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Show i dancing. Pictures were also taken of the children by Thelma Billings, president, which will be added to the ward Primary history book. The closing prayer was During the afternoon, various by Elna Perry. games were played in a progressive manner. A delicious In 1898 the Canadian nickel luncheon consisted of hot barbecued sandwiches and orange mines produced 123,900 tons of ore. Fifty years punch. One hundred children of copper-hicke- l the ward enjoyed the function, later this tonnage had risen to ' ' which was topped off with over 11,600,000. decorated with pumpkins and corn stalks standing in the corners. Tables were centered with lighted Children Of Perry Primary Enjoy Hallowe'en Party The Perry ward Primary entertained the children of the ward at a Halloween party and dance Monday afternoon in the amusement hall. The Primary presidency was in charge with all officers assisting with games and dancing in a hall cleverly STOP . . that ballot Before you mark ... At the facts LISTEN ... To reason THESE ITdD HJIK1 FIGURES the story of two decades of inflationary spending the years from 1929 to 1949 we have had these Tell In the Increases I TAXES 5 0 1000 COST OF GOVERNMENT mmm debt 1200 im Can YOUR Pocketbook stand that pace? Can your children shoulder the load? If we let that pattern continue another 20 years, will your children be free American wage earners or slaves to a bankrupt government? ... debt-ridde- n, The future is in your hands when you mark the ballot i I f" VOTE RIGHT for PRESTON L JONES Congress, 1st Dist. JUDGE JOSEPH E. NELSON Paid oolitic! Wdlf Is home, but she is confined to the house. She got a little more for her operation than she had counted on. r . . . Mr. and Mrs. Richard and children from Toston, Montana are visiting, with the W JE. Youngs and Mrs. Hunsa-ker- s brothers, 'Dee and Mack, and sister Marion Fredricksen. . . . Today, (Monday), is Billy Dee Youngs birthday. He Informed us he was five years old, but he forgot to say that his mother is as busy as only a mother can be in preparing him and his friends a party. It will be a Halloween party, no less, with witches, I know that for sure, and everything, even the eats In the Halloween colors. Yds, theres big doings abroad! My land! . . . Miss Maralyn Holmes who is attending school at the University of Utah was a week-envisitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Holmes. . . About the happiest person in town these days is Mrs. Lon Hewlett and no wonder her new house is just about finished! It is so neat and white and outstanding with its red roof and red tiles around the windows. Its just another example of how solid Corinne is growing. . . Little LaVar Wells Is home from the St. (Benedicts hospital with a set of exercises and other instructions for his welfare as a polio victim, but hes doing fine. G By Marijane Morris I dont pretend to gather all the news in Corinne, that is almost an Impossible task. Again, I am grateful to the 1 repeat, News and Journal for letting me editorialize in my column. I get more human interest , this way and often more of the real happenings than a straight news story could. For Instance, early last week the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nicholas who own and operate the Jnn, found a 30-3cartridge In the family car and stuck it in the cigarette lighter of the car. Mrs. Nicholas said the cartridges had been 1 nthe car for a long time, but it only tqpk Lee, age 19 months, a few minutes to discover one, take out the lighter and replace it with the shell. He was holding the bullet end and the cap exploded, injuring his hand, face and forehead. Believe me," his mother said, it didnt take long after the excitement and worry had subsided to clean out that car! She also added that the doctor advised her to have the incident ' published in some form as a warning and a reminder to other parents. The happening could have been so tragic. An other accident involving a small child took place this week also. Little Boy Hardy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardy of west Corinne, received a bump on the head when he accidentally fell against the dashboard of the car. His mother said he appeared to be all right until he fell Into a deep sleep and could-- , nt be aroused. She rushed him to the hospital at Brigham City where he stayed all night under medical supervision. He Is home now, none the worse for I think alhis experience. most every able bodied man in Corinne left to go deer hunting over the week-end- . There were 13 in the Anderson party (all related too); the Craner brothers, Vem Cutler and his party, Lloyd Hansen, Mayme Wells and her party, and numerous persons that took Sunday off. . . . ... World's Through Atomic Research Hcadanartcra !j I ! o PER MONTH Oak Camp DUP Meet At Brigham City, Utah meeting of the old folks November will be held Friday, November Wednesday, 3, at 2 oclock in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Westagaard, White Hair Turns Dark A 1, 1950 57 south Second east. MEMPHIS. Tenn. (UP) When There are certain subjects of most men reach 73 years their for the Importance to be discussed, and hair turns white butdid just the Rev. L .A. Streete, it refreshments will be served. opposite. He suffered an illA cord of iwood contains 128 ness which changed his hair cubic feet. A board foot is one from snow white to a dark brown. foot by one foot by one inch. A PLACER everythin SERVICE This combinatinj and storage cabi, With A Smile you plenty of rt. wasted time. Cjj Free we For your added convenience call for and deliver your wash . . . carefully Packaged to Preserve its And Pick-U- p inoffi) plies. Phone appear- - finished clean Delivery PHONE 62 the latest f 3, MODtkH fQip f i AND DRY k REMIND MESERVY LAUNDRY OFFICE Silt CLEANERS Alice Mifflin Home The Oak camp of the Daugh ters of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs. Alice Mifflin last week with Cora Olsen, first vice captain, conducting. Come, Come Ye Saints, was the opening song and the invo cation was offered by Rosella Simper. Hawaiian songs and dances were demonstrated by Nancy Hollist and Faye Simper who were dressed in costume, A retold Halloween story was given by Linda Palmer and the lesson on Early Pioneer Schools was given toy Lillis Cummings, A sketch of the life of Mary A, Jensen was told by her neice, The closing Mary Christensen. song, Let Us All Speak Kind Words To Each Other, was followed by the benediction pronounced by Alice Mifflin. The serving committee, composed of Duella Victor, Daisy Hansen and Rosella Simper served delicious light refreshments out the Halloween carrying theme. A Family Convenience WITH 9X1 ORANGES The Sunday evening sacrament meeting held In the Perry ward last Sunday evening was by conducted Eugene Bott, s' counselor. The opening song, Come, Let Us Anew, was followed by invocation by Jamesy Nelson. The sacramental ' song, I Do Remember Thee, was sung with Harper (Billings conducting the singing and Louise Davis as accompanist. Max . Nelson and Richard ' Billings were in charge of the sacrament - - , RA Amazing New COOKING Elder Robert Bott , Speaks At Perry Sunday The News-Journmlmber is 1,000. Small Down Payment BOX ELDER NEWS d Two violin solos were played by Marion Davis Jeppsen, accompanied by Mrs. Rula Jeppsen. Robert Bott, recently returned from the missionary Southern States mission field was the principal speaker during the evening. He related faith promoting and interesting experiences gained during his mission term. The closing song, God IBe With You, was followed with benediction by Carrie Petersen. THE OLD!! PACE STX Old Folks Will Meet At Westagaard Home 4 RIGHT 0 VER I Clesse Hun-sake- Developed Utah Supreme Court adv. bv Utak Republic ORINNE OMMENTS First Motor Oil U. S. Senate WALLACE F. BENNETT V Mrs. 0 LOOIS WAGES A?Z cmd INVENTION H Tl-l.lfg- Only IP HI UILCC brings you such' Quality a: Features for only $249.$i ie V I Op , f c wfQ Tie w Philco SO HO SOOT snout NO Now, broiling perfection of Mfe without nuisance grease. burning and BmutP .1 J the m lariaf-Y5- Irider, i vanced D now at i sational low price STM . . a 7.2 "5 Philco "! Amazing improvement!! flavor, taste, juiciness and with less shrinkage! PLUS Hug. Banquet Oven a at Dttp wall Canker ZERO Z0 FREEZE! LOCKER to enclosed, zzzssxzr even k firmly frwes QUICK CHILLER Storea awl quick-c- l' eragea. 4 am ADJUST)! SHELVB Arrange M suit your! holding anywzew telephone FULl-WID- T CRISPER PHILCO Come in Now 405 $279.95 in time . . . don't let winter storms damage plaster, paint or furniture . . . and right over the old! 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The bright, permanent colors are bonded to heavy asphalt base. You'll in the toughest overhauls dus to lubrication. Compared to conventional "Premium Type oils as designated by the American Petra- - ! leum Institute, NewRPMcuta in half the wear-rat- s of critical engine part in driving-t- he toughest test a ,, ' motor gets! Try it stop-and-g- o Distributed by REYNOLDS V. REEDER Phone 68 or 129-- W 181 South 8th West V tadfo. Want To See PHILCO W" P"' ' iff r): It The New HOME Foot Freezer with three compartments, ready for immediate delivery, priced FREEZERS Foot, three compartir Philco home freezer to giye plenty of room for frozen foot ic $37995 n KEEP YOUR PROMISE PHILCO RAniOQ TO HIM . . . Have That PORTRAIT taken NOW . . . for his ' Special Gift. ' "Portraits Of Distinction ' Consoles, table models, portables in 1951 models, now available. 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