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Show PACE FOUR Brigham City, Utah November Wednesday, Stand In Politics NEWS BOX ELDER 1, ' And Then, (Continued From Page One) They are not perfeel and some amendments are recommended, but in the interest of public wel, fare and for the protection of groups such as agriculture, who are particularly vulnerable to vicious labor practices which the laws Clegg-Ves- t we are fully make unlawful, justified in opposing outright repeal of the laws. 2. The Brannan Plan. Farm Bureau is opposed to the Brannan plan and favors the agricultural act of 1919 In general. When the agricultural act of 1919 (Anderson bill) was being considered, Farm offered Bureau suggestions which If put into operation could have eliminated most of the objectives to the present price support program. These suggestions were not accepted. Instead an extension of the law was voted, apparently to discredit it through magnifying its faults. Brannan Plan The wpuld put producers of perishable commodities in a position entirely dependent upon appropriations from congress for their income, or at least a profitable Income and would require extensive controls to prevent excessive cost to the government. 3. Extension Farm Bureau relations bill (Granger bill), Farm Bureau has no objection to elimination of legal connec- - i960 Pat Said To Mike . . . &&A byv the 6000 member-produc- in Utah Poultry hat improved quality and efficiency; cut and increoted cost! farm income for the benefit of (he entire area. Atk your branch manager about membership. Mi own poultry AND FARMERS CO-O- P Ojjucif w.SshUHwCXy Concenienf Branch? in Utah and South Idaho Qenerai IK teutk (:A oiyphv d er tf Umplt Married Life Hard (UP) Judge GALLIPOLIS, Robert M. Betz quickly granted who a divorce to Wesley Hurt, said his wife, Vesta, shot at him, O. f, V' !) I 4 ZXSJM $ Spencer Tracy, of Father of the Bride , session at the g fame, gets together for a studio with Gene Kelly ahd Phil Silvers, where the two latter stars are filming the Technicolor musical, Summer . . story-tellin- . Stock. tions between it and Extension Service. When Extension Service was first begun the federal law required funds to be matched. In some counties (not in Utah) the Farm Bureau raised funds to match the federal appropriation. Some states passed laws making It mandatory that Farm Bureau dispense some tried to scald him water, retired each a loaded shotgun at demanded all 0f his and refused to cook. ,1 1 THE by-pas- Taft-'Hartle- -- of these funds. Where condilence, and for the purpose of tions such as this exist State furthering party politics. 5. Action on Controls. Farm should take appropriate action. Bureau holds that wenever conto trols are necessary they should Farm Bureaus opposition the Granger bill is because it be put in force straight across the board. Labor, industry and obviously intends to make Exwith wages and e tension Service directly answer-abl- agriculture, to the same conprices subject to the Secretary of Agri- ditions of control. s culture and would the Commen:t land grant colleges and any conand Granger Representative trol. or influence by the states. Senator Thomas have been in It is obviously a definite step in to Farm Bureau toward centralized government. opposition one of these instances every ExIt would make it illegal for where their department of contension Service to serve organi-- ' was involved. All of them zations. Representative Grang- gress been before either the have er has exhibited his evident ani- House of or Representatives mosity toward farm organiza- committees of the iHous.e. Repretions (except the Communist sentative granger has therefore dominated Farmers Union.) committed himself in opposition 4. Reorganization of Departin every to Farm Bureau ment of Agriculture. Farm Bur- instance. Not allpolicy of them were eau has consistently recom- issues before the Senate. mended consolidation of duplicating agencies of the Department of Agriculture, tout we are In opposition to the proposal to Safety Device Causes put the power entirely in the Three-Ca- r Crash hands of the Secretary of AgriAn culture to effect the consolidaHARRISBURG ,Pa. (UP) tion. Our position Is that this unscheduled bus stop caused should be a matter for the con- by a safety device that turned gress to work out. Otherwise out to be none too safe resultit could and most ilkely would ed in the injury of a motorist become one of the greatest po- here. litical footballs ever known. The The safety device caused the present Secretary of Agriculture bus to make a sudden stop when has made the farm problem a the door flew open. The car bepolitical issue which is evidence hind smacked into the back of of what could be expected if he the bus and was in turn struck were allowed to organize the en by the car behind it tire Department of Agriculture to his liking, for his conven Phone your news to 1,000. ns SemaddDE- ; - I( EEBDEIfl! (TAW' m 6 Paid political adveratiaeotent by D. D. Cox, 461 West Stb North, Salt Lake City 3 fan jj for these candidates will check insure you an efficient, economical and courteous administration! JL v s i. j ;v ' r. r.... - ", r : , " J y 4. J 1 . 'i " i Sr ' l'A"i l I V, , : WALLACE F. PRESTON BENNETT JOSEPH L. JONES E. J. A MESERVY NELSON Republican Candidate For Republican Candidate For UNITED STATES SENATOR Republican Candidate' For REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Republican Candidate For State Representative DISTRICT 1 CLIFTON G. M. KERR Republican Candidate For STATE LEGISLATOR DISTRICT 2 ERNEST E. HANSEN Republican Candidate For County Assessor : 'V V A. BOYD M. SHEFFIELD Republican Candidate For i County Treasurer x c f rtf v r s .T s ' JOHN HADFIELD Republican Candidate For County Commissioner TERM ROBU URSEL POTTER M. HUNSAKER Republican Candidate For County Commissioner TERM K. B. OLSEN EFFIE E. ADAMS Republican Candidate For Republican Candidate For Republican Candidate For County Sheriff County Clerk County Recorder Efewmlb!? W CARRUTHERS Republican Candidate For County Surveyor 0. DEE LUND ; Republican Candidate County Attorney G Your Franchise As An American Citizen! fc For |