Show Tabi tableaux caux for t birthday 44 impromptu burlesque tableaux tableau illus rating tome some ot of the principal princ lp event la in lV washington ashington i a life will be appropriate for or this national nation holiday a ind ad will prove a mirth provoking entertainment ben hen two room rooms are connected by folding door doors a whole room may be need fur the tige stage with a screen at the back DO 0 the tage stage the doon doors then take too ne place of curtains and answer very well in case there are no folding doors a laree large room can be b curtained aff with theet sheet suspended us from a rope stretched trum one ong wall to the other it la is best for the audience to lit sit as far r array away f aroa to m t the he stage stag as b 19 pumpkin lantern lanterns set in a row on the floor form a fuzey baoy substitute for fool foal the face ice li Is not cut through but the faatu es are cut thin enous h to allow the light to mak make then them TIrl 1111 ble to a all th the light mint must be throw nem on the stage tax a her are ar mom om appropriate tAble artz tableau l 1 I 1 infancy WashIng tout mother seated at a spinning wheel while her son la Is asleep in a cradle near by the th hl wheel may be mad made of a bicycle tamed upside down and stead steadied led with the aid of books A broom Is 1 fasten fastened td in an all upright position to the bicycle and on the tb handle li to tied a handkerchief 0 0 rep represent reent flax BALL A string tied to the th flax la is held by mr washington Washl niton the wheel must be b set et in revolution during the tableau mra mrs washington aar nol t wear a white cp cap keechle aad apron A cradle for her aon son may 4 ma 10 of a rocking chair by standing it on the up tip end of the rocker rockers and placing a footstool under the back of it A pillow with a large raz ra doll should be placed in the cradle ani the latter may be draped with a iball or sheet tableau 2 otate of 0 the country the properties prop ertic needed are two chairs and nd a board the board Is laid acre the back of the th chairs thai thus forming a table A large man dresse 1 to represent an early ettler settler by wrapping a blanket around bli his leg legs and putting a paper ruff around bli his neck I 1 Is buted back of 0 this table on which fait ot of be beads ads and jup jugs of whisky are its anding one ou indian abed seated on the ro rhind sod in front la Is bargaining to fell 11 corae ture while a secona at the elde side li to drinking drin kinc whisky oat of a jug this picture may be made 1 very ridiculous by putting signs ien to thia this effect on the table deada beads marked down to the tho lowest price bargain ale sale of firewater goods almost given away la in exchange tor for ekine akins red flannel at a fearful sacrifice tableau 3 ceorge a k bather pay for the cherry tree A tout stout man maa in colonial drus drea that Is a three cornered bat hat made of paper ikirt skirt ct cf paper fastened to bla his coat and bows at knee knees and a little boy similarly dressed faed who Is in the act of etting his father some paper money in hie his band hands he be holds a hatchet tableau 4 bunker dunker hilll nay may b mad made of chain chairs piled aled up and covered with pay tray blankets A red coated soldier oa ona one aide and a blue coated one on the other are both trying to climb the hill bill and to set get at each other each rach oarrie ia a a poker the costumes may be made very ridiculous ae as for example eiting giving 1 a fool a 8 cap to one man tableau washington broming the delaware this make use of a washtub for a ship its aall ball Is a towel fastened with pins dina to a stick the suck stick eing aed to a broom held by washington Washing tou A secola man in the tub may be fishing irr troi I 1 bin bind tableau 1 6 surrender ot of corneal ls washington cn sitting at a la table on which are strewn a quantity of papers 1 cornwallis Cornwall ls at one side giving up hia his word some eara eus of corn strung on arojas ha h 1 val calel t and across his breast add to the ludicrous effect corn corm sallis must look as a though bo he bad had spent the night in a barn tableau 7 franklin at the court of george IV king ning beor beorse e in regal attire with a crown upon his head seated on a throne while lords and ladies are grouped trouped en cn either side at the side of the throne a paper sign ti is pinned on the wall all must bow tow their knees to me ine george IV franklin Is in the act of baking shaking handa hands with the kin arl the courtier courtiers all ail look aghast ghast tableau 8 9 franklin at isome franklin Is seen walking along with a loaf ot of bread under one arm and in the act of fating a second loaf stu ling ang a large end of it into his hi mouth tableau 9 dashington Dicta Dic taUne ung the declaration of independence washington Washl neton Is 3 seen standing in a co contemplative attitude with his handa hands ader bis his coat tails while a pretty pratt r young lady in modem modern dreu dress Is before the typewriter taking down A a words tableau 1 washington a inauguration washington and a judge in a long black gown and white wig cotton bat tine are landing standing ta irk the center of the tage wille the judge reada read from a ions long scroll washington looks very happy tableau 11 the minuet washington and hia big partner both la in colonial dreis dress dancing the minuet this last tableau may be made very effective faur or even elx ott people may tak take part in this it the doorway ii Is large enough for them to stand in graceful position pretty costumes for the ladies ladic consist of short wal ted dresses saes this detect may be gained by tying a broad bash under the armpits over a light cotton dress let ua us trust that the hades shades of washington and franklin and their brave compatriots will not return to rebuke those ho re having 1 a little I 1 fun fan in their honor |