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Show DESERET 3A NEWS, Friday, September 19, 1969 World Datelines Haynsworth bearing: .No Windup In Sight .WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate hearings into the appointment or Judge 'Dement F. Haynsworth to the Supreme Court moved into tteir fourth day today with no end in sight. ponflicting testimony over Haynsworths qualifications more of which was in prosmarked Thurpect today sdays hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee as the American Bar Association praised the nomination and condemned it. the AFL-QGeorge Meany, president of accused Hayns-wqrt- h the AFL-CIof antiunion and anti-dv- il righis bias and a lack of ethical standards. He said is not fit to be Haynsworth ari associate justice of the Supreme Court. f, EARLY i.is testimony came nn the heels of an endorsement of Haynsworths nomination by Lawrence E. Walsh, chairman of the American Bar Associations Committee on the Federal Judiciary. Waish said Haynsworth, now chief judge of the 4th U.S. Court of Appeals, is a man of impeccable integrity and that his professional qualifications are at the top. Meany accused Haynsworth a disregard of ethical standards because of his participation in a 1963 decision. The appeals court ruled Deering-Millike- n could shut down a plant in Darlington, S.C., rather than deal with the textile workers union. The labor leader said Hayns- of AS POSSIBLE' should have taken worth himself out of the case since at the time he had nearly a n dollar interest in Carolina a m .chine company vending doing $100,000 a year in business with Deering-MillikeVend-A-Mati- c, In contrast, Walsh testified the ABA committee concluded Haynsworth had no direct or indirect interest in the outcome of the Deering-Millike- n litigation and had a duty to participate in the casd. Thomas E. Harris, an associate general counsel of the AFL-CIcharged Haynse worth made a false statement Wednesday that the textile workers union knew in 1963 of his interest in the vending machine company. COUNTRY SAGE Solon Suggests Russ On Apollo - A (UPI) should cosmonaut Prussian join two American astronauts at , injar. Apollo moon landing WASHINGTON tiie earliest ;tnoment, possible Sen. William Prox-mO"- e, suggested Thursday rroxmire said the invitation should be extended to the Soviets in an attempt to start the space .Internationalizing program and cut its staggering cost. h e Wisconsin senator threatened to offer amend-.idencutting funds for the Apollo moon missions to press Jib point as the Senate began ji consideration of the $3.7 space budget; but in a speech Thursday night he ls bil-liq- rented. lf I press these amend-friqnthey would be very unlikely to receive sut-'-nti- al ts Proxmire conceded to a virtually empty chamber. I dont have the votes. Speaking only three days after Congress honored the Apollo astronauts in a joint I Proxmire lauded lasting peace but then, didn't session, their feat but questioned the expect ever to see continuous nee'5 for rushing back to the war, either." moon. Weve been to the moon, Proxmire said. We can bide our time before going back a second, third, and fourth time. He said that while the country has spent billions on the space program urban ghettos have exploded, transportation has slowed to a crawl and inflation has increased. On Base - Libyasit (UPI) government said MIAMI Cuban (AP) Prime Minister Fidel Castro has signed a law under which hijackers can be returned to the countries frtm which they came, Havana Radio said today. However, the broadcast said air pirates will be returned only to countries which have with back their lateral treaties signed Cuba agreeing to send any hijackers who enter own countries. The law, signed last Tuesday, applies to beats as well as airplanes. A number of refugees have arrived in the United States aPcr seizing control of Cuban fishing boats. CAIRO new today will not renew an agreement to allow American use of Wheelus Air Force base when the current pact ends in 1970, the Middle East News Agency She's Worth It Hijackers who arrvie in the national territory can be returned to the affected country only if they are claimed by such a country in conformity with this law, said the broadcast, monitored here. n Sev airplanes have been hi lacked to Cuba since the first such incident in 1961, 42 of them U.S. airliners. at pageboys at her wedding ner fiances cost because, They are all my cousins and I cannot disappoint them." enty-seve- CLEARANCE! ORTHO mums SEPimm said. The agency said Premier Mahmoud El Magnraby made the statement in Tripoli. The government decision also will close the British Air Base at A1 Dahem. ENGLAND Although her fiance (UPI) threatened for a time to call off the wedding, Doreen Alford, 21, said Thursday she must go ahead with plans to have 19 bridesmaids and two SWANSCOMBE, OVER 15 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM SPECTACULAR! 1 2 Colonels Killed - SAIGON Two (UPI) officers a brigade commander and a battalion commander died in the helicopter collision Wednesday that killed 13 soldiers military spokesmen said today. They were CoL Dale J. (Jack) Crittenberger, 42, of McLean, Va., commander of the U.S. 9th Infantry Divisions 3rd Brigade, and one of his battalion commanders, Lt, CoL Leo P. Sikorski, 36, of Camp Springs, Md. high-ranki- AU Must Go! oioo',oVoo,uWooJ VoVoVVV BUY ONE at the Regular Price GET ANOTHER for ONLY! cent Not A Candidate WASHINGTON (UPI) -SRobert P. Griffin, has announced he is not a candidate for Senate GOP leader, but would like a crack at being assistant leader if that job operc up. The current assistant leader, Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania is in a three-wa- y race for the leadership with Sens. Roman Hruska of Nebraska and How- -' ard H. Baker of Tennessee. en. STEER I Weed Free Lg. Bag 2 MANURE SBi Repel Israeli Raid support, The fiscal 1970 authorization bill provides funds for three moon landings before next June 30. The next flight is scheduled in November. Libya To End Pact Castro Signs Reciprocal ' Hijacker Law Just Arrived! NEW STOCK CAIRO (UPI) Cairo radio reported that Egyptian air defenses drove oil waves of attacking Israel planes today and shot down three of them as they tried to hit Egyptian targets along the coast of the PEONIES Extra Large Root Division Gulf of Suez. The broadcast did not say whether the Egyptian airi ft force or guns were involved. anti-aircra- OMENTAL 'U.N. Overhaul' UNITED POPPIES PLANT NATIONS (UPI) Foreign Minister Kiichi Aichi of Japan called today for an intensive overhaul of the United Nations in 1970, its 25th anniversary, to make it more effective in dealing with world problems. It is necessary, Aichi told the General Assembly, to reexamine comprehensively the activities of the United in the political Nations and peace keeping as well as the economic field. ... NOW ONLY for sSg fl!Mhc (J blooms, 8 varieties, large roots. Lawn Food ORTHO-GR- O 22-4- ca. lOfcr $19 O -4 A formula recommended by turf experts, euntaining'fast-actin- g. and plant nutrients. Fast dissolving pellets will 'not bum with rain or water after application. 2nd PS-- 1 5,000 4 70.000 sq. ft. $8.95, 2nd pkg. 1 $4-9- long-lasti- Fall Clearance Hybrid Tea, Floribunda & Patents! Choice container-grown plants, No. 1 and IV2. r. 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YOUR SPRING GARDEN HAS JUST ARRIVED FROM HOLLAND! Giant RED EMPEROR TULIP Vivid Color Reg. 10 for 1.49 SALE 10 for X Extra Large Extra Early . Holland Bulbs will add spring brilliance to your garden . . . over 100 varieties to choose from . . .all pictured in full color display. 1C Special Purchase Sale Large Bulbs SPECIAL HYACINTH COLLECTION Mixed Colored Swords 49c ea. Bed Fancy Guppies 39c ea. 0 Black City of Haarlem, Bright Yellow Ostara, Bright Blue Lady Derby, Rose Pink Jan Bos, Carmine Rose LJrmocence.Purc White Myosotis, Clear Blue Queen of the Pinks, Bose Pink 3 Each 7 Different Varieties 21 Bulbs in ALL Tetras 39c ea. For An Ideal Pet See our magnificent Magnavox Home Entertainment Center 2233 South 7th East Open Mon. display f Magnavox Over 400 Models! See them in our unique, home like room & Fri. Till 9 p.m. . Choiee,New CHIPMUNKS ea. u KING ALFRED Daffodils The Best in Daffodils . giant yellow bloom. Reg. 10 for (1.49 SALE 10 for 100 for 98 Hardy Garden MUMS Large, established plants, now is gorgeous bloom. ONLY 950 . |