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Show ipCDIPllS AcettfldDIlQ. Page A-1- Lehi Free Press Thursday, September 25, 1389 0 Poinieirs Orals Oner Eagles It I rii if mill Imyiih Carilim The Pioneers exploded last Friday night as they beat the Intermountain Eagles 52-in their first Region Nine game. The Pioneers' first score came after Garth Fjellstrom intercepted an Eagle pass on the 44 yard line. There the offense marched down the field where Lehi's quarterback Wade Cardon sprinted out to the left for a TD run. Highlights of the drive were runs of eight yards twice by Mike Bonds, a pass to Kurt Neilson and 0 gJ d a TRIP-R- when Kurt Neilson, Mike Hamby and John Geyerman smothered the punter on the 15 yard line. There Mike Bonds ran the ball three times for nine, four and a final two yards for the TD. Bonds went off right tackle for the score untouched. Gordon Miner added the PAT making the score for Lehi. Local Man Wins Contest Ron Peck was named the of the recent winner Buck Bow sponsored Hunters Hunt by Big contest He winner cer- 65 over entries in the contest and as an was won for his paid trip Ron's prize was named will buck with just under a 20" nephew Mike Thompson aided him as trackers for spread. He bagged his game his game. play Darin Clark ran the ball to the 25 yard line. Five plays later Clark scored from the two yard line. The point after was good on a Lehi's kick to the Eagles was returned to the 25 yard line. Lehi's defense got tough and on 3rd and 15 an Eagle pass was intercepted by Evan Gordon. On the next play from scrimmage Evan Gordon went around the end and down the sideline for a touchdown. The PAT after was missed which made the score 14-- for Lehi. Lehi kicked to the Eagles and the ball was returned to the line. On 3rd down the Eagles fumbled and Lehi recovered on the 19 yard line. On 2nd and 10 an interference call on the Eagles put the ball on the five yard line. Then the Eagles defense held as they stopped Lehi and took over as the first half ended. Lehi kicked to Intermountain to start the second half and the ball was returned to the 39 yard line. The Eagles made two first 6-- 0 6 d Fish Census Reveals Healthy Population A stream. After being measured and weighed, they are released back into the stream unharmed. This survey was done on the Strawberry River five to 20 fish population census has been taken on the River by the Strawberry Water and Power Resources Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Utah of Wildlife Division miles Resources. This was to Creek The has the river contains a well balanced population of brown trout with numbers approaching 1,000 fish per mile. Sizes ranged from a few inches up to eight pounds. This from section of river, Dam Creek Soldier downstream to Red Creek, that open to to Sept. angling from July 15 and restricted to use of is a Class II fishery 1 collected by electroshocking several sections of the are artificial flies only. We Are Open Excellent, Authentic Chinese and American Food 20-- 6 The been have We missioned to American Saddle Redskins MIKE BONDS (44) of Lehi was tt for Santa Rosa Hunting Boot Full silver SLFjeWte BA6S saddles, ranch, and pleasure roping, children's saddles. Lifetime guaranteed trammel bits, silver hackamores, headstalls Sunbeam and halters, Kool clippers, Rope mem. AMMO China Light Cafe 700 East State Rd. (In American Fork Center) American Fork 756-656- 0 L - Jones 15 run (Miner kick) - Geyerman 14 run (kick failed) Tuckett 45 interception return (Miner kick) L - Bonds 6 run (2 pt. conversion failed) L Yates 5 run (Miner kick) - First downs L Int 11 4 24 54 268 81 6 10 1 Rushing yards Passing yards Passes Fumbles Lost Punts Avg. 2-- 1 2-- 2 2 5 Penalties 4 - fj first to reach the Eagle kick of returner as Rick Houghton (10) is ready to recover the fumble. Mens & INCIiffPi UXHMCQVkE Wolverine Vibran Sole Hiking Boot Reg. $60 Reg. $54 $26.M $29.M mm Insulated Featherweight Womens perfect this boot sells for -- 7VAMO WQMJ ffl If KSW&Pi 60) including stable blankets. MOST OF . . . THE $5.95 Rope Hoist OPPORTUNITY TO SELL SADDLES GUARANTEE. Orange Watch Caps Saturday, October 4 Army Canteen A 5 YEAR WRITTEN p.m. at Leather ........ Rifle Slings . . . .... Vet Memorial Bldg. TERMS: Cash, Check or Bankcard with ID Underwear ft $38.00 $24." Frost Proof Flannel Orange Shirts Reg. $18 $15.88 9x12 Cabin Tent $89. 95 Reg. to $2. ON SALE Flannel Shirts $50.00 $16." & $18.M Sweatshirts Vinyl 59 Reg. $15 $10.88 Down Coat Blaze Orange Orange 99 Lumberjack Heavy Duty Sleeping Bags Vests Cookware Reg. These are Beauties Tops or Bottoms Cast Iron AUCTKllX CONDUCTED iYi NATIONAL AUCTION SALES MuT INC. f.UAU. P66S 40 East 4th North Spanish Fork 99 99 $1.44 $2.99 Thermal A Vests $69. 95 Cabin Tent 3 and 4 lb. 1500 lb. Test AND $5.M Down 69 THAT WE HAVE HAD OF $1.88 game Bags ONE COMPLETE SADDLES 99 BRAND AND Only 8x10 Reversible Blaze Orange Orange Rain Coats NOTE!!! Gloves $9.00 Value G.I. Ammo Pouch Kare pads, plus everything imaginable in the tack line, AUCTIONEERS Leather cCKUST BA KSAINS BOOTS and dinner 10:30 p.m. the beginning of the 4th quarter both L efc iaooo'PM OF BOTS (M STOCK SOJES SJtoW TEXAS MfcMP HA Co. GRILLS -- At ekeuiinmc tium: Army Pistol Belts 11:30 a.m. move it. L- -- 13-- handmade INCLUDING: 7 opening daily for lunch 6 run (kick failed) 2 run (Miner kick) 15 run (kick failed) show HAVE Specials really is. com- sell kinds. MOST Dinner game and also their Homecoming. Everyone is encouraged to see just how tough Lehi 39-0- d d d line as the 3rd quarter ended. Lehi held and took over the ball. Lehi then scored their fourth TD on a pass from Brett Nattress to Kirk Brady. The JV will travel today to play at Grantsvile at 4 p.m. In Little League action last Saturday the Lehi Giants lost to the American Fork and Western English saddles and tack of all AN Daily d d for Lehi. $50,000.00 approximately of worth TACK Lunch and John Geyerman sxked the quarterback to push Intermountain back and to hold them as the first half ended 33-At the opening of the second half Lehi started their second team so they could get some playing time and experience. It wasn't until late in the third quarter when Lehi scored again. Earlier each team had troubles either by fumbling or throwing interceptions. That's how Lehi got its score. Mark Tuckett intercepted an Eagle pass on the 45 yard line where he made a couple of fancy moves and spurted outside to race touchpast all the Eagles for a down. The PAT was missed, making the score . When Intermountain got the ball back they acted like they didn't want it. They tried to surprise Lehi with a quick kick on third down. However, it didn't surprise Lehi's Tuckett as he grabbed the ball and TD, but it ran it in for an apparant was called back on a clipping call. Lehi got the ball on the 20 yard line. There Intermountain intercepted a Lehi pass, but the next play Lehi's Eric Haws intercepted it right back and ran 60 yards for another apparent TD, but he also was called back on a clipping call. This time Lehi got the ball on the 45 yard line but was unable to Lehi then kicked the ball into the end zone so the Eagles took over on the 20 yard SADDLE & TACK LINES Out Mike Hamby, Kurt Neilson, habitat and unique nature the Strawberry River. MERCHANDISE, OTake Lehi's of OF THE & was again will agreement THIS IS ALL NAME O 0 midway the PAT making it through the second quarter. Intermountain 33-- added interception of the day and ran the ball back to the Eagles 40 yard line. Five plays later Lehi fumbled on the 32 yard line. Eagles ran two plays and then they fumbled. Lehi recovered on the 30 yard line. The Eagles then made two costly penalities that put the ball on the 10 yard line, but Lehi again had slippery fingers and fumbled. The ball went back to the Eagles. Inexperience certainly showed as Intermountain fumbled on the next play and Lehi recovered on the four yard line. Two plays later Evan Gordon went in for his second TD. The point after failed. The score AUCTION sampling revealed populations. ' TD couple of penalties against Lehi. However, Intermountain found out that Lehi's defense was just too tough for them as but punts, exchanged ball and the punter dropped then he was dropped at the 32 yard line. This time Lehi's first offense went in. Mike Bonds showed his stuff by running for gains of nine yards, 17 yards and then a TD run, making the score 45-Lehi's final touchdown came late in the Ingame, when Steve Fox recovered an line. 18 termountain fumble on the yard This time the second offense took the ball in on runs of seven yards by Mark Tuckett and an eight-yarrun, then a three-yartouchdown run by Todd Yates. The PAT -a was good making the final score 52-Pioneers. for the thrilling victory Lehi will play Grantsville at 5:00 p.m. this Friday. This will be Lehi's first home team's help to maintain the fishery a gain to monitored being determine the numbers and sizes of fish resident Fish Soldier 26-- 6 the 33-ya- limit is six fish. The streamflow Dam. cooperative data to monitor results of implementing the recently minimum fishery signed flow agreement for the Collection Strawberry System of the Central Utah Project. The streams are effort below daily at the beginning of the second quarter. Again, just a few plays later, Lehi was in scoring position as Garth an Intermountain Fjellstrom recovered fumble on the 20 yard line. There Wade Cardon ran for six yards. The next play Mark Jones busted up the middle for 15 TD of the game yards and Lehi's fourth with 9:41 still left in the first half. Miner 15 yards for downs in a row. On the next play the Eagles passed and Evan Gordon made his second pass from Nattress to Brady making the score 8-- 6 for Lehi. the ball again on their own 31 Mark Griffen got the call this time. He spurted out to the left sideline and raced Scott and Bobby and his two-poi- 0 TD. yards of his truck. His sons Lehi JV Crushes Eagles By Arnie and Layne Cardan The Lehi Junior Varsity Football team played the Intermountain Junior Varsity last Thursday afternoon on the Lehi Field. The Lehi team was made up of 9th and 10th graders. Intermountain kicked off to start the game. Wilkins returned the ball to the 30 yard line. On the second play, Lehi, fumbled. Intermountain picked up the fumble and ran it in for a touchdown. The PAT was not good for making the score Intermountain. The Eagles kicked off again with Madsen returning to the 37 yard line. Todd Street then carried the ball two times in a row picking up 9 yards. Intermountain held Lehi to kick. Intermountain forcing fumbled the ball on the 35 yardline and Lehi recovered. Two penalities on the Eagles put the ball on the 18 yard line. Lehi then fumbled and the Eagles took over. Four plays later Intermountain was forced to kick. The Lehi defense blocked the punt on the 39 yard line. On the first Lehi got 13-- yard line and just before the first quarter ended Wade Cardon hit Dave Nattress on a pass play which set up Lehi's third west of Indianola within 50 other tificate at the store as well for two to Lake Tahoe. Timberline Supply. a $50 gift receive run by Mark Jones. Lehi's second score came minutes later on Peck, left, gladly accepts certificate for $50 merchandise and a trip to Lake Tahoe from Lynn Horrrocks and Merrill Carson, partners in Timberline Hunters Supply. Mr. Peck won the recent annual Big Buck Bow Hunt contest. WINS d threatened late in the second quarter as they got down to the 7 yard line on a pass play along with help from a $6.95 Sale |