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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, pound notice op city KKFITK'S Select your wrist watch now Toggery. The Big Married Folks dance Hall December 10th. Choose your Christmas presents at the Gift Bazaar in the High School Building, December 9th, from 3:30 to 6 p. m. If you take this advice you will have money to put in into a Saving's Bank where it will earn interest and, one of these fine mornings an opportunity will present itself for investment and you'll be prepared. FOR SALE city lots, in alfalfa including one share ot water reas Mrs. E. Kirgen. onab!e terms. Bring us your welding jobs we can save you money. Don't throw away your hot water tanks we can mend them for a trifle Grace Garage Co. Come out to the big dance Mon day December 8th, at the Arlington Music by the classy Society Syncopat ors LeGrande Jenkins Orchestra bank. Choice, handsome articles will be on sale in the dining room of the High School bulding next Tuesday From 3:30 to 6 p. m. WE PAY FOR SALE good orchard, also 107 acreB of ridge land cheap. For particulars see Will L. Hoyt. 4 Notice is hereby given to i owner or owners of the animal hei inafter described and to whom so ever It may concern: That there I Impounded at the present time in the city pound the following described animal: One Black 2 year old steer wilh horns. Branded J. T. F. (com bined) on the right hip. Ear mark under half in right and swallow fork in left. Cost of impounding and expense of sale and advertising: $9.50. Amount required to redeem: $9.50. If Said animal is not claimed and all amounts due thereon paid, and said animal taken away within ten days from the date of publication of this notice, it will be sold by the city pound keeper at public sale at my correll December 15th, 1924, in this city, at the hour of 2:30 p. m. to the highest bidder. Date of first pub. Dec. Bth, 1924, W. P. Ostler, City Pound Keeper leader. Join the large number of depositors who are regular Savers at our Per Cent INTEREST. MOTHERS Watch for symptoms of worms in your children. These parasites are the great destroyers of child life. If you nave reason to think your child has worms, act quickly. Give the little one a dose or two of White's Cream Vermifuge. Worms cannot exist where this time-trie- d and successful remedy is used. It drives out the worms and restores the rosy hue of health to baby cheeks. Price 35c. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY CO Visit our store Monday, December 8th. and see our grand display of holiday goods. Nephl Mercantile Co Nephi National - AOS CLASSIFIED President Coolidge i Urges Economy Buy your Christmas Presents at the Amusement Hall Wednesday, December 10th, at 3 p. m. Bank Grace Gar I have a complete line of electric See me for any electrical work you may have. C. J. Pyper 9 6 West Center Street. material. This year we have absolutely eliminated fragile and useless "toys" and will feature things the children will enjoy for years. Anyone driving a car will save the cost many times over by having radio lite put into their batteries. Grace Garage Co Will saw your wood Into stove $2 per cord. See or write to H. B. Angell, Levan, Utah lengths at your home for Flexible Flyers, Velocipedes, Wagons for Boys, Scooters for little tots, Wheelbarrows and many other useful gifts. Remember that your batteries will It preser- not freeze with radio-litGrace es the life of your battery. Garage Co. e. Home Of Susan Worthlngton for sale, or three rooms to rent, also 2 share3 f water See George Worth, ington Cooper Pyper Co, B I S3 BE1 I I ATWATER KENT RADIO In THINK OK WHAT IS BACK OF IT a Perfect Radio Balance There dealer Is an ATWATER KENT Itadlo waiting for you at your with its promiBe of earnings filled with Joy. Examine the materials Used In Go and make Its acquaintance. ita construction; Its quality Is the bent that money can buy. Feel how smoothly the dials turns; that's but one example of its master And then listen to Its remarkable reception, note workmanship the sensitiveness In bringing In the stations you want. In ample volume, even from a distance. These qualities your radio must have to give you perfect satisfaction. Be sure of getting them all by buying ATWATER KENT. Your dealer will gladly Introduce you to your Radio today, and Instruct you In its operation. Sold by Silver Maple Service We are turning out the best of work at the minimum price, we specialize on Cher and Ford cars on re pair work Grace Garage. at the Come to free program Amusement Hall December 10th at 1 J .Aylr i JUSTWHATI V I WANTED ul if Vtl ffl I for christmas ' A KODAK . US TO PLEASE YOU I T LUNT PHARAMCY CO. Phone 43 Nephi, Utah, White Leghorn Chicks Selected -- - record parentage Postage prepaid. Sate arrival Buy your Christmas Presents at the Amusement Hall Wednesday, Dec. Jan. $14 Feb. Mar. $12 per UKAHAM HATCHERY December 10th, at 3 p. m,. Hayward, Alameda County California We are headquarters for all kinda of welding Grace Garage Co. TOYS 1 1 de any- - 3 p. m. - tJjf The Toggery Big Married Folks dance Amuse at the Come to free program Amusement Hall December 10th at . -- Ord and Mangelson Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry from the inexpensive to the exclusive await your selection. High-Gra- ment Hall December 10th. Sensible Gifts For Children JL supplies one of the greatest needs of the vacation season, a reliable writing implement with a self contained ink supply that turns all outdoors into a con- venient place to do all the letter writing that family tiesand social activities demand. IT PLEASES Christmas approaches the thought comes to us all to remember those near and dear, and it is a genuine pleasure to suprise and delight them. Our Judgine from the number that are put in their batter having radio-lit- e Grace Garage Co. can weld thing but broken hearts. ., As La Tausca Pearls make good Everything in jewelry The Toggery. ies, is proof of its value age Co. lrmsoisIbuntajjipea A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. That Last Gifts presents. C4 S." 100 SIGNS YOU CAN BELIEVE LY If your breath is bad and you have spells of swimming in the head, poor appetite, constipation and a general feeling, it is a sign your liver is torpid. The one really dependable remedy for all disorders ia the liver, stomach and bowels is Herbine. It acta powerfully on the liver, strengthens digestion, purifies the bowels and restores a fine feeling of energy, vim and cheerfulness. Price 60c. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY CO. SHOE REPAIRING SERVICE It's too bad that Run Down Heels do not show from the front. If they did, more People would have them repaired. Let me fix up your shoes Prompt Mail Order Service C. O. LOMAX One Door South Nephi Drug 8 Christmas & New Year's FARES Will Be In Effect VIA & RIO GRANDE 3 p. m. If you have turkeys for sale, see J. N. C. Pexton or phone 38. Owner can FOUND A Watch. have same by giving a description of same and paying for this advertise ment P. P. Christlson. Expert Marcelling and Bob Curling. Phone 182 for an appointment. Our grand holiday opening will take place next Monday December 8th. Nephi Mercantile Co. WESTERN RAIL ROAD BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN UTAH, WEST OF & INCLUDF ING WESTWATER, AT RATE OF ONE AND TIMES THE ONE WAY FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP, ADDING SUFFICIENT TO MAKE RATE IN A MULTIPLE OF 25. ONE-HAL- Policemen at Call Boy a In some parts of Europe It Is perfectly permissible to use the policeman on a residential bent as a call boy or alarm clock, the only restriction being that In this personnl service he does not neglect ills official duties. As a result quite a few policemen awaken those who have made special request to be aroused-a- t rrtnln honr. ACCREDITED CHICKS FOR SALE Write for our price first. Now it th time lo get your order in for future delivery. White latchery seHs only S. C. White Leghorn AA accredited chick at single A price. Full count and afe delivery guarantr rd. Write for Price Lit No. 50. WHITE HATCHERY Pet al u ma.Calif ornia TICKETS ACCOUNT CHISTMAS WILL BE ON SALE DAILY DECEMBER 19 TO 25, INCLUSIVE, 1924, WITH FINAL RETURN LIMIT OF JANUARY 5, 1925. TICKETS ACCOUNT NEW YEAR'S DAY WILL BE ON SALE DECEMBER 30, 31, 1924 AND JANUARY 1, 1925; WITH FINAL RETURN LIMIT OF JANUARY 5, 192S. For Detailed Fares, Train Schedules, etc., Call on Nearest Rio Grande Agent |