Show the damage done dona to merchandise and furniture in the iho block surrounding the ibo Eloc electrio trio light works would in one year pay all the cost of putting smoke consumers in the works the same might be b said of the silt salt lake electric car power house bouse it Is ii notorious that the saving lc fr fuel would in a abow few months pay all the expense of putting in these modern evidences of civilization but the iho companies will not do it the thing would woold bo be lor for some merchant whose goods are damaged by the smoke or tor for some person who suffers loss by tho the smoke to wake laako a test case caio and see it if a restraining order cannot be obtained against the nuisance in other cities their improvements are only obtained by a contest but where the change has baa been secured everyone even tho the owners of 0 the works are glad abon the air Is ligot and tho smoke falls down and envelopes pit all the region around these theio works there Is no question about the nuisance it Is simply awful and to people woo have line fine roods goods or furniture or who sell fruit or groceries the annoyance and loss Is 13 very groat great then tho the evening dresses of ladies are half ruffled it if it was a necessity that would bo be one thing for business must RO go on but there Is no necessity tho the smoke nuisance can bo be controlled with perfect ease case and at a very ligat original expense and this to li speedily made up in tho the saying saving of fuel it should shoud bo be cheerfully arranged by the companies and if they will not voluntarily mako make the change then than the city council and the courts should bo be appealed to the condition of things Is the prime factor la in makan making people hope that before very long the power of the mountain in this region way may bo be invoked to supply light and power wo we rotor refer to two establishments above but that Is only because they aro are tho the hoar body lest iest smoke makers there tire are very many more smaller offenders to whom the above applies directly and a general ordinance should cover all the cases it if there Is not such an ordinance oven even now resting a dead otter loiter among our laws lawi |