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Show t V Ads TtT CTtim VMUT directory BUSINESS flm ithiiii lout lines 01 .ess, $2.00 advertisements pet calen-Dootone month minimum. Addition-- 1 lines 50 cents month. s, per OT b. orchard supplies"" ..NT AND BODT and fen-.- k Approved quality painting, body insecticide, wrecks completely pPry,nS materials. Anderson save. and Co. our bid, Ly Shop, at rear of SEWING MACHINES 604 North iiam BOX ELDER mm mv THE ONLY WAY TO CTO? For Rent or Lease NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 1. 1950 FOR RENT Two room furnished apt Call 409-W- . A23-tf-c- .Services Offered FOR Unfurnished RENT deluxe apt Ph. 723-J- h , Peach City Apts. apt 35. Dean Keller, Steam heated FOR RENT nished apt west Repaired. Prompt service. SMALL LOANS guaranteed. Bate Seeing Machine Service, 54 So. 2nd iytffcEMENT WORK W.. . jrdon B. Nicholas for free Brigham. Phone stucco-Vme$25 TO $300 on plastering PAINTS AND GLASS work. Ph. 487J6, Home and automobile glass, mirrors, shelves, installed. GenGRAPH records BRIGHAM LOAN CO. Third Man eral Paimts. Brigham Glass and Cottontail, n No 43 So. Main Paint, 85 North Main. Ph. 696. Crew Cut, There's Phone 448 Kentons new in Modern RADIATOR REPAIR tunes. Complete auto radiator service, WILL DO ,nd all Hit Parade rug weaving. Mrs. Electric. cleaned, repaired, Brig-han States Cherrol Norman, Phone '586-J5- . Radiator Shop, back of SJTEBS Ringside, 380 N. Main. Titers, adding machines WILL TEND Small children in, registers bought, sold, PORTRAITS my home, five days a week. We specialize In natural color The and REPAIRED. Will serve hot lunch. Mrs. portraits. Roll film developing. Supply. M22-ch-Fred Eliason. Phone . Photo Art Service, 68V4 S. Main, IIC WIRING Phone 945. contrac-Imnercia,cal wiring and Work 68 fur- First south 4 room unfurnished house. 505 south Sixth- - west d Call after 5:30 p. m. FOR RENT 378-W- nt Nl-3-p- RENT Furnished apart- ment. Heated; hot water. Best location. Adults. Call 275-J- . FOR To-Sta- FOR RENT Basement nished. 522 So. First 114-- J after 5 p. m. fur- apt East Ph. d Help Wanted in becoming an Interior Decorator? Apply in 55 person at Fawson-Yourt- , south First west INTERESTED d tf 309-M- For Sale Real Estate l, industrial and FLOOR-WAL- L Overweight Women Get Together Buffalo Bill Bows To Movie Stars Old-Tim- FOR SALE OR RENT Six room home. L. E. Turley, 612 North COVERINGS ial. 1 Main. LIU 5 room Bargain! stucco home, furnished including refrigerator, piano, oil heater, range, etc; large lot planted to fruit tiees on First east street $3500.00;- terms: $14)00 down. $35 a month; an estate. J. H. Miller, broker, 51 South Main. Phone 350-- J or 1040. FOR Grade - A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT. SALE - 4 WORCESTER, Mass. (UP) LONG BEACH, Calif. ,UP) Women whose only sin is being Reckless Bill Mahoney, the unable to resist a double choco- easterner who rode with Buffalo wild west show as far back late malted for the road have Bills taken a leaf from Alcoholics as 1883, thinks the modern cowof radio, movies and teleAnonymous In their battle with boys vision are purty good." avoirdupois. They can do Just about Theyve banded together as everything we did with Buffalo and Fatties Anonymous operate Bill's he said. show," on the same principals as the Worcester resiThe successful organident, born William A. Mahoney, zation ran away from home to the west hea- and ended The up with Buffalo Bill. vyweights meet regularly to disHis favorite cowboy star Is cuss diet, scan the scales and Gone Autry. work out together-- , . Mahoney has no ambition to The formal meetings have get back into the business or their lighter moments, at least even ride a horse again. as far as the agenda goes. I'm Just plain too old," he Fatties put aside thoughts of said. fats, sugars, starches and carbohydrates when their own Beef Steel companies buy about Trust moans in close harmony 1110,000 worth of platinum and never come in. thousands of dollars worth of about hips that The groups president, a night diamonds per year, for indusclub entertainer, whose pound- trial uscsi age earned her the club name of Miss 281, spices members The yearly average rainfall testimonials about their faith- in Phoenix, Arizona, is only 7.74 ful dieting with ad lib com- inches. ments. All of you gals are going to be a lot more spic when youve got less span, she promises. As for herself, Miss 281 says: I used to have a shipshape only If received at this office prior to described land should file their claims, Bide or objections, cn or before tha the sale. the hour hxed lor time But I developed an en figure. In for ealed envelopes accompa must be sale. designated keel. nied by certified checks or larged Any contiguous owner claiming to the money orders made payable assert such Members mutual aid doesnt right must Treasurer of the United States for the preference within 30 days from tha above right of bide The the amounts stop, however, after the meet envelopes sale data. mut be marked in the lower ERNEST E. HOUSE, ing. They give each other pep No. Public sale bid, Serial corner Manager. talks when they get the urge 071445, Sale, 10 A. M Dec. 6. 1950 Tha highest bidder will be required to topple off the dry toast wa to pay immediately the amount thereof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-PUB- LIC Any adverse claimants of the gon. SALE land should file their claims, United States Wed like to have a few men or objections, on or before tha tuna Of The Interior Department Miss 281 says, but designated for aale. BURFAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT members, t a Any contiguous owner claiming Land At Survey Office, Salt Lake somehow none ever Joins. must assert such fl post-ofrl- d M d a ROSE preference right right Utah, October 3, 1950 SUPERIOR DAIRY within 30 days From the above sale City, Under provisions of section 2455 FURNITURE MOVING date. S-- , R. as amended by section 14 of the Phone 504 ERNEST E. HOUSE, FOR SALE 5 room brick bouse, For local or long distance act of June 28, 1934 (46 Stat., 1274. Manager. 43 S. C. 1171), and pureuant to the U. corner lot. First west. See J. DRY CLEANERS RT effects, SALES moving of household application of Park Vuiley Hereford 51 H. south 938-Miller, broker, J restaurant for BOOKS, free and estimate. am Dry phone Association, Hark Valley, Utah, Serlul Laundry NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. 071424, there will be offered to the 350-- J or 1040. Phone checks, cashier Main, A 8 PUBLIC SALE May tr Son pads, punch Mass. (UP) s Phone 62 LANCASTER, highest bidder, at public sale to be United State checks, printed to your order. held at 18 oclock a. m., on the 6th day This town would have been Department Of The Interior One-mont- h 1950 of this at office, next, December, delivery, so order FOR SALE 7 room house on BURI AU OF LAND MANACF.MENT a village blacksmith r Sale for named land. the of tracts following & Lake Land Survey Office, Salt early. Lowest prices. The News All Sec. 4, Twp. 13 North, Rangs 13 if it hadnt been for a pompous Third west; used now as a du- City, Utah, October 13. 1950 Journal. aot Under provisions of section 2455, West, SLM. (64) 60 acres) at esALE Red R. S., as amended by section 14 of the leas than $3 80 per acre, and All Sec. legislature. plex; only $5,000.00. An potatoes. Ph. 13 13 After its incorporation in 1653, 10. T. West. SLM. North. 1934 Range of June 28, (48 Stat., 1274; tate. See J. H. Miller, broker, act ELECTRIC floor after 5 p. m. Ezra Har-- . pollsner for 43 U. S C. 1171), and pursuant to the (640 acres) at not less than $2.50 per town fathers nought permission 51 South Main, Phone 350-- J or rent Beehive Coal & Appli$ acre. oi Kunzler of Park John J. application Pres1040. Valley, Utah, Serial No. 071578, thwre Bids may be made by the principal to name the community ance, 68 North Main. F18tf-c- h be the offered will to of on all makes highest bidder, or his agent, either personally at the cott the after popular village Shot gun and rifle; at a public sale to be held at 10 o'clock sale or by mail. blacksmith. REPAIRS And service on all m., on the 6th day of December, Bids sent by mail will be considered guns. Mountain States Washers, vacuums, irons, 950 next, at this office, the following After rejecting the application, home appliances, guns, etc. received at this office prior to if TWO BEDROOM HOME only lie. of land: tracts hour fixed for the sale. Bids must, the Massachusetts etc. We fix anything. Just Guaranteed service and repair legislature All of Sec. 10, T. 13 N, R. 14 Wn the located on Second East street. envelopes accompanied by said: S L M., at not less than $3 00 acre. be in sealed SALE new bring them in or phone us. parts, lowest prices. Phone certified checks or post-offic- e money Practically Only two short blocks from 640 acres NEUNWU. E'j Sec.per14, T. orders made payable to the Treasurer Whereas no town of the Colo163 for service at your home, 14 W., SLM, at not lest 13 N., R or call lette. Phone 210-- J the bank. Modern, except than of the United States for the amounts $2 50 per acre. 360 acres or bring them to Thompson The envelopes must be nies has as yet been named for north Second east. heat. $2300 down balance as Bids may be made by the principal of the bids. corner any Governor; and whereas It in the lower Hardware and Implement. or his agent, either personally at the marked low as $35.00 per month. "Public sale bid, Serial No. 071424, were sale or by mail. unseemly that a blacksmith 1950. 10 A 6. Dec. Sale. M, Bids sent by mail will be considered ALE THBEE BEDROOM FRAME Walnut dining rm. ahead of his betters, be honored will be bidder if The received office required to this highest at prior SEPTIC tanks and cesspools located in Second ward. This only the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must to pay immediately the amount thereof. the name Prescott could not be table, six chairs, buffet Phone 990 84 S. Main of the above' adverse claimants m sealed be Any envelopes accompanied by p imped. Roots and debris minor. In excellent con place was built about 10 certified checks or post-offic- e money described land should file their claims, permitted. cleaned from sewer and drain time made payable to the Treasurer or objections, on or before the a. Phone 289-- J or call at The town evaded the hunt to yrs. ago it is in excellent orders of the United States for the amounts designated for sale. 12 CLEANING No lines to inches. FURNACE digup tst Fifth south. state of repairs and is loca- of the bids. The envelopes must be Any contiguous owner claiming a pick a governors name by W Vacuum. Clean and Repair such choosing corner preference right must assert In the lower ging or rearing up of lawns. Lancaster after the ted on well planted lot and marked 30 above from the Public No. within 871578 SALE Serial sale Rotobid, days right Used refrigerator; All Makes of Furnaces Call collect 027J4 Logan. of course has good garage. community in England. date. Sol A, M.. Dec. 6 1950. llent condition JS7CL. PfeoneJ BELHIV APPLIANCE. f Rooter --Sewer - Service ERNEST E. HOUSE, be required The place Is entirely mod- to The highest bidderthe will amount-thereof, FlO-tf-c- h Manager. pay immediately Phon "ONE Phone your news to 1,000. ern. REASONABLE down Any adverse claimants of the above Village Blacksmith Almost Made Grade other. name: Jby any Compulsory Health Services Offered SERVICE Attorney General, each of whom shall hold his office for four years, beginning on the first Monday of January next after nvu- - his election, except that the ymi nr,aui,uiicuv SQ AN AMENTMENT TO terms of office of those elected CLE X, SECTION 8, OF .at the first election shall begin CONSTITUTION OF THE when the State shall be admitted E OF UTAH, RELATING jnt0 the Union, and shall end trthleanpdsubIe,e6 w&DCAnoN i g$ sesafss Wr&n'S f official duty. Section 2. The Secretary of State is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the State at the next general election in the manner provided for m Article XX1I1, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Utah. Section 8. If adopted by the electors of the State, this amendment shall take effect the first day of January, 1951. S. J. R. No. a their term CONSTITUTIONAL 3 at the seat of government, where AMENDMENT they shall keep the public 28, 1949 I February (Passed OF PUBLIC ords. books and papers. They A JOINT RESOLUTION PRORUCTION. shall perform the duties as are POSING TO AMEND SECTION No. 5 prescribed by this Constitution 9, ARTICLE VI OF THE CONbe prescribed by STITUTION OF UTAH, RELATit resolved by the Legis- - and as may ING TO COMPENSATION OF law. of the State of Utah, OF THE LEGISLAbirds of all the members Section 10. The G 0 v e n 0 J MEMBERS EXCEEDING $500.00 NOT TURE, with M to and each house concurring shall nominate, and by A YEAR FOR THE LEGISLAfin: consent of the senate, appoint TIVE TERM AND $5.00 A DAY ftion 1. it g proposed to 11 State and district officers EXPENSES WHILE ACTUALLY IN Article X, Sec. 8, of whose offices are established by IN SESSION. . Constitution of the State this Constitution, or which may Be it resolved by the Legiswhose kh to read: and ' be created by law, of the State of Utah, not lature of all members elected tThe general control sppointment or election is dur for lf. to each of the two houses votsupervision of the public otherwise provided Senate of the recess the ing in favor thereof: shall be vested mg "tem Section 1. It is proposed to State Board of Education cancy occur in any Mateor amend Article VI, Section 9, of the Constitution of the State of . Utah to read : Section 9. The members of the sha when he "tttion who shall Legislature shall receive such be the of the Senate, aot exceeding Throffme of compensation, 00 a yea: for the legislative $500 The Secretary of State, State Audi- - term and $5 00 a day expenses directed to submit this Secretary Treasurer or Attor- while actually in session, and state W amendment to the elec- - ney.General be vacated by death. mileage as provided by law. estate at the next re8ignation or otherwise, it shall Section 2. The Secretary of a election to State is directed to submit this m manner the ied for duty 0f the Governor in Article XXIII. fu f the same by appointment. proposed amendment to the elecLof .uie Constitution ana the apPointee shall bold his tors of the State of Utah at the office until his successor shall next general election in the be elected and qualified, as may manner as provided for by Article XXIII. Section I. be by law provided. of th State of Utah Section 20. The . Governor, 2 Secretary of State Audito Section 3. If adopted by the and electors of the state, this amendTreasurer, Attorney-Generh 8' 1949 ) ment shall take effect the such other State and district 1 of January, 1951. be day provided as may RESOLUTION PROPOS- - officers HEBER BENNION. JR., for I, AMENDMENTS shall receive TO AR- - by law, of State of the State Secretary a SECTION 1. 10, AND services monthly, compensation DO HEREBY CERUtah of frlrp CONSTnrTION OF as fixed by law. the foregoing is a TIFY that said RELAT- for T0 tuSFUTAH and correct copy of offiSs asTovided in all laws full, true constitutional amendthe three to this Co the regular S'CE an-- duties of enacted pursuant by ments proposed a tor the GOVERNORS tution, shall be in full session of the Twenty-eight- h of 0PTIJE POWER IN FILL- - services rendered official legislature, 1949. as appears 0P,9ANCIES IN CER- - cers, respectively, m any office in my record .rSyflCES; AND THE capacity or employment during IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I off ATI0N OF STATE respective terms of hereunto set my hand and have shall recede affixed the Great Seal of the No such officer solved by the Legis- - for the performance Lake City, b State of Utah, at Salt f the State of Utah, two-- official duty aitf fee for this 1st day of September. 1950. u members elected to own use, but aJfees by HEBER BENNION, JR e : law tot the Jo ! concurring therein of any Secretary of State It is to either of them ofncij (SEAL) eoBeeted in Article VII. proposed By be shall Sea 1. 10, duty, with the of THE APPOINTMENT BY STATE BOARD OF EDU- ON OF THE STATE SU- - No, ter they no matcall it. Bill F. BENNETT, WALLACE IVY BAKER PRIEST and PRESTON L. JONES ,, is a VOTE AGAINST SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Sponsored by DR. N. FREDRICK ,.i( on DAIRY FARM fully C B. WILLIAMS . S. L. f to Save rji Hu, & REAL ESTATE BROKER 140 So. Main Phone 6 -- a Life ills... or cure your or call Jeppson, Salesman Phone 349-- I two-thir- ds - w 5TSA5M? ft1 rj&st Esa StfficHf is Con-stati- JSK1 No. rt al d gBS .byJ, if'Hsssr - mrwttss ist of Gov- - may provide tor retary 0f State. State actual and necessary State Treasurer, and of eaid officers while travenng Deputy HICKEN less equipped with twelve I cows and all the machinery you need even a practically new tractor. This place is close in 1 mile from courthouse and the home is en-- 1 modern. tirely Requires balabout $12,000 down ance on EZ terms better hurry. Leaal Notice Notices. Probate and Guardianship District Court, Consult Clerk of or Utah, Brigham City, respective signers for information. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department Of The Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land & Survey Office, Salt Lake City. Utah, Oct. 13, 1956. Under provisions of section 2455, R. I S, as amended by section 14 of the act of June 26, 1934 (46 Stat, 1274; I 43 U. S C. 1171), and pursuant to the Harold L. Kunzler of application of Park Valley, Utah, Serial No. 071603, there will be offered to the highest II bidder, at a public sale to be held at 10 oclock a m., on the 6th day of j December, 1950 next, at this office, the II following tracts of land. Lots I, 2. 3. 4, S',N 2, SWtf Sec. 1 SLM, 503 04 3. T. 12 N, R. 16 W., acres at not less then $3 00 per acre, I and SLUSEU Sec. 4. T. 12 N.. R. 16 I W , SLM, 40 acres, at not less than $2 50 per acre. Bide may be made by the principal I or his agent, either personally at the le or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to jI the hour fixed for the aale. Bids I must be in sealed envelopes accompa I nied by certified checks or post-offic- e to the I money orders made payable Treasurer of tfie United State for the The envelopes I amounts of the bids J must be marked in the lower No. f corner "Public sale bid. Serial A 1950." M.. Dec. 6, 071603. Sale. 18 The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. II Any adverse claimants of the above- described land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any contiguous owner claiming assert such right preference right must within 36 days From he aboye sale dat ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager, FOR PUBLICATION United State Department Of The Interior OF LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Salt Lake Land It Survey Office, City. Utah, Oct. 13. 1950. Under provisions of section 2455, R. S.. as amended by aectron 14 of the act of June 26, 1934 (46 Stat, 1274; 43 U. S C. 1171), and pursuant to the Harold L. Kunzler of application of Park Valley, Utah, Serial No. 071445, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2 50 per acre, at a public aale to be held at 10 oclock a. m., on the 6th day of December, 1950 next, at thia office, the land following tracts of 12 North, Rangs 1 6 All Sec. 12, T West, S LM., 667.30 acres. Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the aale or by mail. Bid seat by mail will be oontidered NOTICE jo a If you will taka the number of patients treated last year in England and divide this number by the number of Doctors taking care of these patients . . . and further take Into consideration the number of hours worked by the doctors under the British plan . . . you would find the average time spent with each patient was approximately three minutes. Under ihe Proposed Socialized Medicine Plan private consultation with your Doctor might become a thing of the past reading government direchands tied by red tape and government limitations you could not bo given proper attention. Using England as a yardstick, under Socialized Medicine your Doctor could give you no more than three minutes time to consult with you, diagnose your ills and prescribe a treatment. Compare that with our present, free American system. Think it over for oven a moment and you'll know a change to compulsory health insurance would be folly. Half your Doctor's time would be spent in filling out forms and tives that would limit tho extent of his service to you. With his Socialized Medicine Results in Mass Treatment Compulsory health insurance would end up by assigning patients to Doctors . . . Doctors to patients. Though it Is denied by its sponsors, socialized medicine ALWAYS goes this way. In Russia, in Germany, in France, and inevitably in England, patients become numbers . . . in comes the State. You get no private conDodo'S the same. Out goes the individual You ho it. time for get inferior medical care . . . hospitals sultation . . . your doctor has fool let labels misled. Don't Don't be you. Compulsory Health Insurance become clogged. is bad political medicine. Medicine Socialized And Medicine. Socialized is nothing but ... See your Doctor for further information (PiW THINK RIGHT VOTE RIGHT and keep Socialized Political Controlled Medicine out of America. MEDICA 1679 socialized medicine bills Granger supports both bills. A vote for vJ balance payment monthly payments than rent. IS ... what and Bosone's House Resolution 6766 art ELECTRIC ii Socialized Insurance Medicine Thomas' Senate BREITENBEKER INSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS er anti-tipplin- g WE SPECIALIZE IN Motor, Estimates given. Ph. Linoleum, tile, broad.oom carFourth east. pet, fongowall in stock. Expert120 south Electric. ly Installed. North Main Furniture, phone 250. AN BUNDS us for VETERINARIAN ow shades. Call mates. Large stock win-ade- s Complete Veterinary service. always available, Hospital facilities. Dr. Hendrik 250 daln Furniture, ph. Versiuis, Tremonton, R.FJ). 3, 1 miles west of Elwood school D MATTER house. Phone 3962. slips, restaurant checks, Phone tie IKEr'.I |