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Show Pa gp B--l fcOO O h ursda v, September 25. 1980 11:30 O TOO CLUB EVENING UMOVC 1 DISNEV S WONDERFUL 4WESTEMQfe ' Nana" IBM Lea VaeCteef . JohaPfcaapl aw. A auja sets oat eveaae she brutal staying of n tetany (2 hrs I 12 30 f 1 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SO Tha Snaggy Oog' Stan: FndMacMiaray. Aawtla aa F amceno A taaa-aga- r ayalenonaiy laraa aa oM Eagkak ahaapaog ana learn thai an) anead hwhar at plaa ig te ataal top iatafttiualnMaatocaliitta pi (Parti tt a taro-pa- rt praaaatattoa) (Repeat. 60 mm ) at at I 0 HOU.TWO0O CHn A reapected CHP officer tuHerag O (60 mm SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE Manly : Tha Untold Story' 1980 Stars: Catherine Htcfce. FraakCoavaraa Aaramatiutranotthepmata Ma benind tha public legend ol America graatast sen symbolsuparstar Marilyn Mon roe 3nr ) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Stephanie wanta to eater tha school 'Father and Daughter Night' competition but lacks a 'father' to perform rtri (Repeat) EVENING AT SYMPHONY Tha Bostoa Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ozawa. partorms Tchaikovsky's 'SymphuAy O fl MACNEK. LEMRER REPORT 1 1 THE TROPHY CASE MOVIE (ADVENTURE) "SanUaao" (Closed Captioned) 6:30 Sii 4F' (60IMKS) BILL MOVER'S JOURNAL MOVIE --(BIOGRAPHICAL-ORAMA) 8"Sunrise at BEVERLY HILLBILLIES fi 1 PM MAGAZINE Ofamilvfeuo ii tic t ac dough IS OVER EASY Growxg CNder The Next 20 Years' Guests: Congressman Claude Pepper and Gray Panther leader Maggie Kuha. Hosts: Downs Blair. and Frank Hugh (Closed Captioned) f V a America. (60 mats ) O WKRPM CINCINNATI Ektvea year-ol- his grandmother, is kicked out o military school and his grandmother trunks he should learn the radio business (Repeat) LOU GRANT Billie torts the Tiifc when she 800 uses what goes oa at tha newspaper lor her angle on a story about sexual harassment oa the tob (60 rams ) hrs) DR. SEUSS SPECIAL O Two 'The Cat M the Hat' youngstar'a, house bound on a rainy day. boredom is shattered by a visit from the magical, mischievous cat and his helpmates. Thing One and Thing Two (Repeat) two-hou- NBC-TV- B SUPERSTAR PROFILE INSIDE COUGAR SPORTS ANNIVERSARY OF THE TONIGHT SHOW Memorable moments from past Ton TO BE ANNOUNCED R COUGAR FOOTBALL 0 ISHt 9:30 10:00 f 10:301 SHOn More than a dozen segments from past shows never rerun before and another dozen 'pieces' from earlier programs featuring such entertainment luminaries as Loni Anderson. Bette Midler. Barry Manilow. Steve Martin. Don Ricfdes and Mel Brooks, will highlight a r, prime-tim- e special, celebration of the 18th annivers "The Tonight sary of Show Starring Johnny Carson.' MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. "This is the show." says Carson, "where we try to bring back some of the funniest moments of the past shows and also ones that have not been repeated before." Arthur Carlson. Jr.. an aggressive auutant take grit' presentations n-t- be featured as Johnny Carson. Ed McMahon and Doc Sever in son recall shows telecast during the 16 year per od of the program (2 hrs ) WEEKMGHT ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW Campooeuo" 1960 Ralph Bellamy. Greer Gar son The story of President F.O.R.'s struggle in politics and his battle artist poko (3 hrs ) ONE OAY AT A TIME Ann gets what she's always wanted but never had. end it maybetoo much of s good thing (Repeat) THE BIG EVENT The Boys From Brazil' t978Stars:GregoryPeck. Laurence Olivier. A noted Nazi hunter locates an escaped fugitive scientist, resposible for some of the most grizzly experimentson humans in Adolf Hitler's concentration camps, at his laboratory in South America, and learns that the doctor has cloned 94 replicas of the Fuhrer. (2 hrs ) (Closed Captioned) ALICE When country-musi- c superstar Jerry Reed, in Phoenix for a concert, drops by Mel 's Diner to see Flo, who was his babysitter when he was iust a tyke in Texas, he soon finds himself smothered with adulation. (Repeat) COSMOS ' Shores of the Cosmic Ocean' In this premiere episode. Dr. Carl Sagan takes viewers on a spectacular simulated, scientifically-accurat- e journey halfway from tha edge of the known universe to the earth aboard a spaceship of the imagination. Dr. Sagan also previews topics to be covered in coming episodes. (Closed Captioned) (60 mtns.) in 30 19SAJnLadd.Cha1Wilta Story otaman who (2 uKnd)iiggledynamite4thepricewasrignt 7:30 TONIGHT foaxplrxethechaagnigrrofblacksasparts IS Years' Guests Congressman Claude Pepper aad Gray Panther leader Maggie Kuha. Hosts: Blair. Downs and Frank Hugh O No Aa aaiaaatod special adapted troat Rudyard Kupkag's dasaic. 'The JuaBisBook'.OraoaWsMnTasrratasthis story about a awagooaa. who is saved Iroaia stona-toeae- d droamag by boy aad lus parents Repeat) NOLL VWOOO SQUARES CONTACT OVER EASY Growuig Older Tha Maid 20 tha bvee of awtonets oa the freeway. nhM o oo ok ax laava aatil ha haa aawad mat oaa ne O EVENMG fconbfaHMiofthatcuailfitoaaiBaT mora Patnota O NEWS too returns to binge Tokyo he 1 eavar forgot, only ha can't reatesabar exactly what he OM (Repeat) O GREATPERFORalAMCESTaAar.Taaar. Soldier. Spy This dranutizatioe at John la Carta's beet-selke- g novel features Sa-- Alec fi masts as George Snauey. a retved officer cased back to duty to uncover a double agent who has asttrated the Brits Secret Service, (rinsed Captioned) (60 mats ) O JABKSMtOCNErSWOP4J: SPORTS IN AMEMCA The Black Athlete Host James Michaaar uuerviewa such pro is s at athletes ssMuhanrnadAJiandO.J Suwpsonuiasefiort - O GET SMART SEPT.2. 1M0 AMCMCA SINGS M.ASJi- Charles Winchester fi she 40771 after a wad m ON THE PftAaME Ctianoa raturaed aw nag (Coacejaaoa; 60 awns) (Ooaad Captioned) aMNOAV NSGMT FOOTBALL ABC Sparta welprovidacoverageriilhagsaMitiulweaaUis Broacoe an aha Nai ((moncta) THOSE aManNC aaaaUlt COMMUTES UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS Mas ForaaT liana) 4J U LITTLE HOUSE aadraroaaaaalNafaaarpnaadaadpiirzlad ante Ihay laara thai daogtaar Laura has bro-- i I ABC MEWS 1:00 1:3Q (Ctoeee-Captione- flI I JOB 11:40 WORLD J INDEPENDENT NETWORK MEWS ODD COUPLE NEWS TO BE ANNOUNCED BENNY HILL TO BE ANNOUNCED OS cmc ustmgs ro CXnCT Ifour furnace is easy to ffoirget . . . but iomft 8 O O TO BVU DEVOTIONAL THE JEFFERS0NS Louise tells her husband that she doesn't want another child in the U 8:30 housa. but George makes sure she gets one anyway, and he lives to regret it. (Repeat) TRAPPER JOHN M.D. Gonzo and Trapper, with the welcome aid of one terminally ill patient, take on the challenging job of trying somehow to lift anotherdying patient out of his depression. (Repeat: 60 mins.) Of MASTERPIECE THEATRE 'Crime and Punishment' John Hurt and Timothy West star in Dostoevsky's classic examination of the criminal mind. In this first episode, impoverished and unstable Raskolnikov contemplates murder as the inevitable solution to his ) (60 mins.) desperation. O 9:00 8is MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD PAVAROTTI AT JUILLIARD The Maestro joined by Madelyn Renee, Brian Schex-nayde- r and Pamela Mann. The selections include works by Verdi and Mozart. NEWS 10.00 TRANSAMERICA OPEN TENNIS CHAM- flOQ U PIONSHIPS 'Finals' This program features live coverage of the finalsof the Transamerica Open Tennis Championship. (2 hrs.) INSIGHT LAUREL AND HARDY TAKE 2 1 NEWS KUP SSHOW RUFF HOUSE 10:401 CBS NEWS 10:55 I COACH'S SHOW 11:00( JACK VAN IMPE CHICO AND THE MAN 11:10 11: 15 MOVIE (DRAMA) "Tha 10:301 O Sandpiper" 1965 Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton. An artist, living in an isolated cabin with her illegitimate son, falls in love with the headmaster of theboy'sschool, a marriedclergyman. (2hrs., 15 mins.) '111 Sister Sophia's Palm and Card Reading She will tell jour past, present & future. She will help in giving You may not see your furnace very often, but when cold weather hits, you depend upon it every day. Just the turn of a thermostat puts your furnace to work, converting energy into warm, clean never failing advice, love business, health, marriage. She will also advise on your drinking problems. 429 So. Carbon Ave. Price, Utah Look for the palm sign in front of her home across the street from For safe furnace operation. . . Chico's Service. call (801) Come by or for appointment Hours: 7 a.m. 10 p.m. To keep your furnace dependable. . . 1 Make sure the blower compartment door is correctly in place when your furnace is in operation. BACK SEAT air, whenever you want it. To keep your furnace operating safely and efficiently, there are a few things you should be aware of. X At least once a year, have your furnace checked by an expert. KINGS GOOD TIME fOlSTRT Change or clean your furnace filter about every sixty days during the heat- MUSIC 2 International Big Game Fishing Club ol Utah's Keep all combustion air openings unobstructed. Billfish Classic Iv. ing season. - l Mazatlan December 4-- 1980 New Comers Welcome Experts to teach you how to deep sea fish deseret travel Make sure the Joutside vent stack pcboreae X lOufi 900 aoet raovo.u)460l CONTRACTOH Chain Link I mm ' In hntnhrt tab name 3', 4', S' SO rata Ml W.:- - An efficient furnace will use less valuable energy... and money. If it's a gas furnace, you can. rest assured that you're using our country's most efficient and economical source of heat. MOUNTAIN FUEL For more than fifty years, people serving people R5b- - 224.5397); 1440 -- Once a year, have the vent inspection cap checked by an expert for any obstruction. ACME FENCE CO. arran I flu MTMUtlON aWHAMI MrMOltSaLt ducts of combustion to escape. 4 MATERIALS Awllibli is unobstructed, to allow the pro 373-382- LICENSED If your furnace mo tor and blower require oiling, four or five drops twice a year will keep it running smoothly. WEST CENTER OREM J MaT.. |