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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL NORTH DAVIS LEADER, JUNE 17, lab I IE By DONETA M. GATHERUM 773-497- 6 Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Craig were guests of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Kim Hensley of Willard, on a vacation trip to southern Utah. They rented a ing in Davis County. for a three-da- Twelve young girls and leaders from the Layton Stake traveled to Cottonwood Canyon near Morgan last week attend regular girls stake camp later. ty for several, of her girl friends. Many friends living in Layton traveled to Ogden Sunday afternoon to attend the golden wedding anniversary of John and Eva Kraaima. Mrs. Kraaima is a native of Layton and has maintained close association over the years with many relatives and friends liv wilderness and Syracuse houseboat for an excursion from the Wahweep Marina on Lake Powell. Fifteen family members participated in the outing that included a three day and three night trip on the lake. Other family members enjoying the trip included Craig and Donna Weaver and family; Rona Vee Short and children; Bob and Laurie Rydell and Trent Weaver, all of Willard. Special guest was Mr. Hemsleys father, also from Willard. Shelia Dalton celebrated her 12th birthday by hosting a par- y survival camp. They will serving an LDS mission in A family surprise birthday dinner party was held on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Florence T. Rampton. Fifty-on- e members of her family were on hand for the gathering that brought a daughter, Mrs. Karen R. Lloyd and her daughter, Kari, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Vicky Bacciocca and her two children from Freemont, Calif, to the affair. Others who joined the affair were from various parts of Utah. It was the first time in more than two years that all of the family members have been together. A son arrived early Sunday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thurgood of Syracuse. The baby was born in the McKay-De- e Hospital and weighed 9 lbs. 3 oz. At home to great him are Katie, Ashley and Jared. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Darwood Palmer, now Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Winn Rhoades, Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Merlan Thurgood of Las Vegas, Nev. have been visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DelMar J. Stoker; Bible Verse Rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land. ..The Lord is with us: Fear them not. 1. Who made the above plea'. 2. To whom were they speaking! Answers to Bible Verse . Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh. 2. The children of Israel. After a year of renovation, the First National Bank will open their new facility on June 24th and 25th. The bank will be moving right across the street from their present location into the old Farmers Union Building. The move increases building space from 4,000 sq. ft. in the old facility to 17,000 sq. ft. in the new. The architectural design was based on the original design of the building back in 1882. The renovated building is trimmed in oak with the same marble counters used in the former building. of Layton Grand Opening SB 392 NORTH MAIN - LAYTON 50 SOUTH STATE - CLEARFIELD Ordained Permanent Deacon A Layton man LAYTON is among ten Utahns ordained recently as deacons permanent lic Church. LOUIS E. Marazo, a mem- ber of St. Rose of Lima Parish, was ordained by the Most Reverend William K. Weigand, bishop of the Salt Lake City Diocese, in ceremonies at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. Weigands first conferral of Holy Orders since assuming his post as bishop last year, it was the fifth ordination of permanent deacons in the state since restoration by the Second Vatican Council, a news release from the diocese says. part-tim- says. Since the committment and ministry of the permanent deacon will substantially both liturgical (worship) and pastoral (charity) service, the news release says. THE DEACONS have been given authority to baptize, perform marriages, officiate at funerals, distribute Holy Communion, preach, give instructions in the Catholic faith, conduct devotions and minister at the alter during the Sacred Liturgy. They were chosen in 1978 and have under gone nearly three years of training with another year to follow. The diaconate was formally affect his wife and family, it is important that his wife give her approval. The permanent deacon is one of the degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders ; other degrees are priest and bishop, he continues. The office of deacon has been present in Christianity since the early church. The term itself means servant or helper and can be found in Acts 6:1-- 7 (New Testament) where seven men were selected to fulfill a ministry of service for the Christian community. The best known of the early deacons were Stephen, Philip and Lawrence. ROBERT J. Glodowski of Bountiful, a member of St. Olaf s parish, there, was also among those ordained. Lincoln Gardners Accept Mission To New Zealand Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln B. 365 N. 1500 W.. Gardner. W'est Point, have been called to serve an LDS mission at the visitors center in the New Zealand Temple. They will enter the MTC on July 9 and will both speak at the West Point Second Ward on June 21 at 10:50 a.m. The chapel is lo500 N. 2300 W., West Point. cated at MR. GARDNER is a pat riarch of the West Point Stake. He was the patriarch in the North Davis Stake, served 16 years as a high councilman in the North Davis Stake and held other church positions. Mrs. Phyllis Gardner has served as ward Relief Society president and other offices in the church. She was a Primary officer for 25 years. The couple was just released from serving as ordinance workers in the Ogden LDS Temple, vsb Slated Sunday Saints will dedicate the new chapel located at the intersection of Gentile St. and Oakhills Dr. in Layton Sunday at 2 p.m. Latter-Da- y IE NEW chapel was con-icte- d by the Layton nes Creek Stake and cur rently houses the 5th and 21st wards. The agent bishop during construction was Bishop Paul Sharp. The contractor for CMSP BEAN IBtUIKMTOS n- 2 SOFT FLOUR TACOS CHARLOTTE OBRYAN Charlotte A. OBryan of Kaysville and Elvin P. O'Bryan, Houston, Texas, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Frances O'Bryan, to Alan Walker Bird, son of Marcell W. Bird, Woods Cross, Ut. and Roxanne D. Bird of Kays- the building was Steenblik ville. Pinegar. All Holmes Creek Stake members, friends, and neighbors are invited to attend the dedication. THE WEDDING will be performed on July 1, 1981 in the Kaysville Tabernacle with a reception the same day at 6 p.m. at 540 Coates Ave., Layton. Construction Co. The architect was Lynn W. thurs.7 frl7 sat.7 sun. coupo- New LDS Chapel Set Date For July Dedication Elder Robert L. Backman of the First Council of Seventy of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of mm ordained," Fr. Hedderman LOUIS E. MARAZO men come from various parishes and they will continue working in their present jobs. Their ministry as permanent e deacons will be on a basis. Mr. Marazo and his wife, Diane, are parents of a daughter and live at 470 Sherwood Dr., Layton. He is shop chief for Parsons Tires while his first assignment will be at Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake for a THE WIVES of the permanent deacons must give their consent for their husband to be While it was Bishop ALL OF THE deacons are married, have children and are employed in various occupations, says Rev. John J. director of the permanent diaconate program. The -- established in Utah in 1974 by Bishop Joseph L. Federal, former bishop of Salt Lake City. The deacons receive instruction in theology, scripture, psychology and homiletics, techniques in skills development and group dynamics and are aided in spiritual formation and oriented to pastoral ministry, the news release says. in the Roman Catho- -- 1 L. Good at r"fT( Layton-Clearfiel- MEAT $1189 mJl Lbot BURRITOS 2.38 Good Onlyl d T coupon P 2 TACO SALADS Good at d '( Reg. 2.18 Onlyl d coupon j' NACHOS SMALL Layton-Clearfiel- at Layton-Clearfiel- ,c Reg. 3.10 Reg. 92' Good at Onlyl 0i0 Layton-Clearfiel- d Onlyl 0 |