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Show ripobr copys Am. Party Candidate To Oct Lecture L Percy American Xv-- i 1 Greaves, Jr., Party candidate for President in November will be in Utah according to the American Party of Utah. He will speak at a to be held meeting Wednesday, Oct 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Utah County Court House, third floor, south courtroom. The Court v House is at located Avenue University and Center Street in Provo. Percy L Greaves is a professor of economics and authored the book "The Dollar Crisis." He is also a n lecturer. His home is Dobbs Ferry, New York. Hear what he proposes to do to halt inflation, relieve massive unemployment, SCHULTZ TED (left) and Dennis Watkins are owners in now a new location in American Fork. Company, of Allmans Water Problems American Fork Co. In New Location and Carpet has Drapery Company moved from its old location on Main Street to a new address at 275 East State Street in American Fork. Owner Dennis Watkins still manages the store plus he has added a new partner, Ted Schultz, to the business. Allman's will continue to offer all types of floor drapery coverings and needs: hardwood vinyls, carpets, woven blinds, woods and draperies. floors, louvered is Dennis native a of He California. graduated from BYU, taught school in California and has been associated for over with Allman's 10 years. He is to JoAnne Scott married and they are the parents of four daughters. Ted is also a graduate of BYU. He has worked in various jobs in both Utah and as stockman, Oregon lumberman, substitute teacher, carpenter, installator, off shore drilling and hospital worker. He is now assuming a new partnership at Allman's. Store hours are 9 a.m. to school 6 p.m. Monday through for "quality at Saturday discount prices." 377 Goodwin, 4057. the of B. Mary call Council To 'Meet conducted from 0 p.m. and 3:30-4:3- 5:30-6:3- 0 $50.00 with $10.00 refunded for attendance and $10.00 for weight goal achievement in that 10 than some sprinkling systems. Water, when allowed to Fork RN ext. 229 pond against the road bed, saturates the road's subgrade and results in maintenance costly treatments and potential pavement failure. It's also that wet and possible can saturated roadsides increase the severity of the eventually Feature Pianist To Pianist Roland Pitt will concerts Seppresent tember 26 and 27 at 8 p.m. in the North Visitors Center upper theater on Temple f' Square, Works Bach, by Brahms, Debussy and Chopin are on the program. The concerts are part of a fall series on members Jesus featuring Square Temple of The Church of Christ of Latter-da- Saints who are outstanding the amateur and professional musicians. Free tickets are available Pitt graduated in June from the University of Utah 'with a bachelor of music degree in piano performance. He has been named a winner in the Utah Music Teacher's auditions and has per-- , formed with the Utah and Mormon Symphony first-plac- e Youth Symphony. road"-typ- Shelley School The new 1980 school year brought six new faculty members to Shelley school. new teachers in the grade classes are because NOTICE OF TRUSTEES The following described will be sold at property public auction to the highest bidder at the West door of the County Courthouse , in Provo, of Utah, State of Utah, on the 23rd day of October, 1980, at 9:00 a.m. County of said day: from the corner of Township 5 line Section Southwest Section 7, Zoning Agenda There will be a meeting of the Lehi City Planning and Zoning Committee on Oct. 2 at 51 N. Center to here the following: 1. Ray Black zone change ATrinnaman Lane to R- and 900 2. Beginning at a point 33.0 feet East along South South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence South 1 deg 01 min 56 sec West 47.58 feet to an Easterly ' County and fence line; and thence Southerly said County Easterly along fence line the following bearings and distances: South 15 deg 22 min 26 sec East 33.78 feet; thence South 79 deg 47 min 18 sec East 60.15 feet; thence South 88 deg 13 min 22 sec East 100.06 feet; thence North 89 deg 40 min 42 sec East 150.35 feet to a fence corner; thence North 0 deg 21 min 36 sec East 579.98 feet along a fence line; thence North 2 deg 31 min 02 sec East 199.90 feet to a fence corner; thence South 88 deg 59 min 41 sec West 324.0 feet; thence South 0 deg 25 min 54 sec West 681.12 feet to the point of beginning. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. 16th day of 1980. September, Dated this Ray M.Harding Trustee Published in the Lehi Free Press Sept. 25, Oct. 2 and 9, 1980. A W. Fred Shelton con- conversion dominium Shelton Estates 3. Third Century Estates Plat B (Cedar Hollow) Webb AnBradley W. 8800 N. nexation 9600 4. Notice To Water Users right-of-wa- y Right-of-Wa- y irrigation water: when water is James Calvin Taylor, 2825 E. Carole Dr., SLC, UT has the with filed State 55087 Appl. No. to appropriate Engineer 0.015 sec. ft. of water in Utah County. The water is to be diverted from a ft. deep, at a well, 1330 ft. E. 200 ft. S. point 100-50- 0 from Nl4 Cor. Sec. 20, T5S, R1E, SLB&M (1 mi SW of Lehi); and used from Jan. to Dec. 31 for the domestic purposes of 1 family, 1 stockwatering 10 cattle; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. in WViNEVi, EttNlfM Sec. 20, T5S.R1E, SLB&M. the Protests resisting granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. UT 84111, on 400S., SLC, or before Nov. 8, 1980. . Dee C. Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in the Lehi Free Press Sept. 25, Oct. 2, and 9, 1980. :tie Ogden Arsenal. She eiuyed horseback riding James Goodyear and Ray Bouchard. Price Jr., Alpine; Mrs. Bert but I'll state the case more strongly than that: I'll say you can't learn without and was a member of the Arneucan Fork Riding Club the and Survivors Eagles Followwill, (Florence) The flowers for by the Lehi Fifth Ward Relief Society. mistakes. both Pleasant Robinson, Grove; Mrs. Nolan (Linda) ' ' Davis, (June) Kansas; Ore. all Bishop People Who Care! R. Contributions John, Utah on January 20, 1962, a daughter of John W. and Mary I. Barkdull Larson. She attended high in school Salida, Colo., before moving to Highland in 1978 with her parents. She was a member of the 1980 class at American Utah Cancer Society. Card Of Thanks We would like to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to all of the friends wonderful and relatives who have assisted us in any way at the time of mother's beloved our Fork High School where she was active in seminary, band and athletics. She member of was an active the passing. LDS Church. To those who took part in beautiful the services, of extended expressions 18, 1980 she was married to Able Palmer On April in Highland. Bringhurst Scott Able Their son, Bringhurst was delivered by cesarean and sympathy offers Ward Seventh University of Utah Medical Center on Sept. 8, 1980. Bishopric and many others who assisted in any way, we are deeply grateful. We know how much your friendship meant to our mother, and how much it means to us as well. Again thanks to each and every one of you. of The Family Aleda Elvera Lambert: Calvin Mrs. G. Fox (Marian) Anton H. Lambert Clyde E. Lambert Mrs. Kent Hoyt (Martha) Fork City Dr. E. Jay Lambert foooooooooooooooooooooo i&E&& b a of assistance; the Seventh Ward Relief Society; at the section be may made to the St. Benedict's Hospital in Ogden or the in Dutch was born Davis, Ralph American Fork. Cemetery. 235 N. 100 E. announced the services and brother, 8. the American 768-844- 1 Wing grandchildren pickup camper fire on Sept. She seven a and Calif.; Valley, Tuesday, Sept. 23 at 11 a.m. in the Highland Fifth Ward Chapel. Burial was in Lehi Floral Portland, Ordell, Alva from Ogden, Burn Unit Center in Salt Lake City on Friday, Sept. 19, as a result of injuries suffered in a to addition her parents, her husband and infant son, she is survived two sisters and by a brother, Mrs. Joseph H. Smith, Shape Hq., Belgium; June M. Larson, Highland; and John R. Larson, Tooele. Services were held Flowers grandchildren, one great one great grandchild; brother and three sisters, Colvin, "Lilla Raymond Burnside and Mrs. Don - iti Jr., Salt Lake City, Dan Davis Firmage, Ogden and James Winn Firmage, Mill 18, who died in of Utah University Medical Arts Fine and an active member of the LDS Church. Her survivors are three sons, John Harold Firmage Bringhurst, the of League Bringhurst Lyn In Sympathy Fork. Goodwin, American 14 grandchildren, 19 great S cared were her include Ogden, Mrs. Richard (Jean) Stagg and Mrs. Minnie J. concern, the situation is greatly reduced as land owners control the use of Planning And SALE She worked as a cook and Carol Campbell is school counselor and psychologist. relatively dry During years, when water is scarce is Dan were Dennis Burnside, Ray Lunt, Norman Tiffinay, It is a cliche to say that we learn by our mistakes, safety conservation Cemetery. Pallbearers husband, Lehi; one son and lour daughters, George president, will conduct the meeting and invites all interested citizens to attend." Fork, Spanish problem. and sketch. The closing prayer was by Ronald C. Peterson and Bishop Wing dedicated the grave in the Lehi City teacher. Jackie Smith is aide for first grade and of to avoid another biographical organuation. Reese. the spray of water, thereby creating a safety hazard. In cold weather eratic sprinkling patterns can also cause ice formations on road surfaces, leading to still the gave grade teaches with Kristen McMain as resource and Joy take action emergency Helen Hall. Wanoma Hicks Burnside, in Ofjden. di Phillips played the prelude and postlude music. The opening prayer was by Jerry Cook. A musical number was by Kent Prestwich and speakers were Bishop Wing and following the program. Mrs. Dean Jensen un- and he later died. She mamed George William Puce Sr. un Sept. 25, 1945 Zada prayer. Larry Copenhagen took over as one of the third Melanie Anderson suspecting motorists can be surprised 1925 in family offered federal, representatives state and county offices will be introduced. There will be a social hour Sprinkling systems which spray onto the highway are also of growing concern to UDOT, hospital were held Tuesday at She Wing Mortuary, Lehi. She was born Jan. 28, and accidents. e Myrtle Oleta Colvin Price, 71, who died Friday, Sept. 19. 1980 in a Salt Lake City Zumtillo Gamboni single vehicle "running off Concert for Fli!!on Colvin. She married Members At fourth services 1909 in Ogden to Thomas Phiio and Mary Hazel New Faculty Two the Hospital Funeral 7566001 Jeanine Pace Burnside Dennis Myrtle Oleta Price Dies and registration call: 310 West for Held Tuesday For patron, Red Cross, Ballet Guild Junior sustainer, Funeral services were held for Judy Lyn Larson MARY OLETA PRICE 15-1- 7 For meet Thursday, October 2, 1980 at the Women's Center, Museum Judy do not We that this be more lbs. further information Harold John Funeral Services is Your 500 North, Provo, at 9:30 a.m. This will be a "Meet Your Candidate" session at which nominees or their JUDY BRINGHURST Sessions are 10 weeks in length and cost of program period. 17, City to A.W. Giles Davis. 21, 1978. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority at Utah State University. Her civic affiliations included the Salt Lake Art Barn, p.m. week Nov. 5, 1931 in Evanston, Wyo. He died Feb. for teen age will be held control weight from 4:30-5:3- 0 p.m. also beginning October 7. Women's Legislative Council of Utah County will Cultural f A' program The road sequent damage suffered by the highways due to the standing water. Several factors contribute to this situation, including waste water from adjoining fields, poorly maintained irrigation ditches, as well as 1912 in Heber and Delia M. She married Firmage, Jan. be advise for services Cemetery. She was born classes Modification Tuesday October 7. will Adult Classes Candidate' irrigation water ponding on and the conhighways 4PBET1UA1MES Behavior Control Margaret Malone RD ext. 245 Host Graveside Roberta Davis Firmage, 67, who of died cancer Monday, Sept 22 at her borne were Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. at Mount Olivet American Fork Hospital will begin their fall Weight or Utah Former Lehi makes and individual an keeps overweight American For more information, of TranDepartment sportation are becoming increasingly concerned over that you eat it Page A-- 9 Woman Dies Did yon know that it is not what yon eat (with some exceptions) but how states. Utah Highways Officials with other Western along Increase On Allman's Carpet Drapery Allman's remove the energy crisis. Professor Greaves will be touring Utah in October, and Drapery Carpet Thursday, September 25, 1980 Lehi Free Press Weight Control Class Scheduled d J However, in great abundance in Utah, as is true this year, the problem is compounded. "Highway engineers have concerned been deeply about this problem for many years," says UDOT Three Director District Richardson. now that Howard "Especially revenues highway J have i it's important that we do all we possibly can to protect the people's investment in the State Highway System." Several years ago the problem was addressed by the State Legislature which enacted laws to safeguard the highway system and enhance highway safety for the user. become so Current scarce, Commands Killers Twice daily five-fotall Bottcher enters a Ursula cage towering 1,400 pounds. And they all in one thought common: a tasty what tidbit their trainer would be! Yet Ursula which is r Latin for and the name that coincidentally she was born with - insists that she has no fear of her snowy charges as she puts them through their paces in the 110th Edition of Ringling Bros, and Barnum have public highway by causing or or permitting flow seepage of water, or who or willfully carelessly water under his permits control to escape in any manner so as to injure any such highway, and any into a fatality. Ms. German-bor- her and Bottcher Manfred partner protect Horn, with themselves four-fo- long steel rods which they hold in front of their stomachs since that is the spot where the creatures v lunge first. Thurs. SEPT. 25 Fri. SEPT. 26 Sat SEPT. 27 Sun SEPT. 28 Mon SEPT. 29 or & Bailey Circus, opening this Wednesday, Sept. 24 at the Salt Palace for 12 left, anything upon any such highway in such a way as to obstruct travel or to performances through Monday, Sept. 29. Ursula Although or property endanger persons passing upon such a highway, is guilty of a misdemeanor." In light of the need to our State's protect has raised them all from cubs, she knows that they are not prone to sentiment and would strike the second her guard was down. The furry emperors of the Arctic have lightning speed, three-incnon retracable claws that transportation enforcement h agencies are expected to make a coordinated effort to reduce the amount of water flow onto highway make even a love-ta- lethal, and the great speed and strength that turns any misstep in their presence rights-of-wa- i Fall Sale Fisher's 671 b SAVE E.300N. ON CHILDREN UNDER - Price Includes Tax SALT PALACE BOX OFFICE and ALLZ.C.M.I. STORES FOR TICKET INFORMATION CALL: PM PM PM PM (801) 363-768- 1 FOR GROUP RATES CALL: 12 (801) Performances 359-922- or 4 359-924- 1 Day . . Date r No. of Adult Tickets . Ut Cushion Mums Ut Ut TOTAL at $ per ticket $ at$ per ticket $ MONEY ORDER i v OR c CI c CI . CI . CI C! NAME -- 1 (Please Print Clearly) ft P- -f AMOUNT OF CHECK C C CI Time . 3 CI (Under 12 Years) $2.49 plants too! PM No. ol Child Tickets Potted Geraniums iMany house 8:00 8:00 8:00 6:00 8:00 Seats Reserved $5.50 $6.50 $7.50 K u u $2.00 PM PM PM PM PM PM co Many Varieties p 4:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 4 00 Ringling Bros. Barnum A Bailey Circus The Salt Palace. 100 S W Temple Salt Lake City. Utah 84101 $2.99 Some Flowering Lovely Gifts $1.00 Starred Save $2.00 On All 7.30 Tickets Use VISA or HASTM CARD Monday thru Saturday 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM ($1.25 Service Charge Per Phone Order) r Hanging Baskets 11AM At r Pleasant Grove Ail PERFORMANCES Wed SEPT. 24 NIGHT she-bea- carelessly places or leaves, or causes to be placed or highways, law and ten bears, ranging in height from 8 to 10 feet and weighing from 800 to law willfully with polar "Any person who or willfully carelessly obstructs or injures any who FELD Ursula Bottcher states: person ,t ADDRESS DAY CITY . HEVER MAIL CASH! V V j .ZIP. . Make check or money order payable to: SALT PALACE. stamped envelope) $LT (Enclose 'V uu u u m4. STATE PHONE O i V V V 824 mOOQOOO |