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Show A Stitch in Time Logan People Should Not Neglect Their Kidneys No kldnoy ailment is unimportant. Don't overlook the slightest backache or urinary Irregularity. Naturo may bo warning you of npproachlng drop. sy, gravel or Origin's disease. Kid-no Kid-no dlseaso is soldom fatal if treated in time, but neglect may pavo tha way. Don't neglect a lamo or aching back another day. Don't ignoro dizzy spells, irregular or discolored urlno, headaches, weariness or depression. If you feel you need kldnoy help begin be-gin using tho rollablo, tlmo tried remedy, rem-edy, Doan's Kldnoy Pills. For .19 years Doan's havo been found effective. effec-tive. Endorsed by Logan people. Mrs. Jenslna Laison, 331 S. Crockett Crock-ett avenue, Logan, says: "During tho past several years my kldnoys havo been weak and whenover I caught coin or exerted, I had an attack of backache. I often bocamo so soro nnd lnmo that I could hardly keep up. Doan's Kldnoy Pills strengthened my kldnoys and mado mo feoj better In every way. |