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Show Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, June 2, Page Four 1983 Reagan ttctib' confuses ment. And we have a schedule of We're a little skeptical. During an interview Monday night with reporters in Williamsburg, Va., President Reagan said he anticipated better relations with the Soviet Union because VI think all of us together have a more realistic view of them." To view the Soviets as Reagan does would be to consider them expansionist, conniving and evil. That attitude hardly offers a sound foundation for improved deployments, the request of our NATO allies, and we're going to follow that," Reagan said in his usual articulate manner. tactic Reagan's sounds familiar. Congress bought it last week when it voted to spend more than $600 million for research and development of the MX missile. We doubt that either MX deployment or relations. anything but hopeless escalation of the , Euromissile deployment can lead to Following this line of logic, Reagan added that strides in arms negotiations arms race and a worsening of superpower relations. cannot be made until NATO proceeds to deploy American missiles in Europe. "I am just anticipating from the Soviet side, they But according to Reagan, if tension increases "it will be the Soviet Union that causes it." have based their entire propaganda CoHag Yes, we're a little skeptical and a little campaign, everything they've been doing, on seeking to prevent beginning deploy guest column er deploy-now-talk-lat- PmcSaruca confused. Courage needed to battle mediocrity by Andy White We all have the same challenge: listen when it's time to listen, speak when it's time to speak, stand when it's time to stand and leave when it's last quarter of my senior year, and I'd finally the parking lot might save you each $5, but it realized what I was supposed to have been doing 'might also burn up five stalls worth of asphalt. an "If unfriendly foreign power had attempYou lose. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. since the first grade speaking up!" ted to impose upon America the mediocre eduIt took him 16 years, and I think he was lucky. Do not collect $200. cational performance that exists today, we This "war" will not be won by Dr. Hook's Most of us probably need 25 or 30, but most of blue-eye- d less. or little teen-ag- e "lotta' us quit with a high-schomight well have viewed it as an act of war. We groupies who'll diploma do anything we say" unless, and then only have, in effect, been committing an act of That's only 12 years. educational disarmamunthinking, unilateral maybe, they also get up and get themselves Asking questions, expressing doubts, chal' ent."--' for the Not r purpose effectively counted. ::r;:. lenging ideas, speaking up. issue 22 the the of President Gardner will soon be on his way to to Those, according of killing time until the bell rings, screwing up May Salt Lake Tribune are the words ofthe National the teacher's schedule or making him or her look California. Jerry Pimm is already there, Though Commission on Excellence in Education ifoelish, but to learn and understand. I've the pleasure of acquaintance with neither of Get the groups filled, the credit hours and the these men, I hope I might someday be as favorappointed by Education Secretary Bell and chaired by our own University President David grades, Get the commendations, appointments ably counted as they have, and I suspect, will be ' P. Gardner.Thanks to you President Gardner and honors. Get the brownie points, extra again. schoand your committee for reminding us once Biblical as a But and scholarships. points lar said thousands of years ago, "With all thy again where we deserve to be. I applaud especially your courage to stand up and be counted getting get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7). on a concern that may be sensitive to many. It's The commission has done its job. It's' said a rather trite phrase but, unfortunately, a rather what needed to be said. Now comes the hard rare act. Now if the rest of us would stand up, part Now somebody has to has "to do something ' tOO. D ' about it. We've been told the same things repeatedly' "Somebody" in this case is plural. Very since before Aristotle was in diapers, but most plural. by Liz Larsen and Morris Haggerty of us, throughout time, have only stood to r Maybe a faculty could do it, or maybe an applaud, not to be counted. administration, or a food services staff or a - I believe the commission's recommendations grounds crew. But I suspect it will be a much On May 9, the Institutional Council were directed primarily at faculties and adminmore prudent victory if all these people plus approved a student fee increase of $40. This season-tick- et istrations, and maybe that's all who can handle holders, state tax payers, local fee was subsequently approved by the Board them at elementary and secondary levels. I "employers, neighbors, butchers, bakers, canof Regents, Additional fee increases were dlestick makers and students among others, repeat, maybe. proposed but rejected because of recommen;. But for sure at the college level, where we stand up and get counted. dations by ASUU. Students did have a voice choose to attend and proffer support beyond Now, lest you rush out and burn your campus in this matter. taxes and attendance, as students we too should parking ticket just to be counted or get me The issue started soon after the Legislature make demands of our systems. We are the ones arrested for inciting to riot, let me warn you that met. They voted to underfund many areas of being imposed on by that mediocrity. you need some understanding and a lot of belief the University. Several methods were Shortly after he became a college graduate a in what you're being counted for. If you deserve proposed to recoup this money. These were friend told me of voicing disagreement with a - that ticket, shut up and pay it. That's the best discussed by the University administration. professor in front of a whole class during a way to be counted. If you don't deserve it, make But they knew most of these methods would lecture. "What a fool I was," he said. "It was the things better, not worse. A citation bonfire in directly affect students. Therefore, student input was needed. A meeting was held, which was attended by the ASUU president and vice president. From the administration there were Leon Robertson, vice president of budget and planning, Dean Franklin McKean from Student Services and others. This was the first in a series of meetings to find out what students think about the issue. Mark Nelson and Liz Larsen discussed the matter with their cabinet, Then the Public Affairs Board put a survey in the Chronicle. You, the students, were asked what your time to leave. Who are the faculty and administrators that students of the grew from those much-toute- d '60s? Those who, sometimes right but often wrong, at least found the courage to stand and da counted; to expect what they'd paid for. Who among us has some of that spirit they win share so we might all find the courage to do ourselves the good we deserve? Who is willing to go after what they paid for? Who has' the desire? Who is John Gait? ol ; Students., input makes difference A guest column v-- .. , The bottom line: Students had input on . : V-0- . opinion was. More than 400 people responded. Based on the survey, communications with the executive branch and other student contacts, the Assembly passed its recommendations onto President Gardner. He carried this opinion to the Institutional Council. Since student opinion was so strong, the Institutional Council rejected those fee increases which were not supported by ASUU. Editorial Board: Brian Aggeler, Joe Baird,Michael Morris, Joan O'Brien, Brian Wilkinson. The Daily Utah Chronicle is an independent student .newspaper published daily during fall, winter and spring quarters, excluding test weeks and quarter breaks, by the University Publications Council. Editorials reflect the opinion of the editorial board, and not necessarily the opinions of the student body or the administration. Subscriptions are 125 a year, 110 an academic All ?uarter. all subscriptions must be prepaid, subscription correspondence, including change of address, to the Business Manager; Daily Utah Chronicle; 240 Union,' University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 841 12. Editor-in-chi- . . ef Associate Editor ' .". . News Editor . . . . . Copy Editor, . . ' Editorial Editor . . . Sports Editor Photography Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment ', Joan O'Brien Joe Baird . ; . . Brian Wilkinson Michael Morris Brian Aggeler . Tony Tsakakis 1 . Mike Johnson Lesly Herbert Editor . . . . . Kinde ; Nebeker Tina & Neinstedt . . Assistant Copy Editor ........ Assistant Copy Editor Assistant Sports Editor Senior Reporters . . . . . V . Mark Saal Peter Behle . Man Adelman Photographers . ... , . ?gay Feikner ' Don Reichert Robert McOmber Steve Hausknecht Julia Jenkins Business Manager : " Ad Representatives .". ...... ... ... . Acct. Asst. Secretary Troy Wilson Jerry Stanger John Kennevick Sonja Penrtila '. V. . Mike Stevens . . . . . .' . . ; , . . Backshop Foreman' ', . . . . r. . . : ' .v.". Lori 1 . . , . . '. ; . . . , . . , Mike Lloyd Holly Miller Alison Van Frank Rodney Dallin Lisa Jones , ' .. Moss v Maryam Hedayati V . Typesetters Graver . . ; , Baucum Brian .... .......Audrey Assistant Foreman ' Backshop Assistants . . ' ... . ... .... Accountant Steve Green v; - Ann Jardine Kim Osborn Richard Adams. . Scott Westmark - : Ad Representatives . . ...-- , ; ... .... . . . . . . .... ...... ........... ....... - ," v. this matter. It was coordinated through ASUU, but every student on campus had a chance to give input. Four dollars worth of fee increases were approved. Two dollars went toward the new Student Services building. Two dollars went toward non-fe- e producing athletics. The fees which were not approved were not rejected because they are not important. These fees were rejected because of the precedent that would have been set, Athletics and Student Services have always been funded by students. Other areas are the responsibility of the Legislature to fund. This year they did not fund them. They were irresponsible. Students had tuition increased by 6.5 percent. They were respon-sibl- e. If students are expected to keep increasing their share of payments toward education, soon all but the richest students will be priced out of the education market. The Legislature must be made to see that students will not accept its actions. Alternate sources of funding'must be found which do not rely on special student fees. To accompany this stand, the Assembly which passed a resolution (No. XI 2) condemns special fees and tuition increases. Through a lobbying effort, the Assembly will communicate this position to the legislators. Students can have a voice on matters of importance. If you think that the Assembly and other student leaders are doing a good job, sit back and give them silent support. If you have a differing opinion let us know. Call your Assembly member, circulate a petition and bring it in to the ASUU offices or come by and talk to someone in the office. Students can have a voice if they will use it. The special fee issue shows one example. ' |