins and evidently worthy - - ' t . I'Or.Nri r d 5 s:d Ni v. j, r Con-ventio- n. Sick Woman, Separated From Her Children, Is Stranded Here. of her daughter. North Third V st street, lat night, at the agf of hZ. Her death was due to several complications and ailments incident to old age. The deceased has been a resident of Utah for forty years, coming here fro.n Three sons, Joseph, James and England. Samuel Hepworth, and one daughter, Mrs. Balm-fortsurvive her. Notice of fui-ra- l will be given later. Mc-Clell- h.V"T Lit ii f i itJT' nl of l!.- - Fire Chief Dcvinc Returns From the National SORE NEED tion of Th Telegram jester day. At No. 212 South Fifth West slreet i a mother. Mrs. Mary I vanovltsch. and d her daughter, who ar anil stranded in Salt Like penniless and unable to fin the ways and mean to get to Pueblo, whither their eyes uri; turned longingly. They ar Austrian, speaking English, German and French, but eni t have had very bad lu k In Anierl. n. Mrs. Jvanovltsch Is ill herself and h r cither little ones are j;i thh.. at Pueblo. Tears tllied her eyes as she tnM h r man. Sip misfortui.es to a T( is stopping with yotr.e Italians ar th an I walling ltio (Iranie- Western for something to turn up t er. ibU her to get all her little family together in Pueblo. ' - 't- I l hhrt c POINTERS h, MiM. , iir-- .ipt-'S- M OTHER IN Pioneer "Woman of Utah Is Dead. European and American. European. American, 12. I). S. T .f r.ut. PC KED UP case, of need was brought to the atten- Many Attend Kimball Funeral. 't " . N-- J. H. Reese of this city has secured the contract for the construction of the road from Brigham street to Fort Douglas. His . Llr.-- ii u j f to Post "Will Cost S12,S00. Fvoad 1. m.tn vis-itin- If ANY KIND Tho best way Txclght Acfiit cf the 2Ittl- - ! - - it u - Una come and gone again and your children have commenced to settle down for their winter's work. Now Is the time to note carefully the effect of close application on the eyes. If there is any disposition toward inflammation, headache or other symptom of eye trouble of .whatsoever- nature, consult us at once. Our free examination service is at your disposal. Prescriptions filled. o lun! nv.j- - t in-n- LICHTENSTEIN dcjrnr ..V, W 5 3 I Today's Temperatures. o'clock 7 o'clock 8 o'clock 9 O'clock 10 o'clock 11 o'clock 12 o'clock 1 o'clock 6 licri. v. If rzn Hie mJ. if th"v it tunc t prio-- W'v Change in Local Tem perature, Declares Fere-- , caster Hyatt, for One Whole Day at Least. cn. 1IKC MAIN |