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Show The Salt Lake Telegram. 6 WEDNESDAY EVENING, KEPT EMBER 25, lf03 ' FERNY FERN ST OM MAY EGGS ARE RANK POISON TO THIS MAN FROM OHIO AGAIN BE A CANDIDATE B. D. POETRY T1m You !( Declares Mormons Should Have Half the Members Even an Egg Shampoo in 3 of the Council and Half the Jfibs. : a Barber Shop- Affects in Most Remarkable Manner. Him- - FERNSTROM SAYS MORMONS DEMAND HALF. OR CAKE ALIKE A EE TABOO. 0 0 0sci be filled with an equal number of Mormons and Gentiles." MAN FERNSTROM. Councilman Ferny Fernstrom, who j for the past six or eight years has repre- sented his precinct in the City Council, seems determined to retain his membership seat in that body even at the sacrifice of his Democratic politics. He was in his tailor shop today when seen L a Telegram reporter. "Mr. Fernstrom are you a candidate for he was asked. "No, sir. I never put myself up as a candidate, but if I am nominated I will accept the candidacy.' "What are your claims to "I have none that I will speak of; it is for the people to say. I point to my record." "Would you accept any nominaiion other than that of a Councilman, say for Mayor?" "No, sir. That is as high as I desire to go in the municipal government." ' On what political ticket will you run." "Democratic; most decidedly, but I would run on an independent ticket if the other candidates were all right." "What do you think of the present Mayor." "In my opinion he has been a very i COUXCIL- - conscientious officer and has handled the city's interest to the best of his abil- uy. 7s is not true that the present Coun- cilmen were elected as eleven Republicans and four Democrats?" "Yes." "Why is it then that they have divided into factions of eight and seven?" "I do not think that political or relig ious views have anything to do with the division. It is not long after a new Council is elected, before every member and drops his party lines, votes according to his temporarily best Judgment, regardless of creed or politics." "Is it true that the solid represent the Mormon church?" "I have never thought of it in that way. Out of the fifteen Councllrnen about ten belong to the Mormon church." "Do you believe that the church should control the Council?" "No." "Would you accept a nomination on a ticket?" "Yes, sir. Providing the ticket were properly gotten .up, with good men at the head I would accept a nomination of City Councilman. eight-Coun-cilme- non-partis- n an BOUGHT A PISTOL AND KILLED HIMSELF Old Man, Suffering Many Afflictions, Decides That Life Is Not Worth Living. H. 23. Seattle with Keys arrived here today from whom he captured in George Pensacoia, 'H. New Westminster. C, about two weeks ago. The prisoner is accused of the mur-d- tr of Fred Potter at Dutton's Landing, this country, on the ISth of August. Ha has confessed to the kifing of Potter, whom he stabbed and threw into Suisun bay, but claims that he acted in self-de- ft nse. rroteetjte AreUt1oa, SCIENTIFIC O; COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS ! CD. (II. 8nd the si tew 3 T4it n. tor atana for H4 IM t. atana ) IS OFFICIALLY PANAMA CANAL TREATY rJ DEAD t 1 Fnn ( fj-iwr- n ;n . ln:irit V.-;.- ? . n Vrtrr'j r.c ro'i ir u. 1jv. Mr. At ' mrumt iln rn.nd w. t of th m, Ml h. n.rfo.-- . pi. It H s ijwrtor In arrnde. ir-- I f S . from Mir.lUrr . , utirx th" al F ll-aut- -jr c.r.-lhi- prrst rrl lrty. (! in 'th,rf in th eonvrrttvon. t;r 3af r ! x-re- ! ; Mar-TKjil- , f- - t. I r- l r Ka-tl- Captured Cuban Rbl. II Ttv,rl Ut tUM - j r.J Juan I?pf-t- h ar 5 lfair i . C-m- ft-- rt riK'rt tnurrrt J?t. f th Ir-1-d- X r-- tr-- fitorji'f that tri1 i;i ItUUtur who It 1 - . i. a-r- 1 . anl protection In ail ilar.Kr'y hs:pe t hrr. v. fjirh s'.lKhtrjt r.'f rf a f.ivor.ib!" lU". pbrs. enher roads In th" Htut". Mr. r Abbott A rrirt Is cujffnt hrtr- that Ih" In a as In eth'f n" HtMtr. fM!fin h3 pr.jf 'Vmrcn In crud". nod in nfn" Instance Sn a iancr with f- -.l-Marttti'.iSa reidnt rbthtl n. cor.ditit a thU rIf to tieeoU.it" uiwcr treaty. Mr. AbtK tt !id thnt thr ofTb for th" rt hould Utn mil In tw. fr'ni depaitmrnt cTjwct Psan aprrtpr1a.lo: i a rouniH lon. to b" hu nxt (Vrr.,MIn dnrine 1 hltrh lr-- . Imrrovlr.iS could rrr t of tl.i pub'tr frlfr,: t ;hrct:Kt:oit thi rn'intry. In r by ih fear of futu'tr I" made Utah win. cf coari". proprlatlon hl t'orerrM. w'lh t its pro rritw. h I' r r1 rampairn for th" th" Fn'.rnLlan 1. triadf with th'a In vlw. It K Mr.' Ilrrnn. rr,.n : un-trnntni- el! nr rt-onl- NEGROES OBSERVE J - 1 In Mr. Abbott will attend th r d fatls lo Im hM In Srokat." n xi '1v-nt!',- intr.th. im-porta- nt Kan-a- r.T art Strong: TrituU lo Lincoln 3Sak drlf; frr th- of Salt Jjikt't ColExfrd In th" h i" that a way ma) pr"s-r.- t reored Population. Vrt found lo utraitrhton out th" t th" Fat.- rri. di.TbniHv in th" t..th otna "f Flt Th" rt 1 tlurir-th to hi l' trrx--- s'nn ta'i " th" Nlcar r l!ow h naiur I i s t-- tvj,xr, ff - -t rt t- ? i w " "j - hr i - I'-'t- a. I ir-- h-- 1- FROM v- w.-.it- -E . n-am- t- 1 ff FOUR STATES, e, nlu!r fr ii'if 1 -r - f., i.. tbi t-- rut. ; - EMANCIPATION DAY rreb!r.l ilfrrvrlt H" can rxt tr. ur. l"f lb" sto r.ow take lh rd : Work on the Rock Island. rvtnt any ut el t ft n l NEW frra ituatlon Jn Crr-ll- t WASHINGTON. Kpt. Zl. When the with th lrt-all- v fiu-Is 4 that th lrm rf thr Mat department U i W Abbott of th food r!d tej y at J.rrf rr.rr,t-rIn th ih cf vl.don of th icrlcuitural department ar oclok It nut jutreM thsl th" tr.c i;I number r.!r.. expir cn hrre latt rlfeht from Ogdon. Me l Canal trfaty wis !. although right at, th ?th rf JuJt. shfn lb lif rf r. ! . TT.' C"ffc. lh wp.J pi rarni;;flriinff n;m j,ours y ur" lor me ptirje temalr.cd withht nl.lrh lh ! mvrm tf It ar r.lr :f with Jr.ss vP im c. ana will Ievc rori c'olomblin Forsrr m- V ,M. a.T Kntfir. l it nitht S.itt Irn trn!rlt f th Th" lh" bp to It Mr. AMtt the Oyvlrn rnynr atJve arllon Fn-to- r of th" treaty rr.-u, , Of th With W. r, d-- rv-lr.- ft don't like ua. ork w as re- City. Spt. .3 rt f.uni"l yesterday on th cortruct!on of tlie Meek Inland extension from An a- country." Such Ij- tv h!stcrof thhanfl-thi rn .m., rum. icx.. to iucuncuri. In 1'n'tfd ilown mi u5rm Contrary in was suspended several w:o. (irad- - , ,umn!(r tl Is ScrTl-r- y eks ArtSn. States Court ofotApp'j's A.f" rf th e H i irkal. nw lUm-paC. now In prosr on both tr.d? of KtI. t rtm. rl rm .!nd In th" rlty tht appUcatf n d. rjr in tl a hntcner- for l.irr-r-t'.i lin". Th connects the v. mrrny in r Ur ti ! 1" at t t n But Policc'Thought It Best wtlt f hatas Chnttaw. & (lulf II'- - k Is- jail Inin Alaska,a f"- a cor.sllf.itcil Oklahoma nn ar.v tnatU.n icfe.t whirh tho lr,nmitlv which ms i ft a t th" , corpus. fha i l nn trlKJtt rm? frrtll Mr. P'aupr" in ipiestl'n. i ri rtv to Send Him From Oys-st- er Tho writ W!is :ik."l for on was th pro irils lic k Island aystem. i Intc can.l tnattTs al I'p In . c " not 19.30 o'cl ek. bon e r. rot hlry had tl' it ft alir.ff a tlcK In Alaska ny. as this iimmsl Is not fprclflcally Dr. IPrran. ih 'v;w,lun rer"lL Largest Lo? Raft. In th? statutes. mentioned r.wa harir". al-- o Bay. S rt. r. -- Th" 1nrffrt San Frnnrlfro. I I mm r.ts was cut eve.ovrrr.ir.r th .mn Farific tow"d j,t. 0101 r.ft nrrlvrd her" rarly this rr.orr.ini? In low an!nted. of tl." Fran' l A. trtrc-il- r ft.OYSTER BAY, Sept. 23. A susFolombl.t. St I kt own. Is ar.xleu to U;.iti. it J..tk ,V'V 'ntalnp let k""P allv, ih" canal r r"uaiior.. wpt n l. in wurum .10 li picious character giving his name as 11... -, , rs . !n rl - . that ... .... , tt!(h fmt,f;i!nB Flv " y vlw will ..,v Samuel Swenyon, was held up by tha (t.i ul Ltin be r mrny, I Jn r.ot Wi.hknown lakt v cor urr.e1 tn Ih hoars twfntv secret service officer at Sagamore wi:h-Irston. wa not down whiih acut Incident.the coait, tin Ir.iererFrut f'alur" In rrr,r,"tSftn Hill yesterday afternoon while making an effort to see the President. He was turned back to the village, shadoweJ. Utah. stopped in Oyster Bay, searched, and later placed on a train for New York. EURHKA: Fom nek FrockK-tothlf rnterr.lat, th room ff Mrs. J.bn t.e He was unarmed and appeared to be the 1 II roomlnjr-housMonday aHut a harmless crank, possibly a religious niKht Silver nni took a purs fonlainine tii" lio'h watch, a valuable kM and J!) fanatic. wao In a tr ikt and laonov anil the watrh f rated His only object in coming to Oyster the robbery was m ioubiedlv I h us. th with on familiar Bay, he said, was to see Sagamore by sum" FANtU'ITCTI: Th" ohl of Hill and the President, about whom he Pnntrulirh Ooinh-- r iti. with the becln will t i:ra.. had heard and read a great deal. He followi) - teael rs in cbarce: Fir;-cond trr.ol". Ml- - Fiv.e f. Kate Clark; Mi. arrived here on the 3:13 train in the af- .o, l.'vmiHthir.! crade. Mh M t:l,!a ternoon but did not have a return ticket fMnrtti-rrrt.- . Ml..- Julll M. I'.'V: UflU ' to New York. After examining him prar'". .l'onn 11 Myer?. Jr.; pith TrU II Mttirle: Mevenlh rrad-- V.". thoroughly the officers were convinced si II. Prof. lt.u!" Jon". iirinh that he was entirely harmless and that The new libra r v. room in the school bull he was neither an anarchist nor a sois now finished and is a Rreat linire- cialist. r. v.l on the Fina'.ler on-u.'i iicrtio.r He readily acceded to the suggestion Mnvor Taylor of Trovo luasPlinVD: of the officers that he leave the villaere. rnt in 1h fitv rolltuil a IvttT PXITrfMnl- They aecompan'ed him to the station, Uiir Ids disannroval of th" methods and he bought his own ticket to New l,c(d to have b""n ued hy th" t"o;tr."il In securing: the unployttjent of Frank F York. He left on the 6:07 train, shakt b" ''.fT :if corsultlrjt ' : I'rn.-with hands the officers before he ing In extension terworks rinjon. entered the car. At no time did he who was F.tTP.l'KA: Patrick J. Lively, appear to be excited except when one peverely FmP-nnbiI'.u Pi" at injured of the officers at Sagamore Hill told reka mine si few months by th" ex him that if he returned he was liable rlosion ofii bos of Riant caps, ri turned to be shot. He left the hill in a hurry. to Kurek.i lat nlxht froM il" l w ii re he has b'en ?inc" ti. ' aei Ident. Mr. Lively Is now totally blind. Ills fr.eid will make an effort to ral" Btf!icl"nt monev to send him to a ' l.ill.t. in Pi" DOCTOR SAYS HE hope "of retraining the slyht of one of th" ov 3REIGNER 7 Cramrelal Dkxk. rer! Horr Driveway Through Ogden Canyon Is Finest in the West, Says. Janes W. Abbott. K- - pt. " 'm aKoutd. Top Floor FOR UTAH'S ROADS VALUABLE PROPERTY. S-- ' O. LUKE. General Manasw Merchant EXPcRT HAS PRAISE IN ALASKA ARE R 23. "A SAN FKANCISCO. chattel anl. ntxt to man. Is th" mct factor In th." past un.l h e e d - J. DIEGO, Sept. Capt. Teel. who has resided in this city for the past four years, shot and instantly killed himself today. He had long suffered from various afflictions of the body and was crippled. yartially He entered a gun store on II street this revolvers morning, asked to look at some one. He and selected a second-han- d asked if it was loaded and, on being informed that it was, started for the door, but before reaching it placed the weapon to his head and pulled the trigger, dyin instantly.Teel was possessed of considerCapt. able means, owning valuable property near Ashland, Or., and Sacramento, Cal. He was about 70 years of age, and leaves a widow of about the same age, who is prostrated over the affair. Confessed to Killing. Suisun. Cal.. Sept. 23. Sheriff James A. SAN .RIMLESS rriANCI3 had never rfrgt. met a jhlc'.an who knew just exactly how lo prticriU for It. He cannot cat egjra in anything", and th fays he la compllet to forr cake. Ice cream or t'e of rgg bread, anything Uc In which an ega t tired. CINCINNATI. O.. Sept. 23. The physicians of Cincinnati may have a r.;w disease to combat if W. F Swope, Sheriff of Owen county, suffers much lon-- r. Mr. Swope arrived at the HMcl Honing with Mrs. Swope. At dinner Mr. Swope ordered some soup, which contained an egg, and he had hardly left. the table before he was taken dcathl-sick and had lo b? ,ent to hU room. There his rnr.iltlon became ueh that It was necessary to tend for Dr. Weatherhead, who, after an examination, pronounced it a cas of egg poisoning, and stated that hi rat lent was In a very serious condition. The disease which attacked Mr. Swope Is one of the most peculiar known to the annals of medicine. YVhenevei he eats nn egg. no matter how fresh, he becames deathly sick, and his face and body break out a? ' he agr he had been poisoned. A few yearsUs hair entered a barber shop to hive the white dressed, and the barber usedburn-d Mm of an egg on his head. It so bidly that it was nce?ar to ivivo at tne chair and have his head his afterward minute Ten the sink. fnci ha t broken out In white n ot., at.he! for weeks afterward It was so tore could not bear a towel on It. On his arrival here he ordered a but failed to state th it hearty dinner, an egg In any shape not eat he could or form. It was served to himi In soup and was not p cptlbb but In five minutes after lu had partaken of the soup he beame deathlytofkk. h'.s and It was necessary to send him room and summon a physician. DOGS 9d that wul&. m lnu attacked by the am dfwas Mvtr- tlnu be fere. nd that It never cam on Mm except when h ate He "In view of the fact that the city is GO per cent Gentile and 40 per cent Mormon; that the Mormons now have ten of the fifteen members of the Council, .nd have virtually every city, county and State position, big and little, how should the two factions be represented on the municipal ticket?" "I believe that a City Council as well as the ether city ofTlces should I bn that he hid ld 8rop tbt couV4. you hn fc rtn-Wf- cer fc caa'V you catrb Mm. aayv WE COUUtCT IT hn K ranta, HSa Joy It knw no Wand the Kjyna Mitn t bark tn a lark-- Ac! Corot they're w eoJn U. D.'a alt IS I. li. man. BREAD Mr. ln.f4 he aJ4 now h Ad Iwt a4lp ICE CRHAHt EGO a D. It. fnan . - e n r-.- .:. ar, jv-rtta'l- 1 ye. viriri'.y crtrlM t tat v trt n st ; f, r f r t rhit. In th :n th M'thcw.tt eiiTfi tJrcti mt" f'frioij tti ".r.s Fraf k'.in r'n,3, ar.3 l th f ;ka a! IS ram the t l.marcsp5f n tay r-- t'!r Jit r"l lrtV. u uf' W. rcur.rti i r-- J rfrf r.ff tfr.r rs h m(J? tr jtrr.Sto ethrJ rr.r n Tair. it rt H utr-- tbI If. V ?C hatre mrr. f. t t a J. r :.lf rf the r na Th" : tJ t r jtt - a rad th" laet A rtf f.flyr lirar m mm 1 tJ-- t tm-- rfrlt;n r;r-ttll!y lJr.rr--nAt r ? am r f r r': t iorj t n . . " ho r-- U t!rr,c, o'4,l iiv . ti t-- rf j rf tho ho at Jotv. f, I -- r. ; !i'-;- fc fiif!i frrtr in t" ir. ; rr-ii-.--. r. 1 f.--- r f t k f ' t iy rf th I Oil ! i i(t - I- -. . " I L With Itching, Burning, Seal the 4YdIw" K'-ls-- o l Hours Find Instant Belief and Speedy Cure a-x- WAS ROBBBED OF $26 3. LOfJAN: Clerk T.arsn of C.ifho cotm has Issu'-- th" foil iwlns inarrla" II ty onuses: O tri'iic; 1. Hans n. a is. t Flarlb.-in. In)th of Pr" aed Nc-lPolice Arrest Dick McCullough and ton; d 2. of Pro A. Farsvo. to Ande?son. Adeline nee, ned 2", of Find That Amount in an In- 22, or Field- LoKan; John l.ars.-na:d in?. to Dora Ph Hon. ngi-- 21. of Heaver;side Pocket. 2;. of Ovid, to Han1'arlev nai .w. n.i'!n;'sii!i, ti ni.ru j.'. n wio; of Afton, to Anna KtKleston. asrt Dr. C. W. Xunn of f.7 West KitPt South M. l'et- rson. a Red --'0, of Qruver. street complained to the police late last I'IZOVO: Tti" following petit JurorM fr.r t"rm vr.ire. returnabl" 0.niht that he hud been robbed of $Cf. He tho )etobr luth. have , n drawn in tl:' Fourth saicl a man had held him up near his office District court: yumnd Iladma'.l, Mhta pr.d had searched his pockets. Hezzant. Plcaant irove; lt ubeii Mar-plial- l. Hubbard Tuttle. David A. F.vks. morning Dick reOuIIouRh Early this near was the Calh n hotel bv Paarrested Fork; Ftinst Martin. Provo; WilSpanish trolman Johnston, to whom Dr. Nunii had liam Kofford, Samuel lUrr. tt, Prou complained. pench; Albert WHiinot, Will Hnntir kIom. McCullourh made no effort to escape, SnrlnRVllU : Aufut IN ter.s..n. Ilynni II. but denied that ho had robbed Dr. Xunn. I't rrv. Mapbtoit; Albert M.uhvcII. p." John It. Msinl.wk, When searched at police headquarters, JJ Alfred M. w as found in an inside pocket. e was L hi: Thomas It. lit Ills, S.uua'piln ; t b oi P.. Moore. Wllllua Whitman. Joseph charged with highway robbery. S. Dotil.ifiH, Paysoii; Nathan F. S:o-il- . Lake Shore. HADDOTT CIIATIBEBS' l in Guticura Soap and Guticura G ;! a. lj.-ns.o- t't i - All got one, you kuow. Sonic small, sonic large. The more ''yellow" in your make-up- , the less yellow gold in your character and pocket-boo- - Remedies and the Best Physicians Fail. When All Other Instant relief and refreshing sleep for babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment, the great ski a cure, and purest of emollients, to b& ekin-tortar- ed followed in ravcre cases by mM.d dose1 of Cuticura Resolvent. This Is tho purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply glan and scalp humours, eczemas, rashes and irritations, with loss of hair, of infar.ts and children, as well as adult3, ar.d is sure to succeed when all ether remedies and physicians fail. Millions of the world's best people now use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying aud beautifying the skin, lor cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of fading hair, for softening, whitening and eoothing red, rough and sore hands, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, ba'.h and nursery. Thousands of women recommend Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment the great fkm cure, for annoying irritations, dialings and weaknesses, or too frea or ollensive perspiration, for ulcerative conditions, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily Buggept themselves. Cutirur RMolveat.SOe. fta FoVa ttiTr.othotit the tto-form of Chocolate l oat'ii Pille, E..C. per vial of X), O'r.s. 27 Chrt!ri;ou mcnt. yu:. Sonp. 2"c JP"U london. Bor.ton. I.'.? CnhimSua A7 Sq.; rsnn. 5 Hue ie la t?r Ijrue find Cbem. Corp., l'roprie;m. KJ- - Sad Uti H Cutcuxa tkiu Boob." h-- tja-mi- PLAY RECEIVED WITH GROANS. k. Is your yellow streak the coffee habit? Does it reduce vour working force, kill your energy, push you into the big crowd of mongrels, deaden what thoroughbred blood you may have, and neutralize all your efforts to make money and fame? n;' Idaho. Flt.irham V.LACKFOOT: bur rour.iys fa.r will ho-- the boards for th n. xt two ltl.nkfo"t ;nd weeks as th siilraetlon for do-produced Haddon Chambers's play, Vlclnitv. Whll" tin fa'r tabl-- s jiot t'i'n until next Tuesday, raclnit and ex"The Golden Silence," at the Oarrkk hibitors have already t ijun to arrive, and theater last evening:. It proved to be ho great is th- di matel for tail" room has b"ert the a?sori.iti.-a very disappointing1 comedy. Mi that to double Its Ptall room. Horses cmpellTt from Hlt Bourehier has seldom received a cooler Fake ;ity. Futte. tne;-and Idaho ar' ilaily. and the ra e feat .:rarriving reception, his part, that of an Amerifair JS b" lit" b ?t the programm" can painter, beir.p; the feeblest In the ever in the county. given the. close of the performance play. At V. F. Carter of SALMON CITY: Haddon Chambers came forward unof manaKi-th" Iialil Minin? City, bowed from the stae. He invited and b is for six bad si fore" was received with a chorus of groans. company, of men divel jp'.ng th' lam"y ground n nr Forney. He has npend a vein Z ' f t LONDON, Sept. LC Arthur F.ourchler - - - li-l- s Hal-mo- n w-e- N02T-UNI0- MINERS ON THEIR WAY TO RANDSBURQ. wide, all of which is in pay ore. Nevada. Council of TVno has The BAKERSFIELD. Sept. 23. A consign- Inaugurated a City campaign of stre t Imn th gravlen, ment of twenty-on- e Including raising of miners provement, 1 n an bad of reeontruc-tlocrosvnqs repair pass.ed through here today bound for of defective nld' walks nnd paveTiard?burtr to work for the Yellow Aster. ments. The work will be carried on durTwo of the shipment had deserted at ing the entire autumn. when the train reached laesno, andwas met by a committee from it t'ae county labor council and tho Western Wyoming. Federation of Miners, the latter coming RAWLINS: The annual m""tlrg ofWvo-minthe from the rr lnes at Mojave. Four men were grand lodge. Knichts of Fyihias of nt re. i nere are now iu will be h"ld in Fawllns iIJi'ituaucu and about loo mer. working at the Yellow tomorrow. (Irand Chanct llor today S. most of them coming from Joplin, Keister arrived today from Im ler. A. It I. I Mo. The union men are still In camp, expected that forty or t'.fty will pome working on other properties and be present. A dance and banquc; will be eome prospecting for themselves. j;lvene the visitors tonight. 11ENO: non-unio- It docs that very thing for thousands who don't suspect it. Languid, half sick, stomach and bowel troubles, heart weak and hardly half alive, you cannot succeed under such fearful handicaps nowadays, when the world only yields the crown for the best efforts of keen people. 'ts . fY A f i i i on conee nuuu uacic to a clear-cu- t ior iu mind and uays. leaving iry healthy body by Postum Coffee. That's the true route to health, and with bounding exuberant health you acquire "Energy plus.n 1 ? 1 - x Then, to "do things" is easy. There's a Reason. Uak-ertdie- ld Have a try. g. n As-ter-, Xote. Postum is only ood to the taitc when well boiled. Thca it is prime nd toothioruc. |