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Show t kboi hlil fJH Mrs. Visit ,Ves Iht Civic Improvement Literary Tea Snnncnr Leola Greene Merrell In Review On Sat. Forrester f er Birthday wEtncSSTfor Bott and two children. Bruce, of Englewood, Ha It the week-en- d Mrs. Nancy Mrs. ( inj Civic Improvement Club Hear Fashions Lecture At Thursday Meeting United In Home Ceremonies dramatic th,T readings will be the by the con8re8ation - in the club rooms. and I Were Young Maggie, was sung by Mrs. the uests Merrell has appeared group, Lit brothers and their in Brgham City Captain fnT. J'Tf8 Tingey had received Mr. til of Cache Valley, a card from Js highly favored as-a- n daughter Mary Rose, Heber Bankhead, Mr. She will read, Brass wno is enroute to the Hawaiian and Ankle. Evan Bankhead Islands. It was also announced Bankhead. tnat the County ,Mrs William Members of the Encampment literary celebrate the birth-ir- e committee are, Mrs. Civic I be held November 18, at 2 R. K. Daines, Mrs. Forresters chil-,chairman; Mrs. VV. Vosoo Call, oclock m the afternoon at the Mrs. D. M. Mason, Mrs. grandchildren. lourth ward chapel. All were Davis and director memberLloyd Mrs. lequested to be there. Chet Hamilton. These ladies The lesson, Schools of Early are proud to present Mrs. Mer-rel- l Utah Days, was treated by and assure the club mem- Neola Armstrong. Patricia Bott bers an enjoyable afternoon. played two piano selections. The life of Peter Baird and wife Jessie Baird was read by Beehive Mrs. included i i d jajpi&dl the o . PICTURES" S. Camp Meet At Home Of Jennie Tingey The Jennie Tingey. closing song, "Onward Christian Soldiers, was The Beehive camp of the the group and Lavlna sung by Thomas Daughters of 'Utah Pioneers held gave the closing prayer. their regular meeting at the Refreshments were served by home of Jennie Tingey, Friday, Violet Jennie Tingey Tingey, Oct. 27. and Afton Mason. Meeting commenced at 7:30 p. m. and Captain Violet Tin- Order your stationery, office and gey presided and First Lieuten- business forms, envelopes, etc., ant Virge Harding conducted. today at the News-Journa- ,li Ua Edward Grant byiomoi Edward Grant Story SHOCKING by MERVYN leROY by JOHN W. CONSIDINE. EHnMW nuH ScriPtayby Mahln and John Jam BEM Directed A J. METRO GOlDWYN-MAYMASTERPIECE REPRINT LSO -A- Picture Ever THE HU-WLAUGHS! TO T Iff deem Broken andtMry teach the city folk how to Ova the (tad ole mountain manner! I 0 vrs f Bj 01sJD (iBifZHSGD and ELV1RY 1771m rao dti awtu i3L" can- - ccarr THE HALL JOHNSON ALAN us (HOI cue LADD ilCTdfll.il Shorts - Cartoon News ,,i i Flexible leather Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Beamer . . . who exchanged nuptial vows at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bradbury, Friday, . October 17. The young couple will make their home in Brigham City. Insole with super-comfo- rt cork cushion. Special flexible 1 Delpha Sanders And Henry J. Beamer Married In Lovely Ceremonies At Bradbury Home leather IDelpha Sanders, daughter of i V.F.W. Auxiliary To and Mrs. M. R. Sanders of Newton, and Henry J. Beamer Hold Membership Meet of Brigham City echanged wed- On Thursday Evening , ding vows in the beautifully decorated living room of Mr. IA membership meeting of the and Mrs. Cecil Bradbury, Friday, Veterans of Foreign Wars and October 17. lbe held at ! the wil Auxiliary and close With, relatives friends attending the young War Memorial home Thursday couple stood in front of a large evening, November 2, according mirror, flanked by candelbra to Charles J. Klmber, commanwhen they were married by der and Mrs. Ellen Richman, , Bishop Lyle Cowley of the New- Auxiliary president. ton L. D. S. ward. war who veteran of any Any 'Delpha cnose as her bridesoverseas is eligible for maid Bernice Asplund of Murray, served into the V. F. W. Utah. The 'best man to Henry membership post, Kimber stated. Any wife, was Cecil Bradbury. mother or sister of these overFollowing the ceremonies a seas veterans should become to chicken dinner was served ac and groom members of the auxiliary, the guests. The bride . cut a large three- tiered1 Cake to cordiftgrstOk Mrs. . Richmand. , t ' be served, The local George Gldney V. the F. W. post and auxiliary meet (Following the wedding couple left on a short honey every first and third Thursday. moon. They will make their The post meet on the second home in Brigham City. floor of the War Memorial home and auxiliary meetings are held downstairs. The officers urge Honeyville DUP Meet eligible man or woman In any At Lyman Chlarsons Brigham City to attend the Mr. One step Is worth a thousand words Others from $8.95 i StJQCG CUSUIOn-PLC- lI 1 , M Mrs. Lyman Chlarson of Brig Thursday meeting. ham City was hostess to the the of camp, Honeysuckle Daughters of Utah Pioneers, recently. Captain Alice Boothe presided and Norma Gilmore conducted the program. Group singing was led by Mrs. (Ellis Tolman and household exchange was given by Laura Hunsaker. A sketch of the life of David Grant was ' given by Mrs .Gilmore. Little Miss Cherie Boothe entertained It rides more smoothly ' the group with three songs. Take one ride and youll agree Chevrolet The lesson, First Handcart is the smoothest riding car in its field. Its a Company, was given by caf combining the the only Orme. Mrs. June Hunsaker n Ride and Unitized famous favored the group with several shock absorbers all around. airplane-typ- e A delicious piano selections. luncheon was served to the It drives more easily members and three county offifinest driving with Power-glid- e Enjoy cers, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Borg-stroAutomatic Transmission and 105-h.- p. and Mrs. Smith. engine or finest standard driving with standard engine and Synchro-Mes- h Transmission at lowest cost. Or-vill- low-pric- ROGER T. MILES the man who calls A SPADE. ..A SPADE! Nurses in Attendance! Why talk about comfort? Why not feel it for yourself? Come in,. today and let "your feet enjoy the smart comfort of JLobleet Cushion-FleShoes! The first step will tell you that you're walking on the most comfortable sole your two feet ever found! Make the f test . . . your feet will tell you the rest! , , , t WrWrvJfr x M .1 9 4 t ( , V r ! '8 n? ' "s t ; Knee-Actio- no-sh- ift What Did Senator Thomas Do For BUSH NELL? catted on HIM to the BOX ELDER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE save a $14,000,000 INSTITUTION what did HE do? When - , It operates more economically EnChevrolets famous Valve gine, exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range, brings you an outstanding combination of thrills and thrift, plus proved dependability, year after year. Many Chevrolets are performing dependably after ten, fifteen or twenty years of service. Thats one reason why there are over a million more Chevrolets on the road than any other make. 105-h.- p. ' v It's better looking all around. 1 Outstanding good looks accompany the v -outstanding performance of Chevrolet car with Body by , , cars only Fisher and most beautiful in its field,', according to a recent public survey. ' low-pric- i It lasts longer, too Combination of Powerglidt Automatic Transmission and help Style Illustrated .or Black j Brown Ji((7e rfon DURABILITY . . DEPENDABILITY: MARJORIE GATESON THURSTON HALL N: Soft leather insole Covering. ( fMtJ' 'WEAVER BROTHERS BUILT-I- r fI $ j Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 1, 1950 l. JUST 1,017 CAN YOU STAND! TRUTH! BOX ELDER NEWS i HERE'S WHERE THE COMFORT'S WED. - THURS. FRI. ONLY Nov. PUL PAGE FIVE The Civic Improvement club , Bridge Club Meets met Thursday, October 26, in 1st Ward Sunday School Home At Checketts the Commercial club rooms with Class Honors Teacher Mrs. Edward Ward and Mrs. ElMrs. Elwood Checketts enter- -' mer Jeppsen in charge of proThe home of Nancy Ferry was tained members of her bridge gram arrangements. the scene of Halloween actlvi club at her home last Thursday The theme of the program was ties Monday evening, October Fashions of , 1950. Mrs. Grace 30, when the members of the evening. A delicious dessert luncheon, Jones, fashion coordinator for Fiist ward second intermediate was served at small tables cenAuerbachs gave an interesting Sunday school class entertained tered with bowls of orange maricommentary on current fashions their teacher, Mrs. iFred L. Pe' out the Hallogolds carrying and also a' glimpse into future tersen at a party. ween theme. fashions. The spacious home was ap High score was won by Mrs. Her talk was effectively il- propriately decorated for the oc lustrated with live models from easion with autumn flowers and Carlyle Baty and cut was awardthe Auerbach store, who model- Halloween festoons. The evening ed, to Mrs. Mel Christensen and ed the latest trends in jeweliies, entertainment Included a spook traveling prize given to Donna t furs, coats, suits, afternoon and alley, scavanger hunt, games Bosley. were: Mrs. Ladles present evening dresses. and square dancing. Dutch Hess, a special guest; A hot luncheon was served to Mrs. After the program a short busCarlyle Baty, Mrs. Mel the following: iness meeting was held. Nancy Ferry, Christensen, Donna Bosley, Pur-- ; The serving table was decora- Dixie Gunderson, Sherryl Nel- dett Mrs. Rudolph Kaiserted with fall flowers carrying son, Sharon Cazler, Barbara Jen ,-Mrs. Fanner, S. Wood Etnd Mrs, V. out Halloween colors. Mrs. El- sen, Rawena Williams, Sharon Scott Williams. j mer Klitgaard was chahman of Jensen, Shirley Freer, Marilyn The camera is a monster, the serving committee, assisted Hendricks, and Linda Peters, Mrs. Billy Sheffield, Richard Gordon says Otto Hulett, a former Broadby the following ladies: Glen Humpherys, Mrs. J. Y. Fer- David Hadley, Gerry Carr, and way star who is making his secry, Mrs. James Powers, Mrs. David Degn, Dennis Reeves, Scot ond picture, Columbias The Ro5 Mrs. Lewis Jones, Mrs. Kent Jen Grover. mantic Age. guest at the literarv Matnal ?nfer was oftered Ty at the featured Ro11 tea sponsored by the civte d Forrester, . pn provemont club on afSaturday Forersters ternoon, excused and one visitor. November 4 at 3 oclock A song, "When You 1lhi- sen, Mrs. Glen Knudsen, Mrs. Vern Oberhansley, Mrs. J. Leo Nelson, Mrs. Phyllis Baron, Mrs. and Mrsi Lewis Britenbeker, John Larson. It gives more for less throughout- Only Chevrolet offers so many perform, ance, comfort and safety features, of I d cars at the lowest prices and with such low cost of operation and upkeep. Come in and see it nowl ' ! highest-price- Engine optional on Do Luxe models at extra cost. ,, your "Best Buy Ay A Occfs Th Flecllin D StSoo Lux . . . Government Hospital mean anything to you ? Did the los8 of Bushnell as a done something about it? If so, who of all men could have 1 Affairs Committee, WAS THAT MAN SENATOR THOMAS, as the Chairman of the Military T WO HE HELP YOU WHEN CALLED ON? , - AMERICA'S BEST SELLER! AMERICA'S BEST BUY! ' letter on the Editorial page of this paper from Fred erick P.Champ to Walter G. Mann. See printed (Paid Political Advertisement) CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO. Phone 21 or visit 18 North Me::i Street j, A Mf |