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Show Page Twelve " Pmily UuhChrockto, Thursday, June 2, It33 Chrony Classifieds Presents: Spring Dead Week At The Chrony ITS $300. 1982 Honda CR125 18)75 HONDA $900. 1981 Honda CR450R $1000, 1979 Honda CB400 $650, 1974 Honda 750 $900. 63 Monday to Friday 9 to 5 2684787. AUTOMOTIVE 175 CL (SHEET). 1970. great 2 after six. condition, $350, Doug. IBS! YAMAHA ISO SPECIAL, excellent condition, windshield. $1,700 or make offer. Call 467-833- 62 63 272-153- 0. PERFORM A RESURRECTION Mark HONDA IV, 1600 Mia. Call FOR SALE: FUJI ROYALE. 25 blue 73 Continental 62 583-732- condition, $275. Call MOWN OUT OF STATE, misc. for sale at vera low prices. Days call 3644078. 0 XL 3.125 miles, excellent 71 NOMA condition HOP. 63 3594380 after 6 p.m. or on weekend. 63 183) ROMA XIK3. ff . Perfect condition. Leu than 50 mi. $1500 or offer. A). 2924355. HEALTH 63 and Wife $42.16, Home. alto available. Call Gary 63 i 255-623- 63 y. BUTAfc KRAMER ELECTRIC. Best of modern technology. Hardwood body wmaple and instrument. aluminum neck. A classic body style with original flat head six. Looks ft runs good nt 63 62 322-496- LLAMA BOLIVIAN Sit, great transportation, some rust, must sell $400. Leaving SIC 72 DATtUN NUBSWall 63 ISM MODEL T" EXECUTIVE TYPEWRITER, long carrage, good condition, new ribbons 77 BAT8UN 1210. vera reliable, new tires, Included $350 negotiable brakes, paint, values, seat covers, 63 78 BVNCK CENTURY 4 B88R. V4, air. It s a good running car $800 or best offer. Also 650 Yamaha motorcycle, 1979, good shape, $800 or best offer. Call Jim at 63 62 266-514- 28" 1B4PEEB. new $140offer. Lori 277-450-7 63 1. area, brick, 2 bedrooms main, 2 down. 2 DUPLEX OR SINSLE RESIDENCE, Foothill 486-558- fireplaces. Owner anxious $91,300. Call Sue, 3644126 or Gunp ft Ayers Real Estate, 4664704. 831 78 SUCK SKYNAWK. good cond., needs a little work, great deal at $750 5844261. 63 quality boards, factory direct $500 and $550. Call for appointment SAJLBSARSS. MUCH CHEAPER THAI RENT! Buy House for under $300 per month. Owner needs to move by June 30th. Assume tow interest subsidized loan. Excellent condition, 3 bedroom, carport, fenced yard, beautifu' landscaping, West Valley. OwnerAgent 25042IM.9SMB77. 63 small deposit, singles welcome. Rental Oata, $1 IS IUPIEX CL8SE T8 TIE "fl". 673 4SS-744- 1. tminutes iitsssais sta witr neat paib. just to the "U". Rental Data, 48W441. lace SUSSES IS R5E and so are and embroidered dresses, blouses, and camisoles In cool cotton or Rayon. Jump suits or wrap pants. Bold print sundresses and a rainbow of cations at Mothers Earth Things. 875 E. 900 S. Open S1S8. ALL UTILITIES PAIR. 1 bedroom avaUaMe now! Children welcome. Rental We have dozens of available Data rentals under $200. . 63 Seer-suck- er 486-744- walk to best offer. tl 672 63 t SEBRMM APT. mostly ST. furnished, available June 1. evenings. 532-69- INCH ; 408-101- 5. SCrtm World Sport 63 : ten speed bike. Never used, for more info, call UNIVERSITY OF UTAN. Student Family Housing. Now accepting applictions for two bedroom apartments available in June. For or 581-56more information call 581-88or coma into our office at 1945 Sunnyskfe between 9:004:00. 5834150. 63 . Includes many IB7S YAMANA 6 extra's, excellent condition. Days eve, and weekends ; 63 IS-BB- 202-055- 292-405- CSU8 TV fSTua. 19 Sony Trinitron, sim. wood cabinet, excellent cond. $250, . 63 5844261.- ,- days. SUMMER SUBLET, nice apt., garaoo. witerbed, liberal roommates, $135 mo. 'A utils. - 582-311- 7. 63 LOOT & FOUND UNFURRISNEB TWS BEBR80M BASEMENT APARTMENT, fireplace, most utilities included, $325mo.. available 71. no pets, 63 582-530- 1. hardwood floors, light and two blocks from U. $185mo. (STU890L Beautiful LOST: FEMALE BSLBEN RETRIEVER, lightly colored, likes hanging out at the fountains. Call Sheila. or 63 364-153- 63 - KSSL 487-297-8. 581-71- unites near U, your lock, your key $8 and up. Special student rates 95 SECURE. SELF STORASE LSST CSCttMX. Business Lecture 531, ,63 ChadSS8-702- 533-090- 0. SUMMER ' SUBLET. 615-91- 5. house $425mo. neg. 1051 Gray 5334379 must seel 3 bedroom E. 445 S. Tom 63 NKW RIDER et CBNBRATULATI6NS TB MARK EPSTEIN of Sigma Chi fraternity as the new Phi Mu gent Welcome Mark. FREE KITTENS Realty Street (740 East) Utah's finest JKA (Sbotokan) Karate Club. Workouts M ft W 6 to 7 p.m. Naval Science Bldg. and M ft Tn 7 to 8 p.m. CCCC 615 S. 300 E. Beginners needed ft welcome. For more information call Scott total. 63 ' 363-247- 6. FOH SALE . BAVSSS A PASTY? for info. Rem-A-S- pa tsAKATicx Wholesale diamonds ft ieweiry. Free engagement portrait irom Pnotograpny with wedding Dave mwn OTTO VZiZS? set ourchaso. Call for appointment. 872 4U431, 837431, 843-216- 1. UJJTITlia$O.ir0E.tuds to taca O.KA at t bieViw 1 467-432- 0. 63 noo:.ir.iATE3 correcting . Tt CURE APT.at 32 So. 1300 East 12 108.34mo. 13 util. Call Jodi at work FEMALE ext 673 Quiet Victorian house two blocks om U. S125mo. 63 to share EXPERT TYPOS, U. $130 Books-O- South, pen 62 Rent a Hot Tub. Call todi 5714100. 63 casss a cm 5S2-732-3. (MISUSE MISSAL v waking owi East 4th 1280 every Day ; . Ktm t3 31, seeking nonroMgious, Intel Hgent skiing or creative womanoverfflfxmeafllrelattonship. Call the Prefesslonai Matchmaker. 324X1 No feel Otttc East 83 South. t2 --.- v correct ; or 487-15- y'Ay WANTEB:JIKCJuUFmp4ck-upandcuh- r viv. RISHT IMPRESSION -- for 3 children. Must drive. for travel agents) 8 week course. Internship gives valuable training. L6BKINS FBR S highly Representatives. High commission, incentives, training, liberal hours. Keith ETC 16 yrs professional at 1 . Ira auoceeMtugy tawght tha cooraei 63 Hinae) nCQfenYraoii Info, 322-415- 5 63 Dave. 265-05- WIRSSW WASHIBS FSR SUMMER and window designs in tempera or enamel paint, call Unda at XANA Window Design at FULL TIME IOBS 1. Distribution firm has a number openings to fill for summer All aDDlications consi- - I . i r.positions. dered. 91,2s per month ft bonuses) ) t Openings to fill quickly, Call Wed. 61 thru Fri. 63. For interview 263-25or available from an experienced teacher. Rocentgraduate in 63 piano performance. Cali TENNIS LESSORS from Chris Castle. Oak Hills and Field House Tennis Pro. For more f Info, call 5834150. 63 SUMMER PIAKS LESSONS 563-733- 5. ; .. 32 E WOMEN for models with whom I can create images of style, sensuousness and romance dunnn thn cnminn mnmha If you are adventurous call me. Dennis, at oji-ui- - evenings. oj Pregnant? Need a Friend? Birthright 531-609- 0 Free Confidential 26 Pregnancy Testing Students must have a work study S.L. of FULL-T1B- . per hour. . For information call Tony Con- or John Ovard zailes 270-437- 7 mowing, hauling, etc. Free E Woman has been ... an.. insnirinn thamn . for artists since the beginning of art. I lam a beginning photographer looking District. Work Study students are needed to assist in various dav and evening school assignments. Assignments range from working in the classroom with students to functioning as assistant program or office managers. Site locations, east to west side of valley. Pay rate 5.77 582-231- VARS CLEAN UP. e2 : STUDENTS 63 1 t CASmRS for new store in southwest Salt Lake. Call for appt Interviews Monday in Salt Lake 63 appt only. . PART-TIM- Needed for day and evenine employment in the Granite School wevening appt. Social Philosophy will be the subject of discussion at 7 p.m. on June 8, in Room 311, Union Building. All are welcome, those interested in meditation, please call 9 after 6 p.m. 63 v,,. 4674496;v tfi eteris avalabto Tues ft Wed. 831 rymotivated Sales 466-798- experience. Theses, reports, appraisals, legal documents, cassette transcription, letters, mailings, manuscripts, proofing, . 63 Bay 4664733. . MEET THE REMANS professionally rendered Resume. M. Taylor -Freelance by Appt 63 SCISSBBS HAIR SALON 418 E. 9th So. 86623&r0anZng Scissors works individually weach client to determine a natural hair fashion best EXCELLENT. PROF. TYPINS SKILLS. Reas. suited for your facial structure ft lifestyle. 2784908. 730 i Scissors also offers a fuN range of hair care : ,ratH. Notary. needed to maintain healthy hair, Eroducts Mon-S355-103- 6. for night work at refreshment bar. Contact Trace at Frisco 63 for students and small businesses (specialty in statistical ; typing). Korinn ; 63. TYPieS. Selectric, serf correcting IBM. All types of papers and manuscripts. Sherry 2614034. ..." ;. 63' with a 63 ATTRACTIVE PENSSi KEEKS References required. Salary commensurate line-i- n situation. Phone 5834213 for interview appointment. 328-189- TIE 63 85 AVENUES LOCATION. Typing MAKE -: with experience. Possible reasonable rates 9684041. RESUMES. PAPERS. available. Lonepeak Marketing 5724519. - . 973-277- well-behav- ed REPS for office products 1. HELP WAHTEB MSTRER 8 HELPER 63 CERVICES 63 prompt distributor. Motivated saleswomen, protected territories. Provo areas also Prompt removal. Ussd parts for sale. 9734234 or 'tli 364-153- 9. attractive apt walking distance to per mo. electric 5834017. Fast, accurate, will 533-989- ML FEMALE R6BMMATE NEEBEB maternity available. 9 spelling. IBM Sel. II. Linda .... 713 Sl.OOpage. TYPIBS BF ALL PAPEBS. 9 years legal background 2 blks from "U". 808 5634788. 52148S3. 63 158 or home 3644105. TYPINS - PART TIME JOBS AVAILABLE am, 121)0 noon, 2 p.m., Mon. June 6 only, 2180 Annex bldg. campus. Please be HEALTH IHSUIAKCE: 28.50 mo. for single; $54.50 mo. for husband & wife; and $83 for family. Rates for people under 30. Dental, manuscripts legal, thesis, Marilyn applications are starting Sat. June 11. Work evenings & Saturdays. $12.S0hr. Neat appearances car required. For personal interview see Mark Benson, president Castlewick, 10 OUTS! BE SALES TYPINS. rush jobs IBM selectric, All types papers, 2864761. 1 SUMMER FULL UflNTED PBSFESSIBNAL ' aBBBBBMSUiaMBMBWl Proparo for: Octobor 1 263-319- 6. DOUCIG WUR CHAKCOO KARATE, lorn 200 S. S200mo. heat 531-779- 3. with word processor-pic- a, elite. Can check spelling, references, et Mrs. Nelley. 63 TYPINS FRBM TAPE 68 C6PY: 25 yrs. experience. No job too big or too small. 2774887. 530 EMPLBYMENT , 63 467-413- SOUTHERN CALIF. 350-747- 7. cute. 2275 South Lake 484-162- 8. : EXPEBXRCEB TYPINS 62 Sitters. CallJanette. 63 531-949- 6. now being taken for success oriented individuals. Earn from $3000 to $9000 this summer. Summer management positions 1 ava. Call for information. RM's 63 preferred. . 63 EXPERMNCEB TYPNiS done at home. Neat. accurate work, IBM Correcting Selectric III. PROCESSUS. Reasonable prices, convenient location. and fast service. Call Met. 51 or 3 SUMMER Quality results. Near 45th South and State. 9 a.m. to 8 268-210- 4. p.m. f. Graduate from collcge with an officer's m ;.r r r 1. commission and a college degree. ; Enroll in MS tory tj, Willi WVUIH 4k 1 www equivalent of two years of Army ROTC dur-- , V t Ing sumiTier quarter. , For mora InfomKrWon ca!l John Wynn, -- z 207 R, American Military His- and Leadership and complete the 581 671 7, r I Dcpt cf MJary Scbnco. - llNCitiMil Ctnttr TEST PtlPARATltN y. SPICIAIISTS UNC1 1930 &$ wri eiwwimisjwi 363-444- iiivnffiwff 4 450 S. 9th i y Must drive. References. 350-747- 63 ; Monday-Frida- $500 a week and up. Call for information at 2784870 or meet in Career Center between 1 and 4 o'clock Thursday & Friday. Ask for Champion Marketing. 63 SUCCESSFUL ATHLETES WAHTEB for summer employment Average 1st summer income $6000. Average 2nd summer income 1 RM's preferred. 63 $15.000. Call PROFESSIONAL TYPINS, 6UALITT TYPIRBW8RB CSSMTUUTKXS TB CATKE BSS9ET ft Hi in receiving the big diploma. Love, your Phi - for summer. HELPER SUMMER JOB IN SUNNY by Yale Ph.D. WORB PR8CESSIN8 EXPERT 467-285- 6. 272-405- 8, 62 Mu 63 . Oisiertstions, Theses, Manuscripts, Reports, Letters, Resumes, Tables, Figures, liquations. Sl.OOpage of double-space-d type. IBM Selectric IL 12yrs. experience as secretary typist. B.S. Biological Sciences. For a professional job, call Diana 63 62 582-732-3. 10 yrs. U of U 272-595- 4. TYPINBEBITINS. B708LF8 COMMENTARY 61 MURPHY LAW! Murphy was an optimist. Waking Owl Books, open everyday 1260 E. 4th So. 488-18- immaculate, 1100 I included, Bodgor experience. Call let ' 531-101- 1. 15-2- 0 63 MOTHER'S Honeho. us finish you off for two bucks per double spaced type face including draft plus final. Cheaper than typing or a bullet to the head." Luting Impressions, 445 E. 200 S. 87. 8 a.m-- 7 p.m. M-- S 3634574. 63 363-919- 90tpg. hrs. part time janitor per week, mornings. Wages negotiable. HELP WAHTEB, TYPIST, word processor, 120 wpm, books, theses, rpts., Mrs. Edgmand, 817 .85pg. pkupdel. "THE ENB IS NEARH moans Myrna the Selectric II typewriter. Experienced, reasonable rates. Susan TYPINS NEEDS. 63 487-723- 8. s. ambitious, enthusiastic good personality. Call Sandy between 2 a.m. at 4844251. 62 968-731- 8, CONVENIENT AVENUES AREA. IBM ALL FAST work part-tim-e 64Mon-Thur- We will train. Qualifications, 8:30-1:3- available. Fast, friendly service. Call Karen 63 t CAN SOLARIZE YOUR HOME and pay for it, real soon, with tax and utility saving. Call 63 John at , OFFICE HELP, EXPERT TYPINS, TYPHIS SERVICES 63 - 968-031- 3. 63 359-704- 1. elections for Phi Alpha Theta History Club are June 2, 4:00, Carlson 312. 62 letters, theses, dissertations, anything you need typed. IBM Selectric Gayie 63 electronic machine, legal, resumes, Robyn 4854976, 2784815. to Stnta TO SlARE EXPENSES Fe. Leaving June 20. CaH Lesley PERGONAL IESPBNSIBLE INBIV.CBUPLE to sub-lfurnished apt. Nice location, call eves ext. 217. r 63 , SS34137 or ' FURNISHER and corrections. Judy 63 and buffs: officer WSTBRY MAJORS . 63 TYPHIS. REASBNARLE RATEJ. proofreiding Sat part time eves. Some 38 South TYPING a month no exp. ness. KBSE CORP. APPLIANCE MV. $600 486-535- 4. papers, resumes, PROCESSIHB. 355-757- RUSH JCS SPECIALIST, 582-202- 6. 272-316- 8. CALL PRECt8.tR TYPWS 487-140- 6. estimate. Anytime S18S REWARB for return of Mack ft white 1. male Malamuta. Call 62 WORB for all your typing needs. Southwest location, ,907120. Char 9654144.9694421 530 VSSA CLUB: 63 582-22- occasion. The Balloon Tycoon, top prices paid for old Madame Alexander Dolls. Anything before 1880. CaH Carole Madsen 63 TYPIST. English major. Experienced, correct spelling. Rush jobs welcome. Janis 5814362. 4664710. 63 ACCURATE with a balloon bouquet. Graduation, birthdays, any REEB CASH? WANTED: ACCURATE theses student rates, drop in c: 1200 East v 713 - Hills, Ca. 90211. for 25 SERVICE, reasonable rates. Call. Crofessional typing, v 730 20-2- 5: BIVE SOMEONE A LIFT BVERNIBNT Vegas, Disneyland and more. Must add airfare. More info call Diane 63 L, information, write: Quantum Enterprises. 256 South Robertson Blvd. OepL C, Beverly . 63 , : hours a day. Guaranteed! For more pages or less, quality, experienced. 966-779- "Women's Voices.'' Professional attention given to your fiction, poetry or nonftetion prose by writer Irene McKiimey. Mon.-Si10:00 a.m.-noo- n private conferences Call DCE (5814970) arranged. June for details. 63 , SUARANTEEB HAWAII B BAYSSSJA Hong Kong 8 days 25.00, Puerto VsJIarta or Mazatlan 5 days 54.00. Cruises 10 discount Europe, Las PUT VBUN IMVBCEB TNMIfJNTS BN PAPEB in 63 roller ski's. Excellent condition with Trakker bindings, and Excel poles. $120 or, Univ., shopping. $115 monthly. Call UNIVERSITY the computerized rental service, would like to thank you for your patronage during the last year. We look forward to serving you during the summer and the coming school year. 63 STAFF AT RENTAL BATA. LBVE CROSS COUNTRY. BUT KB 8RSW7 Try 7. after 8 p.m. St. DOLLARS. Val Lynn's Hair Cottage 566 3rd Ave. Close to campus. 3224674. 63 HAIRCUTS with extra templates $105. 5324484. furnished for male, utilities paid, $140. Private bath, no smoke or drink, 1566 Penrose Dr.. 63 582-395- 0. THE .; RtfYtRWaKS ROSE? Is moving yourself an "adventure" you can do withpuL Bekins newly designed Lokbox delivers up to 500 lbs. of personal belongings to your new destination for less than prices. Pack the Lokbox at our place or deliver it loaded and compare our economy and speed. Call Bekins Sugar House Van . Lines at 4874636. ; 63 63 SET. LARSE LE RSY LETTERS WALK TO U. APARTMENT, 63 364-769- 6. IRAFTINI TABLE I II . with mechanical arm and chair $495, 5324484. 63 8EDR80M am. to 6 p.m. SOrwiMI 164PEES. 19 frame, good cond. ;, $100 or bast offer. Call 942-394- 4. 63 486-744- ME 11 Tues-S-at 831 L Two bedroom house with fireplace, family room and basement only Our computer $265. Rental Data and professional staff can help. 63 AIBJ1 1288 E. 280 8,Two bedroom with all utilities paid. $260. available after finals. Placement Guaranteed only at Rental Oata ABOVE 486-744- 1. BREAT BUYS ARB B9EAT VALUES, at St. Pauls Episcopal Church's Book and Rummage Sale, Saturday June 4, Everyone welcome! 261 South 900 EasL 63 cut-wo- rk 63 SMALL 63 328-304-4. FOn nEUT 673 582-121-4. working only 3 EARN SSS8 BB M8XE WEEKLY, B.A. COTTONWOOD W0RBPR0CESSIH8: EnglishXerox 820; Spellstar corrects spelling, mailing lists: S7.00hr. 9424709. TRAVEL YOU phone 4854862. 582-726- 4. 943-352-1. monthly rates. Single STUBS CSSSSaUNtUM center of Holladay; 272-744- 5. cash terms $26,500. Don 272-528-5. 63 $1900offer or 942-432- 5 71 KNT1AC LEMANNS, 2 door, great running ft new safety inspection. $800offer. 582-750- 2. INSURANCE, $18.16, Husband Auto, Life. Dental CRUISE THIS SUMMER. 76 Honda CVCC. AMFM stereo, 43,000 mi., one owner, must sell. $1500, 3634500 or 581-66263 $1100, 62 Jewelry Co. Michael B. Snow. $20 paid for diamond referrals. 4844880. 63 on-o- S32-398- 4. nights call 8, WE BEAT ANY PNICE. diamonds, 14K engagement settings, wedding bands, announcements and invitations. Franklin computers and software. The Salt Lake 487-020- 74 VW BUS, runs beautifully, colorful, sturdy body, owner moving, will sacrifice at $1500. 1847 B886E P.1L, frame, good evenings 62 best 1171 MBJ CMVERTHLE, new paint, stereo, extras, excellent condition (3.600. or best offer. Call 2954586. 63 350-542- 3, 467-125- 4 of Chinese-Filipin-o martial arts is accepting applicants. Call JEET KUNE BB ACABEMY E. . |