Show I r st Deaths os J I Gavelle Jerretta Joseph JosephL 21 aughter of the at died sunday L. L avenue She Helm home born July July- 7 1907 1901 In Goshen was the tho graduated from and had Ida 1926 St. St Anthony Anthon high school bOOl in Surviving are her father and the sisters following brothers hi and L Leroy L-eroy roy of ot Yuba Ca Cal Vernal Caton Clayton Ca- Ca Clay ton Doyle Vend Wendell en Lourin Soren- Soren ion son Mrs Guy Williams Arena Artella on and Gloria Gora o of S Salt 1 Lal LaKe e. e INFANT The BURNS infant son of ot Mr and Mrs Irs Harry Harr Burns o othe orthe of or f the Meynell apartments died Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day in a local ocal hospital 4 EV EVERT RT Murdock Evert 16 1 son Bon of or John Oscar and May Murdock lur- lur Murdock Mur Mur- ohn dock Evert died Sunday in a local loca l hospital He lie was born June iz 12 12 4 2912 In Lowell Lowen LoSell Wyo and had resided re resided resided re- re sided sided in Salt Lake for two years SaI two He lie is survived by his parents sisters rs Irs Roy fey Dana of or Wyo- Wyo ming and Mrs Mrs' J. J N. N Chancy Chaney ofFa of Fa Fay Ind and two brothers J J. Owen and Noel Evert Eer of ot Salt Lake Hans Hans ON-Hans Hans P P. Erickson Erikson 82 at Mt I. I Pleasant Sunday WATTERS Mrs John F. F Watters Waiters 49 at Myton Friday Arthur Arthur C. C Christansen Chris Chris- 31 of or GunnIson Saturday MILLER Isaac MILLEn-Isaac Isaac 11 Miller 1 er 60 of or springville Saturday EDWARDS EDWARDS Edward Edward E. E Edwards Ed-ards Ed 72 at Ogden Sunda Sunday |