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Show ELECTRIC RAILROAD COMPANY . MAKES IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE FOR FREIGHT DEPOT Deal Closed Through Thatcher Mill and Elevator Co. for Property Abutting on South Main. Modern Building for freight Depot . to be Erected At Once; A deal has Just been closed thru tho Thatcher Mill and Elevator Co., by tho Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Rail-way Co., whereby tho Interurban peo-plo peo-plo tako over all that vacant property proper-ty south ot tho Thatcher Mill and running cast to Malu street whero tho Rosza blacksmith shop now stands, Including about ninety feet abutting Main street. Tho railroad people aro making this purchaso for a freight depot and yardB. Tho work on this depot Is to commence at onco according to Managor Ilobort Anderson. Ander-son. Tho purchaso of tho Georgo W. Thatcher corner on South Main street a few days ago for a now depot de-pot was Just tho beginning of the local lo-cal Improvements to be mado oy tho EccleB tntorcsts. Tho property Just purchased by tho O. L. and I. Hallway Company brought tho handsomo sum of $7,000. Several times that amount will bo expendod in improving tho property with all modorn freight buildings. Tho Logan freight yards will bo used for a central freight station for the electric company In this valley, .and to provldo for tho futuro and tako caro of the Immediate business that this company Is suro to get, the now buildings to be erected will be a credit to tho town and will add ono more Improvement to tho city. Tho two real ostato deals Just closed clos-ed by tho railroad are among the largest which havo taken placo In Logan for somo tlmo.i In making tho selection of tho property under tho hill, It places the frolght and pas-sengor pas-sengor depots of tho Interurban com-pany com-pany In close proximity. |