Show MUCH IN EVIDENCE th tho lion 11 no I 1 la awe ot tt bark 11 k nn br the hone horse Is cot not a back number he ile I 1 Is and always will be very much in eridean eri denn AA lone long an as man is 1 man no mechanical invention can take the place of mane man a noblest conquer con queL Is the arrement arn ment of the independent and one to which people with su mood in their veins reins will agree the independent do you know of a boy who ie Is fond of vigorous life in the open even am aid who lores loves the fields here the meadow lark sings who would heel beat tate to exchange u bicycle for axer pony the mastery of real 1 flesh and blood the control of i a spirit as proud as his own fascinates him and grou fl ia his ambition later the passion of the boy dominates the th man the ex clllence cel lenc lence of ie as i kodera hoso Is tricea to the byerly turk the codol godolphin ahir arabian and the darley arabian about each of which fiction action has haq been written these homes hoi set tsilta so strongly ly marked u to be trans fitted ath alth a derree of certainty when hen transferred from the canty herbage of thi desert to the ten en erous pasture pastures of england and bred tor for a purpose three these stallions elabed a breed of admitted merit which baa has improved from to gen erat loo through rating testa tests weak individuals were ellmina eliminated teet and the strengthened abo tji breed and firmi fixed axed the type the thorough tho routh bred me Is 1 generally 11 recognized as a fundamental factor in breeding and it Is I 1 not strange tr anfe that tie be should bo be given first place in horse show aad and other competitions a 11 amble onlin the great progenitor of he the american Amerl cua trotter was descended lo 10 the male line froza a thoroughbred and the me leaven of the orloff the trotter of russia 1 ii Is thoroughbred blood tho la 14 gent t me of thill composite bic bloda 0 d in and ft in for a purpose bat ht ilma the cyp almost aj as securely as the th racehorse race boree type Is to fixed and trotter trotters are ars produce produced with |