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Show "' - J ;.0D . The Salt lake Tribune, Wednesday, July 8, 1964 . s- -- The Salt Lake City Commission was told Tuesday by .Commissioner Conrad B. Harrison that it should have an opinion from the city attorney to clarify the matter of transfer of .the City Cemetery back to the -- finance department. No commissiin action on the suggestion of Mr. Harrison was taken beeause Mayor Lee was absent from the Tuesday com ; mission meeting. MR. HOLLEY later explained that the Utah State Uniform Accounting Manual for; first and second class cities, issued by the Utah Tax Cmmoisskm in d J opinion. MAYOR gITT QUALITY' rv'- - - HoIley last week-engage- who d in a verbal battle over the legality of the return of the - A- - U M -- ;r z.:. J. Bracken Lee, heads the finance department, and Mr, -- ALWAYS FIRST should, Mr: HolleyrThis is the reason Im asking for the held,-sai- 1959 -- - -- CITY AUDITOR Louis E. Holley said he planned to request an opinion because it appeared there is the question of the budget to be transferred by the parks department to finanpe It - is - my understanding- - a public hearing would have to be under .the fiscal procedure beunder.the parka department. . ' t, - . He said when the cemetery fransferred to the parks de-bepartment nothing was said the followed action the cause manual procedures, Mr. Holley said it has not been specified what- - portion of. the 1964-6- 5 parks budget should be transferred, if it k- - cemetery to the mayors S.L. Commission to Request Opinion 1 ' '..I ,T- - M llJ ' The weather moon tain Region bat with a chance of showers in southern Utah, east Nevada and Wyoming. forecast map for Wednesday indi- cates mostly lair skies throughout the Inter- - FOR PENNEY'S JULY BARGAIN DAYS COURTESY NIGHT! t ot Way Out, Just r. rt'SKi Fram U.S. toaeltisr Bursae Fair skies and continued warmtenv pereture art predicted for mart of the It it. TEMPERATURE CHART p.m. Data Is Taaiday at . f t Utah ' DOWNTOWN SALT LAKE CITY MAGNA both daya TO to 102. Laws Wednaeday 45 to 40. Summary A dry, liable air maia la Region, generally ever the Intermountain but tome middle end high doudinaaa has been moving northward In Arizona and New Mexico with afternoon ahowera and ElseIsolated thundershowers reported. where In the district, akjet have been mostly clear and sunny. Intormountaln Fag ion through Wadnaadar with a possibility a wfoaly scattered ahowara or thundershowsra in southern Utah, southeastern Nevada and -- ' Wyoming . . SUMMER SAVINGS t AT THESE SUGAR HOUSE TOOELE See Penney' 1 2-Pa- 9 PENNEY STORES! MURRAY AMERICAN FORK MIDVALE LAYTON July Bargain Days Section I ge IMr. Hhr. him Uw free s 'i ri ; ost - t" f V i; (!-- for period ended Tuesday at 5 p.m. nonet precipitation for July, none, accumulative deficiency, .14! precipitation since Oct. 1, 144, 15 03. accumulative excess, 2 02; sunrise Wednesday 5.0S; sunset, 1:01. I? Salt Lake Wednesday City and and Vicinity Fair Continued Thursday. warm. High both days Low both nights 50 to i s Honolulu FatHit Statue 71 74 . Juneau M AS 1 ' the upper 00s. Utah-F- air Wednesday and Thursday, except partly cloudy In the south. Few and afternoons thundershowers likely evenings. Continued warm with highs both days 04 to 104. Lows Wednesday, 54 to 45. leutheastoni Idaho Fair and continued warm Wednesday and Thursday. Highs K to 00. Lows Wednesday 50 to i Anchoress Fairbanks ' In 42. 43 47 75 50 51 40. . Castor Tr. Nevada Fair and continued .04 warm Wednesday and Thursday with chance of thundershowers In south. Highs County Offers Alternative On Arena Site Land Use f Continued From i ! - ' Pge B--l , attorney who first raised jbjeor tions to a lease agreement, urged that there be further exploration of legal questions involving use by the county of church-owne- d 4 property. ; " v HE TOLD THE board he was ' not appearing to lay the groundwork for litigation, and favored the project and the site county selection, provided-thacquired the church land by methods other than the proposed lease agreement , - e s ;rt 4 t ,4 'i r -t- -f 1 f Mr. Hunt said the board still feels the lease terms of the church arrfair and would save the county a substantial amount 6f money. HE POINTED OCT that the church as a' corporate body has no more rights against the county than has any individual, and that under the proposals the property could be acquired from the church at any time. - The chairman gave assurance, however, that before any lease agreement is signed, the legal questions raised will be studied carefully. MB. FOWLER said he would have no objection to an arrange-jnen- t under which the county A MEMBER OF the board would acquire title to the church pointed out that the church has property, paying for It over a NOT definitely decided against period of time. . building its own auditorium. H it should go. ahead with such-- a project, its use of the public facilities would decline, but under the proposal it would still be obliged to lease the land Doctor-Cas- e for one dollar a year, Board Hears IN HIS OPENING statement, Ten witnesses were heard M?,-- . Hunt said that when. t h e Tuesday at a hearing in the board was studying proposed loCapitol to determine why a cations for the civic auditorium-sport- s n state license shouldnt be taken center, it from a Salt Lake doctor. , was the board that first apCOMMISSIONERS from the proached the church on a lease State . Department of Business proposal, rather than the other as some apparently Regulations started a hearing way around, had assumed. licensstate before the medical ing board on a petition charging HE ANNOUNCED the board Dr. Kurt L. Jenkins, 56, 125 would now take the new church 3rd East, Vith unprofessional offers under consideration, and conduct. that another meeting would be - THE HEARING was recessed held In about two weeks. until Saturday at 10 a.m. in the He said regular meetings of House of Representatives Lounge the board would be open to the ' ' i at the Capitol. public. . 11 arena-conventio- 1 1 V. N V v v'- -' v II " ' , b I. No cold, wet hand s just set tray on the Ice'Ejector! flip handlel 2. No strugglep-jus- t 3. mm , Whatever tyour refrigerator needs may be, Frigidaire can fill them. Want refrigerator for a big, hungry family? Or a thrifty compact that saves space and. d door? money? Want your freezer on the top? On the bottom? Want a door? Porcelain Enamel? Cdor? You name it; Frigidaire has it Suiting A right-han- d your needs exactly is a tradition with Frigidaire. And nows the time to look over your Frigidaire dealers display of representative models. The values have never ,v been better. Hurry, though. This Ice Ejector offer is limited katomrUd. FREE! FREE! left-han- limited time only! Tbi what FREE... is when you you get bvy one of tbeee refrigerators. or No sticking! Perfect cubes always on hand. ..instantly, easily! . kt Cjoctor aod Server. Flip-Qk- k beklt80ewbs ' WIDE SELECTION! EASY PRICES! DURING FRIGIDAIRES GREAT SUMMER SPECTACULAR! . i - A - i SALT LAKE'S NEW AUTHORIZED i ! A ' liI mm nt mas 10HT OR LEFT HAND DOORS, your choicg in every DEALER It I f- M i 4 Frigidaire refrigerator. A mea metres im- beauty save on apace, aavet on money. Yet it's ready loaded with famoue Frigidaire convenience feature. portant feature to consider when you're planning yow new kitchen. You have the same unde choice when it comae to ; Separate color. Four faahion-frei- h riiadet to choore from And they coet not a penny more than white! i . 1. , s Inquire about our budget plan on parts and soiVico. fh. 77- - JS l Frigidairel r.Queas; ircs. O IOO-R- 05-21- 11 j FROST-PROO- cold. aim freeier itaya mm-ion- e Plug butter compartment egg helf, term Porcelain Enemel Hydratore, and more! PORCELAIN ENAMEL! Thai model alee cornea in durable Porcelain Enamel exterior! Stay looking rimwroom-new- , year after year. Only from E5SFM0UMTA1N-. g, BASKET in BIG. LIFT-OUd nee bottom giant freemr brings bulky roosts out to you. On top of that you get Irvthe luxury of Frost-Proo- f ing. ..no defrosting evert Pleoty of storage space! Plus a boat, of other Frigidaire convenience living ie aaey living No matter bow much re- fngaretor "traffic you get, youll never have to defrost this big beauty. Nearly 14 cn. ft aixe. Lots of ether wonderful Frigidaire features, too. AH this, ' phis an easy budget pnee. BUDGET-PRICE- F PORCELAIN ENAMEL:4 Get this model also in thd world's ' ' features ' PORCELAIN ENAMEL! This model elso evtilable in beautiful Porcelain Enamel. So ragged It won't stain, rust peel or him yellow with age. Exclusive with toughest refrigerator finieh Porcelain EnameL Frigidaire, and only Frigidaire, makee refrigerators With this finish that never grows old. V- ' ' TOP 200. POUND ST EE FREEZER keeps foods in safe, zero-ton- e cold. Two tlidiog shelve, the roomy refrigerator section. 13J6 cu. ft. sue. Plenty of room; plenty of features. Butter compai tinsel, egg shelf, two Hydratore finished in lasting Porcelain EnameL Only 32 in. ends. Ideal hr limited kitchen I i BOTTOM FREEZER has shelf end hft-o- ut basket4' frozen foods are extra easy t get at Convenient door shelves, d also. Giant sisg fleeter is big enough to SB the average familys froze food heeds for weeks da Sod. , ' . .. if ; Extra-room- y refrigerator eao. tion, too. Plus big egg ihelL butter comportment, tens Por-celain Enamel Hydratore, v Frigtdsirel ' I i ' 1 ' 4 ' t1 V - : Cdmc sec your Frigidaire dealer right his summer spectacular! ( away-duri- ng - ) AA.t A. -- f j,.,.- -. X '.'.iJO'f - a. V R O F d CT S- - O F O E t. I E R A U uyj MOTOR t VTA 1 u k.A v. lit F ' --. e A . |