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Show Daily Utah Chronicle, Tfcureiay, fuse 2, 133 P(e Eight P. 0: V E ' . ; t; S N E Music . M , m . . Michael Gurt will perform Thursday at 8 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall. Student tickets are 14. A from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. and tribute to Earl MFatlwM Hines will begin Thursday on KUER 90-Fwill continue each Thursday through June 23, Friday at 7 p.m. in Gardner Hall 200 the University Opera Theatre will perform an opera scene recital. Free. The Utah Symphony "Pops on Ice" concert will be presented Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. in Symphony Hall. Jazz! Live from Trolley Square will be presented Saturday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on KUER 90-FSalt Lake Earlv Music Ensemble will perform Renaissance and baroque music June 12 at 8 p.m. in Mount labor Lutheran uwrcn, 17) so. vuu oast. Renaissance aancug augni oy ine Ensemble will follow the concert. Suggested donation is $2.50, M M. 40 josepn silverstein will make and Wednesday. us conducting acout witn tne utan aympnony i ueauay . SilvD"s?ein to make dbbut Film 7:30 p.m., and Roger Gorman's Little Shop of Horrors will be shown Saturday and Sunday at Brewster McCloud, by Robert Altman, will be shown Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 p.m. in the Salt Lake Art Center auditorium, 20 So. West Temple. Tickets are $2.25 or $3 for double features. music director of the Boston Symphony Joseph Silverstein, who in the 1983-8- 4 season will take the helm of the Utah Symphony as artistic director, will make his Utah conducting debut in concerts Tuesday and Dance Chamber Players, leading that group in tours of America, Europe and the Soviet Union. This year the musical world celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of composing giant Johannes Brahms, born May 7, 1833, in Hamburg, Germany. In the June 7 and 8 concerts, the Utah Symphony will perform three of his compositions: "Academic Festival Overture," composed in 1880 in acknowledgement of the honorary doctorate conferred on the all-Brah- ms Heart Throb Theatre will present "Dangerous Corners" and "Prescription for Heartache" June and 1 1 in thc'Dance Building Theatre. Performances are at 8:30 both evenings. Tickets available 7. Renaissance dance will be taught by the Salt the door. For more information, call ft after its concert Ensemble Lake Early Music June 12. The concert will be held at the Mount 700 8 So. at Tabor Lutheran Church (175 East) p.m. Suggested donation is $2.50. 10 581-732- Theatre - - The Mandrake will be performed Thursday; Friday and Saturday at 8 p m. in the Lab Theatre of for ticket information. Rodgers and Hammerstein's the Performing Arts Building. Call 581-69: South Pacific will be presented Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. in Pioneer Memorial Theatre. The Salt Lake Acting Company will present Mule Bones at 8 p.m. 'Thursday to Sunday through June 1 1 in the Marmalade Hill Center, 168 W. 500 North. "The Big Plan Nine," a new , cult rock musical, has been held over for another performance Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Milton Bennion Hall amphitheatre. The performance is free, but donations will be accepted. 61 . Art , . . Three candidates for the master of fine arts degree in art Julia LaPine, graphic artist; Diane Shaw, ceramist; and Jen Shurtliff, mixed media; will exhibit their works at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts through June 12. Thirty lithographs by modern Israeli artists will be exhibited in the Olpin Union Gallery through Friday. Hours: Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Loge Gallery will exhibit weavings by Lauren B. Becker and watercolors by William Beilke through Saturday. "Gold and Silver" will be exhibited at the Utah Museum of Natural History through Aug. 14. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The Utah Art Council's Glendinning Gallery will feature "Xerox Open" through June 10. The gallery is open Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Finch Prints," works by 11 artists, will be exhibited at the Finch Lane Gallery through June 12. Large mosiacs by Nini Jennings and watercolors by Sally Rosenblatt will be exhibited in the Kimball Art Center Main Gallery, and airbrush paintings by Diane Magel will be exhibited in the Kimball Art Center Little Gallery through June 23. Wednesday. Conductor and musicians are donating their services for the benefit of the Utah Symphony retirement fund. The Tuesday evening performance will take place at the Dejong Concert Hall in the Harris Fine Arts Center at Brigham Young University, with Salt Lake audiences enjoying the same program Wednesday at Symphony Hall. Both concern will begin at 8 p.m. Joseph Silverstein is the fifth conductor to hold the directorship of the Utah Symphony in the orchestra's ar history. He has served as assistant conductor of the Boston Symphony since 1971. In that capacity he has also acted as composer by the University of Breslau; "Variations on a Theme of Haydn," Brahms' first major work for orchestra alone (1873), yet highly ranked among his masterpieces; and Symphony No. 4, the composer's last 43-ye- symphony (1885), which combines the epic and the melancholy., Outdoor programs to be offered This summer, the Salt Lake Arts Council will on Monday with a performance by the Amnesia feature two outdoor arts programs for the Jazz Quartet. Other events will be: enjoyment of the general public. The two Tuesday: Indian classical music programs, titled. Arts in the Parks and The Wednesday; Curt Davis (piano) . Brown Bag Series, will feature music, dance, mime and magic. The Arts in the Parks series will be held at the children's garden in Liberty Park, 500 E. 900 South. All events will be held on Saturdays at 2 p.m. June 11, Noe Zavala, mime artist, will perform. June 18 there will be a show called "Instant Macbeth on Rollerskates." The Brown Bag series will be held at a variety of downtown locations. These events will run every weekday at 12:15 p.m. Events will begin Thursday: Aerie Hights (new wave and reggae) Friday: Noe Zavala (mine) June 13: Joe Musculino Jazz Quartet June 14: Sagebrush Cotillion (Old English : music) June 15: Kristen Merrill and the Bel-ai- rs June 16: J.D. Moffit trio (jazz and country) June 17: Instant Macbeth on Rollerskates All events are free to the public. (B(D TToarn3(DK If You Plan To Attend The Luau At ' ; ' 11 FRIDAY, JUNE 3 it through FRIDAY, JUNE 10 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY JUNE 4 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SUAD2ITS ', 0jjr: . (H ; IL You Must Buy Your Ticket BEFORE 5:00 TODAY. fMOW a WE INVITE YOU TO COMPARE! THE BAMCE AT DiTr-'iS,I- University ID or Utah driver's license required. L Others pay just 50 of what the book cost you if it is on their reuse list. We offer top dollar by paying 60 of the current new price. That's a savings increase of 20-5Nebraska Book Co. will make you their best offer on most titles that we cannot buy back. Their price is determined by the national resale market. 5. 0WD5AiraJLATrD(DW5o (BKAtDQJAFESS Uni vorsity Bookstoro P oooponoorod by ASUU, The U Greeks and LDS8A i. (new wave) : |