Show UTAH STATE NEWS tbt the question of re mincing the interest Inte reil OB on onstage depositary depolt deposit aby by salt lair lake backol baa has been indefinitely judge jacob II 11 genral oral of utah died at half salt lake take ai edna edues day of last week of heart failure tb the lout trees ou the mouth side ld of 0 block bait lake are being I 1 re ko an I 1 will be replaced by byca announcement Is I 1 made thai that J grant haa bea been acted lc ted to open up a mission 11 la in japan lie li to ex x noted to start about art april 1 re john lut luthr luth r ot of il rowin I l burg aa ha has awen apro by blab op charlea a 11 II k to succeed lr dr T 0 iliff 1111 aa as of the tb utah reports from tram Cann onille Ino arfield bounty county are that fortyune for forty tyone one inches of BOW snow fell in that part of 0 the county the I 1 trot nine daya days ot of tir the month which la 16 the beatri adov snowfall aall in to ir r yr years 1 bait salt ike take county haa has made a lo 10 from a IL local baak bank of 83 1 I at pr per 11 con cal L taking ap up warrants narra ot to that amount which v hichi bore 8 per percent cent interest 11 th the to ft a year 7 F juvenal Ju renal a berd 1 estern te rD union tala title graph oT operator developed dav loped a cai case of smallpox laal last week after he bad had run at large and led with people for three laya daye after tie waa wine fl it tacked over 1000 land seekers cune west on the aitio 1 grand lat last weak week and el evary afy other weela for owe time the influx la Is expected 1 to continue tb home seek era are are ir looking to all parta of the wat west and north west salt lake officer are movi marlof tiff to en fore force the smoke consumers othir blics manager campball campbell of the utah light and ad power company baa bu been arrested arrea ted for violating the nance and a teat case w III be bernade roade governor Go ot of idaho haa has issued a proclamation prohibiting tha the shipping or driving in of sheep from box aidar and cache counties cou otlea for ninety daya days the th cause for tha the procla millon la IS al III I led cad to 10 be to keep out cabby scabby sheep plane for tha the rio grande Wf Wita terna terns hope at salt laka lake have bean been completed corna coma plated the powerhouse power houe will be west of sixth west street and the new now machina shop will be an so extension of the present ishop to the west with twelve tracks entering IL 11 joseph A do de la ia harpe the famous landscape painter of bew york who grow raw to manhood in salt lake died I 1 baat a at wark week lie its painted the scenery for the salt lake tbt atre and portrait portraits ot of brigham joung heber C kimball I 1 dald david II 11 wella wells and other notable nota blaa al which made him famous kitle katie J 11 helan of butte mont ba has brought suit there against the rio BIG grande western for the death of hei bei son 00 oo john II 11 whelan a firem avo who wai was killed ID in a wreck caused by a washout near solitude august 3 bh she saks asks for 20 alleging thai that her self elf and ibre three mi ml chil children dreA are destitute brigade surgeon george IL penrose arrived an alred in salt lake from manila laal last week where here he aha has been tor two ear on sick leave he lie was standing ding within thirty feet of lanton lawton when ben be he was killed mr penrose thinks the ansur 1 will oot aa be quelled for fire give years and that a larger force may be b needed representative redd of san juan county his ha introduced a bill in the stare which propone prop oae to abollah abolish hi his county by annexing annello annex lo it to grand county the population of ban joan juan county 1 ao so light that taze taxes are said id to be the remain of captain montgomery D parker a salt lake boy who died in thi the philippine philippines recently were given a military tary funeral at fort douglas last reak upon their arrival an from sa san francisco ile belonged to the E united slat states infantry 11 II A superintendent of the uth utah augar factory at lebl baa ban re rl 4 and will go to new york state where be will bogage in to sin work lie it has been beets conspicuously ident identified ifield w walh ith beet growing la in utah and la is a thorough sugar man application for a franchise franch le in salt lk lake county ha has been mad by 1 1 noun A co for the of an electrical transmission lioe line it I 1 proposed to join tie provo pad nd log login an at halt salt lake and supply current for light and lad power mr urn mary blary A Matig gaughan ban olo of lo 10 ged a famous old people and stad one of the founder foon derk of the county and city and a pioneer of 1847 1347 died I 1 and waa was burled buried on sunday bhe was 96 C years of age and had been III but a it short abort time timo president hatch after servina 1 the people for to re than three decades in tb capacity president of ot preat dent of wasatch sulie make baa ban been cellared rell rel ered lared and with bis his counselors thomas 11 ulles Ul leand and henry 31 alexander constituted the oldest stake presidency in the church mountain lions near dear kaboosh are numerous nome roas and bold the recent storm drove them from the mountains and five clr were killed last week by on man numerous cases of depredation of stock in that Tt by the beasts an re rt ported |