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Show 1 Movie Profit ef -- n V t ForDecade I 9 I ords are beginning to be big ieiVEyes Anne Bancroft t By Richard Rutter New York Times NEW YORK, July 7 Theres ' so business like show business ' for unpredictability. ItS a business in which for-- ' tunes can be made and lost, where one years profit turns yinto next years red ink and in vestors in publicly-ownecor1: poratiohs often feel akin to the rashest specula tots. Nothing better illustrates file vagaries of the entertainment business as a cold ents proposition, - minus all the traditional glamour and hoopla, than the recent history of the motion-pictur- e industry. Impact on Receipts A large part of that history has consisted of the impact of television on movie attenreceipts." dance and Hollywood hit a postwar peak in 1947 with movie houses reaping a dollar bonanza. Then came the age of television. Attendance and revenues fell ,however, sharply. By business had leveled off and then began a gradual come- for Role in Musical Anne Ban- yes-men- . e j V Smith, dean of Sk 1 , White House correspondents, is back at his desk after a hospital stay, but still weak and underweight His illness a burst blood vessel between the eyes could have beat fatal. Doctors wont permit him to leave Washington, so be will not be traveling with the LBJ -- y caravan for a while. -- moves r en- ib-is- . V t, plans an extensiv world tour in 19S5L Merriman ot-th- and in Europe sellers In the Rodgers conception, assistants of one kind or anBurl Ives medically regi" croft may get the leading role of file script, the heroine will other, usually termed mented rice and fruit diet has and probably more, been not be an aging spinster, but in R i c h a r d Rodger's Broada great success. Hes lost who as list the American a grows daily, and he girl young way musical 90 pounds, with only 10 fo go. has to until dramatic a to August , invite, for, 1 Italy goes version of The chums. The town's top disc Jockeys . 1 change of scene and way of Time' J Mitch are for c. life, Miller, , sending their best wishes responsible which Cuckoo, if ' discovering so many singers, to ailing Roy Battodo, the The producers of Barefoot Shirley Booth is boosting Tobl Reynolds, cur- very popular young' Uapitol in the Park,' tiie Broadway on originated ) comedy rda executive. . V the stage and hit, demanded that rently at the Caft An Go Go. film producer Stanley Kramer Katharine Hep- - r WrrXJOtWTAN THMT US. INC. burn .played in f post a $25,000 bond assuring FIATURISc tW-i- NmI IMI, 1JOO, MW I that Elizabeth Ashley will rethe film edition I: "V . t.ia a.tk iaa - tut. tie, eio. fcn turn to her leading lady role titled Summer-tim- e. 4.1s. aia nn's, ), " il.M, S.H,cmi W lOtlOl Way la Su- -v I.U, JAt, IMW KUay W1S. in Barefoot" on "schedule, after shes completed her role Can Anne Miss in Ship of Fools. sing? Probably Kllg&llen she can; she does everything Jerry Lewis always has had else to perfection, and its not a formidable entourage, but its growing. When he makes likely that Mr. Rodgers would entrust any of his songs to an personal appearances around the country to bally hoo his actress without musical ability. Hes notably fussy that few Picture, The Patsy, hell be accompanied by 27 way. NEW YORK A 12 Robert Goulet, whose rec- enV Voice of. Broadway Dorothy T? The Salt Lake Tribune,' Wednesday, July 8, 1C4 I Ti:i TODAY TO STILL TKZ T0V.TrS TCP LAUGH KIT! box-offi- 1957-58- back. Movie box - office amounted to $1.2 the gross take under the ticket window was $1.45 billion. The 1963 increase, in fact, was the largest in well over a decade. Ahead of 196$ far this year, movie attendance has been running substantially ahead of the 1963 pace and the industry thinks revenues for 1964 may well climb to $1.5 billion or more. A combination of .factors are cited for Hollywoods come-bacSo k. something Obviously, has stimulated the over-al- l This could rise in movie-goinbe due to the fact that has lost its novelty, to say nothing of some of' its former entertainment , quotient. the major producers have sold at least part of their huge backlogs of old movies for home screening by television networks or individual stations. They are also heavily engaged in making television film series for sale and syn-- i dication. f Pageant Slates ; ; Hayes, Merrill . Sean Connery questions Tippi Hedren about her abnormal fear of the lightning storm flashes that penetrate room in Mamie, coming to the Capitol Theatre, and Parb-V- u drive-in- . la film Tippl is psychotic, compulsive thief. , V . GARRISON, N.Yi-CAP)-- . Helen Hayes and Gary Merrill are tp bq. heard but not seen in a, pageant about the early history of ther Hudson River Valley being presented all summer at Boscobel Restor- ation. The program utilizes the 'Sound and light techniques, widely used vacation attrac-- , tions in Europe. The hour-lonnarrative recorded -- by the ' T g . OPIN NOON DAILY M So. Mom MMNI Shawt at It, I, 4, 4 ' is?n? llACLh imiOA DKIVIUN at 1 100 IASI aa VTH AM MSOl OKN 7 PM. SHOW AT DUSK Kingston Trio Will Star Two Nights at Lagoon With the ditty Tom Dooley, six years ago, the Kingston Trio started the popularization of folk singing. S.L. Audience Stamps Okeh g. All rrimfiTCvn uk Lightning Stirs Up Old 'Terror WEEK receipts billion in 1258. By 1962 they had grown to $1,405 billion and last year 1 2nd BUG players describes events from Henry Hudsons exploration of the Catskill region to the time of States Dyckman, who built the elaborate country estate Hootenannys may be on the way out, but folk singer Mike Seeger is here to stay, Judging by audience reception Tuesday evening. MB. SEEGER, one of the three members of the group. The New Lost City Ramblers, appeared before a capacity crowd in the Pioneer Memorial Theater. He was sponsored by the Folk Music Council and the University of Utahs Department, of-- - Continuing 3Educatloa The musician versatile played five Instruments during the performance: banjo, harmonica, guitar, autoharp and fiddle. The music he played and sang was Hs favorite . traditional Southern mountain music. foflt-singi- Inter-jnounta- ln .. A MAN of Constant Sorrow proved to be one of the1 audiences favorites. A guitar number, "The Blue Velvet Band, showed Mr. Seeger at his best Bluegrass style. Old Fish Tale was well received also. MR. SEEGER has been with the New Lost City Ramblers six years. gmnrais am Friday and Saturday nights they will perform at Lagoon. In the years since then- they have become the attraction among the college crowd and five of their 13 albums have become certified - million-seller- JOaKKUlS DAILY 11:41 AJUl xm s. First BOOKS OKN AT IMS hH S. Tina SUB : SSa .-- A4aha MmiHuiitiR UNIVERSAL HI City with giving them their first recognition outside of the bay area. Disc jockeys in Salt Lake gave their records, particularly Tom Dooley a good air play and they have always acknowledged this upon their return to the region. College students when they started, the trio now are prosperous businessmen as well is entertainers. They own a music publishing firm, land development company, estate holdings and a restaurant, The Trident, in Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. It has docking facilities for yachts. Stage Producers , Marion Biando David C: Hi The trio credits Salt Lake - i 1 cnvsnions Recognition ll Niven N : Shirley Jones real are They also involved t 7 MAY LOOK ::::: In merchandising a line of mens clothing and, with their manager, became stage producers, All have married and become fathers. One original member has been replaced by John Stewart who was arranging ahd Writing songs for the group while a member of a rival trio, The Cumberland Three. Since Tijuana Jail," M.T. EverWorried Man, A., glades" and Where Have All the Flowers Gone? they have won the Billboard and Cash Box Magazine polls as the Best group of the year as from well as two grammys the recording Industry. irSflLlflD, LID DABs HAD, WORLD ::3 i Blko - BRAINED ... :3 SOMETIMES ABSOLUTELY APE1 m HH: i:::: :::: 2 SHOWS TODAY MAT. AT 2 PJIA NIGHTLY AT 8:30 3092 HIGHLAND DRIVE HU Offlea Opan Noon to I pm. Dilly pbon. or Advanca reiervationi In perion or bp mail at VILLA or brACCOUNT1 In porson at ZCMI. DA 3 1S8S. CHARGE IT TO YOUR ZCMI 00 Sun. 4 Thura. Ertl Wed. and Sun. Mata. 1 2541 SO Fri. and Sat. Eraa. S1R042S0 Sat. and HoL Mata. 115041.00 BIK VU1 Bo OlSl . I f ' 'Sv rtteiito Open Neat, 272 S. Mein. El We-t- " ot 12 4 JO, 4 IS PARK FREE AFTER 4 I DRIVE-I- Opea 7 p A4vlt AEOVI HOGLE ZOO Shew Startt ChiMrea 35c SI 2S ffllliaiiMiMMliWtKM ; A STORY TO DELIGHT THE VERY YOUNG... THE VERY OLD... AND MURRAY - lit EASTMAN COLORSCOPE " ; A UNIVERSAL PICTURE WOW HOW IT WORKS! - ITiFogtot TO LAUGHATJ 0M AM ' ENTIRE tl 2S Skew t Desk ChiWhea Ftaa - t U jr5GR6AL.fr$WILP Adahe ftMOrn iy . , PlMS TWO BIG COLOR FEATURES "A DISTANT TRUMPET" A- Trap Peaahae tRflBiwasa Saaaaaa Haahana lad Ik Hit "L0YE IS A BALL" t: -- Fin '- v i -, sjrnE-TnooD- . 1 , v ' ! ; v TODAY .and THURSDAY -- ONLY DAILY AT I & DANCING sj - LODGE Mllae Up Cewyw Ni tenrwelieet -- tI Ciilibnfc4 7:15 TiiEFiHic MAXFIELD 4 P.M. l, WlSpna. 4 4JI pn :0 1 1 Sell bumbles. Devid Kivea plots. Capucfaie cheats. Robert Wegner chases. Ami oedi races laogh rad laugh and laugh! Thu seveath fomy uruek uf BROS. CONTINENTAL AND AMERICAN CUISINE 4 SHOWS 10 A.M, 12:00, 2:00 ANDRINI iwat -- Rush KBOEX o T0X7m O 0 Ptter on faerttarinf THE ENTERTAINING EVERT NIGHT S" tfr Fau. umara SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT kj' Si OKAflg 4 towMSAt oofbwkh w A" t 13 COLOR tnCsstm Starts TODAY f t I Hi::: ARENT FORMAL... BUT lECOJIDw 0000 L- THE IfflS WOW EVERYONE K.G0RD0N Presents HO THEY CERTAINLY 3! i Q nus occurence ht OWL CREEK OIUOGr .(Aceeehif Awan4 LN AaNaa ShaaU ranrss -- N't Iwa fcaaa af A W Inn 4n M tka acraaa ia 1944. I ra command tr Joho loriaat-kSLCa- Sra IWjwaJ- - (J V- - |