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Show from Preceding Page Disinfectant n 5r75n: , $656.08 f $192.50. Nelson d lips f $17.85; W. VV. Phillips d Flee Co. h $1 87 d $105.31 Bros, Hart b f ef relif, f $e)fso d $733.41; t 1 18 97 h $3.3900; IT, 8. Fidelity part! w? nr Hlqj -- 70; Ray 1 Nelson f McCormick-Mathe- r & Howe Inc. d $1.75; n., $16.00; Phillips Petroleum Pro $82.36 f $106.51 h $86.3. 13. ISlanford Univ. Press b $5.73, & Guar, to $80.00; Universal Pub. ELDER NEWS Co. BOX Harvey h Y. "I It. Times b $10.00; Janice Nieho ducts d $76.86; Physicians Supply Grant E. Hayes Co. d Stores e $3.45; S. L. 'Stanley Tools b $2.64; Star Sheet Safety & Fire Equipment Co. Inc. DoweH. Sid, Mrs. - las d ' Safeway d c City, Utah' Co. Brigham Blue $2.96; Photo Ca 571.82; Dell aT Nichols f $25.08; Hawks d $2.80; Grace $3.90; McGraw-Hil- l r"' u A Tribune b $13.50, a $18.00; S. L.j Metal Co. f $52.00; State Dept of d $20.89; Univ. of Chicago Press Wednesday, November 1, 1950 Cos, lJs a $8.00; Heath Company $45,1 h f $9.05; Virgil Pierce d $60.00; Blue Print Co. b $19.70; S. L. Cos Health c $1,933.56; State In- b $12.00 h $.85; Univ. of 111. T McIntyre d $10.00; Nielsen Motor Co. h",$13- - Marvella Pierson a $8.00; Plastic Co. h $12.. t 26 D. C. Heath $15.00; Western Radiator Co. d MeMurtry MfS- tume b $4.35; S. L. Desk Ex- surance Fund $8S502: Pro b Products $32.11; g S1.835..04 pleetox j $1.08; U. S. Rock Wool Co. f $147.68; mu Ellen Heaton d Darrell Nielsen h J I14 b $8.51; $59.13; Western School Supply Ruby w. Nielsen h $9.50; ducts f $376.01; Plymouth Water change h $733.00 I $1120; Salt $277.51; State Road Commission $103.00; Univ. of Utah Aud. Vis, Shoe & Sport 'VI- Hepplers Mack International to $8.36; U. E.A. I Lake h Hdwe a H. a d d $88.25 e Treas. Aid Nish $5528 Jim Mary State $2.00; $24.00; $5.00; Dept, Surplus Co. b $12.60 f $98.68; Western d $3.60; North Main System Pope Hereford Journal j $2.00; Truck Co. d $88.18; Earl Madsen Furn. Co. e $16.20 f $578.53; R. $8.63; Popular Mechanics Mag. $18.50; S. L. Stamp Co. a $5.07 T. Stayner d $202.76; Steves Of- Property b $69.68; Utah Ice and Sound & Equipment I $190.12; Safe Co. Da fice Supply a $19.34; Mrs. IX) n Storage d $503.80; Utah Idaho B. Westmoreland f $22.00;' W. A. d $22'88 b $3.00; Portage lrr. Res & Pow- f $15.17; Wayne Sandall forth d $108.50; 5842.95; Clarence E. Hess h $10- -, wL Madsen e 00V" iiovn. $225.50; Saw Shop f $16.50; E. J. Steed d $3.60; Frank Stevens b Concrete Pipe Co. f $25.00; Utah Products f $73.26. e er Postmaster $31.00; $75.80; Brigham Estelle G. H. Westmoreland eil Hess I $133.25; Orlando Vern Oberhansly 522.50; Magic Chemical a $1,31220 b $10.00 c $18.16 Scarry Co. f $140.40 e $245.03; $122.13; Alvin D. Stokes e $68.00 Idaho School Supply Co. a $44.47 $522.90; OK City d Co. b j h $8.00; Quinten Hess Milton h Wheat $9.50; Wlieatley James F. Schoenfeldon h I Bros. d $5.50; h $307.00 f $296.04 Rubber Welders d $670.00; $10.00; Stokes b Service $1221 $20.65; Postmaster $15,181.04 $301.21; Garland j j j $22.64; h $9.50; 7m- Dan Hickman A9!1;92 Inc. a $2524 Scholastic Magazines b $235.60; $74.07; Chester W. Stokes h Utah Idaho Sug. Co. e $197.58; ley d $1.92; Seth Wheatley d Hyrum Malmrose d Olague h $84.00; Dan Olsen $70.00; Prentice-Hal- l School Higiey e $28.00; Highlights $14.40 b $30.00; Marianne Man- f $51.00; D. A. b Arts $4.00; $8.50; Thorbeh Stone a $8.00; Utah Photo Materials Co. b $77.50; Whitaker & Hunsaker f Magazine Olsen Jr f $3.00; h $328; Mrs. R. N. Price b $208.50; School Children b $5.00; A. D. Executive a $5.00; School Story Parade Inc. b $10.00; Astrid $244.09; Utah Oil Refining Co. d $925; E. H. White c $11.00; J. ning e $52.33; Mantua Munic Henry Olsen d $43.60; John Olsen Co. d $36.40; Progress Supply & h $13.50; Hillam A'bst. CrPn e $81.96; B. Glen Marble Jr b $179.48 f $81.00; Harold Public Affairs Committee Inc. to Serv. Co. b $1628; Science Digest M. Strand e $48.75; Kenneth $701,89 e $60.48 h $64.00; Utah J. White f $3.50 b $75.00; Whitto $27121 f $34.25; Jr. Agy. Clark Hillam, g Milton Marble j Oman d $93.90; Karl Oman d $3.00; J. W. Pulsipher b $410.62; Inc. b $5.00; Science Research As- Stratton b $1.00; Summerhill Poultry & Farmers Coop f $43.50; more Welding tofroSSu0, & Ice e $847.81; WilCoal b sociates rrffl- Hiller Book Binding Co. SumForsman Scott Wight Co. d d Power $51.68; b $160.00; LaRain Mar- - $o6.24 ; Onox Inc. e $95.86; Ore- Garland Puzey c $47.16; Jos. and Light Utah $7.51; Marion Foundry b $2.03; John Wiley & Co. h $5.24; John Scowcroft & mers d $15.60; 243,75; Vern Hill h $211.25; Superior Dairy d $88.92 e $6.98025; Utah State Ag. cox & Follett gon News Serv. h $17.64; Arville Quayle J $10.00. eer Marble u Sons 1 44 88 b 416: Willard f Ferd Sons Co. d $905.93; Darold Seagar $S8.53; Superintendent of Pub. College b $17.35 1 $4.00; USAC $255.29; Mfs. Chesley Marshall Orme h $8.50; Doan Orwin Clyard Sales Radio Supply Co. h $154.65 b e $71.00 f $15.00; Sears Roebuck Inst, b $60.00 h $98.35 C $20.00; Bookstore h $7.50 j $61.15; Utah Water Co. e $620; C. B. Williams Louis Hirschi d d $3.60; Mirl Mason h ; ahi $9.00; Mrs $2.04; Overhead Door Co. Raft River Rural Elec, e Co. f $36.00 h $91.39 b $28.26; $1.70; Hoards Dairyman j $12.. Walter Mathias d $8.70; of Doc. J $19.85 b $1.00; State School Board Ass'n a $50.79; g $3,306.49; D. E. Wilson e 78Mattock $470.00; Owen Auto Serv. d $178JJ3; Railway Express Agen Carl Seashore h $351.90, c $15.75; Supt. Sch. Utah Taxpayer a $2.00; Valley $2,849.48; Mack Wilson f $13.00; Hobart Sales, d $1.17; Hoff. Tractor Co. d $3.00; Richard L $21.00; Della Owens d Prop Surplus $20.16; F. cy f $16.62 d $5.77; Ruth Ramp E. S. Shandrew f $20.00; Mrs. A. Dis. b $98.63 j $90.35; Survey As Clinic c $29.00; John A. Vance h H. W. Wilson Co. h $8.65 b $35.50; ansHdweCo. 'b $57.83, 1 $160,-,- . Mecham h $8.25; Mendenhalls A. Owen Pub. Co. b $13.50; Jos. ton d $17.40; Dr. J. H. Rasmussen L. Shaw e Sheffield sociates b $3.00; Sycamore Groc $9.25 e $2.55- - Van Engelens b Edgar Winchester f $12.50; Win-zel$1,322.93; $89.75; Brigham f $i.u d $10.89; navid Holdaway d Oyler d $87.50; Leah Oyler h c $53.75 f Motor Co. d $611.71; E- - C. RasmusGroc. Martin e $82.95 $4.00; b f J. $330.18 ery e $6.10. $7.03 f Earl $28.77 t $4.95; D. Van Nostrand $666.52; Holland of Tremonton d $614.00; $925; Leo Oyler h ij $3,127.31; Loda sen d $44.00 h $200.00; Romina d $10027; Shell Oil Co. d $19.11; d $151.20 f $1.89; t Carl Wixom J. b d d Delbert Co. Vincent Holtman Talbot Service Hdwe Edw. $10.60; $420; Meredith Publishing Co. b a $8.00 h $8.25; Reid ; oit h Oyler Wold d $72.00; W. G. Woffinden Rasmussen d $2.00; Ruth H. Reed Shell Service d $18.81 b $225; Tanner h $8.00; Herbert Tanner $2425 h $4,500.00. Holton Store d $24.84, 560.86; Inc. f $1,957.48 e $1,04925 $921.31. h h $925; Steve Reed Auto d Geo. Shepherds Auto Serv. d d $36.99; Val Tanner d $6.96; $43-,- . b $660. Wagstaff Service d $167.40; J. g $149.87; Chas. J. Wood 43; Dr. W. R. Merrell c 5260; Honey ville Town e Raymond Payne' h $186.00; $23.47 b $7.01; Robert Reese f $332.73; Connie Wood e $32.00; $1,000.00; Ada d Pub. Shields h 8. Glenn $5.22; Walch Weston h Ethel & e Sons $8.50; $5.74; $3.57; $35.00; Metals Supply Co. Inc. Dean C. Pack Motor Co. d Taylor wm, Horsley Wood h $8.00; Electa $4.00; $568.00 d $232.00; Reeves Block Jack Shumway g $278.71; J. J e'slie Hoskins a $8.00; Hough J $46.95; Michaelis Taylor b $15.00; Rodney Taylor Verle Waldron e $10.00; Geneva Earl E. Coal Yard e E. H. Packer d $63.00; Packer and h $8.50; Melvin Wood Co. Reeves f K. $16.80; d d Verner Walker Walker Teeter $284.09; Pipe Qneta Shumway g $15,66; ) $75.00; Roy $25.51; .Mifflin Co..h $24.30, b $28.84; $966.59; Midland Laboratories d Garage d $1321; Elia Pali Coal e $10.50 f $37.00 d $148.00; Shurtz b $180.34; t G. H. Tenant Co. f $4.19; Texas f $8.00; Wallace and Tiernan f $30.00; Reed D. Wood b $19.25; t owell Store d $99.91; John G. $30.89; Debate Bureau $2.88; Durwood Palmer d $38.50; Reminder Office Supply a $130.32 Co.h $325; Wm. Silvester d $2.70; Co. d $696.61 h $79.87; Thatcher Sales f $62.82; E. O. Wallin Dist. Wood Super Service b $4.50; b $40.34; Alice Miller b owell a $5.00; Jesse Hubbard $50.00; Metta Palmer d $20.88; Rudger b $1,934.17 J $201.77; Remington Gertrude B. Simmons h $11.00; Farmstead Water Assn e $30.00; a $5.00; Walton Valley Nursery Woodland Service d $172.86; Gra-el Douglas Miller d $1.43; J. Wilford Palmer h $9.00 f $20.00 d $44.82; 5525; Hunsaker Sand and a h LaMon Simmons f $20.00; Sylvia Theatre Arts b $9.00; Thompson f $109.72; Merle Wankler f $6.00; Hartell Woodland h $8.25; R. B. Inc. $56.88 Rand f $7.75; Israel Miller h $8.50; Mrs. Marvin Mil- Pan American Band Instrument h $121.00, E. Simmons a $8.00; Simmons Hdwe Company b $83.02 e $122.30 Ross Warburton d $41,04; David Woodland f $4.00; Floyd Wood-$53.7f $31.50, Restaurant $29925; A. Loren ler d $2.34; Wm. Miller e $7.50; Co. b $4.50; Panther unsaker d $273.06; Oil and & Store Fred A. Wood-yat- t Equipment Company Serv. d $11.94; Simonsen's Jew- f $101.05; L. O. Thompson e C. Ward to $3.96; Ed. D. Ward J ward d Mine and Smelter unsaker a $225.50; Ann Hunh $925; H. Woolf & Co. d Supply b Grease f $171.11; Parents Insti- d $772.85 b $2.32; Abel S. Rich elry Co. j $22.50; Arch Sims a $3.00; Lois R. Thorn h $825; C. $661.56; Rulon Ward d $172.00; ger e $137.60; Collin Hunsaker $23.02; M & L Coal Co. b $33.64; tute b $5.00; Patterson Pub. Co. a $123.00; R. C. Richards j $14.04 b $38.58; Sinclair Ref. Co. S. Thornton a $33.68 f $25.20 b Vaughn Wassom f $934.72; Geo. $98.34; World Almanac b $1.85; Dean Hunsaker d Modern Cleaners d $10.00; J. C d $5.00; Dr. H. L. Pearse c $427. 84; Sam Richards 5140.40; d $693.60; Singer d $15.60; Three Mile Creek lrr. e Watanabe Jr. d $7.65; Wasatch World Book Co. b $36.11; ;Mrs. Company b $15.00; C. J. Mohr c $55.75; H. V. Peck d $33.07; f $17.50; Theo Richards a$172.88; $151.94; 112.95; Frank Hunsaker d $5.00; Moffit Nelson Wyman d $9.72. Co. $14.25; Abinadi Tolman h $8.50; Sales & Service d $1,026.42; WasMach. $8.00; Singer Sewing Monrie Calculating Mch Co. f $1,215.96; L. A. Richardson f $52.00; D. H. b $27.76 f $12.30 h $116. 88; O. P. Roland Toombs d $41.09; con Hunsaker d $1.03; Lois V. $29.30; Mrs. Jos. Yates d $5.25; Bp. J. d $7.50; LaMar Service atch Wayne Hun-aker Ca. Inc. a $9.00; Chas. unsaker d $9.29; Maurice Montgom- Pearl Peck a $8.00 h $77.00; Ped- Richins J $75.00; W. I. Richlns f Skaggs b $364.63 d $14.09; Mrs. Toombs h $8.50; Town Supply Waters h $63.00; Ruth Watland L. Yates h $5.00; LaRue Yates h d $120.96; Maurine Hun-ake- r ery d $7.29; Chas. A. Montgomery ersen Motor Co. d $5.76 Peerless $2.25 d $18.75; Lawrence Ridges Earl Skinner d $8.70; Smith Boil- Co. d $106. 35; Floyd Tracy d h $825; Waynes Serv. Tremon- $8.50 b $75.00; Year Inc. b $4.20; d $3.90; Paul Hunsaker d h $9.00; Vernal Montgomery d Products Co. e $97.42 f $42.10; f $485.75; Hazel Riser a $8.00 h er Works f $63.50; Alvin Smith $31.49; James Tracy d $117.00; ton d $3.20; J. Albert Weaver Young America b $16.20; Young Hunsaker d $2.06; $113.63; Morgan Typewriter Co. Swen Pehrson f $22.50; Pella and $825; Bp. Leland Capener a $4.00 e $82.00; Ann Smith 525; Vilate Jesse Tracy h $8.00; Tremonton e $172.00 h $8.75; Webb Company Sign Co. f $19.50. a $18.00 f $23.00; R. W. Morgan Olsen f $213.10 d $35.00; Pem- $10.00 h Zellerback Paper Co. a $22125 ylvia Hunsaker h $2.00; Milton $10.00; River View Gar- $137.60; C. E. Smith b $85.41; L, City Corpn e $167.25 d $20.50 f J $350.94; Weber Office Supply Co. .Hunter b $7.20; Horton Hurd b $5.76; L. D. Morrell j $53922; broke Co. a $8.81 d $33.03; Pen-ga- age d $45.50; Hugh Roberts' d C. Smith Typewriter Co. f $157.00 $600; e a $29.61; J. L. Weldman d $99.50; b $555.97 e $554.52; ZCMI a' Coal Tremont h Mfg. Co. a $17.72; J. C. Pen-ne- $43.47; S. A. Roberts & Co. f Lorenzo Smith & Son f $5.94 Norman F. Hyatt b Moire Business Forms a $4.30; $8.50; $1,213.63; Tremonton Lumber & K. E. Weight a $878.71 b $90.00; $27820 b $1,761.72 f '$90.70 M. Morris & Sons h $272,639.16; Co. h $3,697.69 b' $1424 a Eberhart .Zundel B. I E. b Don A. Roche d Hdwe e $1700.54 f $101125 h W. M. Welch Mfg Co. b $109.80; $77.24; h Smith $516.56; $1.75; $312.80. $1800.00; Norwood Ray $9.50; 823; Hyer Luther Morris a $.50 b $3.14; Ver-ne- $100.00; Leonard Peirce h $200.00; Lucille Roche d $24.36; W. E. aid R. Snow d $8.00; Orion W, $1,587.88; Tremonton Public Li- Karl G. Welling a $8.00 h $8.00; $122.68 h $27.15. Idle Isle Cafe a $12.66; Indus-ria- l P. Morrison d $522; Morri b $80.00, d $178.50; Peoples Drug c Rockwood f $38.40; h $214.04 brary b $100.00; Tremonton Sad- Lysle Wells J $2,503.18; Martha Arts & Voc. b $3.00; Indus-ria- l Rocky Mtn Snow Jr. d $413-.5son Publishing Co. j $34.64; Dr. $319.16; e $47.50 f $2.63; Perry Bank Note Co. a $91.68; Ethel Leonard Sorensen e $10.00; So. dle Co. V. Wells e $33527; Wess Service Mike Keeps Busy Shop d $4.50; Steel Co. J $806.28; Indus-na- l S. L. Moskowitz c $12.34; Motor Canning Co. MIDDLE PORT, O. (UP) Mike d $456.94; Perry Rogers h $11.40; H. C. Rohde d Side Texaco Serv. d $4.02; South d $122.33; Tri State Lumber Co. f $3.10 d $832.70; West DisinfectSupply Co. b $38.18, f $3.32; Merc. Co. d $58.99; Mountain Oil Town Corpn e $97.08; M. G. Per-r- $36.68 j $125.75 h $53.25; Mrs. ern Pacific Co. e $18.00 g $1.00 b $548.41 e $10.00 d $109.15 e ant Co. d $35.00; Owen Western Schlereth, 62, is .the village Classroom Picture (formative Co. d $2,182.89 g $35.15 e $.77; h $9.50; Roma Perry d $3.60; Merlin Romer d $2.88; blacksmith and has been for 44 h $499.00; skow b $291.78; B. Y. WestmoreArchie Specialty Sales Co. b $140.73 $111.93 f $4,578.67 'indications b $13.72; Internatl Mtn States Elec, d $1.75 e $39.78 W. R. Persons b $50.00; C. M. Rose d $38.62; Roland Rose b $127.50; James Spencer f $2.00 Ralph A. a Trujillo d $4.32; Ardel-l- land f $60.50; Western Auto Co, years. He also is the police lusiness Machines f $34.66; f $89.14 b $25.70; Mtn States T. Peterson h $9.50; Dorris Peter- $94.50; C. O. Roskelley f $17.00; Mark Spencer e $24.00; Spiker mail b $749.94 f $12325 h $126.10; chief, fire chief, village Turner d $3.60. Eng. & Mtnce. Co. f & T. Co. a $713.91 b Dale Udy d $3.18; T. J. Udy Western Farm Life j $6.00; Wes- messenger, and manager of the $77327 c sen d $21.57; Petersen Elec, d Row Petersen & Co. b $2.50; Tile Co. f $156; Louie F. 1,121.38; Interstate Printers & $96.30 baseball $36.60; Service f $66.20 e $20.89, f $98.57; Elmer C. Royal Typewriter Co. f $598.50; Squires b Standard h $8.00; Ukon Water Co. e $89.50; tern Humanities Review b $4.00; local "Old Timers $96.25; iib, b $42.46; Mrs. Norman K. $178.80 je $8.04 d Moyes J. Petersen e $35.00 f $143.00 h W. J. Rudd a $8.00 h $8.00; Russ Brands d $104.76; Standard Oil Underwood Corpn a to Western team. J Journal Livestock Charlotte $68.26; $22.98 verson d $13.44. A. Munns h $8.25; Eva F. Mun- $372.58; d Engvar Petersen Jack & Pat Radio Shop f $10.-0- ; son h $9.00. $14.50; Essie Petersen a $11.50; J. Alvin James d $154.56; National Assn of Sec. School James Petersen h $8.00; Jesse F. ;arl James j $913.60; Jam Han--lPrin. b $1.62; Natl Chinchilla Petersen h $9.50; Jos. H. Peterson Orig. j $173.15; Jensen Bros. Breeders of America Inc. I $15.00; h $8.75; Mae H. Peterson b $6.42; b N. E. ;oal e $654.71; Ernest Jensen Mildred E. Peterson A. Assn b $8.80; Natl b $40.40; 150.00; Gerald A. Jensen f $14.-!6- ; Soc b $8.50; Iva Lou Vern Petersen f $6.50; Wanda ,Mrs. G. H. Jensen d $3.08; h $8.25; Curtis C. Nelson h Petersen d $10.44; Petty Cash a D. J. Nelson Jr h $8.50; $65.33 b $44.48 d $16.92 a $4.40 lyrum Jensen & Sons f $218.20; $8.00; 1522.36, b $174.27, e $3.96; Irvin Herman Nelson Corpn f $31.14; f $22.53; J. W. Phillips h $7.10 Jen-'Jensen d $32.00; James Jos. J. Nelson h $9.00; June Nel- - a $107.50 f $5.00 g $562.02; V. V. f $505.27; Ken Jensen Mkt. son f $21.00 h $47.00; Keith S. Phillips f $416.66; Victor Y. Phil$4.32; Mark Jensen f $10.00; (forma Jensen b $435.46; Orson Jensen d $60.00; Bp. Orson E. f ensen h $10.00; Val Jensen d $98.50; 138.40; Wm. L. Jensen W. B. Jensen e $972.89, f $190-0- 6; Blair Jeppson f $15.30; Don U Jeppson j $506.52, a $2.22; STATE OF UTAH, Norman Jeppson f $4.00; Jestes COUNTY OF BOX ELDER, ss 4 Chase d $72.17; Demour John d Grace John a $8.00, h $9.00; A. A. Johnson d $60.00; I, K. B. Olsen, County Clerk in and for the County Blanche H. Johnson h $8.50; B. of Box Elder, State of Utah, do hereby certify that F. Johnson d $35.12; G. L. John-sothe foregoing is a correct copy of the sample ballot to f $4.00; Henry C. Johnson be used at the General Election to be held Tuesday, e $4,00; Howard M. Johnson b November 7, 1950, at which time the polls will be b $363.91; J. Wayne Johnson in the open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Tolling places S30.54; Milton L. Johnson f $911-0- 0, are listed below : the' of various County precincts b $49.20, d $16.00; Moselle Johnson d $12.10; Johnson ServIN WITNESS WHEREOF, f have hereunto set ice Co. f $345.69; Johnson Store and affixed my official seal this 31st day of hand my I $238, e $653.24; J. Earl JohnsOctober, A. D. 1950. d ton b $13.92; Jones Serv. K. B. OLSEN, $922; Andrew J. Jones b $6.03; (Seal) County Clerk Oge Jorgen Violin b $56.55; Shop 0. E. JeaneJorgensen b $73.82; LIST OF POLLING PLACES tte Josephson a $12.00; Judy Co, b $20.11; L.D.S. First Ward Chapel Junior Scholastic b Box Elder No. 1 $85.50. L.D.S. Second Ward Chapel Box Elder No. 2 Kaiser Furn. Co. f $18.40 h Fire Station $25.00; Melvin L. Box Elder No. 3 Kay d $50.40; B $1827; Kearney Trecker Corp Central Chevrolet Building Box Elder No. 4 Clyde Kempton d $7.13; Sylvia L.D.S. Fifth Ward Chapel 5 No. Box Elder Kempton h $8.00; Vern Kempton L.D.S. Sixth Ward Chapel $22.40; Ed Kerr d $7.83; Kleon Box Elder No. 6 Kerr b Third Ward Chapel L.D.S. $175.00; Delbert Kidman d 7 No. Box Elder $310.50; Leslie J. Kidman g Amusement Hall Ward 8th L.D.S. 8 .... No. $265.02; Box Elder Edwin Kimber d $87.21; Ruby Bowen Home Emily Kimber d Mae T. Dam mtfnii1 , 1 JIOO.OO; $39.-pea- i rl - Motor j - - -- An-toni- o - - $49-66- - Acct-Jorda- i n er s $500-Merrell- s Silver-Burdet- Mid-wes- 2; y d y ll Tri-Mot- y y c n 1 . CERTIFICATE $71-2- 6; n - Kimber Beaver Bear River City Mertene Booth? $7.50; h $8.00; Raymond Kim-be- r d $22.02; Winford Kimber d 44.55; Lucille O King j $990.00; King e $52.80;' Kirkland f $10.00; Carl C. Kitchen a $4.50; Alfred A. Knopf Inc h 93; e Knudson Coal Co.$477.90; Glen Knudson, Bp. h 00; Mrs. E. T. Kobayashi d 4344; Koepsel and Love d 3.28; Mrs. Hannah Kohlhepp d 85; Homer Kotter d $79.85; Kozak f $589.10; Karl L. wusmark h $9,612.78; Chas. E. Eunzler h $8.00; John J. Kunzler Nursery - i $45.00. Lafayette Subscription Agency ) $225; Lambs Groc. d $9.00; Keith Lamb d $2.55; e $125; Jesse mb d $3.60; Leo Lamb d $66.00; Lancaster Kasting d 158.09; Lang company d $184.69; Austin Larsen f $607.00; Larsen Bros Plumb-md $234.31 f $427.27; Clyde P. men f $6.50; J. C. Larson Co. b 96; J. Norris Larsen j $421.02; $ N. Larsen d $1.43; Nor-aL. Larsen to $100.00; lone u. Larsen d $2.88; Wilma Larsen 0 $37.50; Chas. H. Last b $225.00; S' R Valley Leader Publishing $91.60 f $7.30 a $2.50 d 330 h $112.80; Gerald Leak h oO; Frank Lee h $9.00; Orita if b 529.00; Theron B. Lee a ; R. j. Leonard f $570.55; ughn Lewis f $7.15; Life Pub. b $6.00; Lilenquist Bros, d 39; Don Limb Service d $32.68; mcoln Schlueter Floor Mfg. Co. Ellen Lind d $100.00; jhtlbert Lind s $10.20; Cora E. 51.50 b $11.94 h $8.00; P. 7ln,d f $35.00; J. B. Lippin- 1 $270.93; Little, b $83.84 pbCo. & Co. b $3.32, h $2.52; ifyds Service Sta. b $8.48 d Ktal: Wm. M. (Long d $14024; g n yo-- "JS-OO- Lrd , .... Bear , W:::: -- . HoneyviHe Howell Junction Lakeside ... Mantua Park Perry --Plymouth Elwood School House Fielding School House Library Basement (Basement) Chapel wani Ward Chapel Honeyville School House LDS Ward Chapel p ynds Home E s ghandrew Residence 5me 0f Mrs. Albert Anthony Ward Chapel park yaney ward Hall 7 - Portage Promontory Rosette Rivers!de Snowville Thatcher Tremonton No. Tremonton No. Willard Yost ho l.D.s. Ward Chapel l.D.s. Ward Chapel alley Penrose k Han Connne Dewey ville... East Garland Harper - Recreation Hall clear Creek 8011001 HUSe Collinston Hall ClearCreek Fielding Garland Grouse Creek River City Amusement Hall Mrs- Verna Hyde s Home L.D.S. Ward Chapel Ruth D Barnards Home Plymouth School House L.D.S.' Ward Chapel Wayne C. Toombs Home L.D.S. Ward Chapel L.D.S. Ward Chapel LD.s.w'ard Chapel (East Room) L.D.S. Ward Chapel Tremonton Public Library McKinley School (Gym) city jjall Amusement Hall AMENDMENT NO. 1 CONSTITUTIONAL A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Article X, Section 8, of the Constitution of the State of Utah, relating to the control and supervision of the Public School Systemnby the State Board of Education and the appointment by the State Board of Education of the vState Superintendent of Public Instruction . . YES CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 2 joint resolution proposing amendments to Article VII, Sections 1, 10, and 20 of the Constitution of the State of Utah, relating to the State Executive Department, terms, residence, and duties of officers; the Governors appointive power in filling of vacancies in certain offices; and the compensation of State officers. YES A NO AMENDMENT NO. 3 YES to amend resolution proposing joint Section 9, Article VI pf the Constitution of Utah, relating to Compensation of Members of the Legislature, not exceedNO ing $500.00 a year for the Legislative while Term and $5.00 a day Expenses actually in session. CONSTITUTIONAL A NO , |