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Show THE NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEWS- , 1 pnu'l raraajMi W'UlHIIHH,.m;i, u M I LOCAL HAPPENINGS j D. Dr. N. J. Rees, and Dr. T. Ilees of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday and Monday in this city. of Air. and Mrs. W. H. Warner Logan, Utah, spent the week end with relatives in this city returned home Orvald Warner, Wednesday from Salt Lake City, after spending a few days in that city. T HAT'S what it has cost to carry out a great telephone construction program in Utah since 1920. $$ Wm. Cazier, went to Provo Sunday where he received medical treat, ment, undergoing a slight operation. New switchboard has been installed, pole lines have been built, new cable has been run overhead and underground to keep pace with telephone demands. Prosperous years and lean years alike call for money and yet more money to expand the telephone plant and keep service up to Bell System standards. & Mrs. Betsy Anderson returned home the latter part of the week an extended visit in Salt Lake af--t- er City. t p j came Toyland is open with the biggest lot of toyB that ever Parents of Nephi and surrounding counout of Santa's bag. try are cordially Invited to attend and bring their youngsters Here you can satisfy the kiddies with their every wish along. at prices well within your means. matters here. Mrs. W. F. Squires and baby, of Ruth, Nevada, are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McCune. higher than ever before in history. But service demands won't wait. We must buy and build now because service is demanded now. 'jMt'iuMKyiJTT 3 M T w "The One Price House" W. A. Garrett was here Tuesday from Sandy, Utah, visiting his moth, er, and attending to some business These have been costly years because materials were 4 Toyland Opens At The Misses Bernice and Plometta Hawkins, of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday in this city, the guests of their Bister Mrs. Ralph Brough. Gifts For All Mrs. Rose Bench, and Miss Edna Anderson, of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. Betsy Anderson. There are no estimates for the future of Utah which indicate any diminution in this vast expenditure for telephone equipment. Santa CTaus, the good old scout, has certainly Btocked our store with a variety. Father, Mother, Sister, Son, Daughter and Baby can be supplied from this complete stock of toys and useful gifts. Clarence Gowers and Glen Garrett returned to Logan Sunday after spending Thanksgiving Day with their Both young parents in this city. men are attending the Agricultural SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY GIFT. FIRST CHOICE! COME EARLY AND GET YOUR Our Four Stores Are Headquarters For Santa Claus This Year College. lift Milton Stock Is Veteran Bell System Dixon-Taylor-Russ- "THE Provo All Directed Toward Itafter tarvl Balneal hnta 4fc ' ' ' V"1 ;i : ' NOTICE OK SALE FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK 8, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Inez e address is Tripp, whose ' Callao, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of Section 8, Chapter 67 Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to change the Point of diversion and Place of use of IS c. f.s. of water from Indian Farm, Toms and Basin Creeks in Juab County, Utah. Said water has hereto, fore been diverted at a point 1680 ft. W. of the EJ4 cor. of Sec. 11, T. 11 S., R. 17 V., S. L. M. and used from January 1 to Dec. 31 of each year to irrigate 1040 acres of land embraced in the W'A Ey2, E'2 WJ. Sec. 35; Dean of Men, University of Illinois. post-offic- Sec. 26. E'A W'A Sec. 23, T. 10 S., R. 17 V., S. L. M. It is now dc- sired to divert the water at a point jXich bears 1641 ft. W. and 88 ft. N. of the cor. Sec. 11, T. 11 S.. R. , fc r 17 W r 1. ai. rtiia convey it in a jvj. canal . distance of 8400 ft. and there 5e d drill rsir the ....... , ' , in II- '. f E'j, Jfi irrigate 'rto jaccil in n 1040 arrp. SWJi Sec. U,1 I, SV4 Sec. 12. E'A NEi Sec. 11, IT. 11 S.( R. 17 W., the SWJ4 Sec. 25. Sec. 35. f-'-i y2 Sec. 26. II. 10 Is., R. 17 V.. S. L. M. This Application is designated in the State engineer's office as File No. a801. All protests against the granting of lid aptilication stAtititr llm ri.,.., therefore, must bo by affidavit li duplicate, accompanied with the fee of $1 00, and filed in this office within NW-HW- M E'j thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. Lloyd Garrison. State Engineer Date of first publication Nov. 14, 1924. Date of completion of publication, December 12, 1924. LIE CAME Into the office Monday morning listless and heavy-eyed- , making excuse for his absence. He Imd been home over the week-enunil tie said he had got back late, but had missed nothing Important, of course He could make up the time easily It 'nly the boss would be reasonable. He had had a marvelous time, he iidmltted, yawning wearily as be told me about it, but It had left him wrecked. He had Intended to get up n little hack work, but well, there bad been u dance, and a dinner party, and he bad slept until noon Sunduy and there had been something doing until he started back, so, of course, there was no time for anything else He went out not exactly In a good humor, because I unreasonably could not get his point of view. d It Is 0 growing custom, this spend at' home or out of ing the week-entown, but it plays havoc with a man's work. There are, however, adequata reasons to Justify the practice; the unite Influence of the home and the :he home folks, the taking down of d the screens for winter or putting them up In the spring, getting the teeth tilled or pulled, or the tonsils In or out There is always the emotional One would pull of the sweetheart. be cruel indeed fo object to a man' vlsltinif her occasionally. Often the home folks think It Is good thing for a son to try to get home week- ends. "Are you going to the Michigan game?" I nuked another. "No," was his reply. "I'd like to, tremendously, but a trip like that upsets me for two days and leaves me a mental Junk heap for a week after I get back. I can't afford it. I rested this afternoon for two hours and then got up my back work." The week ender Is usually not doing o well In his work, and not much Interested In The explanation Is simple. He has a double Interest and doe to neither of them. HI week-endgive him pleasure, but he comes back to his duties tired, nnln terested atvl bored. S l2 W.l-r- n (Tniea t it Jii-ll- re s Nvwoi-atHi- r FOR OVER 40 YEARS If AM. 'ft CATARRH MKIMt 110 ha ben lined successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. CAT HUH HAIl of an OIntmrnt ron-iff- ta whirh J'il kly tin" Rriv4 Medlrln.l a Tonic, whhandh arts Internal Blrxxl on Murnua the fiijr the through race a. tnue reducing the Inflammation. Bold by all druggists. T. I. Cheney Co., Toledo. Ohio. hn-a- s Mi:t)iriJiK aprll-ation- . fJOOMVK.AIt SIIOK IUr.IHI(3 M HVSTI UKST MATh ltlAI, VSV.to Prompt Mail Ordr Servir Prlcrs are soon fnrgotton (jualily lor.g remembered J. . Oirlstenacn Prop NrM. t'Klh but Milton Mock, veteran third baseman, who is now noiuing down tne lookin co:ner for the fighting Iodg-ers- . Steck Is a veteran of many liig league campaigns, having seen service with the Cinnts as well as the St Louis I'linllniiU, Seeing Ourselves By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois. Overmans anil the Whites, near nelghbora and friends of ours, has pent their summer vacations at the fame village on the Maine coast. They had not known each other very Intimately before going off together, but lie place where they were staying was '.mall and they came back each with more definite opinion of the other tan he hud before. There Is nothltiK ike the associations of a vacation to dmw up the vagaries and weuknesse f n Individual. Mrs. Overman called on us soon ifter her return. We have known her long time and are used to receiving her confidences. "Did you have a Rood vara t Inn T" linked. It's a conventional question, lint how else should one begin? "Yes," she answered ; "but don't roil think the Whites are que?r?" "How so?" I Inquired. "Well, he seems so selfish and over hearing w ilh her, and she to be realh plain, about It Is tight Just mean, He's In rags, and she tingy tight. hasn't a decent dress to her name, and It isn't because they are poor. She' too close to spend the money." It Interested me. I hud suspected that the Whites were frugal, and now A few my opinion was confirmed. days later Mrs. White dropped In. "Wasn't It queer about the Over mans?" she ventured during our con rersntlon. "They didn't get their rnenls at the hotel at all this summer. She did the Cooking for th family in their little cottage, nnd she kept his U"e on the grindstone all summer I know helping her with the work. If It hsd been Fred be would have protested. fbe has him horribly hen p'fketl. and the wny she bangs onto ti mey Is a fricht." I sid nothing. If occurred to m. h iwever. that I find heard It said by fl ose who t'nve hsd something to do ith the underworld that thievea ire tie most likely to scrijse others ft itenlin?. rpiIE 11 1 &h 114, Payson Nephl A'- - The Week Ender SaltLte HOUSE," E iA? NOTICE TO WATER USERS r. State Engineer's ONE-PRIC- Springville AajJ The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company office. City, Utah, Nov. Co. ell w4ra Nw(.pr Catoa I Tho Ijcvhii Irrigation Company There Is delinquent upon the following stock on account of assessment levied December 3rd, 1923 the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as following: No of No of Amt. Name , Certificat Shares Chris Paystrup 294C 6 6.00 Niels Mortensen 450C 9 9.00 5 215 J. C. C. Paystrup 6.00 A. M. Jackman 242C 6 6.00 Bert Tundbrtdge 322C 1 1.00 O. L. Francora 474C 10 12.50 A. Poulsen 401C 8 24.00 364C 9 9.75 Hugh Taylor 2 H. C. Kofod 2.00 4 20C 10 13.00 Peter Larsen Airs O. S. Stephenson 242C 7 2.00 494C 10 17.00 Sorena Aagard 495C 10 10.00 Mary Anderson Stephen C Chistensen 379C 13 13.00 276C 11 1700 Chris Poulsen 64C 6 17.00 Niels Aagard 11 1C 1 3.80 Niels Aagard 1 21 IB 3.80 Niels Aagard Marinus Chrlstensen 215B 1 2.00 435C 1 2.00 Walter Jackman Wm. Sherwood 233C 2 5.00 234C 14 13.00 Annie Stephenson 63C 12 12.00 Victor Stephenson 264C 21 21.00 J. L. Francom 260C 32 44.00 George Franrom N. O. Taylor 273C 30 4.50 432C 2 3.00 Asa Fowler A. C. Dalby 314C 5 10.00 A. C. Dalby 171C 17 34.00 A. C. Dalby 140C 10 20.00 A. C. Dalby 304C 5 8.30 Marcaret Connelley 452C 15 9.85 S. E. Malmgren 39 36.50 And In accordance with, law and an order of the Hoard of Directors so many shares of each parcel of such stock will bo sold at the residence of the President of this corporation In Levan. Utah, on November 30th. 1924, at 1 o'clock p. m. to assessment pay the delinquent thereon topether with cost of advertising and eTpense of sale. . C. Chrlstensen, President J. C. Jensen, Secretary Resolution Peat porting the Above Rale of Stock TlM Resolved by thn Board of Directors in meeting held November 25th, 1924, that the date of sale of the Capital stock as fixed In the a bove notice be and th same Is hereby postponed 15 days, to wit: from November 30th. 1924 to December Uth, 1924. C .Chrlstensen president J. C. Jensen. Secretary Levan Irrigation Company. First publication November 28, 1924 Last publication December 12, 1924 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Junius M. SorSorensen, Mary G. Sorensen, Melville Irrigation Company, Deseret Savings Bank of Salt Lake City, Utah, Trus(Publisher) tee, Franklin Jtfotor Car Company, Defendants. Department of The Interio-To be sold at sheriff's sale on .S. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah, November 5, Vi2A December 20th, 1924, at one o'clock NOTICE is hereby given that P. M. at the front door of the county Arsena Warner, Arsena court house in Nephl, Juab County, formerly the following described properCazier, of Nephi, Utah, who, or. Sept- Utah,situated in Juab County, Utah, ember 26, 1917, made Homes'isi! ty, entry No. 020117 for SW1-- 4 SE1-4- , The Southeast Quarter of Sec. ?.S; NE 14 NVV .? N-- E Southeast Quarter of Section (SE'i) SE NE Section 33, Twenty-on- e (21); the South Half Emily ensen, U to-wi- (SE) 4, 1- 4, S NV 2 4, 4, SVV 4, NE 4, Sec- tion 34 Township 12 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah on the 16th day of December, 1924. Claimant names at witnesses: Orson Cazier, Gerald Cazier, Ray Cazier, Alvin Burton, all of Nephi, Utah. Eli F. Taylor, Register First pub. No. 7th, 1924. Last pub. Dec. 5th. 1924. ar SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. The Union Central Life Insurance Company, a corporation, Plaintiff vs. Joseph F. Wright. Mercy C John F. Wright, LUlj Wright, A. Sorensen Wright, Ephraitn (S4) ol the Southwest Quarter (SWJ4) and the Southwest Quarter (SW14) of the Southeast Quarter (SE14) of Section twenty-tw(22) the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty-thre- e (23); the Southwest Quarter (SW); of the Southwest Quarter (SW14); the East half of the Southwest Quarter, (SW14) and the West Half (W14) of the Southeast Quarter (SEVi the Southeast Quarter (SE14) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'4) and the Southwest Quarter (SW14) of tne Northeast Quarter (NE) of Section Twenty-fou- r (24) the East half (B- ) of Northeast Quarter (NE ) of Section Twenty-si- x (26); North half of Southwest Quarter (SW14) the Southwest Quarter (SWV4) of Southwest Quarter (SW4,) the West half (WV4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWU). the Northest Quarter (NE4) of the Northwest Quar-e- r (NW',i); the Northwest Quarter (NW'i) of the Northeast Quarter (NE ) and Lota Two (2) and Four (4) of Section Twenty-fiv- e (25); the Northwest Quarter (NW) of the Northwest Quarter (NV4 ) of Section Thirty-si(36); the Southeast Quarter (SE4) and the Southeast Quarter (SEU) of the South west Quarter (SWVt), of Section Thirty-fiv- e (35), all in Township Fifteen (15) South. Range One (1) o, (E) (N) x after every meal Otanitt tnouOa and etk aad aids dloeatloa. relieves that oftr-cate- a lectin oai add Its flavor a tl a ties tk eravtau lor wcata. WHolcr' fa daaafa aloe In taa benefit and pleasure ft provide. Stiitd bt it i"Wrtt V?1 West of Salt Lake Meridian. Also, the North half of Section Two (2); the Northeast Quarter (NE4) the South half (S-of Northwest Quarter (NW4), and the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE14) of Section (3) In Township Sixteen (16) South, Range One (1) West of Salt Lake Meridian, containing Seventeen hundred Sixty (1,760) acres of land, more or less. Together with a wafer right cond of all the ) sisting of waters of Little Salt Creek and all dlfcheg and water rights of every nature, however evidenced. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah lly P. P. Christison, Deputy. First publication Nov. 21st, 1924. Last publication Dec. 19th, 1924. (N) 4) one-thir- f$ 9he flavor lasts ' (1-3- f |