OCR Text |
Show ' v srw v I2B .0 umH jll6 YTYnnrYinnrf iryvmor 'wv l I - - vi-.- Tard Xtvl i uy Jf v Intermountain Obituaries Politicos Air -- t Charles D. Sparks- - thi. Views :.: Charles Dwight Sparks, M. 186 St (1147 East), died of natural cause Monday, 6 46 pm., In his homo Bom April II, 1I7A Nephl, to Coridon Dwight and Clarissa L Sperry. Married Nora Barton, Juno 14, 1699, Salt in . iTLState Talks V ; S 'W Utah candidates for state Christ of Latter day Saints, Build tog engineer. Sur political office continue vivors: widow, son, daughters, campaigns Tuesday with speech- Mrs. John (Loretta) H. Wood Sr, in cities. various Utah es Mr Wilford B. their T Special to The Tribune 32 public institutions and services was defended Tuesday by Er- Democratic nomination tor govWeber ernor, inAspeechto 2 sisters. Mr. Carl grandchildren; (Myrtle) Riley, Huntington Park, Calif Mr. Roilo (Lorette) Orme, Ogden; Mr. Velma Aitken, Calif. Funeral Friday noon. East Twenty-sevent- h Ward Chapel, 165 P St. Friend call 260 E South Temple Thursday, 1 pm. Friday one hour prior to service. Burial, Salt Lake City Cemetery. Sarah E. MR. DEAN, former speaker great-gre- Mr Sarah 82 166 C. Emm l,t N. . lake, f Weal, died of na. turri cause, Mon. day, 9 45 a m.. In IOaklay $ymmtt Bom took the position that bonding is County. March IS 1552, burden to up- Ordervllle, Kana not necessarily County, ,o Willard coming generations but can be and Charlotte Moulton Carroll. , , means of providing them with Married to Wll ,v Bailey Lake i the a Nov. 29, 1901, 4' are a fj ; a - more while serving in Congress, the National Defense Education Act because it helped to blunt this ' problem with loans and ships to deserving students. ", Mary E. W. Foster LAYTON, Davis County Mr. Mary Elizabeth Wood Foster, 61, Lay- - p ton, died In a Lav- - ' ton Cllnie Tueafternoon sday after a heart atThe administrations anti- - tack. Born Oct, 21, 1M2. was poverty program Tuesday to Tenn., described by Rep. Sherman P. David T. and Victoria J a c k a o n as the single Wood. Married to Lloyd Blain Fottar, Sept. largest pork barrel ever con- 12, 1922, Delta, Colo. M t m b a r. ceived by the hand of a Catholic Church. h u I Survivors; band, daughters, Mrs. Maryann Blerbaum, Dover, Dele.; Mra. Elmer (Ruth) Read. Orange, Tex., 12 grandbrothera, children, sister, Andrew, Montrose, Colo ; Ham, Pine, Ora ) Robert, Boise, Idehe, Arthur, San Dleyo; Mrs. Margery Slrchle, San Gabriel, Calif, Funeral Friday, 10 e.m., St. Rose Lime Catholic Church, Layton. Rosary, Thursday pm, Union Memorial Chaoel, Layton where friends call Thursday gm. and Friday 9 45 a.m. Burial, Lakavlew Memo- rial Gardena, Layton. -- - Verne D. Applegate- - Vame D. AKilegate. circulatory Illness Setur-deBorn Dec 15, 1914. Parowan. to James E. and Allca Davenport Member Never married. largesse. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints. Served with U S Army between World War I. World' War II. CEDAR OTT high Survivors- - brothers, sisters: James C., Ctdar City, Lvla D , Milford, needs more are priority Beaver County; Mrs. Arthur (Mari Robinson Mrs. L. M. (Gladys) : try, expanded tourist business etta) Benson. Mrs. C L. (Eva) Robinson, Roland (Valeria) Holyoak. ail and a solution to the school prob- - Mrs. Parmvan. Funeral services Thursday, . .Tern Mitchell Melich, candidate 2 pm., Parowan LDS Ward dhapal. Friends call Home of lor the Republican nomination Arthur Robinson Thursday, 12 noon to time of service. Burial. Parowan in a for governor, emphasized Camatory, FAROWAM 49, died of a -- -, f. bam! - Utahs i,'. Spirit! Nettie natural causes Thursday a Sheridan hospital. Bom I ML Smolan, Kan., to William and Mary Myers son. Married Is Harmon E. MRT MELICH said he te Acker Granger, June h 1905, Brigham City, died He Nov. 4, 1945, T remonton. will ener-jelected governor he Moved to Montana, 1955. Survivors: de-- A son, industrial Harley. Granger, daughter, pursue getically Montana, AMs. Hellen Elalek, velopment tiirough promotional Isaawah, Wash., four grandchildren, on greet grandchild. Funeral Thurs efforts, personal visits to heads day, 1 pm., Thetcher-Penros- e Ward Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of and legis-large corporations Latter-daSaints. Friends call Hog-a- t P m., Mortuary Wednesday, 'lation to encourage industrial Thursday prior to Mrvic. Burial, Ptnroo Camotory. voty.. if - MAGNA Utah Democrats Should nominate candidates who will bolster the party ticket, Cal-- ; vin L. Rampton, candidate for the partys nomination for governor, told a rally audience Tuesday night . , y MR. RAMFTON said he was confident that President Lyndon B. Johnson will be returned to .the White House but added: It cannot be assumed he will carry with him all candidates for state .. loffices. , ! 5- - J Tederal . Official, Dies Ex-Utah- n, ft a -- July William Eugene Allen, native of Provo and long-tim- e official of the Bureau of Federal Credit Unions, died Monday at Prince Frederick Hospital in nearby Maryland. - HE SUFFERED a heart attack Sunday at his Chesapeake Bay cottage. He was 6L - Andrew K. Sorenson Andrew 1C Sorenson, OREM 74 1456 W. Center St. Oremp died n American .uesdav morning In Fork hospital after a iong illness. Bom Siept. 14 1889, Vineyard, Utah to Carl Kathleen and County, Mork Sorenson. Married Maud Hoppar Piper July 5, 1921 Nephi. Farmer. Member, Church of Jesus Latter-daChrist of Saints. Sur vivors: Widow; half brother, Soren Mork, Salt Lake city. Funeral 11 a.m. Olpln Sundbtrg Thursday, Mortuary, Orem, where frienos ceil Wednesday, 9 pm Thursday prior to services Burial, Pleasant Grove City Cemetery. Nellie B. McKee VERNAL, Unttah County Mr. Nem t Burton McKee, 90, died of causa Incident to age Monday 1130 a m.. In a Vernal rest home, Brn Dec. IS, 1873, Gentile Valley, Idaho, to Itsac and Clara Bartlett Burton Married ..to George McKee, 1895, VemaU He died May 25, 1932. Survivors : ton. Burton, Vernal; two two grandchildren, Funeral Thursdavrll m King bury Church. Congregational Friends call Vernal Mortuary Wednesday, 79 p m Thursday prior to service. Burial Maaser Cemetery. HE IS survived by his wife Caroline, his father and four brothers. Funeral services will be Wednesday at the Chevy Chase Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints. Burial will be at Parklawn Cemetery, Rockville, Md. y MOUNTAIN GREEN, Morgan County Funwel aorvkeo a r pend- f PoTl, 1T ton jngtorWIIliem Kelly Jun Warner Poll, no drownwl Monday, In en lrrlgation rmervolr. Bom Jen 1, 1947, Ogden. Attended Morgen High JrttoM. Mwnber, Church of Jnu ChrM of Letters) ay Selnta, Suryiv. pwanh. brother, lister. Robert, an, KtCNvIn. all Mountain Green Cwnnlfc OGDEN Raymond F. Cmtalt. 99, Ogden, died of natural cause Morv- dey morning at an Ogden hospital. Bom June 1595, Logan, to Clar- net C. and Mary Ann Fames eras-MI- L Married Susan Shooter May 3, WL Logan. Member, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter ay Saint SurvL vors: Widow, eon, William R grandchild) brothers, oeurg A Logan; Roacog F.sister, Mr OHv Milner, both Salt Lakg City; Ralph. Portland, Weshj Dr. Iran C. Jenklm, San Diego, Caltht Mr Florence Larsen, Pocatello; Mr Jo. Rhine Wlllmorg- - Magna; Mr Jes-t-it Mitton, Preston, Idaho; Mrs, Alton Raes, Brigham City. Funeral Friday, I pm., Larkin Chapel ef whr Wen tall Thurv 7--t p m. Friday until aarrvlcat. 49, Burial, Logan City Cameterp. p, VALKER ' 3n Y: t. list 144 Mapewsw Cewpeny Swrth HUM5M So, tim r S ' SENTINEL PLAN ttift your Sunerai director tawthul tinhf - Self UfaUfc OadarwrlHse Gy 2121 4 ItM Street , Raymond P. CressaQ Alunys Look for Tbit Std Smrini PmiulUs for Ovtt 100 City, Utah t. Salt News of Record Births Holy Cross Hospital i. F. A. (Art) Case Francis Salt Lake General Hospital Cundick A. Dr. and Mra ParreN M. Caftan, MIDVALE Francis Arthur Cun- - 3221 Nila Wy daughter. dick, 47, Midvale. ) . died ot natural causal Tuesday, In 4 15 a m,, Themes V. NicaL Mr. and Mr Salt Laka nospItaL f 4445 W. 4715 South, doughter. Born April 23. Valley West Hospital Ttylorovlll., to Fronclo Jam 1597, .k and Sophia Schrwf- Cundick. Mam-ba- r. of Church Christ dr 4 Cottonwood LDS Hospital Brooto Mr. and Mr J0 MamI 4561 Slot South, ion. Howard L. Cower. Mr. and Mr IV W. Oakland A ve son. Mr. end Mr. Rooor L. Hmlk 437, Monarch Wr , ttoiiadav, son. Mr. and Mr Edward David FatOb 101 E. 106 South, Crescent, ton. Mr. and Mr. LMeed Seeder, 9300 1st Eest, Sandy, son. Mr. end .Are. Charts . sudor on, SS4, W. 497S South. Tavtorsvill. W. t unknown. Beryl R Pleasant Grave; Mr James (Grace) Andersen, Sarv lr. and Mr Bern Id B. Cnlhooa Vllow (Alta) Booth, Mid-valdy Mr Mr LaVoll (Bornicol Richard- 1411 E. 0125 South, Sandy, daughter. Mr. and Mr Max O. Lanoberg Arvllla son, Watt Jordan; Mr Petoroon, Granger. Funeral, noon, XI 1 Bon Air St. daughter. 36 E. 7th South whore friends call Thursday 64 p.m ; Friday prior to NoticBt aarvlcak Burial, Weat- - Jordan Camo-torv- . Ltgal Effie R. M. Orton HEMBT, CALIF. Mr Efflo Rain. Madson Orton, 75. Hemet, died ot nature! causes Monday In a Hemet rest home. Born March X, 1509, Mt. Pleasant, to Albert and Mary Eliza Oldham Rain. Married to Martin Edward Madson, 1905, Malntl. Divorced. Married to Tyson Welby Orton May 22. 19X, Burley, Idaho Ha died May 13, 159 Survivors: daughter, ions, Mrs. Elmo (Mery) Birch, Salt Lake City, Earl M.. Cal It. i Petar 0 Homeland. Calif ; 12 prandchlldren. 11 half brolher, Thomas Raine Ply oh California. Graves de services Sett Lakt City Cemetery Friday, 4 p.m. Almeda B. Wayne William K. Poll Trlbun, Waihlngton Burcas WASHINGTON, , Gregory St. aeries of talks Monday and Sarah L. Granger Tuesday before dvic groups and TREMONTON Sarah a. 'Mr. Mont, dubs to Richfield and Cedar Onnttr, 90, Sheridan, died of In v EMERYVILLE, CALIP.-A- Kr Rose Beeslsy Warn 52, for. mw Ogdsn rrsident, died Tuesday Born Dot 2L 1911, Colorodo Sprlne So pevw T. and Robw Waters Baosloy. Marriad to James T. Warn Oak land Survivor: husband; sons, dauohter, Jim, John, Mr Judith Mawhlnnev, Oakland; sister Mr Donald (Betty Jeanne) Woofer Sen Leendr Bovd (Leura) Calif.; Mr Call Sunset; brother Welker, San dallf ; Leandro; Cart, San Lorenz rrvwi y Mt Beasley, Oakland; RoyaL Sea Frgncisco. thrgg grpodcnlMran. Emily W. Nelson - RICHMOND. Cache County Mr Emily Woodland Nelson, 54 Rich, mond, died Tuesday morning In her f1om Rlong nines Born Oct. (179, Richmond, to Alfred ond Sen Thompson, Woodland Married to Noohi Nelson Oct. 29, 1902, Loeen Tsmple. Church et Jesus Christ ot Latter-daSaint Member, Daugtv-tar- o ot Utah Pionear Survivor: son daughter Alfred, Richmond; Bernard, Logan; Richard, Fremont, l Mr Garden (Mary) Crockett, Heyward, Calif t Mr Elliott Rosalia. Phomley, Midfield, Cache County; 13 mdehlldren, 9 dram brothera, Zme Mr lister Adamson, Salt Lake City, Mr AmL lie Horn. Butto, Mont Sorah Volen- tine, Brigham Jty; Ephrelm, Ucoa Idaho. Idaho; Lonord, Twin Foil Funeral Thursday, 1 p m., B LDS Stekt House, Richmond. Friends call Webb Mortuary, Preston, Idaho, Wednesday evening end chaoel after 10 X pm. Thursday, lurieb Cemetery. ,tr j PANGUITCH 74 Pgngulfch, of hrt At Ptr avir 1894 Elsinora County to nd Johgnn Marlg Niaisog Johnson. Marriad Aivg Barton May 14 1924 Panguifch. Mambar, Church ef Jasut Christ of Latter-daSaint. Vat ran World War I. Survivors: widow; sons, daughters, Mrs. Jaan Crowther, BUIla, Panguifch; Mrs. Robart (Ban-bara-) Reid Longmont, Coto, Ci John L Salt Laka City; Lloyd, Diaga Calif.; 12 grandcnildran. great grandchild; sister, Tina, Provo. Funeral Thursday, 1 p Pangultch LDS North Ward Chapel Friends Call family home Paneuitch Wednesday evening, Thursday two hours prior te service. Burial Pangultch Cemetery. Melville Branch WELLINGTON, Carbon County -Melville Branch, 70, WeiKngtorv died In a Salt Laka Monday eftemoon hospital gf natural causes. Born Jan 14 1894 Wellington to Eugene Elisha and Jana Blake Branch. Marriad Ida Halt, Oct. 4 1924 Salt Laka Tempia. High prlaat, Wellington Second Werd, Church of Jesut Christ of Latter-daSaints. Served mission to Southern States. Filled three stake mission. Former assistant ward clerk Seventies president. Survivors: widow; eons, daughters, Merrill Eugene, Loe Angelas; Mr. Norman (Olive) Jonas, Orange, CalW.; George, Salt Lake City; three grandchildren, brother, Ray, sister, Gold-fProvo; Ezra, Price; M Olive California; Mr. Frank (Etfte) Leddeil Wellington. Funeral, Thursday, 2 pm., Welling-- e chaoel. Friend ceil Mortuary, and ot the church In Wellingtontwij Thursday be tore eervkMo Burial Wellington Ceme-Nr- y r. !22Ii Price, untral EM - - rid, it water 457 C HOSPITAL . Freed, at the Board 1344 ITAT INC IN DEBT?; CLASSIFICATION Wo . wMI consolldoto your bills without security. or coaioner re- gardtase of credit rati no ar amount. WrMISTV'M: Western Consolidation INDEX 209 At You7$ervicG i; Lost Found i and ir ft Help Wanted ft For Rent ft Real Estate 7 to 11A y. 14 40 27 28 to 36 ft For Sale Misc. 47 to 31 33 ft Automobile IN EVENT first day OF ERROR, notify WHEN CANCELLING an ad dp Kllt (hand number - fog ance made without It. READ YdUR AD eorefulty before lanlcal ot placing If. Due to ration It I Imposslbio to correct or ssxr S. State. Rm. 4 WOMEN .NEEDED' toonr - nricN rHuHinp your warn Ao alwoyo art for the ed to be ad bade to you. B sur to check vour ohon number end address Ai. experr ed will help you word your resuit-putlf- ii ad. lino for on day Mepor 1 25 por line for 4 day 4 days for prico of 3. 1.H per fin for 7 days 7 day for prico ta 4 In Fashion industry Must Train High Salaries Job Placamant Exciting Opportonitias Haig in Securing Employment While Training DA 223 S 5th tart TENDER LOVING CARE After taxes .most of us only awn taw thin These ar our Wo are anuippeo possession and capable of moving vou wtlh TLC. Local or kmi distance and otoroso. Let us express our TLC br Tnovin yo Ena arilmat Fh. TYPE, PBX, A B.C. ohorthend y and add. Wed., Thurs., 0 P m. Salt Lake Switchboard School Felt Bldg. HOUSEWIVES AND CAREER WOM-EN, success, populsrity ond charm can be vour Exciting classes designed lust for you. Enrollment limited Cell DA for your free personal analysis. NIGHT CLASSES , DAILY I IATURDAY A.M. TO I AM. J P.M. TO 1 FJ4. TYPE, PBX A B C. ahorthand and 1 add. Wed.rThuro P Salt Like Switchboard School. 3 Frit Bldg. it. mere 1 years BOOKKEEPER Saner al affict werk. Must ba n pariancad on HMccy adding machina aod accurate typist. Age 25 to 40. $354.00 Reauirat 4 years rotated onporionc Permanent position. Salary i For appointment cal! 3634811. GENERAL CLERK $322.00 I yoars rotated 7 - $293.00 minimum t oxporlonc. STENOGRAPHER 'Regulre ' T year onpar- - - 363-152- 411 DAI-133- 5 LDS mother wiil tend in kor home! Rosa Park area. EL hr Phone 4S64)96i. !RONJNG-7- 5c l 21. girl wants baby sitting job in Fed. Hts. area. EL EXPER. child car Ret South Saft Lake. 454109. $242. $266, $293 reasonabl Pickup and IRSnTng, Salary dtponds on nuallticattan. deliver. fYINGT ADDRESSING. MAILING FILE CLERKS My botr EM CURTAINS bedsaraaA, tabiadotto. $200, $220 Pickup, delivery. INM492. Prefer women ever 21, with experience, In tiling or related offico work. WILL TEND prwachoal drfM. my home Granger. t.!s.PPLICANTi FOR ABOVE POSITION MUST PASS A LADY wants housework, I hrs. Ray. PE MERIT SYSTEM EXAM- INATIONt THE .STATE, OF UTAH 8FFERS EXCELLENT CAREER INFANT carp by adult my hom TEEN-AG- GENERAL CLERKS . ES WITH LENG1NG CHAt ASSIGNMENTS QUALIFY. For opolketwn contact THOS 9 Mt WHO MAN MODELS NEEDED t EV VL ftMVfta Sdffc JRTOI? Smell terrier-tvp- e dog. Block and white, famalo. Vic. Peo Gen'I. Store July 9. Rew. 35941755. LOST Mata Border Collie, Black, white underneath. Vic 100 East 4125 LOST So. AM 71. REWARD to parson finding glasses In css near bus stop, 9th So., 10th East. Coll HU PEKINGESE female dog and black puppy lost erouhd Main St, in Boutt- tltul. Cell Rewerd. LOST Brown Shetland pony, white mane end tail. 4204 So. Sth East. Male Siamese cat, vicinity So., lltft East. Reward. Owner, Lakewood. CR FOUND Camera' an Deer Creek de- ervolr. pay ter ad. Identify 9 after 3 p.m. LOST Ladle watch, name Lata an back. Lata Hill. Rt. L Slack foot, Idaho. LOST Small, sheared white do. Answers to Flossie. EL 5517, LOST 5200 1749 lost-engl- bulldog, br6Wn Ish BEAUTICIANS E. South Tempi lost AND WHITE. 447346. FOUND Mela colli. Call 5 Massgg and Baft MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME Tomta Messegtp Ambassador Club. EM btsuri er Excaltae appertonlty tar better avrM Income potential in new modern salon In Granger area. Some evening work available Ex7 perience necessary. Call ter appointment. than JOB OPPORTUNITY Am Ran EXPERIENCED 2S95 SECRETARIES -- 6ood shorthand ond typing skill Parma nent position. Apply 133 ParR Bldg. Antrax U. of U. No Interviews 7th, I baton - Tuesday, July p et. EASY TO LEARN-W- rlto orders first day. Avon tustomars are wolfing for service In territories near your hom Turn spore tim Into money making hour Phon AftEA FROM RE AAA SECRETARIAL POSITION Gas and oil exploration company desires a secretary tor employment m the Salt Lake City are For Information writ P.O. Bax 2434 Salt Lake City KL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DINING RM. WAITRESS Must ba vary neat and txper. nee. Lodging avail. Apply In person. Mtn Meadow Ranch, an mite asst at Klmbriht Junction. TEACHER 2590 yrs. tor Klndarsar-ts-n group In day nuesarv on lowar ave Teaching cart It testa not necessary. Hours HI-3am. Monday thru Friday. Calk 357417, a.m. only. REGISTERED NURSES General duty tor S4bd jCah hospital I vs hours tram San Francisco. 2 hours from Laka Tahoe. Starting salary 420 per month with differentials Apply Director ef Nurses, Woodlend Memorial Hospital, Woodland, Celtf. SUPERVISING nursery teacher tor dev care center, SL.C Trainjr ing In child davatopmant or education necessary. Salary determined and txper by education Writ resume to Box (his paper - Our agency Is equipped to handle skilled and unskilled. protesetanei, Many openings. SKYLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Judge iWg. (3 rtf Sa, Main) . Mft. eiji Simmon, highly Waitresses, Sales Girls 204 Already on tha lab wanting to mako sin axtra commission a waak white working. For Information, call Chantot'iWia Studio, Ruaiifiad alacmnt officar. FEMALE CREDIT CLERK, over 8228 COSMETICIAN, axp aver 88 Open MED RE CP pediatrics $275 iTtNO. T 8293 rad HOME ECON 0T. 8430 $325 COUNTING CLra fW. led. GEN OFF Woods Cr $260 FERS. CL payroll 8375 MED. 8475 FIELOENG; ?)T35 yr 8550 PRESS ROOM FOREMAN $650 ALES, Petroleum 8440 HM.PR MECH. ENG. Ta $650 Shoe sales, exp to 35 8400 INSTRUMENTATION ENG. High MGMT. TRAINEE Tg 8398 BAUM TOY PARTY CO. needs managers and dealer Car nec. W tram CR IN HEALTH studio Appointment only. er Bax 17472, Salt Lake. Phone 362581 60 So. 3tti East. EXECUTIVE secretary, experienced WORLD MASSAGE saL6n In bookkeenln payroll and taxes, medical farm ability to writ College araduete. SeOO ar more 6 TroYil, But Liast with ability. DRIVERS needed ta drive cars to GIRLS AND HOUSEWIVES from adiotning state Idaho, Work at hom ana, Wyomin Nevada, and all opera time. Telewest coast cltie and from MkhF phone mtgazina solicit Ins. Call New .York, Illinois, Nebraska, bat. HI ar aft. 4 pm. and Kansas to Salt Laka City. This Is not employment. Deposit WAITRESS WANTED and reference necessary, 2059 W. Expar. waltres North Tempia ar phone DA Greyhound Post House. Apply In parson. (21 South Temote 7 Help WanteS-Woat- Bg COSMETOLOGIST with dlantri to work In downtown Mien. Writ qualCANVASSERS ifications to Bax J-care af tote Earn 8108 gar day temm. eatitog paper. gniy 4 appointments tor Vanguard's home fire safety program. Prefer women BPproKimatety 25 to 35 years 3424642 ar 267-7- 3 tor 8801. Fa -- - many,many, mor e mi, ABBOTT & FLETCHER, apffntment, 4 MSI S.D.I. Agency paeittans evtltabta. . 2nd West . BEING FAC10M beeF 60NNA ASK THEM I TO 6IVE ME BACK MY OLD JOB AT THE ivi Bmntoymenf, In 93741 ... ja. A ? fWPLOYMENT AGENCY 7B ftat Sown 4169309 Sat SundaYt ad an naral and fnedical-dentepenlnot. f iBotrals DIVERSIFIED. hd Cy a r By Jimmy NOW HES HEY, VOU 0UVS-WAN- MA EMPLOYMENT 4th Eest Many good Jobs, avtlltbta tor BUY HOW 143 Y SIVEEPSTAKETiCKETS? A FACTOR HAND ABOUT MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS? ONCE AGAIN BUT IS HE THRU WITH Ef . S EMPIOYMFMT -- SELLING? - DUM3ZS1LLEH! Hallo MAT A 46- A 0 A a v HIGH SCHOOL 1 YW soar tim Many In twa veer Prepare ter busman ar coll. Fer tree book VP 70 tat. writ d, ftajAvteSMq 7041 American School. Murrey. Phone F O. Key Personnel fc3jmiooo, CAUR. ((i - Free Registration AGENCY WITH INTIORtTY South Stela 4 tHt 54 . a-- a tPDvira Yoo many ta HU. HU Wilmington. ivoaHouia ?finish KiiOKVSftR AAAA4A xa AA rtSi ftcoxftT . ' a ft AAA, OVERALL- S- .1 1 i 4th j Asencr EM BACK INTO t L t. LISTINGS HOURLY Georgia ....... Day i&a. jt ta m ft Ntw PACtOUPTO FACTS MO GOT ment. Tha ritart ta reserved to accent or re led any nr all bvts and to watva any Informality or todsnicrilty In any btd ta tot Interest ot the University. WILLIAM L CHRISTENSEN, Jrurchesin Agent, A Unlvartity of Utah, 02041 2664 IW JUST NOT COT OUT f TO BE A SALESMAN' DRA6LINK tha Curtiarckav Mortuary, 468 Hiumand ir and Weorwkoay ana hour prior ta services churcnx lnterrrwnt Memorial Gardens of the VaiV. Cof- y Funeral directors, tanwood Mortuary. JNC. New llstlnes Hourly 145 S. Stole 32B42T7 TOP SALES JOB, 2 veers sales axn., col lee pret, under aa 35, 4b per cent travel In Utah, Idaho, 7300 plus all txpense Montana. C to pay half at Here tent te Tra Inin In Ext. Call now for ap. polntment. 165 S. State o son SALES FORCE, as per Usi and opacMctalon obtain. abl kom to Purchasm, Depart- pm at Oilon wood Sign elertrlcal it. HAND TO THE ECTRON DETECTOR iRQFILM READERS ECTRICAL FIXTURES. SUNTER ' EQUIPMENT to 8 lob. Cell Agncie EL 5 PROMOTED DYNAMIC MICROPHONE CARTRIDGESi AND TRANSFORMERS. LABORATORY SUPPLIES BIRCH Funeral aarvireg tor Birth wui.. ba. Wednesday, 9 pjiw. In P Lp South Mortuary Chaoel WB Tempia. Friends may call at to mortuary Tuesday. 6 te I a nw, anc. Wednesday prior to serviCf. Salt Lake City Cemetery. Funeril Director, Larkin Mortuary, GROffDIU-Gravasiaervtcae tor da Brian Thomaa GrondeL infant aon of Tom and Vicki Thomas Grundei, wiH bo held Wednesday 12 noon of fho Salt Laka City Cemetery. Funeral dl roctors, Deseret Mortuary. CORBRIDGC Funeral mvicti tor 35 HAVE truck will travel. Route mad t. walk-i- n end vanett naed product and territory. Contact Ai Fox, Ph. INTERIOR, exterior paintln rape Irma Ph. EXP int ext. paintln Sherman paint. S25 mo., terms. COMPLETE cleanup, end haulm Clotheslihe pole HU 2559. PAINTING LICENSED Free est.; work guar. EM work auaran-teeCarpente EM4446t. EXPERT painting, paper cleaning, wells washed. Reasonable. MAN 33 needs work now " 3664)9 Rm. 329. 44 a m. er eri, 1 p.m. JAPANESE gardener deer tat work. Call WILL taka care at homo and pats white on vacation. Reas IN PAINTER needs work. Will dean wall Small lob OK. EM H S. pred wants summar work, amt kind 255-- 255. NOTKl be received at to Departmont. Purchasing University until l.M Jvly 17. I94L tom. jTutah, .v, Want Work needs permanent knide seta electrician, work. Othar experience. . TEENS Finish your summer with tun and excitement, become n model ar a FAMILY reunion tor descendants of model women. Call DA Plonaer ta 1554 Boun- THE LADY FAIR BEAUTY SALON iff1? Evaa tiful City Pork, 4th North and offers, discount prtoy oh all sane Main, Jury 11th, 4 p m. Bring lunch. ices Mon., Turn, Wed. Open I m. to 10 p.m. No app. net, or 3 and Found call 212 So. State. LOST medium sizo red Saturday, male dog in Daniels Canyon. Has white Paws and white on chest. An223 S 51h Eest. DA swers fo "Toddy." Lie 510, Roword. WANTED Polished baroque Call after targe p m. EL Call 3634)633 ar 4459 W. LOST Female German shorthelr quantities. 4505 South. pointer In Lehl. An to Star. Identl-t'Jn- s PIANO lessons. $1.5. Hoileday are tar on foreheed. REW, Yo Beginning and Intermediate, Lehl, hom or mine. CR REWARD for into, loading to rocov-r- y accident saw ANYONE who of rofrioorotlon unit lost on Juno May 29, about 4 p.m. at 7th East and 19th IS oomowhoro on Redwood Rd. Coll South, pleas call ELS-4444r. Christenson. LOST --Toy IFo Terrier. Brown and BUY your cate-lo- t groceries from me. Piano4y-ea- r lessons tret. Dm. while. Anal Wearing Downey, this paper, Calif, license. Child's pet. Vic. fth tall writs Box GUITAR, benle lessons, your hom East, 35th South. Reward. n New Instruments furnished. LOST-J- ulv 1st. RX contact lent In ond adult blue-won case, bet. Main-StaAuerbiidh Raw &&!! VOICE LESSONS Bri Canto Method. 3554508. WOMEN'S brown cosmetic case, lost on 13th Eest near Sugar House UNSIGHTLY ceilings? Roflnish with Star-duglittering sprayed texture Shopping Center, contained swim Codings. suits, cosmetic LOST Female Chihuahua-Pom- , TUTORING LANGUAGES dog 15 mo Answers fo Mltzy. Vic. 1st Call 4549116 or 4543344. West, Fremont. Reward before 3 P m. ANTIQUE sal ind show Nowhous REWARD tor any Information HadHotel, uly 14. 17, 11, 12 noon ta ing to whereabouts of male Golden 10 p m. Not goto children's charities. Retriever do Believed stolen from CRESTWOOD SWIMMING CLUB Holliday area. CR after 4. Membership. LOST r. STUNNING hand Black Chihuahua, red painted wall murals tor tha price ot wallpaper. 1 Female, answers to "Gin" Vic. ta Ith S 12th Bast. Reword. RELAXACIZOR reducing machln EL Like new Makg ottar. EL LOST Lro. block and tan fomolo 'BASIC H"! Other shaklM prod. doa. Soepston ores outside Nome 4069671. Free del. Utah County dog tog. Phono SLC Old coins, stamp WANTED 6 pun or Amorlcan Fork. Nazi 360 E. 3rd S. Item BEEHIVE. LOST Gorman Shephard pup. Black and tan, I tnos. eld. 90S row. plus GET acquainted oulter lesdon 01 JO. Guitar turn. tra. Gorman purebred shepherd pup. ACCORDION LESSONS, your hem Instrument furnished. LOST Silver blue female Chlhue- I. Am. to BUY CUT HAIR WE Weajif Ra EM by children. 3282804. PIANO Instruction by accredited FOUND Small light ton fame la Pom. UMTA teacher. 459374. Call hat. 5 30 and I p.m. ar 6 and BALLET, 4 week 11 lessen S1L 9 pm. Wayne Brennan, DA 24)449. LOST RUSSIAN taesen Adult tl u Clothln children. Easy method. 15157. monton. Cali LOST Black Lab. puppy, 2 mot. PIANO2ndlesson qualified teacher. 21st East. 490009. So., Womta Wont Work SALT LAKE NURSERY SCHOOL Summer Program-SwimmNursery School 6u Sarvica 925-l8 Jkva. NURSE camaawian to aldariy lady. Will stay night, $18 gar bay. Rhone J77-986- STENOGRAPHER - $266.00 SH. X tACKLCY. SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 2 ALBERTA CARDSTON, GENERAL CLERIC Require t. K. SECRETARY-TREASURE- OPPORTUNITIES DIAL ta CARDSTON 121 MODEL SUNDAY 9 AM. TO 12 NOON ; DIVISION SCHOOL CARDSTON to eoutham Aibarto faulra teach aod high aiemtnfary if rt school total. Teacher Infer astod to cor ahawto ebtotolng totormahm with the foflowing; $322.00 Reculra minimum tonal experience. wt comblnt all your bills now! You make no payments onto 75 days after strike ta sett lad. 32 NIGHT CLASSES J - secre- SECRETARY r Wo 3355. .$354.00 3 years Requires minimum tarial axponenc t FINANCIAL PROBLEMS DUB TO STRIKE? TEACHERS WANTED, SECRETARY ' Wirttt-Wo-wa tor Cethellc tom-iiIMMEDIATE opening tor woman ex- HOUSEKEEPER 4 school age children, widowed perienced In general office work. lather. after pm. e TV. wet board. Rm., Typing and shorthand required- - Sal Ra-LOST Black wallet nr. Tempi desired. ary commensurate with experience. ward. 4544)009. 1 Cat! WHO WOULD for appointment. INDIES LIKE BEAU LOST Bov's red Schwinn blk exchange, fix; light denTal assistant. Attract, attic work. SCHOOL, HU5-W5Continental CeF Night class dental ex per. not nee R. Perm, Pekingese, ftmai. 4 mos. ten, quires typing, simple bookkeeping lege. lost Sun., Avat. Reward. Mature, ptaasant msrtnar. App 2590. COUPLE to manM and maintain small motel. No previous ex per 1 LOST pallet lack Vic. 2nd Watt. neceeaarv. Living quarters turn, Rew. WAITRESS pay, uniforms, plus pelery. LOST I Pom Vic. 17th East 7200 merishaapltalliatian. .Call AM. Paul SWITCH aa 4 So. Mother end melt pup. CR ova r, neat and attrectlv Soma PART-TIM- E rritat attendant for apt. or Start Immadtatoty. Call Mr. EMPLOYMENT house dart. Writ ban J-In ora typin DA . Thomsen. ot this paper, Particular Paopta to work 4 heurs per The AanacFor 4th H HOUSEKEEPER QUICK Coterad ( WOMEN SEVERAL (lum. awning petto South callln toads tor national day white, LOS or Catholic, &40. Ca price. 949 So. State. DAM71S. HO METERS-FR- EE PARKING magazine company. Cad Mr. Stovall HANtnyEAVlFTo-Gro- ub ar artvsto te594W, Attar 1 between Id and II m. 3953273. taraar Posltlena tor Mtn and Women lessons. EXPER. beauty aparatar wanted. (Ton Many to List ALL Heral) BOOKKEEPER Min. f yr eenerri drinking ereblomt Shop In excel, location, fill S book keep In Salary oommenswrato State. Csll 4049503. with Ceil Mr. Thomean, 46-DINNER cook wanted, must be able 9651. ability. Alcoholics Anonymous to bek. Experienced. Will pay pood attar 4 P.m. PEt CEMETERY. Pickup service. wage DA pert tim shifts available. Apply the Ha THE Job for YOU., HU EXPERIENCED waitress Grand Track Center Cat 1737 Beck St. SALE-St33 S. .TATE ST. So. 1 RUMA4AGE flat Apply 7 pjil- LADIES to deliver srta July i. ibt Caff. 1709 tickets to Sift 9 pm. only. E. 3rd South. Take County Sharlft's Possa show. PERSONNEL CENTER CERTIFIED Enellsh, reading, and MAID wenteL must ba sober, inter Call Mr. Bodln, 322-- 72L view. 253 South state. r speech toschar. Will tutor. AX WANTED-Le- dy to suttarvlsa boys JOB OPPORTUNITIES sol. WILL toko core af hom ond pets Experienced wiitms. s .m.-- 3 sell me inydnut txcri. cammtasia EM 7117. ttatlta on vocation. Re 464J411. Ask tor Write. p.m. Rot r Ehartee whll fishing im,Bom Ftb. 24 fervices for Carol Laii will ba held Wednesday 12 noon In tha Monument Park. $ih Ward Chapel, 1794 St. Friends may call at tha Larkin Mortuary, 260 East South Tempi, Tuesday, 6 ta B pm. Interment Sait Laka City Camatory,- - Funeral directors. Larkin Mortuary CUNDICK Funeral services for Francis Arthur (Art) Cundick will ba held Friday 1200 noon In tha Rosa 26 East 7th South. Interment, Room, West Jordan Camatory. Friends may call at tha Deseret Mortuary Thursa.m. and Friday prior to day 6 ta services. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. DALLAS Funerjr services Kenneth King Deltas witl bo conducted 11 gjn. .Thursday from Evans and Early, 574 E. 1st South, where friends may caU Wadnesday evening and Thursday one-ha-lf hour prior to services. Interment, Sait Laka City Cemetery. Funeral directors, Evans and Early, IORGB Graveside funeral services for Nazal May George will ba conducted at 1 p m. Wednesday in the Sait Laka City Cemetery. Family will meet friends at Evans and Early, 574 East 1st South, Wednesday from 12 to 1230 pjnr Funeral directors Evans and Early. GREGOirr Funoral oorvlcao tor kmii B. ferwurfTriii be conoucreo at 2 p.m. Friday from the Trinity AME Church, 243 East 6th So. Friends may call Thursday evening at Evans and Early, 574 East 1st $a Family suggests friends so wishing may make contributions to the Salt Lake Civic Club. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Funeral Directors Evans and Early. LITTLEFIELD Funeral services tor Mmy Elvira Campbell Littlefield 12:00 noon wiH ba held Wednesday In Iht Wilson Ward Chapel, 1860 S. 3rd East Street. Informant in the Sandy, Utah, Came tary. Friends may call at the Deseret Mortuary, 36 E. 9 7th South Street on Tuesday at tha Ward on Wednespm4 1 and services. Fin ta hour day prior naral directors, Pasoret Mortuary. McCLEVE Funeral services tor Parley Pratt McCleve Inwill be held the chapel Wednesday at I p m. et the Colonial Mortuary. Friends may call at 2128 $. State Tuesday 6 to I p.m. and Wednesday prior to Wasatch Lawn Interment services. Memorial Park Funeral directors, Mortuary. SEWARD Funeral services tor Soren E. Seward will bo held Thursday at 10 am. in the Larkin Mortuary Chapel, 260 E. South Temple Friends may call at tha mortuary Wadnesday. 6 to I p m. and Thursday Bountiprior to services. Inter me fit,director ful Memorial Park. Funeral Larkin Mortuary. STUBBS Funeral services tor Evan J. Stubbs will bo held Thursday at 12 noon in the Larkin Mortuary Chapel, 260 E. South Temple. Friends may call at the mortuary Wednesto and Thursday prior I day, 4 to services. pjt Interment, Memorial Gardens ot the Valley. Funeral director Larkin Mortuary. PENDLETON Funeral services William (Bill) L. Pandlaton will be beta Wadoasdav 10 a.m? in tha Rom Room, 36 E 7th South Interment in tha Sait Laka City Cema-tarFriends may call at tha Das-arMortuary on Tuesday 6 to I p.m. and Wednesday prior to servlets. Gravasida military rltas will ba furnished by tha American Lag ion BonnavHit Past. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary SEVERE Funeral services for James Raymond Severe Jr will ba 11 held Wednesday am. in Chapal at tha Colonial Mortuary, 2128 South State, where friends may call uesdey 6 to 8 p.m, end Wednesday prior to eervlces. Interment In tha Funeral dlrac Bluffdala Cemetery. tors, Kay Colonial Mortuary. SUMMERS Funeral services for Clarence W. Summers will be held Wednesday. 1 pjn , to the Imperial 1500 Atkin Ave Ward Chapel, Friends mav call at the Larkin Mortuary, 260 East South Temple, a.m., and WednesTuesday. 6 to day at toa ward chapal one hour Interment, Salt Ctior to services. City Cemetery. Funeral dirac-torLarkin Mortuary. ""WELKER Funeral services for G. Craig Welker will be held Wednesday. 19 noon, n toe Larkin Mor-uar-v Chapel, 260 East South Temple. Friends may call at the mortuary Wednesday prior ta services. Inter merit, Willard City Cemetery. FuOlsen F neral directors, Chapel. Funeral services WILLIAMS! r Sarah Isabella Wiliiamsen will be held Thursday 11 00 a.m. In toa chapel af toe Colonial Mortuary, 2130 South State St. where friends 6 to may call Wednesday eveningto servprior I pjn. and Thursday ices. Interment to the Elyslan Gardens. Funeral directors, Mortuary. Johnson Bros. Vaults Woodruff Johnson. dld tack Monday, 11 on Ppnguifch Lakt. 7 Halp CALL Funeral Jeanne Biorndal NOTICI BUit of Cemmerc REAU OF PUBLIC ROADS. Denver, Colorado, July 2, 1964 Sealed bids. Burial Vault! single copy, subiect to the conditions contained harehy will INSIST ON calved at Room 242, Building Denver Federal Canter. Denver, Colorado, until 7 00 P m. on July 29, -For Everlasting Protoetion-So- M hfe 1964 Yellowstone constructing tltrevoh aU taadin, futwrol National Park Prelect SO), Grading, director Bituminous Base, and Surfacing. Eest Entrance, Wyoming, consisting of 73 miiea af grading, base, and Flarists bituminous surfacing, involving prin06.000 cipal items of approximately 4-5544 cubic yards unclassified exesvstion, 40,000 ton crushed aggragsfa basa D-24000 tons plant mixgrading FLORAL CO. BROWN ture sod othar mmor Rems af work. The minimum rates af wages tor labor wiil be (hose shewn in the 1 Special Noticti Special Provisions. Plant and specl fleatiena tor this proiact may ba NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE rettawed tha Bureau . . 404 Federal Office Buildings. 21st Street and Carey Avenue, Cheyenne, proposal forma, 4IRCC),Orikl Wyoming. Plans, A.M. ON specifications will ba furnished upon AT ,0-rawest to any bona fide or pre- JULY , 1946: viously cuallfied contractor by tha Regional Engineer, Bureau Of Public Ansnot. 500 lb, of Colclto Crystals Roads. Room 242. Building 40. Den-f- o Approx. 40 bolts of English Woolens Cotorado 8W25. K. 4 Chamber lain. Regional Engineer. TO SATISPY JUDGMENT HELD BY A. TORRECILLAS AGAINST NOTh k OP PUBLIC NEARING ERIK SEGERVALL AND ROBERT E. SEGERVALU ON THE PURPOSES AND NECESSITIES OP TAXATION BY METRO-POU- T NOTE: Crystals are from tnlno of N WATER DISTRICT OF A. Torrecillns In Durango, Du- SALT LAKE CITY . rango, Mexico. Some ta crystals On the 27th day 1 July, 1044, may be ta optical arada; as tar, commencln, at Rm hour of (0 a wu no representation Ih Matroaolitaa Wrier Oiotrlct ad or aunllty I bring mod. Salt Lake City will conduct a public nglish woolens may be sultabl tt e. af bu6 wit regular Mac heerln, for men's tailor-ma, 70S Trlbun Building, 141 South Inspactton af goods ta bo Jlno Main Strata, Salt Lako City, Utah, bo grrongsd by 7 of which Hmo and Mac Rm District Maxwell BenHey, ottorney, ' at Director! WIN imtloin te Koorno Eulldinf, Salt Laka City, thoo attandlno, Utah. ecus, with the ewrpoM and neceuIHgo at auch HORSE ENTHU- RIDING BACK tax as may ba tavlad by R an or SIASTS, otabi your (u baton August 7, 196 pursuant to summar bi beautiful Weber tha provisions it tha Metropolitan thorn m Com up and ril Water District) Act, against all tax-tbeauty, nundlngo ot natural Kama Utah, 5, Nmiti at John Prico, property within to to District, tills Is to say, within jot write te mo ta Wobta WiU Lor- to are the City at Salt Lake Star Route, Komas, Utah. City, and stall toen and there hear reunion, wash, c front anyone proeent concern! n, the Enterprise, 130 July 11, J a m. and wooram So. 4700 " Park, pm. Toylorsvllta McTROPOLITAN eoll, 294 Redwood Rd. For Inf Woodruff Johnson g try t LDS Hospital Eagle-vill- IT SHOULD be remembered said Rep. Lloyd who is a candi-- . date for the Republican Senate that the federal nomination, t government4 is now spending 'more than 40 billion dollars a year in various programs to Improve the condition of the citizens. Instead of beefing up ex :L:feting efforts, the administration ' wants to put on top of our teemj:,' ,Jng bureaucracy a whole new organization to handle this pork Sait Trinity Juarez, Dublin, Marrlaga For economic reasons millions Mexico. later solemnized. Salt Lakt Temple, of young people losing their Church of Jesus chance to make full contribs-J- f Christ of Latter- ,w Saint. Active ' tion to the wealth and strength day LDS Church. Survlvori: member, daughter,, jona, Mrs Alfred (Amy) of the nation, Eavid S. King, Wild, Amoa Mr San Francisco; (Leora) Franson, Boyd C , both of Democratic nominee for Con-gress- , Oakiev; Mr. E. H. (Wlnafred) Car C George Halvor, ail told breakfast meeting ofroil,SaltFloyd Laka City; 29 grandchildren, - of businessmen 47 brother, Tuesday. Fredrick Chart, Sandy, ofHaber M.,Lake Sait Moulton, both City. DECLARING that cost of Funeral Saturday, 1pm., North Sev( enteenth Ward Chapel, 141 W. 1st universities has 260 South E. call North, Friend evening Friday p.m. Tempi e6--l than doubled since 1930, Mr. and Saturday at Chapel one hour to service. Burial, Oakley 'King said he has supported, prior Cemetery, . Parker W. end Pauline Paulson Parker. MarTidried Elmo well, 1930, D4 Lake City. vorced. Marriad Wilma Burt July 30, 1951, Evanstoiw Wyo. Compositor, Newspaper Ageiv cy Core. Member, ? Salt Lako Typo- el. graphical Union Born Feb. 12, 115. Survivors: widow, 190S tar, Monty, Janis, both . . Clinton, Mo a ion of Chnrlea gales; Brent, Texas; stepchildren, Riley and Louet-l- a James, Robert D Lynn, Undo, aU of Salt Lake City; brothers, sisters, McElroy Ford Lived In Leslie M., Leon H., Charles G Mr. Helen Maughan, Mrs. Ralph (DoroLake, Idaho, and x -thy) Merrill, all ef Salt Lake Chy; Alamosa, Mrs. Georot (Edna) Miller, Santa Colo., before mov- - , Ana, Calif., Mrs. Harry (Phyllis) Ing to Smlthflald Dunn, Lynwood, Calif . Mr. Van in 1952 Supervt-or- , Evelyn) Siewert, Pocaunta mechanic. Ford and Gregory noon, 260 E. South Temota, Construction Co., Smlthflald. World Saturdayfriend where call Friday 44 pm. War II veteran. Married Laura Jean Burial prior te tervic Sowarda Aug. 14, 1953, in Elko, Saturday Sal) Lako City Cametary. Nov. Survivor! widows four B. G. tfeughten, Mich eel, Jeffrey, CharG, Mark, Susan, Laura, Mrs. Carl Mr. Nettla Berlht Grimes Greg(Elaine) Straub, gil Smifhfield; Mrs. ory, 73, 372 Jer- Claron (Nancy) (841 Porter, Franklin, my Idaho; two grandchildren; mother, West), died after : Alamosa; two brothers, four sisters, Monday, George E., Smlthflald; Thomas R., p.m., at her Nellie Ford, Mrs Jos it Brewerll home Born Aug. Alamosa; Mrs. Martha Cannon, Riv- i, 1894 Jackson, Elerside, Calif.; Mrs. Alice Peel, Reno. Tenru, to FoshEliz-a Friends call Nelson Funeral Chapel, liott and Ann b h t Copeland Logan, Wednesday, 7 to 9 P m , and Married at the family home In Smlthflald, Grimes. to William Greg176 W. 1st North, Thursday after 11 ory, Sept. 27, 1814 a.m Burial, Smithfleid Cemetery, Jackson, Ttnn. President, Laka Community ' Club, member, Lloyd Leslie Anderson, 74 A.M.E. Cleveland Avi., Church. - S r v V (1435 South), dlej vors:- husband, k ot natural cause sons, daughters, Tuatday, f am.. William, Jr., Mrs. James' 5. Laster, In a Salt Lakp both of Loe Angeles, Calif.) John hospital. Bern Elliott, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Mildred June 22, 155 e Lovett, Salt Lte City. Funtral FriSpring City, day, 2 am Trinity A M.E. Church, County, to 16 241 E. 6th South. Friends call 574 rhrltflan erwt U, E. 1st South Thursday evening Burnett AdaTedeAIF Family ial, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, rad Anderson. te Commu- suggests contributions Married Lillian mty club. June 5, , Childs 1907, Mantl Tam- pie. Church of of Jesus Christ Latter-daSaints. Survivors widow, sons. Dr. Gage R , Odell M., Clyde L , all of Sait Laka City; 10 1 greet grandchildren; Births In Salt take area hospitals brothers, sister, Homer, Bountiful In the period ended Tuesday Kenneth, Salt Lakt City; Mrs. Laver at 10 30 p.m. Included: Box Larsen, Garland, (ivadene) Funeral Elder County. Saturday noon, McKay Second Ward Chapel, East. Friends call 260 E. Mr. and Mr Clerk D. South Temple Friday, 64 pm., and 5 East, ton. ward chapel Saturday ona hour prior Mr. end Mr Larry N. to service Burial, Salt Lakg City 1153 Brooklyn Av du9ftter. Mr. and Mr Lri.nO Cemetery. MltdMd, j 2956 Brandi Dr., ion. David G. Connor, Mr. and Mr 4970 S. 4940 West, son PROVO- -F. A. (Art) Case, 47 427 y . MX Mr. ond Mr. ROM W. 400 South, Pro-vo- , Avo., toa died of pneumonia Monday in a Saif Laka hosMr. ond Mr W. Lynn Tkrecksnor-- a pital. Born Jan. 4 to 1897, Jensen, 4151 S. 4205 Wat. Granger, Joseph and Jeandaughter. ette Lewis Case. Mr. end Mr Veil L. MacFariana Married 1395 E. 39th South, son. Ethaiyn Swenson Oct Mr. and Mr Gerald A. Pearson, 4 ' 4770 t. 4400 West, Keem 1917, Blackfoot. daughter. Idaho. She died Mr. and Mr Lenny L. Thempsaa Aug. 21 1962. Ce4X N. Well St son ment finisher. EldMr. and Mr Ranald N. SeraMnB, ar Church of Jesus Plane Rd dauotiter. (illMr.London Christ oil Latter-da- y ond Mt Alien R. Parser, 05 ReSaints. E. 9270 South, Sandy, daughter. ceived education, Mr. ond Mr Booth Clyde Pea Jensen, Spanish Av dauotiter. ock, (fi-4t- h schools. Fork Mr. and Mr Gary D. Kafford, Farmed In Black-foo- t. 1194 Crystal Av, son. Served with 29th Field Artillery JaaoaB D. Catania Mr. and Mr In World War I. Active member, Dugway, son. Dean Mendenhall Frovo Poet Na 13, Moida D. Wetter, Mr. and Mr American Legion and Provo Poet 165 N. 12th West ion No. 48, Survivors: Edward A. Clark, Mr. and Mr Sprlngvllia. daughters, Mrs. Bert 00 el I) Child, 1142 Dal Mar D- r- son J-- llmdrtx. BUR Sprlngville, Idaho; Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mr Provo; three 3104 Mel bourn Av Cunningham, toa rand children. Funeral, Mr. and Mr Warn K. Dak 277 Thursday, .1 a.m. Berg Mortuary Drawing Center St., ton. Room Chapel, Provo, where friends Roltono 1 Mr. and Mr call WedneedaVr-4- 4 p rrw, Thursday Koysvtlle. dauohtor. rlor te services. Dean Mendenhall rovo Post Na 13, American Legion, will conduct graveside services. Lloyd L. Anderson a tods William C. Ford ism Lake Carroll KUWE i mon SMITHFIELD, Cacho County torvlcat for Clin ton Ford, 56. who wat killed Sunday k night in a collision, will bo Thursday, 1 pm., Smlthflald Flrit Ward chap- and B. Spark, (Edna) Schulz, Chari all Salt Lake City II grandchildren, - Parker ciuiii William take Temple, Church of Jesus M. Ward Milton Port or, South, died of natural Tuesday morning of toa homo of r I it d Porn Jun 26. 1911 Salt Lake City, to Han- 27th t A AA A A-A- a A 3 a r |