Show he nhim ld joyday DAY JUNE JUE 28 25 1 reg tau oy dally vie AM pally three 00 sao DIV lay TrI buss ona yarl abr ifa guady tribally mont acly tribune ace year SOO LOD birly Tri bace six LF 0 week tribune Trl buot three ClOnt lys 73 allois loi to n e 0 matlof should I 1 bo addressed to VIL all demitt re mitt nd a business bul Bk bottan boula be addressed to tie tint T malm FonLin nino OOK hixt bell lake city utah U 13 HE ock p an IT M annot Mn aniol not MILA IHU coi A tre has hai a circulation abst it it every week weak exceeds that of 0 ill all the iha other batiles in the tb territory 7 combined this is a guaranteed emont for tho the information of advertisers itan na individual carl cari build within of the ibo cricos we offer on our bo bogits ada AD spot oah cash PA monte civo ON to lo side ido iva W can sell homes at the same price others charge for houses houf lesl 11 1 ito MILLER N 1 not I ot brother ur 0 no nis rel relation tion lb W second south JAMES A POLLOCK investment securities ROOMS 5 commercial POM MERCIAL BLK FOR fon SALE BALE americ AmerI cD to national atlo nul bank took stock share S J L vii L L A kr T go co share shores canmann it eulals eurl to shares C COP coop OP W S t M co at t tharo shot 11 hares deforet national at VIA 10 00 share abaro till at t V la vi per ham duly daly idair co it at 1425 per per share shares ontario bing co cis atole 11 ll WILL WILI BUY COCO shares crescent Cr Boat sings bank stock commercial national suit Laks county barrants S SD D EVANS AND MAW MID COLLEGE GRADUATE OF HOLMES BLOCK 3 STATE street salt laka city special attention given to the be shipment or of all olget ac I 1 BEST BUILT HOUSE IN R L I 1 iq G T 0 N FOR 1 01 ru arl rl IF TAKEN SOON L C CROSSMAN 55 commercial block BELMONT SCHOOL 11 BELMONT SCHOOL MOST BEA and lj miles so south it 0 sao san francisco propane for ony any Colla colledo gaut or school of Solo QUO tive it L is ia believed that its course of 1 1 tidily 1 1 ily ali of tona hors its personal 1 1 1 V ado a of potions Us its moral tono tonal sell tho alio ft fr ll 11 olten for develop development mont ana muli dimry alio of I laraue ar ats hoso standards rito most lod ad thon are ar twenty scholarships ol of am each open to t moa loan or of high and abil ity tt wo wa liall I 1 bu be glad to spud a catalogue to any one ODB interested tit in sound so condarY Od MatiOn liada boy to school or not dot required boxt torm term begins august ath W WT T RE REID I 1 D A ml Fl arvard alizad CALIF ORlivA ema J kiil liil li fu 1 1 JOSEPH WILLIAM FINE undertaking 4 parlor BS 9 CHAPEL 1 K A jlii tan ON 0 T ov IN iw ans tir 1 embalming and ami shipping specialty 2125 11 21 25 B 9 WEST 1 STREET IE VII as calms L C smita a co ag ct a tt frh absolutely CURED CORED this dread 0 end and terrible in tho the presence pro senco of which the ibo cominos physician to do helpless to t speedily badly and cured by this now new treatment no used no drugs no weaks ot of torture lur turo no mont lw ol of pon p on the salutary and 1 u d effects 0 of th this are i fapp t p p arent process abort clean and no busl kocl this lobl IB tho the solo olo and alvo owner of this valuable secret nod mill method of treatment bad oases and oases aggravated by other physicians preferred A onro curo in evry every case and no coin bonant toil asil cort till cured we vo tako take all tho chrict ile and only risk tho the to for a re rffie WI buo cy mentis orail time illine after investigating abo advantage i of niamy I 1 or Y tho the institute hus been beco V r located it lu alt t balco city Ityl alio proprietors proprietor being biln convinced that from tho I 1 ual particular loea location loo atlon tion salubrious clin into aud other woud wonderful erful this OILY city IS 1 sit to 10 bo be the sanitarium of Arn crien T boners of tho the Imal tuto are old und and residents of oc this city cirit class furnished furn lahod to any one ine dosle ing in to acquaint thom themselves selves with there tho ry liability of tho the office hours from 10 20 to 12 a L and I 1 to 4 I 1 p in bud by dettor or appointment any time iole the edinburgh insil 10 YOS 14 13 15 HOLMES STATE ST SALT LARE LAKE CITY UTAH NI proprietor CORNER STATE AND THIRD SOUTH whore you will always rad find a full and complete una line of drugs ines toilet articles Artl cLr ste flonory tl onory trusses braces and nl surgical our prescription department is unbar thy supervision wo will ivo gave you it you will bring your boti proscription prescriptions to ux us to OIL fill SHUT SAUT laake crile S bunroe manager MOND TUESDAY I 1 JUNE 2827 2027 28 20 27 A FEAST OF FUN FUM mark alir ephus pegs GRAND OTDIS OPERATIC COMEDY NEIGHBORS LATEST MUSIC AND PRETTY CIPIS prices price 1100 1 I W we coo sale S ot of seats friday june julia 1 ajr yo yn W ON 49 S ws 2 d AW 0 r CL TO TJ ve V U V WEEK OP OF JUNE ana closing OI olaf ideal opera company Coa pany BOHEMIAN ORL professor Prof sor cowes performing bear jc la in curio hill hall lots loo auald ION lo ion pr tbs abs J co ST A ABOT HOT SHOW ONE werk JUNE MAY BRIGHT LIGHTS CO all now how itan grand watch evey olget D ct p VS tho the boat and nd refreshing drink ir wr aid IT H R rt oliv alieves increases in JL A lelash I 1 improves tile appetite DELICIOUS SPAR KUNa R RE E prepared from rom puts pur jersey milk rut up I 1 in buttlar boft butt loj lai till hillh full fl director I 1 gart unac muse use hulub 1 I NU hu TO I 1 r to the inot doll cuto ot ono toll and leaves tit D unpleasant otter uj as is fro frequently caused by alco hollo stimulants easy cau bo be had on drought at loo ion per slams by BT DRUEHL FRANKEN practical druggists B E y Corry lt alain and ail third south streets OTICE go N all persons having claims against the lumber lumbar it building company must pro sent them duty duly verified verl dad to the undersigned undersigner under signed at alig deseret national bank on or bedora day ol of juno june 1893 to L LEWIS ems S HILLS assignor Ass ignos noe SALT BUT ci juu jonii li 1613 SUMMER ER GOODS RATTAN SILK SEAT PARLOR GOODS SINGLE PIECES I 1 AND IN SUITES RATTAN COUCHES ROCKERS AND CHAIRS LAWN CHAIRS AND SETTEES 02 arx TOP CENTER TABLES HAMMOCK 3 PICTURES i 1 aj U yards wide 3 11 yards long liing 9 different DU terent colors dado and fringe top and bot bollom torn per par pair tr TT mr 7 w D eya 13 WE MAKE gogin burcik IN OU 2 I 1 D I 1 arta 4 1 job 1 ARSE ARE FULLY TO FIRST GLASS BLANK BOOK AT PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST LOVEST AND workmanship I 1 10 ANY WORK TURNED OUT M H THE EAST easters WE WC manufacture THE WORKMAN PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOK AND USE NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS AND 14 MATERIAL ATERIA FO BANKER era 3 BLANK BOOKS FOR FOR NIER corporations CHANTS SPECIAL r PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO cell call up TELEPHONE and we wa will band a to tc flaura fl fiur with you RUPTURE E MUUMUU CURED CUBED OB NO HO PAY no pay until c cured red no operation no detention from bu business wo avii refer you to more than 1000 pa an in III Co colloredo Coln nido loredo and utah albo Nal lonill I 1 banks la in denvor denver end mr mccornick Cornick co suit salt lako britton guarantee to absolutely curo core all kinds of at rupture or of both boxes no matter of how bow loni loag standing examination FECK R 1 1 A THE HE 0 E MILLER GOMY COMPARY 11 hooili wa and nd 3 constitution mock opposite Z 0 X 1 I sult suit luke lake voll FOB SHANG HAI CO BAZAAR F fireworks chinese eni eill oilmen tal and fancy goods before buforo bu buloff ing present cull call and examine our stock most reasonable prices in tho the oily city choice tows tn and imported bilks Tou tourists rits mad alij travo lart r to call routh miln ilear third south HAY HAT GRIN GRAAM AND SEEMS SEEDS STORA STORAGE MRS HRS T C ARLI STRONG w aou adouth ODONNELL HEPPLE J VI 57 E SECOND SOUTH tole phone 0 aeo oeo so day and W t 3 1 a S specialty J C MURPHY CO oy Sto rollo seals stool and rub hubbar be notary Cor corporation an and ty seats seals a soo specialty on i ty NO SOUTH MAIN STREET incorporated 1847 THE PENN PENH MUTUAL LIFE ua COMPANY or ar rt PA J 0 mm tencil ril agent rooms 3 2 and an building liaU illaff SOUTI SOUTH I MAIN STREET W r lit criff AEI A E 1 at ali jama J 1 L W JUX jot guaranteed Guara teed nT estment policies and ii all other disbo dIS bI or I 1 os urance money to loin on improved ini proved buoi bu loi negi property p at leu a rates we will prove td ti you A largo divine hr by dolo dolg begin ti tl with ui tie it 1 you write or call sorrl for WOL W DL sacks twine billing baling supplies Sup etc EN PAINE et STATE ST SALT LAKE city J JW W farrella C 01 gnu gan steam und and nt hot avater rit tort tord electrio light marios arlar anil and lis ups to beitat V collicot Colli ala to at c 0 beloz for bateu JO PRO MIrLl ATTENDED TO Tolo phone U isa NO MAIN STR STREET rET |