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Show TKE NEPHI, UTAH S, LOCAL HAPPENINGS BIG Miss Genevieve Gr'over, who Is Mr and Mrs. George GoMen, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Golden, motored teaching school at Ephraim, Utah, to Salt Lake Sunday for a short visit spent Thanksgiving Day with her mother Mrs. R. E. Grover. with relatives. HOLIDAY OPENING SALE Wm. Foote was taken to the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cole Bpent Thanksgiving Day in Ogden, the Provo Hospital Sunday suffering with a severe attack of appendicitis. guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole. An operation was performed which Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wbitmore, was successful and Mr. Foote Is Mrs. Geo. C. Whitmore, and Mrs. getting along nicely. He was acPearl Huffman motored to Salt Lake companied to Provo by his wife, Mr. T. A. Foote, and Mr. V. M. Foote. Wednesday. Saturday and All Next Week We have assembled a large stock of Holiday Goods and have on display as an inducement for early buying we are opening the season with Big Price Reductions. If you want someone to examine Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Irons, and Miss Louise Irons, motored to Salt Lake your eyes instead of testing your Wednesday for a few days visit with own eyes which is about what occurs la the average test where relatives. nothing but the test card and lenses are used call on our Dr. C. L. Mrs. Matilda Peterson, State Primary Supervisor visited the schools Evens. He will be in Nephi, at the of Nephi, Mona and Levan, Tuesday Forrest Hotel, Sunday, Dec. 21st, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. prepared to and Wednesday of this week. really examine your eyes and presAlexander Mr. and Mrs.' W. C. Andrews re- cribe proper glasses. turned home Sunday from Southern Optical Co., Salt Lake City. California where they have been the past month on a vacation trip. All Fancy Dishes and Glassware 20 per cent off All Toys, Dolls, Doll Carriages, Wagons, Trycy-cle- s, 10 Per Cent Off Games, Books, etc Big Line of Women's Coats and Dresses Price 1- -2 $31.75 $26.75 $19.95 All Men's $40.00 Suits All Men's $35.00 Suits All Men's $25.00 Overcoats SERVICE STAR LEGION Lot Men's and Bovs' Overcoats up to $35.00 : $12.50 Choice . CAM) OK THANKS MEETING DECEMBER 11 We .take this opportunity ot extending our sincere thanks to our many kind friends and relatives who The regular meeting of the Serassisted us during the illness and vice Star will be held In the death of husband and father. Also CommercialLegion Club rooms next Thursto those who in any manner assisted day afternoon, December 11th, at 4 at the funeral. P. m. The following program has Mrs. Cert Kendall and family been arranged for the occasion: Community singing; vocal solo, ONE IX TE.N Evelyn Brough; Talk, Mayor Thomas l;n"iootinp; a little wound, cut or abras- Bailey; vocal solo, Erma Lunt; vocal ion of the flesh may in r.ine cases out of solo, Mrs. Louise Pyper; reading, R. ten cime i.o pre.it suffering or inconveni- E. Davis; piano solo, Gordon Wood; in but it is the one case tc.i that ence, Women's and Girls' Shoes and Slippers . . 15 Per Cent Off . All 'TIMES-NEW- GROCERIES New Crop Raisins, seeded or seedless . . 3 for 35c 2oc . New Crop Walnuts lb. 30c New Crop Brazils lb. 25c Mixed Nuts, New Crop lb. 35c , New Crop Almonds : Can. 5c . Small Size Milk 10 Bars Flake White Soap, 2 jap Rose and 49c Bag all for causes blood poisoning, lockjaw or a uhronic festering sore. The cheapest, :ifcst ard best course is to disinfect the .vouiid with liquid ISorozoue and apply he Borozone Powder to complete the process. Price (liquid) 30c, 60s x,A $1.20. Powder SOc and 60c. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY CO. A very cordial invitation is extended to the members to be present, and all other ladies interested in the State' Two fapital Connecticut had twp capitals, Hartford and New Haven, during the years 1701-187- Rollins Runstop always red and always at gives you complete silk stocking satisfaction. the knee Let us show you this new silk stocking recently announced in The Saturday Evening Post. No matter how many runs the garter may start, no run can go below the knee. Rollins Runstop is always red. Also as a mark of identification this label is on every pair right at the Runstop. mr ffa?r') CJ ROLLINS HOSIERY Miles of wear in every pair Silk Full-fashion- Style No. 2020 pure-dyepure silk with lisle top. In the color want. you All Silk Chiffon Style No. 2323 beautiful, clcarlv knit, pure silk chiffon. In the color you want. GRAND HOLIDAY GOODS OPENING King of Mount aint Mount Everest Is nearly as high as the combined heights of Mount Cook (the highest mountain In New Zeaa land), (the highest In Japan), and Ben Nevis (the hlgheot In Fujl-Yam- the British Isles). AT THE Nephi Merc. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE IS CHEAPEK WHERE SAVINGS TO SERVE UP ARE :L. YOU WELL. AVD FAITHFULLY GREATEST TURNOUT THE YEAR department stores 571 No more embarrass! garter runs MONDAY, DECEMBER 8th. OUR AIM: B runstop hr.-.li-- Chas. Foote & Sons ALWAYS j d canty, economy and a positive garter iww Given Away Free With every 25c purchase, a ticket which entitles the holder to a chance on the BIG DOLL and a 10 POUND BOAST OF BEEP to be given away to the persons holding the lucky numbers. Drawing to take place CHRISTMAS. Watch for Specials every SATURDAY during Uie winter on Meats and Groceries. CARTER MEAT MARKET mmm w.r.rt gsarffj? THAT ARB ALSO HANDSOME, fWD PLEASURE $ TOSATISFACTION BOTH THE 6IVR AND TBS ffiSr RECIPIENT OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF TIME!! OUR STORE OFFERS MANY Ift m m mi -- fr ... 4mm ILffl 4m$ SVSp Here Are Your Suggestions For Christmas Buying Vehicles For Children Give Boys Tinker Toy Sets A Good Assortment at Low Prices And Tool Chests! Children can not only "see the wheels go round" but they can make them go around and have lots of fun and exercise dolus it, If 8anta Claus brings them such gifts as these. There are Tot Bikes for the smallest children and Hcootern for the larger ones, besides other vehicle of various kinds. Coaster Wagons with diw, wheels, rubber tins and steel bolster tired. unci 7.iM . Scooters with disc wheels and rubber tires Tot Bikes with disc wheels rubber tires Velocipedes in a variety of sizes and styles Adjustable saddle Toy Sets of Wood from which many models can be made. Tool Chests contain tools which can be used in carpentry or manual training work. Tinker To, SH, Tool Ball bearing, rubber . to 8.90 89 $2.49 to $4.98 For Children .( DOLLS! The Favored Gift For Little Girls! What rift la more welcome to little girls than Dolls! They never lose their charm for their small "mothers" We have a splendid assortment of dulls from which you may choose at our lower prices. There are dolls with painted hair and hair and moving eyrs. dolls which look like eye, dolls with real real babies, and dolls which can say "Mamma"! In fact, we have every kind of doll one could wish for. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT! $1.69 to $7.90 , h RUBBER BALLS .H !.."( . ow Tinker ?H.fM Q.l.in uml START YOUR CHRISTMAS Italls for little children and bin ones! Children like the brightly colored ones. Choose from Inflated rubber balls with colored pictures, whistle balls, plain white Inflated rubber golf balls, white nursery balls wlth embosacd heads of animals or letters of the alphabet, and InflBted rubber golf bail with colored stripes. Our prices are quite low, due to the large number of balls bought Cc to $3.49 by this Company. XV I Mi VOC GIVE? Hi ore shunts fur the application of the Golden in all its deal We urge it application In charity. Ing Money Is needed to pioivde 40,000,000 simple meals for the fatherless children in Amerh a's rare In Syria. Palestine. Armenia slid Greece. Next Sunday will be Golden Rule Near East Relief Sunday throughout the country. This store will receive your con. We will be trihutions all of next week for this worthy charity. glad to forward your gift alon with our own J. C. Penney Co. The Toggery's holiday stocks are ready to help you solve your gift problems. A store full of happy suggestions. gets first choice. ,You will get courteous treatment and good service if you do your shopping here. The early shoppers We invite you to give us a call. 'I'll is The Toggery 1 I |